Hey everyone, I know that I said that I would start posting the sequel in February, but I decided that you guys had waited long enough. Hope you enjoy!
Chad's POV
"I got it," I called softly as the doorbell rang. I quickly opened the door and saw my parents on the front steps, "Hey mom, hey dad," I whispered as I each gave them a quick hug.
"Hi sweetie, is Dylan sleeping?" Mom wondered as I invited them in.
Ari came into the room before I could reply and gave mom a huge hug and then whispered, "Hi Grandma."
"Hey darling," she whispered back, she then gave me a look that told me that she found an answer to her question.
"Can we still watch TV?" dad asked as Ari pulled mom into the kitchen, "The big game is going to be on soon."
"Dad, the pregame is already on," I told him as I nodded and turned on the TV. Sonny and I were having everyone over for the Super Bowl; it was the Green Bay Packers against the San Diego Chargers. Sonny thought it would be nice to invite our parents too, but I knew it was just so she wasn't the only one rooting for the Packers. I was about sit down when the door bell rang again, I went to answer it and I had to laugh as Tawni wobbled past me, and I'm pretty sure she gave me a death glare. "Hey man," I said as Nico and I did our little handshake, "So Tawni's due date is just around the corner, you ready?"
"Yeah I can't wait to hold little Charlotte," he replied just loud enough for Tawni to hear.
"Delia," Tawni corrected as Dylan started to cry.
I was just about to go get him when Sonny came out of the kitchen, "I got him babe," she said as she ran past me and yelled, "Thanks Nico."
"You're welcome," he replied as he sat down by my dad and watched the game. I went into the kitchen to get the proper football game watching snacks, Potato chips and Doritos. Mom snickered as she saw me just take the bags, I had to roll my eyes as I took out to big party bowls and dumped the content of the bags into them. I returned to the living room a moment later and started watching pregame with the guys.
"Honey, do want Dylan out here by you guys?" Sonny asked as she invited Grady and Penelope, who had just arrived home from their honeymoon, inside.
"Of course, he needs to be out here with the men," I replied as I took Dylan and placed him in his playpen. Sonny laughed as she returned to the kitchen with Penelope, "So where's David?" I asked Grady.
"He's still at his grandparents," Grady answered sitting down, "We decided to pick him up tomorrow." We all nodded as we watched the guys on the pregame show guys picked who they thought would win.
"Chad you are so going to lose," Sonny, who I had no idea was in the room, said as her parents arrived. All of the guys except one picked the Packers to win the Super Bowl.
"The game hasn't even started yet Sonny," I reminded her as she rolled her eyes and went into the kitchen with her mom.
Sonny's POV
"Honey what are you guys talking about?" Mom asked once we were in the kitchen.
I laughed and then answered, "Chad and I have a bet going, if the Chargers win…" I went over by Ari and put my hands over her ears, "I have to dress like one of their cheerleaders for… you know." I pulled my hands away from Ari and she ran away into the living room. "But if the Packers win, Chad has to wear a Packers jersey tomorrow when we go to Disneyland."
"Sonny, it sounds like you guys don't have a fair bet," Tawni stated.
Penelope agreed by saying, "Yeah, if you win he has to wear jersey for your team but if he wins you have to dress up as a cheerleader for a… role playing activity." I noticed that Ari had returned and that's why Penelope spoke in code, man she was good!
"Penelope, you of all people should know Chad hates losing," I stated, "so it will kill him that he lost and that will be the fun of it, plus by wearing the jersey it will be a constant reminder of him losing."
"You really know my son," Linda simply said. We all laughed; basically anyone who knew us knew that we knew each over inside and out.
"Games on," Chad called, we all entered the living room and sat down where we could find a spot, "You can sit here M'wife," Chad said patting the spot next to him.
I laughed as I picked up Dylan, "Ok, M'husband." Dylan was sleeping yet again, but I loved holding him while he slept. I sprawled him across our laps and he just laid there peacefully. I realized five minutes into the first quarter that him lying on my lap was not a good idea, the Packers had scoured a touch down and mom, dad, and I were the only ones screaming and standing up. They went to commercial and I did a little dance with Dylan as I went into the kitchen to get him a bottle, "Mommy is going to win a little bet that she made with daddy and daddy is not going to like it," I told him as we waited for his bottle to warm up.
"No, daddy is going to win and have an awesome time watching mommy parade around in her cheerleader uniform," Chad said as he got a beer from the fridge and handed me Dylan's now warm bottle. I rolled my eyes as we went back into the living room.
The whole night was really fun, by half time Dylan and I had danced twice and Chad and Ari hadn't danced at all. While the boys were watching the boring part of the halftime show, Ari ran up to me and said, "Mommy Im on your team."
"Ok sweetie," I answered as I handed Dylan over to Tawni, she really liked holding him, I just know that she'll be a great mother.
The good part of the halftime show started with the band and Chad, Nico, and Grady groaned while Ari pointed to the TV and recalled, "He was on So Random!"
"Yes honey he was, he was the episode daddy hosted," Chad said as he smiled at the fact he could bring himself into the conversation, "But seriously, out of all the bands why did they have to pick the Jonas Brothers? They haven't played together in public for ten years."
"I know plus hardly anyone likes Joe anymore," Tawni stated as she passed Dylan over to my mom, "After everything that happened with that ex of his that went into rehab, no one liked him."
"I remember that, when he released his solo album hardly anyone bought it," Penelope recalled, "Many say that's why he didn't release another one like Nick did."
"Well, no matter what we think," I started, "they were still picked as the halftime band, now I think a little young lady wants to dance." I turned the volume up as they started playing Burnin' Up. Ari and I started dancing and Chad joined in, Nico and many of the others joined in as the band played Hold On. By the time the halftime show was over, we totally forgot why were upset by the choice of band and got back to watching the game. Ari switched back over to Chad's team as the Chargers finally got some points but changed to mine when a defensive player from the Packers got an interception 12 yards from the end zone and ran it in. But not soon after that Ari was again on Chad's team when the Chargers got another touchdown. It was getting late toward the end of the game and I missed the interception the Packers got that won the game because I put Dylan and Ari to bed. "Don't you love being on the winner's side?" I asked mom as I hugged her goodbye.
"Yeah it's so much fun," she replied, "You guys have fun tomorrow." She waved goodbye before getting into the car. As I closed the door I thought, "Oh, I will."
AN: I have no idea why it's like this? The sentence above is apart of the whole "Don't you love being on the winner's side?" coversation.
"Come on honey you look fine," I called as I packed Dylan's diaper bag.
"No I don't, this thing is small…and itchy," I wasn't too sure about the itchy part but I'm sure it was small, he was wearing the only one I had, a Donald Driver one from 2010, it still fit me but for him it was probably a tight squeeze.
"Daddy hurry up, I want to go," Ari begged.
"Yeah daddy," I said as I picked Dylan up, "come on do you want to have to wait in really long lines with these two?"
"No," he sighed finally emerging in a rugged green jersey with a giant 80 on it. We walked out side and Chad raced Ari to the car, I rolled my eyes as I buckled Dylan in his car seat, Chad would have fun as soon we went on the rides but until then he would just mope. I got inside the car and as Chad pulled out of the driveway, I took out my phone and updated my status on Facebook. Loving every minute off seeing my beautiful husband in a Packer jersey. Winning bets are so much fun. I smiled; this was going to be a fun day.
Ok so make sure to review! I want to know what you guys think! Also the whole thing about the Jonas Brothers, I am not making fun of them in any manor. This story takes place in 2021 and by then they would be an old time band and I wanted something in there that could help them reflect on the past. (But it's not like there wasn't a lot of reflecting in the first story! I know, I know)
Also, yes I did have the details of the game mirror the details of what happened in the NFC championship today. (Even though I bet a lot of you guys didn't watch it.) Go Pac Go! The Packers are going to the Super Bowl! That's another reason why this is posted early, I decided I would post the first chapter of this on February 6th, but that's Super Bowl Sunday and I will now be busy! I'm happy! :)
Anyway review!