Just a short thing I wrote out of boredom.

I don't own Supernatural or characters mentioned.

The angel was little. Just a boy. His dark hair was unkempt, wild, unlike his current attire. He sat in the field of golden wheat that brightly lit the sky. His eyes steadily read the Enochian scribbles that lined the book that sat before him. It was large, leather bound and much too big for the tiny boy that stared intensely at the pages. In this solitude, alone with his book, and in the tall wheat that shielded him from the world, he was alone. It was how he liked it.

However, it was quickly interrupted when a rustle came from behind him. Before the child could react, a pair of hands took hold of his tiny black wings. "Hello, Castiel." The voice laughed as he swung the boy-angel in mid air. "How's it hangin'?" He didn't have to turn around to know it was Gabriel. "Can you please put me down?" Castiel asked politely, trying not to struggle, though it was becoming incredibly painful to have his wings strained as they were.

"Oh why?" Gabriel asked as he tossed the child into the air, and catching him by the wings with ease as he fell back down. "I thought we were having fun?"

Just then, the archangel looked down to see a figuring coming his way. "Let him go, Gabriel." The other angel ordered. He was much younger than Gabriel, but some years older than Castiel who was now hanging upside down weightlessly. "He didn't do anything to you." The boy was blond, with angry blue eyes.

"Oh Balthazar," Gabriel sighed before grabbing the other set of wings and holding him too upside down. "Didn't anyone ever tell you to not but in other's business? It's rude."

Unlike Castiel who still hung helplessly, Balthazar was not going down with a fight. He kicked against the other angel, swinging his fists and legs violently. But all it did was make him tired, and giving Gabriel exactly what he wanted. His cocky laugh raised into the sky and flooded Heaven. In that instant, he stopped- dead cackle.

"This isn't funny, Gabriel." Michael said calmly, gripping his little brother's wings that made Gabriel wince. "Let them go."

The boys dropped onto the wheat. Castiel scrambled to pick up his book, holding the monstrous thing tight against his chest. Balthazar wings fluttered with all the rage the boy possessed. "Alright, Michael. Whatever you say." Gabriel said in a mocking tone. The second Michael let go of his wings, the trickster was gone.

"I could've taken him," Balthazar barked.

This made Michael smile, as he bend down to the boys level. "I'm sure you could've, Balthazar." he nodded. "Are you alright?" The question seemed to be directed at Castiel who simply stared down at the ground- perhaps out of shame.

"Yes," he whispered.

"It was quite honorable for you to come to Castiel's aid. A deed which will not go unrecognized." The oldest angel's voice was as comforting as it was intimidating. Balthazar showed little to no fear. "I have a feeling you two shall become good friends."

Michael stood- the sun made his steel armor gleam magnificently. He ruffled Castiel's hair with one hand, patted Balthazar on the shoulder with the other, and was off.

The boys were left alone now. "Don't worry. If Gabriel messes with you again, I'll protect you." the taller one said proudly.

"But you didn't do a very good job." Castiel retorted innocently.

"Yeah well, it's the attempt that counts." Balthazar shrugged. "Come, lets spy on Lucifer."