Disclaimer: Disney& Pixar own Toy Story. Do I own any bit of it? NO.
Only this story.
A/N: This is a request by an anonymous user on the livejournal group disney_kinks. Link to my LJ (which has all the links to the prompts that I've done in the past), is in my profile.
This has to be the what? Fourth? Fifth? M rated Toy Story fic that I have done. This has to stop. XD
Maybe it'll slow down once I come up with a good Woody/Bo. Maybe. No promises.
It had been a long, stressful two weeks at Andy's house. The toys didn't expect a 17 year old to be playing with them. What they did expect was for him to go hang out with his friends, but instead he stood home the entire time. All he did was get up and go straight to his laptop. From there he didn't bother to leave the room unless he was hungry or had to use the bathroom. He had literally become a hermit crab, absorbed in a new computer game along with his facebook, myspace and other various accounts where he did nothing more than talk to his friends. The only relief the toys had was when he finally decided to go to bed after midnight. Even then the toys couldn't do much since by that time they were sleeping as well.
They were so desperate to get out of the toybox that they actually had to hold in their excitement when Andy got a phone call from a friend. His friend had told him that a concert was in town and that Avenged Sevenfold might make an appearance there. Andy was so thrilled by this that he went straight to the computer to preorder some tickets. When the day of the concert arrived a week later, Andy was getting hounded by his mom to bring some ear plugs.
"I just don't want you to end up with ringing ears.", his mom said as Andy headed towards the door.
"I have the plugs right here, Mom. See?", he showed her the plugs as he put on his leather jacket.
"Remember to give me a call-"
"After the concert.", Andy finished.
"Don't worry. If worse comes to worse then I'll call you and spend the night at Daniel's. Now I gotta go meet him at his house.", he gave his mom a quick wave as he walked to his car.
"How about dinner?"
"We're stopping by Mcdonald's on the way! Bye mom!"
With that Andy waved to his mother one last time and went off into the night. Shortly after Andy left the house, the toys hopped out of the box one by one. All of them felt cramped up from being in the box for so long. It made them feel as if they were on some big road trip with no pit stops. They all grumbled, whined and complained as Woody tried to get some order in the room.
"Guys, listen up! I know it's been really rough lately, but let's try to enjoy this while it lasts. We'll be lucky if he's gone all night. Savor this. Understand?"
The toys nodded in agreement and slowly drifted apart. Rex, Hamm and Slinky wandered off to see if they could find something to do on the computer. The Potato Heads and the aliens went off to relax on the bed, hoping the mattress would be good on their sore limbs. Jessie was trying to even out her breathing. She held onto Bullseye for comfort. She eventually felt a little better and let Bullseye go off on his own to play with Woody. Buzz who had been watching her with a worried look, walked over to her as she was doing some deep breathing exercises.
"Are you alright?", Buzz asked.
"I'm fine, Partner. I'm just so happy to be out of there.", she replied halfheartedly.
"At least you're a little better with boxes. You haven't had any serious panic attacks in a few days."
"I guess..."
Buzz took a step closer. "What's wrong?"
"Wrong? Nothing, nothing. Why would something be wrong?"
"Because you only do that when something is bothering you.", he motioned to her hands.
"Huh?", Jessie looked down at her hands. Noticing how her hands were threatening to pull the bow out of her hair, she stopped. She looked up at Buzz with wide eyes and then looked down to the floor. She hesitated.
"It just feels like Emily all over again.", she said in a quiet voice.
Seeing that look of defeat on Jessie's face almost broke Buzz's heart. He was doing good until he heard her make a sniffling noise. Before he could open his mouth to speak, Jessie interrupted him.
"I'm fine, ok? Besides that's the least of my worries.", she lied.
"We've been in that darn wagon for who knows how long. My legs hurt, my back hurts, my shoulders hurt, my right arm still hurts from when Hamm rolled on it in his sleep. I reckon that my stuffing is going to explode any day now.", she complained.
"Hey, we're all feeling that. It's just stress.", Buzz reasoned.
"I know."
Buzz thought about it for a moment. He knew that everyone including him was stressed out and there was nothing that was going to make anyone feel better. Least not right now. He took a quick look at Jessie. She was rubbing her arm. She stared at the floor, studying the scratches and dirt on it. Any other day and he would have thought that it was cute. He sighed and prayed that he wasn't going to kick himself in the rear for what he was about to say.
"Maybe a massage will help."
Jessie felt her face turn a slight shade of red. "Massage?"
"Yes, I-I mean if it would make you feel better then why not?"
Buzz felt a flurry of butterflies beating their wings in his stomach. He hoped that Jessie wouldn't think wrong of him.
"Buzz, I think that would be nice.", she gave Buzz a smile. It was the first smile that she had given him in the past week. Sure it looked a little weak, but it was still a smile and Buzz was happy that at least it wasn't a frown.