Chapter 13

A few days later, the team left the hospital, Ziva in tow. Gibbs knew everyone's mental state was still fragile, so he invited the team over to his house for dinner. Gibbs pulled his car in the drive way, Ziva and Tony were in the back seat, McGee was riding shotgun and Abby was close behind in her hearse. Tony helped Ziva out of the car, her insufferable hatred of pain medication was taking its toll on her body, she moved slowly and carefully, each step taking more and more effort. Gibbs opened his door tossing his keys into a bowl near the door. Tony led Ziva to the nearest couch, while McGee and Abby headed into the basement. Gibbs headed for the kitchen, he had offered to cook dinner. He also knew that McGee needed to talk his experience out, and he knew Abby would be the best person for him to do that with.

"You ok?" Tony watched as Ziva winced as she sat down. "You wanna' talk about it?"

"I am fine." Ziva's eyes shifted around, her jaw was clenched, Tony could see the pain rolling through his partner, gingerly he put and arm around her, he was surprised when she didn't pull away, and instead curled into him, her arm went across his chest as she buried her face in his shoulder. He could feel her warm breath on his neck as they sat on Gibbs' couch. Ziva felt so broken inside, so hollow, so cold, she shivered and forced her eyes shut in a grimace, she was trying to hold it all in, stay calm, but she couldn't. "Everyone I love dies." Her voice was so soft and hoarse that Tony almost missed it, his heart was aching he wanted to do something, give her anything to make the pain go away, but there was nothing he could do.

Then it came, silently at first, the tears fell, then her body started to shake, and then as she gasped for air the torrent of tears started, she curled tighter into him her cries weak and pain ridden, and for the second time in his life, he watched as Ziva David, the strongest woman he knew, the one who survived being tortured and abandoned in Somalia, cried. Tony held his partner gently wary of her still healing wounds, and rubbed small circles on her back.

McGee and Abby sat in the basement, inside Gibb's skeleton of a boat, just staring at each other at first, then McGee's bottom lip started to twitch. Abby gave him a small smile waiting for him to put his words together.

"It was bad." Tim's voice was soft and he looked past Abby his mind filling with the past events. "They just popped up out of nowhere, even surprising Gibbs." Tim's voice got stronger with each word, his hand moving slightly gesturing as he talked. "Two guys just popped up out of nowhere and grabbed Ziva and Akiva taser-ed them, I think. Another guy behind Gibbs; he led us into this metal building. These guys had weird code names like something from a video game. They separated us. We could see Ziva but we couldn't get to her." Tim's bottom lip started quivering again, Abby pulled him closer wrapping her arms around his shoulders. Tim leaned back into her, taking a breath. "He kept asking us, the same question over and over, I didn't have an answer for him. God if only I knew! Then Ziva wouldn't be hurt." Abby pulled his head around to meet her eyes.

"Tim, do you know what happens when you give your interrogator what he wants?" Abby's voice was soft and reassuring. Tim shook his head. Abby took a breath and starred him directly in the eyes. "They kill you." Tim's eyes widened and suddenly he didn't feel so heavy on the inside.

"So that's why Akiva kept baiting him. Trying to make him angry so they would mess up?"

Abby nodded even though she wasn't there. Tim nodded numbly, relaxing a little bit on the inside, he had been so guilty that he hadn't been able to hack into the file on Akiva's computer and tell The Fear what he wanted to hear. Abby pulled him close leaning against the frame of Gibbs boat, Tim rested his head on her shoulder and she stroked his hair, just sharing in the silence of the basement, both knowing that nothing they were feeling even amounted to what Ziva was feeling. They both were completely unprepared for an emotional Ziva, she had always been the one to bounce right back, like nothing ever bothered her, even after Somalia she went about her business like nothing had ever happened. Abby concluded that she had simply repressed it, and now, it was all coming out. Abby furrowed her eyebrows, wondering just who this Akiva person was, and why she was so important to Ziva. The team had let slip that they had some history, but there was something more there. It wasn't romantic, but it was a mutual understanding of some kind. Abby sighed softly trying to shut her brain down, she noticed that Tim had shifted and was now asleep, she gently helped him lay down and curled up next to him.

Gibbs entered his living room wiping his hands off on a towel, he looked to the couch, he had left them to start cooking something to eat now that it was finished he could tell that it took too long. Tony's head rested on top of Ziva's and they were both asleep, he could hear her cries from the kitchen but decided to let his senior field agent handle it, it wasn't that Gibbs' didn't care, but the younger man had a different aura around him when Ziva was present. Gibbs thought it best for Ziva to let it out to someone she felt equal to, not someone like him, her boss, who she would be afraid of showing weakness around. Gibbs walked over to the couple slowly, noticing Tony's soaked shirt and Ziva's completely exhausted but peaceful face. He gently shook Tony's shoulder, Tony lifted his head slowly and looked at his boss and was about to open his mouth when Gibbs put a finger to his own lips. Gibbs then bent down and picked Ziva up under the arms, like one would carry a small child, he didn't want to compress her ribcage by carrying her any other way. Ziva was light and lifted easily, he put her arms around his neck and her head to rest on his shoulder, he grabbed under her thighs and causing her legs to wrap around his back, he then turned and made his way up the stairs, Tony followed opening the guest bedroom door. Gibbs carried his probationary agent into the room, Tony pulled down the comforter and Gibbs carefully laid Ziva down, cradling her head, she remained asleep through the entire ordeal her body completely relaxed from exhaustion. Tony then covered her up he looked at her for a long moment then to Gibbs.

"She's safe here." Gibbs whispered looking Tony in the eyes. Tony nodded and followed as Gibbs turned and headed downstairs, he stopped at the doorway, giving Ziva one last looking before turning out the light and going downstairs.

Tony went to the kitchen the smell of food calling to him, Gibbs made a side trip to the basement. He opened the door quietly and descended the stairs, he bent down looking into the dimly lit room. A small smile graced his face as he looked at his two agents peacefully sleeping. McGee was on his side, his head nestled into Abby's shoulder, her arms gently held his head in place, a small smile gracing her features, his arm loosely around her waist as she was lying on her back. Gibbs said nothing and let the pair sleep slowly making his way back up the stairs, guess it was a party of two for dinner.

Tony was putting spaghetti into a bowl when Gibbs walked in, Tony wordlessly handed over the recently filled bowl to his boss, who gratefully accepted it, Tony then made some for himself plopping himself down at the small kitchen table.

"Party of two?" Tony chuckled and Gibbs nodded. Tony's face turned serious, "Tim gonna be ok?"

Gibbs looked up at Tony swallowing his food. "He'll be fine, Abby will take care of him."

Tony nodded taking another bite, Gibbs looked at him long and hard. Tony sighed and looked at his boss. "I'll be fine." Gibbs exhaled sharply through his nose, continuing his inspection of the younger man's face.

"It's nothing I can't handle with a good movie and a pack of beers." Tony finished his spaghetti taking the bowl to the sink, Gibbs watched the younger man leave his kitchen, shaking his head; he finished up his dinner.

Tony plopped down on Gibbs couch, truthfully, he didn't want to be any where Ziva right now, one part of him wanted to hold her and never let her go. The other part of him wanted to run far away from her, away from the memories that assaulted his senses, her screams, her pain. Tony rubbed his temples turning on Gibbs small T.V. he didn't care what he watched just as long as it was enough to quiet his mind.

Gibbs pulled out two more bowls filling them with food, placing plastic wrap over them, Gibbs grabbed them then headed to the basement passing DiNozzo who laid heavy lidded on his couch, Gibbs shook his head and opened the basement door. He walked down quietly setting the bowls on his work bench then retreated back up the stairs. Gibbs made his way back to the kitchen, shaking his head at DiNozzo who had fallen asleep halfway off the couch. He cleaned up his kitchen; then went to the living room covering Tony in a blanket before heading upstairs to his room. Yep, he thought, just one big happy family.

Gibbs crawled into his bed, turning out the light, his eyes closed easily but sleep was not without resistance. He dreamed many dreams that night, of Somalia, Desert Storm, Kelly and Shannon, his slumber was interrupted when he heard the door to his bedroom creak open. His eyes snapped open but his brain was still on dream mode, for when he looked at the figure in the doorway he saw Kelly, his daughter, holding a teddy bear with a tear streaked face.

"Daddy?" The voice was faint like a whisper of a memory long since forgotten. Gibbs shook his head blinking rapidly trying to clear the mirage from his view. Slowly, the form grew taller, the skin darker, the hair and eyes a deep brown, the teddy bear turned into a pillow, but the face was still tear streaked. Gibbs rubbed a hand down his face.

"Gibbs." It wasn't a question or a statement, it simply, just was. Ziva's voice was soft but more real, although hollow as it was, it was real. Gibbs said nothing and scooted to the other side of the bed holding open the covers. Ziva moved into the room slowly, limping slightly, she set her pillow on the bed and carefully climbed in, Gibbs waited as Ziva tried to find a comfortable spot. He couldn't imagine it would be easy, as nearly every inch of her upper body was in pain. Finally, Ziva settled onto her right side, and she curled up as much as she could in the fetal position, which wasn't much, Gibbs scooted closer pulling her head down to his arm as an effective pillow, she sighed contently; her arms curled to her chest, her back snuggled into Gibb's side, her legs were partially bent and touched his at the knees, the rest of her body carefully spaced away from his.

Gibbs grumbled irritated as the phone next to his bed started to vibrate not long after Ziva and him had fallen asleep again, he gently reached over her grabbing it, "Gibbs." He answered in a hushed tone brushing some of Ziva's hair from her face. "He what!" Gibbs winced as his tone caused Ziva to stir, slowly her eyes opened, her head turning over her shoulder to his, Gibbs growled into the phone and slammed it shut throwing the piece of equipment across the room. Gibbs sighed and looked at Ziva, taking a breath, "Oren escaped."

End Story. Sequel? Let me know!