Holy crap, I am so fucking sorry! I cannot believe it's been a month. I've been finishing up school and preparing things for next year, but good news! Finals are over. Clearly, this is the end of Swoon, and I am very happy with the way that the story, as a whole, has turned out. Thank you all so much for your reviews and support through each and every chapter, and again I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting for so long. I have two other stories started, and I'll probably take about a week to get ahead with those so that even when I get busy I can update regularly. Thank you so much!

The kids' dialogue in this chapter is basically the equivalent of my little sister, who is the same age. Let me know what you think of this!

Haley stood back with her camera, snapping photos of the kids as they ran around the backyard. The party was in full swing. Presents had already been opened, and cake had already been passed out, so to say that the kids were on a sugar high would be an understatement. Some of them were jumping around in the bounce house, while others were simply racing around the yard to release some energy. She took a few more pictures and then set her camera down on the table next to her. She leaned her head against the column she was standing next to and crossed her arms over her chest, a large smile on her face as she searched for her own children in the madness. Eventually she spotted Jamie on the top of a pile of kids who appeared to be attacking Lucas. He was laughing hysterically along with all of his friends, and Haley let out a small chortle of her own at the sound.

She was so glad Lucas and Brooke were there. Of course, they had never missed one of Jamie and Lucy's birthday parties, but the twins had grown up a lot in the past year, and their help was more crucial than ever. There were a ton of kids over at the Scott residence today, and they could use all the help they could get.

Lucas and Brooke weren't the only ones who had flown in for the twins' party. Jake and Peyton were there also, as were Haley's parents and Nathan's mom. Apart from Nathan's mom and Haley, all of the adults were in the yard entertaining and playing with the kids. Deb was running back and forth between the kitchen and the refreshment table, making sure that it stayed stocked with all kinds of sugary things that were bad for children.

Her eyes continued to rove over the large yard, and Haley's gracious smile reappeared when she spotted her daughter. Lucy was sitting on top of one of the refreshment tables, making sure to stay incredibly still as her Aunt Brooke painted something onto her cheek. As soon as the masterpiece was complete, though, she shot out of her spot like a rocket and went to join her friends in the bounce house. Haley could see the frustration on Brooke's face and laughed, knowing the face painting was probably ruined now.

She surveyed the scene for a few more minutes, and just as she stood up straight to make her way into the yard, she felt two strong arms slide around her waist. Then her back was pressed into the rigid and strong body of her husband, and she smiled, turning her head on its side against his chest so that she could look at him.

"Hey, baby," Nathan muttered with a smile.

"Hello," Haley purred, turning herself around and wrapping her arms around his neck. She leaned up on her toes to kiss him.

Nathan reciprocated the gesture, slipping his tongue into her mouth for only a second before pulling away. "You did a great job with this party," he told her genuinely. "In fact, you do a great job every year. Lucy and James are having a blast."

Haley smiled. "Thank you. I'm glad that they're having fun. You know they'll probably be up all night though, right? I don't think they've had this much sugar before…ever," she said with a laugh.

Nathan laughed as well. "Well they've got a reason to celebrate, Hales."

She smiled again, and just as she was about to reply she was interrupted.


Haley unwound her arms from Nathan's neck and turned, seeing her small son standing in front of her. "What's up, buddy?"

The little boy smiled sweetly, his blue eyes lighting up in the sun. He brought his two small hands in front of himself and clasped them together tightly. "Can I please have another piece of cake?"

Haley subtly turned to Nathan and shook her head, letting him know that Jamie was cut off. She heard her husband chuckle but didn't respond, simply turning back to her son and squatting to his level. "I don't think so, bud. You've already had two pieces. I think that's enough."

Before his mother had even finished speaking, Jamie had turned to his father. He was always the one to cave…never his mom. "Daddy, can I please have another piece of cake?" He clasped his hands together again and plastered the most adorable pout on his face.

Nathan glanced at Haley, who was raising her eyebrow at him, no doubt in disbelief. Nathan fought the urge to chuckle again, and instead he bent down and picked James up, holding him against his hip. "You heard your mom, Jamie. You've had enough cake." He saw the boy's lower lip begin to tremble and spoke again. "How about we go practice with your new basketball that Uncle Lucas got for you, huh?"

James's face instantly lit up, and he nodded eagerly. The boy had it bad for basketball, probably worse than his father or his uncle ever did. The only thing he loved more than playing basketball was watching his dad play. They went to every home game, and he always wore his jersey and cheered as loud as he could. "Okay, Daddy," Jamie replied, squirming to get out of his father's arms. Once he was on the ground he ran for his presents. "Let's go!"

Haley rolled her eyes but smiled. "That boy and basketball…I think he's obsessed."

Nathan laughed. "Just a minute, buddy," he called to his son. He turned to face his wife again and took both her hands in his. "Are you okay, baby?"

She nodded, giving both his hands a reassuring squeeze. "Yeah, I'm just kind of tired. It's been a long day." She gave him a small smile.

"Okay," he answered skeptically. He gave her a quick kiss and smiled. "I love you."

"I love you, too," Haley returned, smiling as well. "Go play," she told him with a small smirk.

He laughed before letting go of her hands and making his way over to his son, who was already taking shots with his new basketball.

Haley descended the porch steps and walked over to the table that Brooke was still standing next to. "How's it going, girlie?" she greeted her best friend.

Brooke turned at the voice and smiled. "This is so much fun!" she exclaimed. "Who knew Lucy was such a little ball of energy, too? She used to be docile."

Haley laughed and nodded. She knew exactly what Brooke was referring to. Lucy had just recently become more active. She used to be girly, but she was moving away from that, too. She usually hung out with her brother and the boys, and surprisingly she kept up with them rather well. She had even taken a liking to basketball. She could be heard cheering almost as loud as her brother at Nathan's games, and she enjoyed practicing with her father, too. "I know," Haley replied to Brooke's comment. "She's definitely changed a lot this past year." Sure enough, when Haley glanced over her shoulder Lucy had joined her father and brother on the basketball court.

"I can't believe they're four already," Brooke said with a shake of her head. "Hell, I can't believe we're twenty-six. We're getting old, Tutor Girl! Before you know it, we'll both be wrinkly and walking around with a cane."

Haley rolled her eyes good-naturedly. "I think we've got a while before then, Brookie."

"Still…it's a scary thought."

"Speaking of scary," Haley teased, "how's the wedding planning going?"

"Ha ha," Brooke deadpanned and then smiled. "It is going amazingly well. We're actually thinking about pushing the date up because things are getting done so ahead of schedule."

Haley raised an eyebrow and then nodded. "That's great, Brooke."

As Brooke began diving into the details surrounding her and Lucas's wedding, Haley flashed back to her and Nathan's. It had been just under three years ago, and it had been amazing.

Haley smiled as she held onto both of Nathan's hands. They were standing in the church in front of all their family and friends, but Haley was sure she wouldn't even notice if everyone left. This was her and Nathan's day, and she felt like they had been waiting forever for it. The way he was looking at her was making her heart beat faster as her excitement grew.

Lucas and Brooke were standing on their respective sides, each with a baby in their hands. They were, thankfully, sleeping, and Haley had planned it that way.

When it came time for the vows, Haley took a deep breath. She had planned out everything she wanted to say. It had been perfect, but now that the moment had arrived none of that mattered. Reciting a paragraph of rehearsed words wouldn't mean anything, so she decided to just say what was in her heart. It didn't matter if it sounded good or right or planned. It was how she felt, and Nathan deserved to know it all…unrehearsed and raw.

"Nathan," she started with a smile. "As most of our friends and family know, you were…unexpected. When I was a little girl, I always dreamt about the day that I would meet the man of dreams, fall in love, and get married. Not once did I think about the hard things that I would have to face before this moment. But we have already survived so much together, and I am standing here today because of you. Because I love you…because I want you…because I need you. And I know that with you by my side, I can conquer anything. So I will protect you and love you and cherish you until the end of time. This, I vow today."

She and Nathan shared a small smile before he began his own vows.

"Haley…for most of my life, I was a pretty bad guy. Everyone knows that. I never have been, nor will I ever be, proud of most of the things I've done in my life. But your beauty and your grace and your kindness have made me into the man that I am today, and loving you is the best decision I've ever made. So I'm never going to stop loving you and protecting you and doing everything in my power to make you happy. You deserve everything good in the world, Haley James, and I will love you until the end of time. This, I vow to you today."

Haley would always remember their wedding day, and it would always be one of her best days…one of her happiest. It was the day that she and Nathan pledged their eternal love to each other in front of all their friends and family, in front of God, and in front of their children. Haley was so glad that James and Lucy could be a part of their special day. Even though they wouldn't remember it, it meant the world to both of their parents. And Haley realized that if something had happened to one of her babies, it would have been a very different day. Marrying Nathan would still be amazing, but the undertone would be nothing of the sort.

Every time Haley thought about that day, whether it be the vows, their first kiss as man and wife, or their first dance as man and wife, a blissful smile appeared on her face. And when she thought about the two-week honeymoon that followed, she instantly blushed. They'd gone to London. And even though it had been incredibly hard leaving James and Lucy behind, Haley knew that they were safe with her parents, so she eventually let her hair down and gave into the trip. She and Nathan had spent the first few days holed up in their hotel room before Haley insisted that they go out and sightsee. After all, how often is a person in London? It could be their one and only time there, and Haley planned to take advantage of more than just the fancy honeymoon suite.

"Tutor Mom, you're not even listening to me," Brooke began to whine when she finally noticed the look on her best friend's face.

Haley's head turned quickly to look at Brooke. "What? Of course I'm listening to you, Brooke."

Brooke placed her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really? What did I just say?"

"You said…you said…something about the dresses," Haley threw out.

Brooke narrowed her eyes. "Maybe you were listening," she muttered. "Anyways, like I was saying…about the dresses…"

She dove into the topic again, but this time Haley listened intently. She really was interested in Lucas and Brooke's wedding; she was so excited for them. And since they didn't get to see each other that often due to the geographical distance, she needed to take advantage of the time she did have with her friends.

"I beat you, Daddy!" Jamie announced loudly, a proud smile on his chubby face.

Nathan smiled and shook his head. He had lowered the goal on one end of the court so that it was just the right size for Lucy and Jamie. That's the end they always played on, except when they wanted to get on his shoulders so that they could "be tall" and play. "You sure did, buddy," Nathan replied. "You're getting pretty good."

"I am, too, Daddy," Lucy spoke up, stepping closer to them. She'd been watching them for the past few minutes, but now that they were done with their game she was ready to play. "Right?"

Nathan smiled again and nodded towards his daughter. "You bet, princess. You want to play?"

Lucy nodded eagerly.

All three of them played for several minutes before Lucas showed up on the court. "Who wants to be on my team?" he asked loudly.

Lucy and Jamie both raised their hands.

"Hey," Nathan whined.

"Alright, I think Jamie was with me last time," Lucas said. "So I guess it's me and Lucy." He held out his fist to the little girl, and she bumped it.

They were getting ready to play, but Lucy stopped and looked up at Lucas. "Uncle Lucas, how come you got Jamie a basketball and not me?"

Lucas frowned. "Well, I didn't know if you'd want one, sweetie. Plus, Aunt Brooke picked out your presents. I didn't have a say."

"Oh," she replied simply, turning back around.

"Alright, let's play," Nathan said, picking the ball up from the ground.

"I guess this is the crash they talk about," Nathan whispered with his arms crossed over his chest.

Haley smiled, stifling her giggles. "I think they had fun," she whispered back. "Maybe a little too much, actually."

Lucy and Jamie were both sprawled out on the couch in what looked to be some very uncomfortable positions. As soon as their bottoms had hit the cushions, they were out. It was only seven o'clock, but they were clearly tired. The party was over, and everyone had gone home or to their hotel.

"Should we just leave them there?" Nathan asked, looking at his wife.

She bit her lip, contemplating. It really looked like if they left them in those positions, they would be sore in the morning. "No," she decided. "Let's carry them up to their beds." Walking over to the sofa, Haley reached for her daughter and gently lifted her into her arms and began carrying her up the stairs.

Nathan did the same with James, and each parent carried the children to their respective rooms. They no longer shared. They no longer had to, since they'd moved into their new house in Boston. It was huge, complete with a full basketball court outside and a heated pool inside. The kids loved it, and so did Nathan and Haley.

They met in their bedroom afterwards, and both began getting ready for bed. It was their nightly routine, done in silence every time. They brushed their teeth next to each other at the his and hers sinks in their bathroom, and then they changed. Nathan still slept in his boxers, as he always had, and Haley still slept in one of Nathan's t-shirts. Then they both climbed into bed and turned off their lamps. There was a full moon tonight, and there was enough light shining in through the windows so that they could still see each other. It was barely dark outside anyways, due to the early hour.

Both lay on their sides and inched closer together. When their faces were only inches apart, Haley gave him a small smile. "Today was a good day," she whispered. "I like having you home. I've missed it."

Basketball season had just ended for the Celtics. They had lost to Miami in the Eastern Conference Finals, and even though Nathan was incredibly upset about not making it to the Finals, he couldn't deny that he was glad to be home. He missed hanging out with his three favorite people in the world. "Me, too," he whispered back, still moving his body closer to hers. They were touching now, and he moved one hand to rest on her hip. "I love you. You know that, right?"

She nodded against her pillow, raising one of her hands and pressing her palm against his chest. "I love you, too, Nathan." She leaned forward and captured his lips softly. "It's nice after all this time."

Nathan dragged his hand up her body until he reached her cheek, and he caressed it, staring deeply into her eyes. "It's everything after all this time." He kissed her again, slowly and gently. It lasted for several minutes before he pulled away, still stroking her cheek. "Are you sure you're okay, baby? I know I asked you earlier, but you seemed…off today."

Haley shook her head, brushing it off again. She didn't know if she should tell him or not. She honestly didn't even know if she should see it as being a big deal, but it sure as hell felt like it. And even though Nathan deserved to know and would comfort her, she found herself not wanting to tell him…not wanting to tell a soul.

"Hey," Nathan said softly, placing his fingers under her chin and lifting her face to look at his. "Has anyone ever told you that you're an awful liar, Haley James Scott? Talk to me."

She was still silent, reluctant to give up any information. She knew that Nathan would be supportive and sympathetic to the situation, but a part of her just felt stupid. She felt naïve for even thinking the things that she had…for even looking into it further.

He could see the internal battle she was having with herself, and it was making him nervous. They'd always been able to tell each other things…especially after they got married. Once they were husband and wife, something just sort of snapped in the both of them. They told each other everything, not because they felt obligated to but because they wanted to. They both wanted to share everything with the other…every aspect of their lives. This was the first time since then that one of them was having trouble with this, and after another minute Nathan was flat out worried. "Hales, you're scaring me," he said softly. "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?"

She gave him a watery smile, really trying and failing to make him believe that everything was okay…that nothing had happened. It's what she had been trying to convince herself of these past few days. Clearly, it hadn't worked. As she bit her lip and watched him study her, she realized that lying was pointless. This was her husband, for God's sake. If she couldn't talk to him about this, what did that mean? She took a deep breath. "I went to the doctor the other day," she finally whispered.

Nathan's senses immediately went into overdrive, and he shot up from his spot on the bed. His eyes were wide as he watched her sit up against the headboard next to him. He placed a hand on her thigh and squeezed it reassuringly. "I'm sorry. Um…w-why? What's wrong?"

Haley shook her head, realizing how that must've sounded. "Sorry, I…I didn't mean to say it like that. I'm fine, Nathan, really. Nothing…nothing's wrong. Not like that, anyways."

"Jesus, Hales," Nathan breathed. He moved his hand from her thigh and reached for her hand, intertwining their fingers. "What is it, then?"

Haley sat up farther, crossing her legs to sit Indian style and turning to face her husband. She never let her hand leave his, and she found herself involuntarily squeezing it as she took a deep breath in preparation. "I thought I was pregnant," she revealed. Her voice was stronger than she anticipated, and she was thankful. Maybe this conversation wouldn't be as hard as she'd originally thought.

Nathan was shocked, to say the least. "Wow, um…I…I thought you couldn't get pregnant again."

She shook her head, bringing her free hand up to rest on his bare knee. "I can't. That hasn't changed. But I thought…I was really late, and I got scared."

"So you're not?" he questioned hesitantly. He could see how stressed out she was about this, and he didn't want to make it any worse, but he needed to know.

Haley shook her head for a second time. "I'm not," she confirmed.

Nathan stroked the back of her hand with his thumb. "Hales, why are you just now telling me this? You could have told me before. I would have gone with you."

"I know," she replied quietly. "I know you would have, but I didn't want you to get your hopes up. Mine already were, and I was trying really hard not to let them stay there." She bit her lip and shook her head as her eyes slowly filled with tears. She was honestly surprised that they hadn't arrived sooner. "But the even bigger part of me was scared and just praying that I wasn't pregnant again because I don't want to go through what I went through the last time. You know that I don't regret a second of it, but it was hard. We struggled to get through that, Nathan, and I don't ever want us to be in that place again. I love our life together with Lucy and Jamie."

Nathan pulled his hand away from hers and began to rid her cheeks of their dampness using the pad of his thumb. "You're feeling guilty about all of this, aren't you?" he asked quietly. He could see it in her eyes.

God, he knew her so well. It scared her sometimes, but right now she was comforted because it kept her from having to say the things that she found most difficult to voice. Biting her lip again, she nodded. "I don't want to, but I can't help it," she whispered. "I mean, I'm a mom. And I've always wanted to have a big family. Anticipating a pregnancy shouldn't be frightening and nerve-wracking. I should have been elated."

"Not with what you've been through, Haley," Nathan said quickly, stopping her from continuing. "You have nothing to feel guilty about. Our family is perfect, and you're an amazing wife and mother. I honestly don't know how you do it all, but I admire you so much for it. You're incredible, baby."

Haley looked down at her fidgeting hands. "You're honestly okay with it just being the four of us…forever?" she asked quietly.

Nathan raised her head to look at him and gave her a small smile. "I am more than okay with that, Hales. I think the real question is, are you?"

She nodded her head without hesitation. "I honestly am," she replied. "I'm just…it's always going to be there in the back of my mind, you know? What we went through and how that changed me…how it changed us."

"It did," Nathan agreed with a nod. "And I know it's still with you because it's still with me, too. It always will be." He paused and gave her a small smile, taking her hand again. "It's part of our story, baby. There's no changing that."

Haley nodded once again and managed a small smile. "I know," she responded quietly. "This whole pregnancy thing just kind of freaked me out."

Nathan wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into him. "I wish you would have told me," he whispered into her hair. "I hate not being there for you."

"I know you do," Haley replied as she looked into her husband's eyes. "I'm sorry."

"You sure you're okay?" he double-checked.

Haley smiled and leaned forward, placing a gentle kiss on his lips as they held each other. "I'm perfect."

The next morning, Haley woke up slowly and smiled as she realized that she was still wrapped up in her husband's strong arms. God, she had missed waking up with him. When he traveled with the team and it was just her and the kids, they all missed him like crazy. Haley hated sleeping by herself, and usually when Nathan was gone her two babies would crawl into bed with her and fall asleep in their parents' room.

She glanced at Nathan and noticed that he was still fast asleep, and then she turned towards the clock. It was only six o'clock. Why the hell was she awake at six o'clock in the morning on a Sunday? And that's when she heard it again…the same noise that had initially woken her. Their bedroom door was open, and she could see Lucy and Jamie standing in the hallway, whispering to one another. It seemed as if they were deciding whether or not they should wake their parents. Haley already knew what their decision would be; it was the same every Sunday morning. Those were the mornings of their big family breakfasts, and since they had fallen asleep early after their party of course they were up at six o'clock.

Haley sat up slightly, careful not to rouse her husband, and watched her children. It was amusing, really. Finally, after a few more minutes, the two tip-toed into the room. Only when they had reached the end of their parents' bed did they realize that their mother was wide awake and watching them.

Lucy and Jamie stopped dead in their tracks. Jamie's eyes were wide as they both tried not to laugh at the failure of their weekly operation.

"Hi, Momma," Jamie eventually whispered, still acutely aware of the fact that his father was asleep.

Haley continued to smile as they tip-toed over to her side of the bed. Their mattress was high, and it usually took them a while to climb up, so she carefully maneuvered out of Nathan's embrace to help them. "Good morning," she replied in a whisper.

Lucy sat in her mother's lap and allowed a small giggle to escape her throat. "Can we get Daddy?" she whispered.

"Yeah, can we get Daddy?" Jamie echoed.

Haley bit her lip to keep from laughing. So their usual tactics hadn't been completely given up on. "Go ahead," she said with a nod, scooting to the edge of the bed.

Not a second later, Lucy and Jamie had both sprung up from their places on the bed and jumped on top of Nathan.

Haley watched Nathan jump when they landed on him, and she couldn't help but to laugh along with her children. Usually she was being scared, too, and it was nice to simply be a spectator this Sunday.

Nathan screamed as he sat up and began tickling both of his children relentlessly. He laughed along with them as they both began to giggle uncontrollably. "You think that's funny, huh?"

Jamie and Lucy both nodded, trying and failing to stifle their laughter. "Daddy, stop!" Jamie yelled.

Nathan raised an eyebrow, but a couple of minutes later he stopped, finally noticing that he was the only one under attack. He glanced at his wife, who was smiling radiantly, and then looked at his son and daughter. "Let's get Mommy," he whispered.

Haley stopped smiling and shook her head. "Nathan, no. Don't you dare."

"It's only fair, Hales," Nathan replied, smirking when both Lucy and Jamie jumped onto the other side of the bed and began tickling her. Nathan joined them a moment later, smiling at the sound of his wife's laughter. He had missed it while he was away. "Alright, alright," Nathan said a moment later. "Who wants breakfast?"

Lucy and Jamie both stopped and jumped off of the bed, both incredibly hungry and eager to eat. "Can I have blueberry pancakes?" Jamie inquired.

"Can I have chocolate chip?" Lucy added.

"Yes," Nathan answered. "Go get in your seats downstairs, and Mommy and I will be down in a sec."

He didn't have to say it twice. Lucy and Jamie raced out of the room, and both of their parents could hear their bare feet as they padded down the hardwood floors of the hallway.

When Nathan looked back at his wife, she was narrowing her eyes at him. "You just couldn't resist, could you?"

Nathan chuckled before covering her body with his. "Well it's hardly fair that I got woken up so violently, and you didn't," he countered.

Haley continued to glare at him. "Whatever," she muttered teasingly.

Nathan leaned his head down to her neck and began trailing kisses along the creamy flesh there. "I'm sorry," he murmured against her skin. "You're just too sexy."

She raised an eyebrow, subconsciously moving her head to the side to allow him better access to her neck. She could never control the feelings he evoked in her. "What does that have to do with anything?" she replied breathily.

Nathan pulled his head up to look at her as he smirked. "It has everything to do with everything."

Haley blushed as she looked up at him, and then she smiled softly. "Come here," she whispered, placing a hand behind his head. She brought his lips to hers and kissed him roughly, pushing her tongue into his mouth.

Nathan moaned into the kiss, pushing his tongue forward to collide with hers. One of his hands trailed down her body to the hem of his t-shirt she was wearing, and he pushed it up, allowing his hand to cup her bra-clad chest.

His wife moaned loudly, grinding her lower half against him. Only when he reached for her underwear did she remember that their children were waiting for their breakfast downstairs. She reluctantly broke the kiss and pushed him off of her.

"Hales," Nathan groaned. "What the hell?"

Haley smirked as she stood up and walked over to her dresser. She pulled out a pair of plaid pajama pants and pulled them on. "Sorry, babe," she replied. "We've got hungry kids downstairs." She walked to the door and turned around. "You coming?"

Nathan sat up and released a frustrated sigh. "Yeah, I'm…I'll be right there. I just need a second."

She couldn't help but laugh. It was clear that he needed a second. Instead of responding, she turned and left, going downstairs to begin preparing their breakfast.

Nathan joined her a few minutes later, and he began to help his wife cook as Jamie and Lucy watched the television that was set up in the kitchen.

Haley turned to face him as he stood at the stove. She glanced over at the dining room table to make sure the kids weren't paying attention to them before stepping closer to her husband. She trailed her hand down his abs and then cupped him through the shorts that he had thrown on over his boxers. "You doing okay, baby?" she asked playfully, a smirk tugging at her lips.

Nathan, despite himself, released a small groan and closed his eyes. "Hales, are you trying to scar our children for life?"

She giggled and shook her head, pulling her hand away from him. "I couldn't help myself. You know, kind of like you couldn't help yourself when you were tickling me this morning." She raised an eyebrow and watched him smile in response to her words. "We'll pick this up later." She sent him a wink and then stepped away.

God, she was sexy. Nathan smirked as he watched her resume cooking. "You bet your sexy ass we will," he murmured.

They finished making breakfast together, and then they sat at the table with Lucy and Jamie. They all ate together. For the first half of the meal, Lucy and Jamie's eyes were still glued to the television. When Haley noticed, she turned it off, and after a moment of whining they began to actually converse. And once the kids got going, they didn't stop.

Haley left and cleared the table when everyone was done, and as her husband and children continued to talk she rinsed the dishes and put them in the dishwasher.

The day was spent together…just the four of them. They went to the park and got ice cream in the afternoon and then went home and watched a movie together. While Haley made dinner, Lucy and the boys went outside to play basketball. They all ate together once again, and then the kids were bathed and put to bed right on time. They had their routine down pat.

Nathan went back outside once Lucy and Jamie were in bed and shot for a while. When he came in he was all sweaty, and his shirt was sticking to him. He walked into his and Haley's bedroom, quickly pulling the garment over his head and tossing it onto the floor.

Haley looked up from her book when he walked in, and when he threw his shirt on the floor she removed her glasses. "Really? The hamper is four feet away."

Nathan looked up and smirked. They went through this every day. "Sorry, baby." He bent down and picked up his shirt, tossing it into the hamper where it belonged.

As he bent over, Haley's eyes lingered on his butt, and she bit her lip. She stood, placing both her glasses and her closed book down on the nightstand. She sauntered over to her husband and continued to chew on her lower lip as she reached him. "You need a shower," she whispered. A sultry smile accompanied her words.

His smirk widened at her words. "You think so?" he flirted.

Haley nodded slowly, pushing her body against his. She wrapped one arm around his shoulder and squeezed his butt with the other hand. "Maybe I should join you," she suggested lowly. They had never gotten to finish what they had started that morning, and each of them was itching to be with the other. Now, seeing her sweaty, shirtless husband, Haley couldn't help herself.

Nathan released a small groan at her words, not able to help himself. He brought his hands up to her hips and ran his thumbs over the skin left exposed by her tank top. "My girl's dirty," he muttered.

Haley smiled and began slowly backing away from him. She held her hand out and smirked when he immediately reached for it. This hold allowed her to pull him across the room and into their bathroom. "Well, this is where it all started, baby."