I tried uploading last night, but it wouldn't let me. Anyways, here ya go. This is THE LAST CHAPTER!


(Musa's POV)

The days, weeks, and months pass by as slowly as possible. Being alone in a house doesn't help at all! I am now in my ninth month of my pregnancy and I'm due any day.

After a couple of months in the house, my dad got worried and came. By then, I was showing a little and had to tell him. He was so dissapointed in me, but he was happy he would get to see his grandchild.

When he asked about the father, I just told him I don't know who it is. That makes him even more dissapointed, but I just can't bring myself to tell him about Riven.

His name... still ringing in my head over and over again. The name of the person who haunts me in my dreams, turning the sweet ones into nightmares.

I can't bring myself to hate him though. I love him with all my heart, even though I feel like I have been stabbed in the back a thousand times a day.

I try and forget about him, about what happened between us... but I just can't seem to do it. My life has taken a complete turn. I can't go out of the house often without being called a slut and whore.

I can't help but think that what people say is true. I am just some slut that slept with a guy, forgetting to use proctection, and got pregnant.

Riven has been trying to get in contact with me, but I bought a new phone and I haven't responded to anything.

The others and I have kept contact. Sure it wasn't that strong, but we called each other about once or twice a week. They still don't know about anything.

I go to my room, sit on my bed, and start listening to music when all of a sudden, my water breaks. I don't panick, I just walk to my car and drive to the hospitol. I tell the people at the front desk and they get me to a room as soon as possible.

After a few, painful, hours, I have my baby girl delivered. The doctor, named Tracy, comes in with my baby in a pink blanket. "Here she is!" Tracy says handing me the baby.

"Thank you," I say taking her in my arms.

"So, how does it feel to be a mother?" she asks.

"You know, at first, I was scared. Now I am feeling a lot better. I am proud," I say.

"You should be. Don't listen to those idiots," she says.

"You know the feeling?" I ask.

"Yeah, I had a son at age 17," she says.

"But you made it out good," I say.

"Yeah, that's because I never gave up on my dream, and you shouldn't yours," Tracy says.

"Thanks," I say.

"No problem, so what are you going to name her?" she asks.

I look down at the baby girl in my arms. She has strands of magenta hair. Her eyes are still closed, and I'm afraid that if they open, they will have his eyes. If so, she'd be a replica of him in girl form.

I had thought about a few names, but none had sounded right. "I don't know," I say.

"It took me a while to find the right name as well," Tracy says.

All of a sudden, I feel this strange feeling and the wind coming in from the open window whistles in my ear. "Melody," I say, repeating the wind.

"What?" she asks.

"Her name is Melody," I say.

"That's beautiful! I haven't heard anything like it," she says.

"Thanks," I say.

When the doctors finially let me go home, I tell myself to forget about Riven. This is my life, with my daughter. I must be strong.

About eight years pass. Melody and I are still living in our house. She ended up having his eyes... reminding me everyday of the pain in my heart.

She is almost exactly like Riven, but she does have my music sense and has the same hearing I do. She is also a great singer, probably better than I am.

The others and I have gotten farther apart and now call about twice a month. They have gotten busy with their lives because most of them now have kids and are married.

They made the right decision by waiting. They're the smart ones.

I don't have a job, I never did. This is just because I have more than enough money and I want to be with Melody.

"Mom!" Melody says from the living room and I'm in my bedroom.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Someone just pulled up outside!" she says.

There wasn't many people who came to our house, so it was something different. I look out the window, and sure enough, there is a motorcycle parked out front.

I go to the living room and tell Melody to go to her room in case it was someone dangerous. The doorbell rings and I open the door.

My breath is taken away by the tall figure in front of me. Magenta hair, purple eyes, big muscles, tall, dark, handsome. I'd know from anywhere.

I want to tell him to leave, but I can't get my voice to speak.

"Riven..." I say after a few moments of silence.

He stares into my eyes, and I stare back. "Please leave," I say finally getting the words out of my mouth.

He doesn't leave, he just walks in, no matter how much I try and push him out. I might be strong, but he is stronger.

"Where is the kid?" he asks.

"I got an abortion," I lie.

"You said you were against that," he says.

"I couldn't handle the fact that I was having a kid," I tell him.

"You're lying," he says.

"Why would you think that?" I ask.

"I know you," he says.

"You mean you think you know me. You don't know anything about me," I say.

"No, I know you," he says getting closer to me.

"No, you don't," I say.

"Yes I do," he says. He is now so close that it's hard to stand, and with one simple movement, he pushes me on the ground with me on top of him.

"Get off of her!" I hear Melody say.

"I told you to go to your room!" I say.

"Well, I can't help it if this man is hurting you," she says trying to pull Riven off.

I look in Riven's eyes and all I see his hurt. He hurts because I lied to him about his own kid. "Don't worry, he's not hurting me," I say.

"Then why is he on you?" she asks.

"Because we tripped. It's okay, he's an old friend," I say.

"Really?" she asks.

"Yes, please go to your room," I say and she heads off. "You shouldn't be here."

"Yes, I should," Riven says.

"No, you shouldn't! Can you just leave me alone?" I ask.

"No, you are apart of my life," he says. I don't say anything because, for the first time in my life, I don't have a comeback. "Is she...?" he asks.

"Yes," I say. Fighting with him is stupid because there is no way I'd win, especially with him on top of me like this.

"Why did you lie?" he asks. I don't answer. "Why did you lie?" he yells.

"I didn't want you to hurt her like you hurt me," I say.

"Can we talk?" he asks.

"Do we have to?" I ask. He glares at me. "Okay, let me up." He get's off of me.

I start walking, and he follows me. I go to a room, that no one can hear you in it, and you can't hear anything. "What?" I ask.

"Look, when I started cheating on you, it was only because I realized that my life was going to change immensely. I couldn't handle the pressure. I had to let my feelings out. That was part of the reason that I banged so many girls; to let my feelings out. I assure you that I felt nothing for Stephanie and we didn't even have sex. I am so sorry. That day you left, I broke up with her right after the concert. I haven't had a girl friend since. I was searching for you all this time, hoping that when I find you, you'd take me back. Please, I am so sorry, all I want is for everything to go back to what it was," Riven says.

I look into his eyes, looking for something to tell me he's lying because for some reason, I don't want him to be telling the truth. All I see is sincerity, and love.

"Me too," I say.

"Then let's go back to how it was!" he says.

"It's not that simple Riven!" I scream.

"How? Tell me how!" he demands.

"You broke my heart. I understand, and I forgive you, but you don't know what it feels like!" I scream.

"I know how it feels. I felt the same way when you left. Please, just take me back," he says.

"Okay, but if you cheat on me again, I swear to god you will be wishing you were dead," I say. He leans in, kisses me, and I immediately respond.

There is still that spark that I feel every time we kissed. That feeling that tells me we are meant for each other.

He pulls away and looks into my eyes. "Where is she?" he asks.

"Probably in the living room," I say. He goes out the door, and down to the living room, only to find Melody listening to music on the couch.

She sees Riven and takes the headphones out of her ears. "I thought you left," she says rudely. Yeah, she get's that from Riven, who just laughs.

"You know how you always ask about your dad?" I ask her. She simply nods her head. "Well, you see, Riven here, is your father," I say.

She doesn't move, or do anything. All she does is eye him suspiciously. "I thought I saw a resemblance," she says smirking.

Before anyone can say anything, my phone goes off. It's Stella.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"We are getting tired of this!" Stella says.

"What?" I ask in pure confusion.

"We are tired of not seeing you for eight years," she says.

"Oh," I say.

"We are outside of your house!" she says.

"What?" I scream into the phone.

"We tracked you down," Bloom's voice says.

"This isn't a good time," I say.

"I don't care," Stella says and hangs up.

All of a sudden, the doorbell rings.

"Aren't you going to get that?" Riven asks.

"No," I say.

"God do I have to get everything around here?" Melody asks and get's up and walks to the door.

"Don't Mel!" I say but it's too late. I run and hide behind a couch.

"Hello sweetie, is there a Musa here?" Flora's voice asks.

"No," Riven says before Melody could speak.

"Riven?" everyone asks in confusion.

"Yeah," he says.

"Is Musa here?" Brandon asks.

"Why would Musa be here?" Riven asks.

"Well, why would you live in this house with a little girl?" Bloom asks.

"I got a good job and this is my little sister," Riven says. Perfect lie!

"So you won't mind if we take a look? I mean this is a nice house, I want to see it," Layla says. God! Why is she so smart?

"Well, yeah, I would mind," Riven says.

"Why?" Sky asks.

"It's my house, I don't want you in here," Riven says. I hear some movement and I can't tell what's going on. "Or just come right in," Riven growls.

I curl up into a little ball and try to hide myself as much as I can. "This tracker says she's in this room," Tecna says.

"Then you have a messed up tracker," Riven says.

"Does it say where in the room?" Stella asks.

"Well, no, but I can see if it will," Tecna says. "Yeah, it says she's... behind that couch." I hear footsteps getting closer.

"Musa!" everyone screams. I look up and see everyone looking at me with, both, happiness and confusion.

"What are you doing here?" Brandon asks.

"I forgot something," I say.

"You would of have to have been here first in order to forget something," Bloom says with suspicion.

"No, when we were dating. I forgot a necklace," I say.

"Why do you want some stupid necklace back?" Layla asks.

"It was given to me by my mother," I say.

"Oh," she says.

"Well, where is it?" I ask Riven.

"I don't know! I don't keep up with your things!" he says.

"Fine, I'll look for it myself," I say. I start walking towards the bedroom.

When I get there, I look for the necklace my mother actually gave to me. It's beautiful. It is a silver g-clef with real rubies scattered around to make it look nice. I take it and go back to the living room.

"Thanks for keeping it," I say.

"No problem," Riven says.

"So you really just wanted the necklace?" Nabu asks.

"Duh," I say.

"You're lying, you both are," Brandon says.

"What?" Riven asks.

"I know both of you, and I know when you lie," Brandon says.

"Why would we lie?" I ask.

"I don't know, you tell me," Brandon says.

"Okay, you caught us, we're going back out again!" Riven says.

"Really?" Sky asks.

"Yeah," I say.

"Why would you go back out with him? After all he put you through!" Stella says.

"Yeah, I don't buy it either," Layla says.

"Then prove it," Bloom says.

"What?" Riven asks.

"Prove it by kissing," Bloom says.

"Oh wow," I say.

I walk over to Riven and kiss him and he kisses back. We put all our love into the kiss.

"Okay, they believe you, now stop!" I hear Melody say. I break away from Riven, look at her, and just bust out laughing.

"Someone is protective of their older brother," Stella says.

"Yep, now leave!" Melody says pointing towards the door.

"Wow! Okay, bye guys!" Layla says.

"But-" Stella starts.

"Bye Stella!" I say and they all leave.

"Why-?" Melody starts.

"Just don't ask Mel," I say.

"Whatever," she says.

"So, you're name is Mel?" Riven asks. I can tell he doesn't like it, but he doesn't know the full name.

"Melody," she says.

"Ah, nice," Riven says, this time looking more pleased.

"Thanks," Melody says.

"I'm surprised we got them out that fast," Riven says.

"I think Layla understood that something was going on," I tell him.

"Are you two really back together?" Melody asks.

"Yeah," I say.

"So... we're a family?" she asks.

"Does this answer your question?" Riven asks me and kisses me passionately on the lips. It is a beautiful and heart-felt kiss. One that I can melt into. The kiss from my true love.

"Guys! That's gross!"

Please review! I'm not sure when I will have a new story, but I'll try.