Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

1. I do know who fired the curse that killed Ariana.

2. I loved Gellert Grindewald until the day I died. I went to see him once a year.

3. The curse on the Gaunt ring had the chance to take full effect because I did not want to say goodbye to all of my shadows.

4. I don't like lemon drops. That's why I'm always giving them away. But then people started buying them for me as gifts.

5. In the midst of that great duel, in the moment I was about to lose, Gellert leaned down and spoke these words in my ear: "Yield to me, Albus. Don't make me harm you. It can be how it was still. It's not too late. We can find the Stone, bring Ariana home. I'll even let you show me a better way if you know oneā€¦Please, Albus." I believed him.

6. I planned that moment. It was when I struck him down. It's how I defeated him.

7. After I witnessed the detonation of the Weasley boys' Canary Creams in the hallway, I ordered a few dozen and began placing them in Professor McGonagall's meals. She was only fooled by one.

8. I hunted down two of the three boys who broke my sister. Their bodies were never found. It took a very long time.

9. I thought Voldemort would mark Neville Longbottom as his equal rather than Harry Potter.

10. A part of me was always disappointed whenever Harry survived his latest brush with Voldemort and death. If he survived Tom Riddle, I knew I would have to kill him myself.

11. It was Aberforth.