This is not an update. I apologize.

This is the only way I could think of reaching all my readers at once. As you all know, over the past six months or so I haven't been able to write as much as you or I would like. I haven't been able to give my stories the attention that they deserve. But recently I've had a desire to write again. It seems that when the show is off for a long period of time, my muse disappears.

My point with all of this is this: I'm considering starting over again with my stories. I think by reworking them they could be better in the end. I feel my current writing has many mistakes and wasn't written or planned as well as they could have been. I started my stories with no definite end point in mind which is the main reason I haven't written as much as of late. I don't know where Facing the Past or Field Trip Fun is headed. Where will the characters end up? What's the point?

That's where you come in. Would you guys read a reworked version of either of my stories? Do you have any story ideas? I'd love some new ideas to go with those that I have floating around in my head.

I'm sorry I haven't been able to update and finish any of my stories. I'd really like to hear from you all.

-Cricket 1106