Disclaimer: I do not own Law & Order SVU or any of its characters. Dick Wolf does. This story is solely for fun, practice, and hopefully someone's entertainment. I only own this story and any characters I create.

Summary: You know what they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions


Chapter 1 Olivia's Intent

Olivia stood at her partner's door hesitating before knocking. Her intention was to check on Elliot and make sure that he did not need anything. She had not heard from him in two days. Not since Kathy had inexplicablely took off leaving Elliot with "I'm sorry" note and his kids. Olivia had not heard from him since so today after spending all day in court thinking about Elliot, she had decided to pick up some groceries and Chinese to drop off at the house. Now, she stood on his doorstep balancing groceries on one hip and a bag of hot Chinese in her other hand. Taking a deep breath she knocked on the door and waited. To say she was surprised when he opened the door would have been quite the understatement. Her partner opened the door, beer in hand with his clothes looking like he might have been sleeping in them for the last two days. His eyes held a combination look of comfortable drunkenness and exhaustion. He had two day stubble across his face. His eyes drifted up and down her; slowly and had it been any other time she would have smacked the shit out of him. His smirked at her.

Olivia rolled her eyes and pushed past him into the house. "I thought you might need some things." She walked into the kitchen and sat the Chinese food and groceries on the table. She turned and almost stumbled backward as she realized Elliot was right behind her. "I wanted to check on you." Olivia spoke quietly and gave him a small smile, a little concerned with the look in Elliot's eyes.

Elliot did not smile. "Check up on me? Bring me things? Did you bring me beer?"

"I don't think you need that honestly." Olivia said pointedly. "Where are the kids?"

Elliot continued to stare at her unblinking. "Maureen has Eli for a couple of days and the twins went on their school trip."

"That is probably for the best." Olivia nodded nervously as her partner seemed unwilling to stop staring or to move away. "Are you hungry?" She proceeded to ask.


It was clear with no elaboration. Olivia bit her lower lip wondering if she did the right thing in coming here. Her only intention had been to help.

"Why did you come here, Liv?" Elliot asked.

"I told you." Olivia swallowed. "I thought you might want to talk? I…maybe this was not a good idea."

Olivia side stepped Elliot and walked past him. She was maybe one step or two past him when he turned and grabbed her wrist roughly. His hand was tight and he jerked her back to him.

"Why, did you come over here, Liv?" Elliot asked again.

Olivia tugged at her hand. "I came to help but obviously you don't want any help right now. Let go, Elliot. If you want me to leave, I will leave."

"I don't want you to leave and you don't want to leave." Elliot replied his hand still tight on her wrist. "I just want you to be honest."

Olivia was confused and repeated. "I came here to help."

"Help me get over my wife?" Elliot said a little sarcasm lacing his voice.

"Excuse me?" Olivia said hating the high pitched tone of her voice.

"I have had it with the bullshit and lies. Obviously, my wife has been lying to me a long time." Elliot stepped closer capturing her between his body and the counter. "You came here to be with me, I just want you to admit it."

'You're drunk, Elliot." Olivia said backing further into the counter now it was pressing into her spine.

"I am not that drunk, Olivia." Elliot smirked. "Or that stupid, I know what you want when you come over here to help with Chinese and that fuck me outfit."

Olivia's mouth fell open in surprise there were really no words. How dare he? She had only come to help and he was what accusing her of trying to seduce him. Olivia looked down hastily at her outfit for court, white button down shirt and black pencil skirt with low heeled pumps. Who the fuck did he think he was?

"Fuck you Elliot." Olivia glared at him.

"You want to." He replied.

Olivia brought up her hand so close to slapping the shit out of her partner. She trembled as she restrained herself. "I am going to forget you said that. And I am going to get the hell out of here."

Olivia pushed Elliot but he was like a brick wall of muscle.

"Like hell you are." Elliot slammed his bottle down on the counter and quickly grabbed Olivia's other wrist. He watched the color flood her neck, cheeks, and face. He knew it was not fear at being manhandled it was pure rage.

"Let me go, Elliot before I kick your ass." Olivia jerked against his hold. "Now."

Elliot shook his head and leaned forward pressing his mouth to hers.

Olivia's eyes widened in shock. She could barely register what was going on as a flood of conflicting emotions and thoughts hit her simultaneously. This was a place that Olivia never allowed her mind to go with her partner. She tried to say something however as she moved to open her mouth to stop him he took the opportunity to insert his tongue. Olivia gasped into his mouth feeling his tongue stroke her mouth and tongue aggressively. Olivia could feel her body reacting, her breathing accelerated, a warm feeling flooded her everywhere, and she could feel her body tighten in places it was not supposed to around Elliot Stabler.

As air became an issue, Elliot lifted his mouth up still hovering millimeters above hers.

Olivia took that opportunity. "El, we can't do this. You're drunk and hurt and confused. You need to stop." Olivia kept her voice quiet in an attempt to diffuse the escalating situation but she could not keep the slight quiver out of her voice.

"I am not drunk. I am not confused and hurt. I am pissed. I don't want to stop and I want you, now." Elliot said emphatically. "I know you want it, Olivia. I can read your body. I can feel it in your mouth and see it through your shirt."

Olivia felt her face grow redder. Elliot let go of her hands and ripped her blouse open. Several of the buttons snapped hitting the floor.

Elliot smirked. "I was right. I bet you are wet too." His hand snaked downward until Olivia grabbed it.

"This is not happening, Elliot." Olivia tried to keep her voice stern and her grip on his hand tight. She gasped as she felt his other hand realizing that she hadn't accounted for his resourcefulness when he wanted something. His hand had wedged between her legs and before she could respond his fingers pushed into her panties. Olivia let go of his right hand reaching down to stop him.

"You are wet." He said as he shoved two fingers into her roughly. Elliot heard her yelp and her hand stop it's descent. She was wet but very tight and Elliot realized he had hurt her a little with his finger's rough entry. Her muscles clenched tightly in resistance to the intrusion. Elliot leaned his forehead against her forehead. "Liv…" he breathed as he pulled one finger back and stroked inside her slowly with just the one.

Olivia felt dizzy. She was starting to wonder if she was the one who was drunk. Elliot's finger was now gently rubbing her inside. Olivia could feel the wetness grow between her legs as Elliot's finger stroked her tissues in and out curved upward. He pushed in a little deeper and stroked harder. Olivia whimpered.

Elliot watched Olivia. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was slightly open. Inside her core, she was getting wetter, she was so soft inside and warm. She was also unbelievably tight clenching around his lone finger. He wanted her so badly, his body burned with intent.

Olivia panted softly. Her lust addled mind was having a difficult time focusing. They needed to stop. Were they really doing this?

"Oh!" Olivia moaned out loud as Elliot glided against a sensitive spot her. She rocked herself up against his hand needing more pressure.

Elliot rubbed harder with his finger and shifted his lips to her ear. "Let me make you feel good."

Olivia groaned against Elliot's hand which was moving faster but it was still not enough. She whimpered knowing what her body needed. She could feel Elliot's other hand move between them as he unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. Olivia whimpered in protest as he removed his finger and she felt the cool air hit her thighs as shoved her skirt up. His fingers pushed her panties to the side hastily and she felt his cock hot against her thigh. He lifted her up on the counter. Olivia barely registered the sound of pots and kitchen knick knacks hitting the floor as Elliot pushed her legs open and stepped between them.

He stopped briefly his eyes locking on hers. "Say it."

"What?" Olivia questioned hoarsely. She knew full well what he wanted her to say.

They both jumped at the loud shrill of the phone ringing and buzzing of Olivia's pager which had hit the floor sometime during their action.

Author's Note: Something new, I hope you like it. Reviews are always welcomed! I have some other story ideas which I hope to post soon I am trying to sort out which ones to do first.