Kyle: This chapter will be from Jesse's POV

Emily: I hope you all enjoy it.

Kyle: I know I said in the previous chapter that there will be marriage problems, but I spoke to my friend who has divorced parents.

Emily: That's when Kyle decided to NOT put in any marriage problems. He didn't want to upset or offend anyone.

Kyle: Anyway, here's the next chapter. It will be the second to last chapter of this story.

My Jaden

Jesse's POV

I was never the type to judge or assume things quickly. I never hated anyone for being who they are. I always admired people who were just themselves like Jaden and my father. He first told me he used to be a girl when I turned five. He wanted to tell me sooner just in case others influenced me. He explained everything about his childhood. My real father died before I was born in a car accident. My mother remarried four years later. She agreed that I needed to know. At first, I had no clue what he was talking about but as time grew, I learned to understand.

My childhood friend Nick was the same. He never liked wearing pants. He always wanted to wear cute things and grow out his hair. I knew right away exactly what he, well now she, was. A transgender just like my father. After Nicole, Nick's new name, came out, my mother died from being robbed. Now it's just me and my father.

The moment I met Jaden, something just clicked in my mind. This boy is not like the others was my first thought. I knew that I would come to like him and I did. I know for a fact that he wouldn't like me until the right time. Hopefully, that time will come soon.

Jaden pouted as he stared at me with puppy eyes. I bit my lip and tried not to burst out laughing. Even if he gave me the cutest face on the planet, I still could never give him my fried shrimp.

"Sorry bud," I laughed. "You may be cute, but I'm not giving you any."

Jaden tilted his head to the side, "I'm cute?"

I laughed and began to pet his head, "Super cute."

"Eating lunch with your girlfriend," a voice laughed. I rolled my eyes and stared right into the face of Evan. A glare settled onto my face as I stared coldly into the eyes of the one who will probably trouble Jaden the most.

"Girlfriend?" I blinked glancing around our empty table. "I see no girl."

Evan smirked, "The thing right there. I guess you can call her an it."

"Her?" I repeated once again. "Who are you talking about?"

Jaden chuckled, "No idea, my friend, no idea."

"You guys are losers," Evan growled before walking away. Jaden and I stared at each other before bursting out into giggles. Suddenly, another boy walked up making both of us confused. He held curiosity in his eyes.

"Um… are you getting a sex change?" he asked to Jaden. Jaden blinked before shrugging.

"I don't know," he answered. The boy nodded and walked away with no further questions. I blinked and just stared at Jaden with a confused face.

"Why did you answer him?" I asked.

Jaden smiled, "Because he was curious and not being an idiot."

"Alright," I bit my lip. "Hey… Jaden, want to hang out at my place later?"

"Course," Jaden smiled brightly.

I smiled back, "My dad really wants to meet your mom and your dad."

"Of course," Jaden smiled brightly. "Today you can meet my brother, Haou. He doesn't like me that much, but he is still my older brother."

"Didn't he stick up for you at the restaurant?" I asked, remembering the screaming from him.

Jaden shrugged, "Haou gives me mixed symbols. Anyway, you can come over my house."

I smiled at him, "Great."

"Nice house," I smiled as I stared at the house. It was around medium size, but it seemed very loving and comfortable. Jaden smiled sheepishly.

"It's nothing really," Jaden laughed.

I nodded, "Say, Jaden, do you mind all of the kids making fun of you?"

"No," Jaden shook his head, "not really. I mean, I do mind it a little when they call me Jane. I still don't know how they figured out that was my real name. Other than that though, I can deal with it. They refuse to beat me up because I'm a girl. The most they do is throw things at me during lunch. I can deal with that."

"I see," I nodded as we walked into his home.

"Oh, I'm going to the bathroom," Jaden spoke up. "Wait here."

I nodded and watched as Jaden walked down the hall. I sat down on the ground and leaned against the green walls. I smiled a bit until I heard footsteps. I stood up when I saw Haou standing there with a glare at me.

"You're Jaden's crush, right?" Haou spoke up.

I blushed, "Um… I don't know."

"But you like my brother," Haou confirmed.

I slowly nodded, "A-a little…"

With that, he grabbed onto my shirt and pulled me close. A hiss escaped his lips, "If you hurt my brother in any way, or if you make fun of him for being transgender, I will hurt you, got it?"

I gulped and nodded, "I wouldn't hurt him. My dad and best friend are transgenders, so why would I mind him being one?"

"Good," Haou released my blue shirt. "He's my precious brother, so if you dare hurt him then beware of me."

With that, he walked away making me stare in awe. I smiled slightly. Haou must have really cared about Jaden.

"Sorry about that," a voice spoke up. I blinked and looked over at Jaden's mother who walked over towards me.

"Its fine," I smiled.

"No," she shook her head, "it's not. You may not realize it, but Jaden is very precious to Haou. He would do anything to protect him even though Jaden doesn't know."

"I figured that out already," I smiled before frowning. "How are you and Jaden doing?"

His mother sighed, "I finally gave up Jane. Jaden agreed to dress up as Jane one more time. We went out and talked for a bit when I realized something. It felt unnatural talking to Jane. It was almost like… like she wasn't supposed to be there. Suddenly, I missed my son Jaden. I began to cry and demanded we go straight home and have him change. We both agreed to Jane's death. All of her pictures are upstairs and are never going to be seen again."

"That's great," I smiled. "How come Jaden never spoke of this?"

"He doesn't want you to see him as a girl. He really likes you," his mother giggled. "Ask him out someday because I approve of you."

I nodded with a blush, "Um… okay."

With that, her mother left without another word. Jaden walked back in the hallway with a smile.

"Back," he smiled. "There is a park near here. Want to go play there?"

"Yeah," I smiled, "I would like that."

Jaden and I sat on the swings with smiles. He glanced up towards the sky and clutched the chains of the swings.

"You're not a friend to me," Jaden whispered making me blink.

"Then what am I?" I asked.

Jaden shrugged, "I don't know. You aren't a brother nor are you a friend. I don't hate you, and I want you to be with me always. I've only had these feelings for Timmy, but they weren't as strong. Do you know what the feeling is?"

"Love," I smiled. "You like me."

Jaden blushed, "Oh… I do?"

I chuckled, "Yep."

"Then… do you like me too?" Jaden asked curiously.

"Yep," I nodded.

"So… now what?" Jaden asked. I glanced towards the sky and began to think. Now what? Maybe we could become a couple. No, that's not right. I leaned over and kissed his cheek lightly. He blushed, and I pulled back with a smile.

"We don't need to be labeled boyfriend and boyfriend or anything. Let's just… do what we want. Go on dates, kiss, and all that stuff," I smiled.

Jaden looked relieved, "I don't like labels because they create stereotypes."

"We aren't stereotypical, are we?" I asked curiously.

"Most boyfriends have a top and a bottom. I don't think we're like that," Jaden answered as he pushed off with his feet and began to swing up high.

"No," I nodded, "we are equals."

"Even though I'm transgender?"

"Even though you're transgender."

"Good," Jaden smiled.

I smiled back, "So, for now we'll just be us? Nothing else right?"

"Yep," Jaden smiled. "Just us."

"Forever," I whispered so he wouldn't hear. He smiled brightly and continued to reach for the sky on his swing. I knew that I could fall in love with him one day, but right now I didn't want to think of that. Instead I just wanted to enjoy this peaceful moment with my boyfriend.

Kyle: That's the end.

Emily: I thought you said there would be one more chapter?

Kyle: Yeah but… this just seems like the perfect ending.

Emily: Sorry if this ending is bad or premature. I think it's good.

Kyle: If you have any problems with it… just create your own little ending in your mind.

Emily: I hope it was a good ending!

Kyle: Thank you for reading Wrong Body.

Emily: Thanks for making this story have over 100 reviews.

Kyle: I love you guys, and I'm going to try harder on my stories!

Emily: Kyle… did you just find your inspiration for writing again?

Kyle: Yes! I found my inspiration for writing. For a while, I lost it and kept deleting my stories. Now, I found it.

Emily: Good. Anyway, thank you once again for reading this.