Disclaimer: I don't own BioShock 1 & 2, not its places or characters, I only own my crazy ideas...

This idea came out after talking to Cryoshock123 about how few stories with an evil Jack there were, so anyway this story is what it ocurred to me... So R&R

BTW, if you are going to be gentle enough to post a review, please, I know that there are grammar mistakes, hope that there aren't too many ¬¬, but please, don't tell me that there are there...

He thought he would never see that lighthouse again, yet he was at the bottom of the stairs that led to its interior. He sighed and begun climbing the stairs. How much he hated to come back to that damn city, but he had to end it all. He wasn't going to risk another attack of another crazy teenager that thought that could take the world for her or his own. No, he had worked really hard and no one was going to ruin it. The world was his, not anyone else. The door closed behind him with the same thud that it had done the first time. He still remembered it, he had been frightened, tired and wet, but now he knew what await him in the bottom of that stair as in the end of the journey in the bathysphere. He loaded his revolver with antipersonal munitions, he pulled down the lever and sat down, leaning his back against the wall of the vehicle that had started to decended.

Jack looked outside the bathysphere, watching how the number of the Fathom had begun to increase in the sea of bubbles. He knew that soon enough the screen would come up or down, he actually never realized from where it had come, but it will soon start playing the 'Welcome to Rapture' movie or whatever that was. After the 18 Fathoms the screen raised from the floor of the bathysphere, covering up the entire window. The movie started to play.

He chuckled when he read the propaganda of Incinerate plasmid, he had always liked that plasmid. After that, he started in unison with the movie. "I am Andrew Ryan, and I am here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? No, says the man in Washington, it belongs to the poor. No says the man in the Vatican it belongs to God. No says the man in Moscow, it belong to everyone. I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose… Rapture…" the screen came down but the recording kept going on. Jack looked at the so great city of Rapture, it even looked worse than the first time he had come.

"'All great things of this earth flows into the city', yeah sure thing," he murmured to himself. He wondered if he would get to see any splicer this time, once he got out from the bathysphere. He moved softly his left hand and soft blue light came from it. Shortwave radio was death that was at least a good signal there won't be any crazy guy that would tell him what to do this time.

The bathysphere emerged in the lower part of the lobby of the Welcome Center. He pushed open the door and started walking to the main lobby. He saw the strike boards were still lying on the floor, the camera that 'Atlas' had used to attack that splicer was also on the ground. He made his way to an entry behind the counter that had a sign above it, Employee only; he pushed it open and found another bathysphere behind a little office. He stared at the stations that that bathysphere could take him, he wondered where could she be. Jack was pretty sure that Tenenbaum had returned, not necessary by researching Eleanor's memories. No, if she had noticed the kidnappings of the little girls, she would probably have come down to see if the girls had been turned into Little Sisters. And if indeed they had, she was surely trying to save them. He didn't want to find her to help her get out or anything like that. He despised her after all, like he hated all of his so called 'family'. He could try his luck in Rapture Central Control, he could find her by searching through the security cameras. He pulled down the lever to the mark of Hephaestus. The door of the bathysphere closed and it started descending.

When he got out of the bathysphere he looked around to make sure that there weren't any splicers nearby. He didn't have the revolver rise as he used to in the first time he had come to Hephaestus, nor heard any disturbing voice coming from the shortwave radio he had put again in his belt. Actually he was changing the frequency constantly to try to catch any glimpse of anyone in the radio. Maybe he would find her in the radio. He soon reached the Rapture Central Control and entered the place. He walked over to the main console and started searching through the records of the security cameras. He soon was able to find what he was searching for, he leaned back against his chair. And enjoyed what these records had to offer him.

Subject Sigma awoke with in a sluggish way. He felt dizzy and awkward. He had thought that the operation wouldn't take that much of him, but he seen to be wrong, or maybe it was that the years had finally caught him. He shook his face and looked around, then he felt a pair of eyes looking straight at him, he looked down and met his former Little Sister with whom he had pair up in Minerva's Den. The girl was dark hair and had bright gray eyes. She smiled at the sight of the man.

"You are alright mister!" she said in a cheerful way. She hugged the man and giggled.

"I'm alright young miss," he said softly as he passed his hand through her hair.

The little girl looked at him and then walked over to the woman that had just a few hours ago had carry out the operation that now permitted Sigma to speak with his normal voice. The man looked up and smiled at the woman, who still had a bloody lab coat. She gave a puff of the cigarette that she had and walked over to the man.

"You shouldn't be speaking, even though I was able to restore you vocal strings, they continue to be very sensible. It should take at least one day to fully heal, it isn't much." She said in a thick German accent.

The man looked at her and nodded. He looked around, he saw a few ex-Little Sisters playing around, they were so few, but at least they were safe. He had wondered how on earth they were actually planning to leave the city. They didn't possess any genetic key that would allow them to get a bathysphere topside. Even if they manage to get one, Lamb still control all the security system, probably they would get shot down if they attempt to abandon the city. The concern must had been shown in his face as Tenenbaum walked over to him and sat down.

"I really don't know how we are going to go to the surface. I think that we could get a chance back there at Rapture Central Control and enable a bathysphere. Though to tell the truth I have no idea how we can get to Rapture Central Control, since it had a genetic key." She said as she pressed her hands against her face. "Or we could try to find another bathysphere that would allow us to get topside, but Lamb's security system. It was in Persephone, and that is at the bottom of the sea. But maybe… I think that Grace Holloway is still alive, maybe she could tell us if there is another method to hack or shut down the security system that Lamb applied. I guess we could even bring her to the surface with us if she desired it," she said in a more optimist way.

"Where could we find a genetic key? Would it be hard?" he asked.

The woman looked at him and was about to reproached that he shouldn't be talking, but she remember that maybe, just maybe she could find a genetic sample of Ryan in Medical Pavillion or of Jack in Point Prometheus, her insides tremble as she remember him. But if they find any of those genetic codes they could be able to get out of that living nightmare. She wondered how hard it could be… it had been a while since she had been to any of those places. She looked over to where the girls were playing, she needed to return them to their parents, they must be worried sick…

"Alright we can try to find a genetic code from Andrew Ryan in Medical Pavilion, I will search for it in Point Prometheus, then we can access the bathysphere and get out of here." She said finally.

"Why don't I simply go, no one will try to get into my way, and it would be safer to have someone with the girls," he said.

She seemed torn between saying something to Milton or not. "You can't go to Point Prometheus; you wouldn't be able to find any sample of Ryan genetic code there. The genetic code that I was going to extract from that place was someone else's," she said in a weak voice.

"Whose?" He asked.

She looked down, she seems ashamed of something. She simply shook her face and got up. "You will go to Medical tomorrow, and after you return then I will go to Point Prometheus, in the case that you didn't find what we are looking for." She said and started walking toward her small office. "Good night Herr Milton, you should rest tomorrow will be an important day, for both. Better be in good conditions," she said and closed the door behind of her.

The man looked around and noticed how all the girls were already sleeping in there smalls beds, the mattress were technically destroyed and ruined but the girls didn't seems to mind at all. He sighed and laid again, he closed his eyes and wondered whose genetic code Tenenbaum would be looking for. But what he could assure to himself was that she was ashamed of it. Maybe she had a son with Ryan that had died? No, Ryan only handed around McClintock, no one else. It must be something that really ashamed her, so that she wouldn't be willing to tell him, no matter that they were actually planning to escape together.

Jack yawned and stretched. He could only heard the record of the camera and a soft noise coming from the leak not far from where he was. He had to admit it, that Subject Delta knew how to kick the asses of the splicers. But there had been something strange every time he had harvested a Little Sister, he had been uncertain, even unhappy. Even though he had killed them, but that wasn't what he had actually looking for. Jack had managed to find that indeed Tenenbaum had come back to Rapture and that she had hid herself in a ticket booth. Until some splicers had attacked it, but with the help of that Big Daddy she had been able to escape with the Little Sisters she had rescued. He began to search through each of the cameras, following her in her attempt to escape. The final record that actually showed her was in a place not far from Olympus Heights, he wondered if she had returned to her sanctuary with these Little Sisters. After all no one knew about that place, apart from her and him. And no other security cameras showed her again. He knew that all the security cameras back there at Olympus Height were destroyed, he had shut them down, when he had been there the first time, mainly because he didn't want to let know this Fontaine where he had been.

He leaned against his chair, he rubbed his hand against his face. He could try to find her in that place, maybe tomorrow, right now he was tired. He got up from the chair and looked around. Then he remembered that his father used to be a small bedroom in his office, he had seen it after he had killed him, just before Atlas had turned to be Fontaine. He made his way to Ryan's office. He stepped into it, ignoring completely the corpse that lay in the lobby of the office. He walked and opened the door, it was descent room, with a bed and a small bathroom. He closed the door behind him and leaned on the bed.

"Tomorrow… I will see you again Mama," he said with a smirk in his face, as he closed his eyes.