Disclaimer: I do not own Stargate in any way, apart from my DVD collection and my VHS of the original movie. I make no profit from what I write except the joy of feedback and knowledge I have had a good idea.
Story Summary: Sam is taken host to Ba'al's Bride; only a young man from another time can save her and bring her back to Jack.
Chapter summary: Luke travels through the Stargate, but somehow ends up in 2007. It was not supposed to happen this way. When he arrives, Sam is recovering from her injuries [Line in the sand] and Jack has made a huge mistake that will threaten to divide him and Sam forever.
A/note: This is (sort of) alternate timeline. You'll recognize it as AU, since Daniel is in this story. Set at the end of season 10. I'm downplaying the Ori threat and reviving the Tok'ra a little (because they seemed to fade away after Jacob died.) All I can say for this story is quite simply this; don't doubt Jack. It's not over till the fat lady sings. Thanks to Adi, my wonderful Beta, who deserves all the credit associated with the quality of what is written. Her attention to detail is amazing :)

~ Sacrifices ~

The lights flickered above him and flecks of dirt and cement dust fell from the roof onto Luke's olive drab uniform; he watched in awe as the gate rumbled to life in front of him. He wasn't scared, or at least that's what he kept telling himself. This was what he was trained for. He was afraid that he may not come back, but he knew that was likely when he agreed to go through the Gate in the first place. Who knows? If he was successful, people would continue to travel to other planets for many years to come.

God, he was under an infinite amount of pressure to succeed; the realisation suddenly hitting him like a ton of bricks

His pack dropped to the ground behind him with a thud. His chest tightened and he began to feel nauseous. He bent forwards and gripped his knees but the world continued to lose focus. He closed his eyes tightly and focused on his breathing. This happened sometimes. He knew that. He knew how to fix it. A warm hand found his shoulder.

"Easy, Luke..." Doctor Jackson's voice soothed him. Luke breathed in through his nose and out through his mouth. Eventually, his body relaxed and the knot in his chest loosened. He stood up as the sixth chevron locked. He patted the doctor's shoulder, assuring him he was fine.

Jackson smiled at him. He was always calm and patient. You would have to be if you spent your days in museums and digging up artefacts. Luke couldn't help but like the aging doctor, having spent several years babysitting Dr. Jackson's son Daniel. God, Luke was going to miss that kid.

The seventh chevron locked into place and their surroundings shook softly. Luke took in a deep breath and watched the big 'kawoosh' form. 'Incredible' was the only way to describe it. A shot of bubbles punched out of and then back into the gate, leaving nothing but what looked like water inside the ring. They had learned a long time ago not to stand in front of the device when the wormhole was established.

"You know how important this is Luke. Have faith in yourself." Jackson encouraged. Luke knew he was right. Luke's success could change the world. Or even the galaxy.

"I know. Give my love to Daniel and your wife." He held out his hand to the doctor, who shook it firmly. Jackson's unwavering confidence made him feel stronger. More capable.

"You know how much that thing cost's to run?" a nagging voice called from big steel doorway behind him. He knew that voice.

"Yes Sir!" Luke grinned. His commander approached them, leaning his weight onto the walking stick at his side. He looked tired and worn.

"Then get a move on!" the General barked. Luke looked to Dr. Jackson, then back to the General.

"I won't let you down, Sir." He hefted his pack onto his shoulder and trudged up the makeshift ramp towards the event horizon.

"You better not. You got everything?" the General called to him. Luke turned back.

"Yes Sir. Look after Jacob, will ya? I'm going to miss him." he replied.

"I know you will, son... Godspeed." The General smiled warmly. Sometimes he would call him son, but not often. Luke knew 'Godspeed' was something a friend of his, George Hammond, would say when he was wishing someone luck. That was exactly what Luke needed right then.

Luke smiled back at the archaeologist and the General one last time, before he turned to the event horizon. He touched it with a finger. It was like touching surface of very cold water that rippled and fluctuated. The air over the horizon was equally icy.

Gosh, it was cold! But what sight!

~ SG1 ~

January 2007,
Washington DC

Jack knew this would happen, that one day she would go offworld and not come back. This time, she came back, but might not survive the injury she had received. He didn't know if that was better or worse. He knew! He knew there was that risk,every time she left him. It wasn't like he could stop her. They needed her out there with SG-1, fighting the Ori and the Goa'uld, now more than ever. But what could he do? He couldn't ask her to not go and save the world. That was unthinkable. Damn, the universe would never cut him a break.

He tipped back the last of what was possibly his eighth scotch. He also knew he would regret drinking himself into near stupor and letting himself stew in his depression. Who cares? He wanted to go to her. He could see it all now. He would walk into Henry's office and say 'excuse me, Mr. President; I need to leave for a few days. You see, I'm in love with Colonel Carter, and I need to be there since she might die and all.' Yes, that would go down well. That conversation would probably end loudly, along with his and Sam's careers.

He signalled the bartender – Bruce, as he introduced himself three drinks ago - for another scotch, although he wasn't sure he was going to get many more. He didn't look when he felt a body slide past him to get into the stool next to his. He blindly threw a note at his Irish bartender. He'd keep getting a drink if the Bruce thought he'd make a pretty profit off the depressed Air Force General.

"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes." A voice spoke softly to him. Jack glanced to his left at the woman speaking to him. She was young,.. very young. Her hair was a rich, deep mahogany and eyes the colour of steel with a yellow ring glowing in the centre of each. She was clad in a red cocktail dress under her black jacket and high heels that practically doubled her height. She would have been in her mid twenties maybe. Certainly not in her thirties.

"Just having a bad day..." he grumbled. More than just a bad day. This would have to be on his top ten worst days.

"I'll say! That's your eighth one." She pointed out. Her eyes shone with kindness and concern.

"Really? You've been counting?" he downed his drink in one massive gulp, before turning his attentions to her. She simply gave him a once over. He looked down at himself. Oh, still in uniform. It was a bad idea to be drinking in uniform. He must have stuck out like a blue thumb. Screw it. He looked up at her again. "Ah. right."

She shrugged and flicked her wavy hair over her shoulder. She held out a small, manicured hand with blood red nail polish.

"I'm Amy. Amy Taylor." She smiled sweetly. He shook her hand gently, afraid he might break one of her nails.

"Jack O'Neill." He returned. She crossed a leg towards him, her knee brushing along his thigh and small klaxons rang between his ears. The word 'trouble' came to mind. She was a kid! He was certainly old enough to be her father and she had any intentions about him, it was not going to happen.

"Can I buy you another drink?" She offered; her tone suddenly confident and courteous. She went to summon Bruce to them when he touched the arm she had resting on the edge of the bar. She froze and looked at him, quite confused.

"Uh, listen, Amy, I'm not looking for company tonight or anything like that..." God he sounded awkward. She was apparently bemused by his assumption, a giggle escaping her.

"You're not the only person who's had a bad day Jack. Golden rule: never drink alone. Especially after a bad day." She smiled to reassure him. It didn't work. Bruce appeared and Jack released her arm. She ordered two beers, though Jack was duly warned by Bruce that it was his last one. He nodded in agreement. That was fine anyway; he had work in the morning.

When Bruce returned she paid him generously and handed Jack the glass. Her palm passed over the top and he discretely checked for anything fizzing in the bottom of the glass. She didn't notice and there was nothing foreign in the frothy brew. He took a sip. It tasted fine. Wow, he was getting paranoid in his old age.

"Cheers.' He nodded, taking a long swig.

"So why are you having a bad day Jack?" she asked innocently. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, a tiny voice was telling him that Amy was okay. That she was genuinely curious and concerned. "Let me guess... it has something to do with a woman?"

Perceptive little thing, too. At first, it would have been easier to tell her that it was none of her business and instantly change the subject. However, she seemed to be a perfectly good person to talk to. She didn't know anything about the complications of his relationship with Sam. She was completely ignorant to what was going on beyond their immediate solar system. She was wholly impartial and Jack found that that sat well with him.

"Sort of. She was... injured. I guess you can call it that. It's a bit up in the air, whether she'll make it or not..." he said pensively. "I'm having a bad day because I'm stuck here."

"I'm sorry. If it's any consolation at all, I understand. That feeling when it's like there is nothing you can do." She sympathised.

"Really?" Jack tried not to sound cynical. He doubted she truly understood what he was feeling right now.

"I lost my mother a long time ago. She suffered for a long time and my dad just couldn't let her go. It was worse for my brother. He is older than me and has more memories of her. I felt helpless because I had to watch my father mourn her loss, while I dealt with my own. So yeah, I know." She explained.

Okay, so maybe she did understand. Jack felt helpless for different reasons, but Amy seemed to know how much it hurt. He felt a wave of warmth wash over him for a brief moment. Somewhere, deep down inside of him, he felt a small bond form with this young woman. The subject quickly changed, both drinkers eager to avoid any more pain.

As they sat together, sipping their beers, he couldn't help but enjoy the distraction she offered him. His mind frequently went back to Sam, but every now and then, it floated away. It turned out that Amy was also in the Air Force and like Jack, was not at liberty to talk about her job. All she could say was she was that reporting to her new post tomorrow afternoon.

It felt like they had been sitting there for hours. The alcohol was starting to settle and his thoughts began to lose coherency. He usually held his liquor better than this. Then again, he hadn't eaten all day and his mood wouldn't have helped.

He glanced at his watch, but the face didn't make sense. Was it running backwards? Wait, nope, its 11:26.

"Oh... I need to work tomorrow." He went to stand. The floor was shorter than he remembered. That didn't make sense. Oh wait. Amy.

"You okay to get home?" he asked. His vision blurred a little. How much had he had to drink?

"I've had one beer Jack. You, on the other hand, are in no condition to drive. I'll take you home and get a taxi from there." She replied with concern. Jack blinked and tried to straighten himself up. Hold it together man!

"Okay... that works too." he said, turning to walk out the door. He made it outside, though he was really starting to feel that scotch sink in. His eyes grew wide when Amy appeared at his side. He searched his pockets for his keys. He found them but it took a second to register. He held them out to her, and swung his hand around when he realised she was on his other side.

"What does your car look like?" she searched the car park.

"Big, black, tank thing... Truck." He held his hands out wide. "This big!" She must have found it because she took him firmly by the arm.

Oh, Sam called his truck 'the tank'! He should let her drive it one day. What if she lost her foot? She couldn't drive it then. Wait... no. She was shot. Her foot is fine. Very fine. She had the most gorgeous feet. Hang on, Sam was shot...

"Sam calls this 'the tank'!" he slapped his truck when he arrived to it. How did he get there? Oh, Amy. Of course.

Amy pushed him into the passenger seat and put his seat belt on for him. That was nice of her. He watched her though blury eyes as she came around the front of his truck and slid into the driver's seat.

"Good thing I learned to drive in something like this." She said, flipping her hair back and slipping her feet out of her heels. She had nice legs. Not as nice as Sam's though...

"I gotta see Sam. She was shot..." he groaned. The world began to spin. He wasn't sure which way though.

"I know Jack." Amy pulled out of the car park into the street. Hang on... how'd she know that? Did he tell her or was she humouring him? It didn't matter, the world around him faded to black and he passed out in the seat.

~ SG1 ~

Jack could really have gotten lost in his dreams. Everything was perfect. Sam was fine and there were no Ori, or Goa'uld, or Replicators. They were on a planet far away. It was stunning. They made love under the light of countless moons and slept in golden field that seemed to go on forever. There were no regulations or rules. No dangers or worries. The world was theirs and consisted only of them. It was perfect.

Then it changed. There were two children with them. A boy and a girl. They were beautiful. He built a wooden rowboat with the blonde boy and let the little dark-haired girl stand on his toes as he taught her waltz. Sam watched them dance, a tear falling down her cheek as she smiled. He had never considered this. It was not unpleasant, but unexpected. In fact, this felt fulfilling. He felt a different kind of happiness well in his chest. A kind he had put on the proverbial shelf many years ago, and though he would never feel again. It was so wonderful; he could almost taste its sweet tang on his tongue.

It changed again. Sam's eyes glowed brightly and he felt afraid. He felt afraid for the two children. He wasn't sure where Sam was but he was terrified. Then he was alone in one of those golden fields. It didn't feel as magical now. It felt eerie. Then a luxurious hand ran along his neck. It was tempting him. He knew it wasn't Sam.

It was Amy.

He woke up in a cold sweat. He panted and his chest felt tight; he sat up and rubbed his neck. Oh god! This wasn't right. He scrubbed his face to wake up. He needed to forget that dream. It was so good at first. Damn... if Carter pulled through with this, he would retire and marry that angel. He wanted everything in that dream. All the parts at the start. Hell, even the stuff in the middle with the two kids. It was worth it. She was worth it. Why did it take him so long to realise?

He looked to his left to see the time. His digital alarm clock was not there. Where was it? He looked to his right. 5:32am.

No, this wasn't right. He took in his surroundings. This was not his room. The bed was too soft; the window was on the wrong side. His desk was missing. His attention came to rest on the mahogany-haired figure lying next to him. He hastily escaped the bed, almost stumbling on his own clothes.

"Holy..." he cursed several times under his breath. He gathered his clothes, dressing quickly and leaving the apartment before the clock reached 5:40am, snatching his car keys off the kitchen bench desperately. He practically ran out of the building and launched himself into the driver's seat.

No! This was not happening! He wracked every part of his brain for the events of the last night. He remembered getting into the truck. Amy was driving. He was so drunk. Then everything was a blur. There was nothing else until he'd woken up this morning. What the hell was wrong with him? How did he become so inhibited by alcohol and anguish, that he would so reckless climb into bed with another woman! Another woman... she wasn't even a woman, she was practically a child! It didn't matter. The point was he slept with someone who was not Sam.

He punched his fists against the steering wheel until he began to cry. Yes. He cried. He had few things going good for him at the moment. This time it was not the universe screwing him over. He did this. He screwed himself over. He did this to her. Jack let his head fall on the wheel and angrily tried to hold back his tears as bile rose in his throat. He clenched his jaw until it hurt. Anger and self-hate washed over him in thunderous waves.

He needed to go to Sam. He needed her to live. If she didn't he had no reason to either. He needed to tell her that he was sorry if she didn't make it. He didn't want forgiveness, but he owed her the truth. He owed her everything, but he certainly did not deserve her.

He was startled by his cell phone ringing in his pocket. He dug it out, taking a breath and answering it.

"Yeah." He answered, scrubbing away the tears.

"Jack it's me." Daniel replied.

Daniel better not tell him she was dead. If he did, Jack would probably send his truck through a tree. His voice caught and he took a moment to collect himself to ask the question which he almost did not want to be answered.

"How is she?" he choked out.

"She just came out of surgery. Doctor Lam is confident she'll make a full recovery." Daniel said with a relieved sigh.

Oh god! He let out a raw, almost animal-like cry of relief. His body relaxed for only a moment.

"You okay Jack?" Daniel asked, his concern laced in his voice.

"No Daniel, I'm not!" he snapped. "I'll be down there as soon as I can." He hung up. He shouldn't have barked at Daniel; he was a friend. But right now, Jack didn't need a friend. He needed Sam. He brutally kicked the truck into drive and sped down the road.

~ SG1 ~

SGC infirmary

Oi... what a headache...

Sam floated back to consciousness slowly, her body aching all over and a sharp pain in her side. She wasn't sure, but she could feel the warmth of a body lying next to her on the other side of the bed. The pain grew almost unbearable as a light invaded her sight. Blurry shapes emerged and formed into discernible objects and familiar figures. One caught her attention; a huge brown and black figure standing next to her bed.

"Teal'c..." she wheezed. The pain struck her again and she couldn't prevent her body from tensing. The pain exploded behind her eyes and she slipped back into the darkness, feeling a hand grab hers and squeeze it tightly. It wasn't Teal'c's. It belonged to the one sharing her bed.

Hours later, she woke to the steady beeping of her heart-rate monitor. The pain in her side was now nothing more than a dull throb. Her headache was gone and she was thirsty. Very thirsty. She tried to swallow but it was uncomfortable. The body beside her shifted.

"Sam?" a voice called. Mitchell was here.

She opened her eyes. They were all here. Teal'c was standing at the end of her bed, watching her intently. Daniel sat on a seat next to her and Cam was crossing the infirmary with General Landry and Dr Lam close behind. Where was Vala?

"You want a drink?" a plastic cup of water emerged in front of her quickly. She looked across to the body next to her on the bed. There she was. Her muscles protested to the movement, but she gratefully took the offered drink from her alien friend.

"Thank you." She took a sip, the cool liquid soothing her parched throat.

"Sorry, we couldn't get her off the bed. She promised to be on her best behaviour." Daniel explained, throwing pointed look at Vala.

"It's okay. She's been good company." Sam replied, coming to Vala's rescue. Vala smiled victoriously at Daniel.

"How are you feeling, Colonel?" Dr Lam asked, sidling up to the bed. Sam began to feel a little crowded, but knew they were only trying to comfort her, and pushed the feeling away.

"I've had worse..." Sam took another sip of water. "I like the drugs you've got me on."

"You should. It's the good stuff." Carolyn chuckled quietly. General Landry shared her humour and repressed his own chuckle.

"I think the Colonel needs some time to rest." Landry finally suggested.

"Alright guys, let's get outta Carter's hair." Cam said unenthusiastically. He would have liked to stay, but he also followed orders. Even subtle ones.

"We're glad you're okay Sam." Daniel gave her shoulder gentle squeeze and left.

"Thanks guys." Sam smiled weakly, letting her head fall back onto her pillow.

"Indeed." Teal'c bowed his head, a tiny smile passing his lips. Vala gave her hand a squeeze and leaped off the bed, following Teal'c out the door.

"I'll come by later when you're feeling a little better." Cam gave her a small wave and walked Carolyn out. Those two would have made a good couple. General Landry simply offered her a smile and looked across to the other side of the room. He turned and left silently. She frowned a little and looked to her right.

Jack sat on the bed next to hers, his chin resting on his clenched fists. His legs dangled off the side of the bed and his elbows dug into his knees. He stared at her blankly, his mind elsewhere. He looked tired and something in his eyes that neared... tortured? Like he was trying to make a decision. Not the kind that had an obvious answer; the kind that was about choosing a lesser evil and both choices would cost him everything.

"Where are you Jack?" she called to him. His eyes snapped to hers and he slid off the bed. He approached slowly, his hands sliding into his pockets. She wanted to reach out and touch him. He was here for personal reasons. That was obvious. What did it matter if he comforted her like any other friend? As far as the SGC was concerned, they were friends. He was supposed to be here at her side.

"Somewhere too far away..." he dead panned.

"You wanna talk about it?" she offered. Anxiety washed over his features and he cringed. He seemed to force himself to shake off whatever thoughts were troubling him.

"You scared me, ya know." He said sadly. Yes, she probably did. More than her injuries used to. He used to always be there waiting for her when she had been injured. As he did for Daniel and Teal'c and they had done for him. As she and Jack had grown much closer over the last two years, he worried more. She had begun to realise that he cared very deeply about her safety

"I'm okay. Really." She said sleepily. Those painkillers must be good. She felt tired and warm. She sighed and wriggled her shoulders into her pillow. Her eyes wanted to close and she let them. She opened them again and saw Jack walking out of the infirmary.

"Jack?" she wondered. He turned back. He frowned with that pained look again, his eyes on the verge of tears. He came back to her side and dropped a feather-light kiss to the top of her head; his body radiating warmth and tenderness. She let out a sigh of relief and fell asleep.

Jack needed to get out of that room. Fast. He couldn't hide the burn he felt. She could see it on his face! She was the one who nearly died, for crying out loud. Who was he to burden her with his guilt? But when he tried to leave her, she called to him. That was where he lost his control. And when he went back to kiss her, heard her sigh in content and fall asleep under his gentle ministration, he wanted nothing more than to drop to his knees by her bed and cry silently.

No, there was one thing he wanted more. He wanted her forgiveness. But he had no right to ask for it while she was lying in that bed. No right at all.

So he ran away. He left her in that room to sleep in peace without him. God, the anguish set his raw nerves ablaze! He hadn't felt this in such a long time. But what did that mean? It meant she was important to him. More important than he realised. So much so, it scared the hell out of him. No. He would not tell her about last night until she had fully recovered. He certainly couldn't marry her if she didn't forgive him.

His thoughts were diverted to the sirens around him. The PA cracked above him announcing an unscheduled offworld activation. He set off down the hall at a steady trot. Might as well be useful while Carter was asleep. He made it to the control room as the iris opened. The security teams stood by, their rifles pointed anxiously at the active Stargate, waiting for whatever came through.

~ SG1 ~

A light blinded Luke just before he rolled out of the event horizon. This ramp was steel and hurt like hell. Somewhere, a siren was making a hell of a racket. He groaned and rolled away from the Stargate, not wanting to lose a limb when it shut down. He recovered from his rough landing and looked around. A dozen – give or take – airmen waited at the end of the ramp. Their rifles trailed his every move as he stood up and looked around.

He seemed to be at the base of a deep shaft lined with cement. There were heavy steel doors on each side of the room and a massive blast door above a window one level up. Many faces looked at him in bewilderment.

"Well this is bad..." Luke observed.

One man behind the glass window leaned forward to speak into a microphone.

"Identify yourself!" the man barked over a speaker. Luke held up his hands in an attempt to appear less threatening.

"Lieutenant Luke Rossiter; United States Air Force! Where am I?" he answered. He had a mighty good idea where he was, but asked just to be sure. A look passed between the men behind the glass. The steel blast door on the left ground against the concrete as it slid open. Jack then emerged, weaving in between the SF's.

"You're on Earth." Jack told him. Luke's hand's dropped to his sides. He noted the two star's on Jack's collar.

"This can't be Earth... I just left Earth. Where is General Carter?" he replied, clearly confused. Jack took a moment to consider Luke's question.

"What year was it when you left, Lieutenant?" Jack asked. Luke looked at him like it was a dumb question, but the serious look on the General's face warranted a serious answer.

"1971 ...Sir," he added cautiously. No reason not to be polite. The General looked up at the men in the window. The man at the speaker advised the guards with the rifles to stand down.

"Well it's 2007 Lieutenant. Welcome to the twenty-first century." Jack turned back and held out his hand to Luke, who shook it hesitantly. He was surprised when he realised the General was real. "Did you say you knew a General Carter?"

"Uh, yes Sir... Major General Marcus Carter is my commanding officer." Luke replied as his attention strayed to the people now entering the room. They were the ones behind the glass. Another two star General in his blues and a Lieutenant Colonel dressed in a variation of working dress approached. There was a man with glasses, also in working dress but had no rank insignia. The same with the woman with black pigtails beside him. Then there has the tall – almost bearlike – man with a gold tattoo on his forehead.

The civilian man with glasses spoke up.

"I'm Dr. Daniel Jackson. Did you experience anything unusual when you went through the gate?" Daniel asked politely.

"It was my first time through the gate, Doctor. The whole trip was unusual." Luke joked. They didn't seem inclined to enjoy a good yarn at the moment.

The General who first entered in the blue working dress, turned back to the other General.

"You heard of a General Marcus Carter?" he asked. Luke squinted at the nametag on the other general. Landry.

"Don't think so. Perhaps Colonel Carter does." General Landry replied.

"Colonel Carter? I know a Major Jacob Carter..." Luke suggested.

"We have a Lieutenant Colonel Samantha Carter." The big bear man responded in a deep but steady voice.

"Samantha Carter? That's General Carter's Granddaughter. She was two years old when I left, nearly three. I know the family pretty well. General Carter was like a dad to me." He explained, looking around at his surroundings. Given where he was standing, these people definitely had sufficient security clearance for Luke to explain his mission.

"I was part of an unofficial and undocumented operation to begin a program for the device we dug up in Giza." He turned and pointed at the gate. "That one. I was the first to go through since Earnest Littlefield went missing through the gateway. My mission was simple. Go through the device and come back. Not that I knew how exactly I was going to do that. If I was successful, we were going to start sending people through regularly. I guess it was a success." He grinned. They did not seem to share his enthusiasm.

"We're going to need to have you checked out by our Chief Medical Officer. Then you will be debriefed during which time we will answer some questions I'm sure you have and we'll see what we're going to do with you." General Landry addressed Luke in a gruff voice and walked out. Luke was then approached by two of the guards.

"Please come with us, Sir," an armed sergeant ordered. Luke nodded and followed them out of the shaft. Everyone except Doctor Jackson followed General Landry in the other direction. Daniel walked closely by Luke's side though the endless halls to the infirmary. They must be very far underground.

"So, what's with the welcoming committee Doc?" Luke asked.

"Oh, call me Daniel. Well we don't often to get travellers from 1971 through the gate, but that will all be discussed in the briefing. General Landry is the commander of this base." Daniel explained as they walked into what looked like a hospital, clearly very technologically different to the ones he left behind. They needed to step aside when a gurney was pushed through the doorway, a blonde woman asleep in the bed. Luke couldn't help but stare at her.

"General Landry is the one in the classes 'A's?" he asked Daniel, his eyes still following the gurney down the hall. Daniel gave him a gentle nudge further into the infirmary.

"Yes. The other General was Jack O'Neill, Landry's predecessor." Daniel advised. They were approached by a dark haired woman in a white lab coat. She was of Asian descent and Luke secretly admitted she was quite beautiful.

"So, Lieutenant Rossiter, grab a seat." She gestured to a spare bed. Luke heaved his backpack onto the bed beside him. That was so much better; it was bloody heavy! Daniel seemed interested in the pack, poking at it.

"What did you take with you?" Daniel asked casually as the doctor began her examination. Her nametag read 'Carolyn Lam'.

"Spare change of clothes, radio, camera, rope, small tent, blanket... we didn't know what would happen, though we knew it was a transportation device. We figured it went to other planets. We had no idea it was a time machine too." Daniel left his pack alone.

"Strictly speaking it's not supposed to work as a time machine. It's mostly for travelling to other planets. I imagine this will be explained to you in the briefing. I don't really understand the science behind the Stargate-"

"Stargate?" Luke interrupted.

"Yes. It's what we named the device."

"Oh. Right. Nice..." Luke mused. "We called it the gateway. Stargate is better."

"Like I said, I don't understand how it works in depth. Colonel Carter will be able to explain that if you want." Daniel continued.

"Yeah... when do I get to meet her?" he asked eagerly. He knew she was on the gurney that came out of the infirmary. The blonde hair was a dead giveaway. His memories of Sam Carter were vague and he would like to get to know her better.

"Briefing." Daniel stated bluntly. He bounced on the balls of his feet and folded his arms.

"Right." Luke nodded as a thermometer was shoved into his mouth.

~ SG1 ~

"I'm not sure what to make of this kid," Hank confessed as he sat at the head of his briefing table. To his right were Jack and Teal'c, to the left, Cam and Vala.

"We know that the Stargate is capable of transporting travellers through time when instant upon on a solar flare." Teal'c offered in his calm grumble. "It is possible he speaks the truth."

"I'll say! I haven't seen khaki's like that since my dad showed me some of his old uniforms." Cam pointed out cheekily.

"I used to wear those once upon a time Colonel." Landry quipped. Cam fell into a submissive silence.

"Well if he is telling the truth, what do we do with him? We can't send him back or he'll futz with our timeline." Jack interjected.

"That's true. By the time Colonel Carter is up and running, and able to send him back, he'll know far too much. He could do some serious damage with the knowledge he would gain from simply being here." Hank nodded.

"He's a part of your military anyway. Why not offer him a place here? You people seem to like collecting strangers that come through the gate." Vala suggested. Oddly enough, her idea wasn't unreasonable. He was already trained and would just need to go through weapons handling and get updated on modern technology. He could become a useful member of the SGC.

"We'll offer it to him. He's going to have a lot of questions. Doctor Jackson can catch him up on the last forty years of history." Hank directed a look at Cam. "Colonel, you would be in charge of getting him up to speed on basic technology and military training."

"What about me and Teal'c?" Vala asked curiously. Teal'c just threw Landry a raised eyebrow.

"Tell him all about the going-ons of the galaxy. The Ori, the Goa'uld... this is not a permanent thing mind you. It is only for the duration of Colonel Carter's recovery. Then he will be passed onto appropriate instructors and SG-1 will resume offworld travel." He advised the remainder of SG1. "Will I be needed for his debrief?"

"No Sir. We'll offer him a place here at the SGC. Then answer any questions he may have," Cam replied firmly.

"Good. I don't think he will refuse the opportunity. If he wants to see Carter, tell him he'll have to wait until she is sufficiently recovered to see him. Which will not be for another day or two, I imagine." Hank did not miss the twitch of Jack's lip as he addressed SG-1. Jack had been virtually silent, and that worried him.

He went to leave, but Jack did not follow him, seemingly lost in his own world. Hank had a reasonably good idea where Jack was.

"Jack, ready for that meeting?" Landry asked. There was no meeting; he just wanted to make it appear that Jack was here on business. Luckily, Jack seemed to catch on. He hauled himself out of his chair and followed Hank out the door.

"Sure thing General." Jack grumbled behind him. Landry led him down the hallway. He knew Jack as a man who enjoyed companionable silence, but he could almost feel a cold lifelessness reaching out from his friend. There was something very wrong with Jack.

Landry directed them to the old conference room. Jack followed blindly, not even noticing Landry close the door behind him. He just floated slowly towards one of the dusty chairs around the long, oak table and sat down. Landry placed a call through to base security and requested the one camera in the room be switched off. He waited for the red light on the active camera to die before turning his attention back to Jack.

When Colonel Carter returned to SG-1 almost two years ago – under Jack's order – Jack had been honest with her new commanding officer about his new relationship with Carter. In exchange for this confidence, Landry accepted it and never spoke of it. If Jack hadn't have told him, he never would have picked there was an underlying relationship. They hid it remarkably well. The interactions Hank had witnessed between the two officers were always strictly professional. He never heard even a hint of familiarity between Jack and Sam. This was why he had accepted it: Jack and Sam's relationship could not be called 'inappropriate' in his eyes.

But now, Jack was clearly affected by Carter's condition. In Hank's mind, this was acceptable. If Carolyn had nearly died offworld, he would not have even half the composure Jack exhibited; but there was a difference between the love a man felt for their child, and what a man felt for a lover of recent... and friend of far longer.

It was the way that Jack seemed to be tearing himself apart inside. Hank had known this man for many years. He could see the pain Jack was feeling. But ultimately, it was the guilt he could see in Jack's eyes that made sent a chill down his spine. There was more to Jack's anguish than simply the thought of losing Carter.

Hank wiped off a dust covered seat and sat down next to his quiet companion. He swivelled around to face Jack.

"Alright Jack. What's going on?" Hank's tone was serious. He wanted to have an 'off the record' talk. But not just an informal chat; Hank wanted to talk about Jack and his romantic relationship with Sam.

Jack let out a deep, shuddering breath and brought his hands up to his forehead. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. He shook his head dismissively.

"I messed this one up Hank." Jack replied, his voice laced with his exhaustion.

Hank wanted to verbally ask him to elaborate, but felt his silence would better encourage Jack to continue at his own pace. Eventually, Jack's gravelly voice broke the stillness.

"When you called me last night and told me Sam was..." Jack swallowed the lump in his throat. "I felt trapped there. I wanted to be here."

Hank cast his eyes down and nodded, not that Jack would have seen the gesture. Flying across the country because Carter nearly died offworld would have blown the cover they worked so hard to construct. Jack sat up and leaned far back in the chair, staring up at the ceiling. A moment passed and he continued.

"I went to this bar. I hit the scotch pretty hard." Jack shook his head again. "Then this child came up to me." he said spitefully. "She would have been only twenty-something."

Hank did not like the leap his mind made as he listened. He suppressed his speculation deep within and said nothing.

"She was warm and concerned. She said she had no intentions. I hated how she distracted me... I hated it." Jack clawed a hand through his hair angrily. "By the end of the night I couldn't even walk straight. She offered to drive me home and I passed out in the car..." Jack turned his chair to face Hank and looked him in the eye.

Hank felt a chill run down his spine. Jack's eyes were begging him for judgement. He was pleading with Hank to tell him he should rot in hell. To tell him he didn't deserve Sam. Hank did his best to look nonjudgmental.

"I woke up in her bed this morning Hank..." Jack breathed dryly. His voice was low and his shoulders hunched. His grip on the armrest caused the frame to creak. He stared angrily at Hank. His spite was not directed at his friend though. This was a searing hate of one's self.

'Jesus Jack...' Hank thought. This would have been eating him up inside. Jack took full responsibility for his decisions, every one of them. He started doing it religiously after his son died.

"Jack..." Hank began. Jack stood up, hurling his chair to the floor behind him. Hank was not surprised.

"She was a damn child Hank! What if Sam had died last night? I would have spent her last night on earth with another woman! I should have been here!" Jack yelled. He walked around in random directions. Hank watched him.

Jack held his head and paced the floor, the anger welling up in his chest. He needed to feel something, other than this raging guilt. A strained cry escaped him and he threw himself at the cement wall, driving his fist into it. A loud crack filled the room. His knuckles throbbed, but nothing more. He lent forward into the wall, hoping he would fall through it.

He couldn't stop the tears that came. He took his still clenched fist away from the wall and curled his body around, sliding down to the floor against the stone cold wall. He continued to cry and covered his face with his fists. He welcomed the growing sting inside his hand. Then he felt warmth touch his knee.

Hank knelt down in front of his old friend. Jack pushed his sobs back and forced his breathing to return to normal. Finally, his hands dropped away from his face and into his lap.

Hank did not smile at him, nor did he scorn him. His features were sympathetic and understanding.

"You're going to be alright Jack." Landry told him confidently.

"How do you know that?" Jack pleaded. Hank was so sure about what he said; Jack needed to know why, so he too could hold on tight to that reason.

"Because Sam will be okay..."

~ SG1 ~

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