"Trouble In Paradise. Again."


Title: "Trouble In Paradise. Again."

Author: Michelle Heath

Rating: MA for adult language and situations

Summary: Even paradise has its ups and downs. The Hawaii Five-0 family is about to discover more of each.

Date Written: March 16, 2011

Disclaimer: I so do not own Hawaii Five-0; unfortunately!

(The next two weeks are extremely quiet as far as Five-0 cases and military deployments are concerned, and even Tony's SEALs get a much-needed break. Of course, the ladies are all seriously involved in taking care of arrangements for Caroline's and Danny's wedding, and it's driving the men totally crazy. Sam's and Steve's house is pretty much the center of operations, as usual, so Steve, Danny, Tony, Chin, and Mike take themselves over to Kono's and Tony's so they can watch sports on television in some peace and quiet. This pattern goes on for a few days until the arrangements are finalized and Libby and Mike decide to treat their daughters and their guys to dinner and dancing at the Officer's Club. As they are finishing dinner, the conversation turns to Caroline's and Danny's honeymoon.)

"So, where are you two going on your honeymoon, or is it a secret?"

"We were thinking about going over to Molokai for a few days, Libby."

"Ah, I've never been there, but I've heard it's beautiful. How much leave do you have, dear?"

"Actually, Mom, I've got thirty days, but I only requested fifteen. If we go to Molokai for a few days, we'll have plenty of time to get everything from Danny's moved to my apartment when we get back."

(An idea begins to form in the back of Sam's mind as she listens to the conversation between Caroline and Libby and Steve takes one look at his wife and sees the wheels turning. Taking her hand and pulling her out of her chair, he excuses them both and pulls Sam into his arms on the dance floor.)

"What's going on in that beautiful head of yours, Sam?"

"I know what I'd like our wedding present to Caroline and Danny to be, Steve."

"Yeah? What?"

(And she leans in and whispers something into his ear that has a slow grin spreading across Steve's handsome face. When Sam pulls back, Steve shoots her a sexy little grin.)

"It's perfect."


"Yeah. We'll start working on it first thing in the morning."

"How are we going to do this without either one of them finding out, Steve?"

"I don't know, yet, but we'll figure it out."

"I love you, Sailor."

"Love you, too, Beautiful."

(The following morning, Steve casually saunters into Danny's office and parks his six on the corner of Danny's desk. As expected, Danny sends Steve an annoyed glare when he looks up from the report he's working on.)

"Need something?"

"Not really. Just thought I'd see how the honeymoon plans are going."

"I'm going to call a couple of places on Molokai Chin recommended to me."

"You know, I've got a couple of friends over there. I could talk to them for you if you'd like."

"What? You don't think I'm capable of planning my own honeymoon?"

"Didn't say that."

"Yeah, you did."

"No, Danny, I did not. I simply offered to make a couple of phone calls to a couple of friends and see if I could help you out."


"Come on, Danny. You know that, when my wife isn't happy, I'm not happy."

"What have you done to piss Sam off now, boy genius?"

"I haven't done anything to piss Sam off, Danno. She just mentioned that, since we're going to be brothers-in-law, we really should try to be a little less . . Argumentative. I'm just trying to make an effort here."

"I cannot believe that I am willingly committing myself to a lifetime of being related to you."

"Hey, most people wouldn't have a problem being related to me!"

"I'm not most people."

"Danny, you know what?. . . Look, let me make a couple of phone calls for you. You are marrying my wife's sister; you think I'm going to screw this up?"

"Fine. Make your calls. I'll make sure Sam knows you offered so she won't get pissed with you. Happy?"

"Yeah, actually. I'll let you know what I find out."

(Steve returns to his office and calls Sam to let her know their op is a go. He then proceeds to make a few calls to some friends and three hours later walks back into Danny's office.)

"Okay. Here's what I've come up with. I've got you and Caroline booked into an oceanfront suite at the Hotel Molokai for seven days. The GM's a friend of mine so I got you a really good rate. I also talked to Rob Stanton, you know, my former BUD/S instructor who now owns a private airline? He's agreed to provide the plane if I provide the pilot, so Sam's going to fly you guys over to Molokai after the wedding. So, any questions?"

"Yeah, how much is all this going to end up costing me? I mean, I appreciate you going to all this trouble, but . . ."

"Danny, you're about to marry a beautiful, intelligent, wonderful woman. Say, 'Thank you', and relax, please."

(Two weeks later, Caroline Thrasher and Danny Williams are married in a beautiful, outdoor ceremony with Diamondhead as a backdrop. Mike Grayton's wedding present to the couple is catering their reception at the same venue and, once again, he does a wonderful job. The reception itself is relaxed and there is a great deal of dancing and laughter as everyone present, including Gov. Jameson, enjoys themselves thoroughly. Sam and Steve, change out of their formal attire, excuse themselves and head straight to Caroline's. As soon as the two couples reach the airport, Steve drives around the main terminal to the one reserved for private planes and they head into the terminal.)

"I think it's absolutely the coolest thing ever to have my sister fly me to my honeymoon destination, Sam, thank you."

"Well, Caroline, it would be the coolest thing ever if I was going to be your pilot, but I'm not."

"You're . . not?"


"Why not? I mean, it's not like it's going to take all day to fly us to Molokai, Sam."

"You're not going to Molokai."

"We're not?"

"No, Danny, you're not."

"Steve and I wanted to give you guys a very special wedding present, but we were having a hard time coming up with something that was, well, totally awesome. The other night, when we went to the O Club, it hit me. You call Danny 'Romeo' and you've had just a teensy bit of Shakespearean tragedy going on in your relationship, so . . ."

(Steve hands Danny both his and Caroline's passports, and confirmation paperwork for their hotel along with an envelope addressed to them in Libby's handwriting. Steve is grinning from ear to ear when he tells them their destination.)

"We're sending you guys to Verona, Italy. The home of William Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet', and Libby and Mike threw in some goodies for you, too."

(Both Caroline and Danny are looking at Sam and Steve with complete awe on their faces, and they're both completely speechless. Finally, Danny reaches out to shake Steve's hand and Caroline hugs Sam tightly. Their real pilots join them and tell them they're ready to take off as soon as Caroline and Danny are on board, and the two couples quickly say their goodbyes. As Sam is hugging her new brother-in-law, she whispers something in his ear that has him giving her a quizzical look. Once they've taken off and have reached cruising altitude, Danny looks at his new wife, unbuckles his seatbelt, and holds out his hand to her. Caroline looks up at him in slight confusion.)

"Going somewhere, Romeo?"

"Yeah, gorgeous, Sam told me we really needed to check out the door in the aft part of the cabin. Said it was an amazing way to fly."

A/N: Again, I sincerely hope you all enjoyed this story, and thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for reading and reviewing. If you'd like another story in this series, please let me hear from you! Michelle