This is my third story for FanFiction, but my fist short story… or one shot is what I think it's called. I don't want to call it a 'one shot' because it's in four parts. This is a quickie, by this I mean there are gonna be gaps, like huge gaps but there will be a small summary to fill it up.

I've only ever read a few J&K stories and most of them are like "you-never-really-saw-me-til-after-the-wolf-change" type deals; like how the book goes. As for me, I like to do things differently. There is a twist in this story but please believe there is a method to my madness. I have yet to read a story like mine so this is why I have written this. Please enjoy…


Jared and Kim have been best friends since kindergarten. On the first day of school, Kim was so sad. She had never been away from her parents for more than an hour or so but even then, she was around someone she knew. But here, she didn't know anyone. Her teacher, Mrs. Weaver, seemed pretty nice and so did her classmates but she was far too shy to try and get to know any of them.

The morning that day went as smooth as any class could go that was filled with 5-year-olds screaming and running around. First, everything went smooth. Some kids cried, others yelled, nothing out the norm. To get the class straight, Mrs. Weaver had the whole class sit down and go around in a circle to say their name and something about themselves.

One child said, "Hi, I'm Valerie but everyone calls me Val. My favorite color is orange."

And around it went. Everyone said their name and some random thing about themselves.

Then it got to the boy before Kim. He said, "Hi, my name's Jared and I have a dog. His name is Pete."

Then alas, it was Kim's turn. She stood and said, "Hello. My name is Kim." Then she sat back down.

"You don't want to tell the class anything about yourself? Your favorite color or number?" asked Mrs. Weaver.

Kim shook her head no.

"Nothing at all?"

Again she shook her head no.

After the rest of the class introduced themselves, Mrs. Weaver announced that it was time for lunch.

Kim, of course, sat at the table by herself. Of course that was until Valerie came over.

"Can I sit with you?" Valerie asked.

"Sure." Kim replied.

"I'm Val."


"You don't talk much do you?"

"Not really. I don't know anyone here."

"Well you know me now so let's talk. What do you have for lunch?"

"PB&J, a apple, juice box, and pudding. You?"

"Tuna fish, a banana, Sunny D, and a fruit bar."

The two continued to talk for the rest of lunch then it was time for recess. But Val turned the opposite way.

"Val? Are you coming?"

"No. I have to go to the nurse. I left my inhaler. See you in a bit."


Kim went outside and began to miss Val already. She went over to the swings to sit alone and wait for Val. While she waited, a boy came over to her.

"Hi, I'm Jared. You're Kim right?"


"Are you okay? You look sad."

"No." Kim sniffled. "I wanna go home. I only know Val here and she's not here. I don't know who to talk to."

"You can talk to me."

"You're a boy."

"Yeah, and you're a girl. I was tryna be nice. Bye." Stupid icky girl. He mumbled under his breath as he walked away. His mom told him to try and make new friends and he thought a girl would make his mom happy enough to stop talking.

After Jared left, Kim was alone again.

Since Kim was on a swing she decided to go ahead and use it. Back and forth, back and forth her legs went and she got higher and higher. Kim thought back to when she was at the playground and a big kid jumped from the swing at its highest and landed on his feet.

"If a boy can do it, so can I." she said aloud.

One… Twoooo… Threeeeee!

Kim jumped from her swing and she felt like she was flying. Too bad I don't have wings; I could fly home to mommy and daddy. But as soon as she was in the sky, gravity bought her back down. Kim landed on her knee and scraped it. She began to cry.

Jared, now on the monkey bars, saw what had happened to Kim and ran to her.

"KIM!" he screamed. "Kim! Are you okay?"

"No. I h-hurt my knee" she cried to him.

"I'm gonna go get Mrs. Weaver. I'll be back okay."

"O-Okay. Hurry!"

Jared ran off to get the teacher. When he finally got to her, he saw Val with her.

"Mrs. Weaver, Mrs. Weaver! Kim fell and she's hurt! Hurry!"

"Okay Jared, take me to her."

The three of them ran off to Kim. When they finally got to her, Kim had stop crying but was staring at her bloody knee.

"Mrs. Weaver, I'm soo sorry! It was a accident."

"I'm sure sweetie. Let's get you to the nurse and get it cleaned."

Jared and Val helped Kim stand and the three followed Mrs. Weaver to the nurse's office.

"Val, I just saw you. Is anything the matter?" asked Mr. Adams, the nurse.

"Kim got hurt. Can you fix her?"

"Sure thing. Hi Kim, I'm Mr. Adams. Can you remember what happened?"

"I was on the swing and I fell."

"Okay, let's see if we can get you cleaned up."

"Mr. Adams? I have to bring my class inside from recess. Can I leave them here with you?"

"Sure. I will have a sixth grade helper take them back to class."

"Okay thank you."

Mrs. Weaver left and Mr. Adams went to his cabinet and bought out a brown bottle.

"Now, I'm not going to lie. This will hurt, a lot. But this is to make your leg clean of all the germs and it will get better quicker. Okay?"

"Okay" Kim said in a small whisper.

Jared leaned toward Kim and whispered in her ear. "He's not lyin. It hurts really bad. You want me to hold your hand?"

Kim smiled inwardly but kept her face as straight s possible. "No thank you." But as soon as Mr. Adams put the dampened cotton ball to her knee Kim grabbed his hand and screamed with her lips sealed.

"Kim, are you okay?" Val asked.

"Yeah." Kim replied.

"Okay, the worst is over. And for being so brave you get a Disney princess band-aid and a lollipop."

"Thank you."

"Val and Jared, you also get a lollipop for being such good friends to Kim and staying with her."

"Thank you." they both replied.

After that day, Kim, Val, and Jared became the best of friends. They were completely inseparable. For many grades, they always had the same teachers, lunches, and, through elementary, recesses. It wasn't until 7th grade, that feelings began to erupt in the click. Kim started to develop a crush on Jared but he was completely absent-minded from it. Jared was into Val, but Val knew not to go there. She knew the girl code far too well. Plus, she didn't even like Jared; she had a crush on Bryan. But what could they do? Some people only see what they want to see.

It was Valentine's Day in Jared's seventh grade year and he knew exactly who he wanted as his valentine, Valerie. They had been friends for the longest and he knew she was the girl for him. Jared made sure that he had on some cool clothes today, a red shirt (not to big, not to tight) and dark blue jeans (not to baggy, not to small) with his red Valentine Nike. There was going to be a party today in 4th period. Jared, being the smooth kid he was, got a card for Val that had a girl and boy on it holding hands. He didn't know what he should write so he kept it simple; 'We've known each other for what feels like forever and I think about you all the time. Will you be my Valentine?'

When he finally got to school, he saw Val and Kim talking. Val had on a pink dress and matching flats; defiantly in the spirit. Kim, on the other hand, had on a blue. It was some sort of shirt/skirt combo thing. Blue is his favorite color but she really needs to get in the spirit like Val.

After they had all of their morning classes, Ms. Jones (A.K.A the coolest teacher ever) announced that the party was about to begin. Jared hadn't had a chance to give Val his card yet but now was the perfect chance she was alone. Jared stopped short when he saw Bryan walking over to Val too. Bryan handed Val a single white rose and a card which Val opened. After reading the card, Val shook her head yes and embraced Bryan in a hug. Feeling defeated and embarrassed, Jared went back to his desk and sat down. He opened his desk to hide the card he stupidly got for Val and found a card with his name on it.

The card read:

You're not the only one that feels alone

In a parallel universe I would have shown

My true face to you, but now I wait

For true love or true hate

You see me yet you seem so blind

For what we share is constant time

My feelings for you are deeper than lust

Yours truly, Anonymous

Whoever this anonymous person was, and he hoped it was a girl, must really understand what he's going through.

"Hey Jared. You okay?"

Jared looked up and saw Kim. He quickly his the card and motioned Kim to sit down.

"Yea Kim, I'm good. You look nice today."

"Really? Thank you. But are you sure you're okay?"


"Did you see what Bryan gave Val? It was so cute."

"Yea," He answered sarcastically. "The cutest."

"So did you get any cards from anyone?"

"One. How about you?"

"None what so ever."

"Really? I thought you would have had a case load by now."

She laughed. "Nope. I'm no Val. She got at least four before you came into class this morning."


"I know right. But Val is lucky to get a card from Bryan. He's cute, nice, and smart. A true triple threat."

"Are you jealous?"

"Of course not, she's my best friend… Aside from you of course."

"Of course."

In the back of Jared's mind he couldn't stop thinking of the poem that he had gotten and what it could possibly mean.

Too bad it's completely useless… I'll never get this, he thought.


Kim could tell that Jared was in a complete fog. Yea, she lied about to him about Val getting a bunch of cards but that's how she and Val planned it. In reality, she had only gotten the one from Bryan because Bryan told everyone he liked Val. Everyone but Jared got that message. Val only wanted to get one from Bryan anyway but by telling Jared she had gotten so many, maybe he'd step down a bit. And they also agreed to over-play Bryan's 'awesomeness' so Jared felt like he couldn't compete. But we don't know how well this will work, she thought. Jared wasn't any Einstein but he should have been smart enough to recognize Kim's hand writing in the poem he read. It had taken her all of a few minutes to write down how she really felt. But to be honest, why should she even try? He obviously didn't like her but she couldn't help herself.

The party was coming to an end and so was the school day. This wasn't the best Valentine's Day in Kim's short life; she thought at least one person would give her a card, that person in particular, Jared. As Kim was gathering her things from her desk, she found a card with a boy and a girl on it, holding hands. On the inside it read: 'We've known each other for what feels like forever and I think about you all the time. Will you be my Valentine?' That was it though, no name nothing.

"I know it's only been two years but it's felt like forever. Will you be my valentine Kim?"

Kim had hoped it was Jared but they've known each other way longer than that. She turned around to find Lucas standing next to her.

"I'd like that Lucas, thank you." Kim gave Lucas a brief hug… Well it was meant to be brief but Lucas held on just a little while longer. For a moment, Kim let herself think it was Jared was holding her like this; with a truer feeling deeper than friendship.

The last bell rang for the day and Kim and Lucas said their goodbyes. Val and Bryan were still in their own little world, not caring what was going on. Jared was talking to Phil, a guy friend of his, about all the cards Phil had gotten. Kim got Val and her and Bryan shared their goodbyes.

When Kim got home her phone rang.

"Hey Val." she answered.

"Hey Kim. So did you give him the poem?"

"Yea… Sort of."

"What do you mean sort of?"

"Instead of signing my name, I signed it 'anonymous' and hid it in his desk. But he did get. I saw him open it and everything."

Val exhaled loudly. "That was not the plan you chicken. Did he say anything about it?"

"One, I'm not a chicken and two, no."

"The plan was for you to hand him the letter and explain how you feel."

"I know but I couldn't… Lucas gave me a card though."

"Oh really… Why didn't you tell me about it at school?"

"Because you and Bryan were in la-la land for the whole party."

"Yea, sorry 'bout that. But he is so cute and sweet and nice and handsome and-"

"Yea, yea. I know, I know. I gotta do some homework and so do you. Get to it."

"Alright, alright. Later babes."


As soon as Kim hung up with Val, her phone rang again. It was Jared!

"Hi Jared" Kim said, trying not to sound to enthusiastic.

"Hey Kim, you busy?"

"Not at all, what can I do for you?"

"With all the excitement from the party, I never got the homework that we were assigned. Do you have it?"

"Of course" she replied, not trying to sound too disappointed.

Kim gave Jared the homework and they said their goodbyes.

Today was the worst day of Kim's life. Tonight is the worst night of Kim's life. Kim loved Jared, Jared loved Val, and Val loved Bryan… Was nothing ever going to be right in this world? Why can't things be how I want them to be? Why can't everything just workout for the best in my eyes? These are the thoughts running through Kim's mind as she drifted into her sleep tonight.