And Then I Got High
A/N: This chapter's kinda unlike the one before it. It gets pretty silly near the end. I apologize if that's not what you are looking for/ expecting, but it's what popped into my brain after a long bout of writers block, so I went with it. It also feels sorta rushed, so I may edit it later on, but I really wanted to get it up online. Sorry.
This time when I woke up, it was Ron who was sitting with me, looking a bit uncomfortable.
"Oh! Hermione, you're awake! Good, um, okay, so, listen," he fumbled, when he saw I was awake; "I can't even say how sorry I am that I hurt you. But I'm so, SO sorry! I was an impulsive idiot, i know, and-"
I cut him off, "Yes Ronald, you were an impulsive idiot, but at least you've been able to figure that much out."
I was being harsh and cruel, I know, but I was in pain, and I wasn't exactly in a good mood. But I still regretted saying all that as soon as I saw the look on Ron's face. He looked absolutely devastated, and remained silent.
"Oh Ron" I exclaimed, "I didn't mean it, I'm sorry, it's just my hand hurts, and i just woke up, and-" Now it was Ron's turn to interupt.
"S'okay Hermione, you're right anyway. McGonnagle was furious. She gave a months detention and I can't use magic outside of the classroom for 3 weeks. My mum's furious too, sent me a howler when she found out," Ron grimaced at the memory.
"But hey, your hand, right, I'll go get madam Pomfrey and Harry. He's taking a shower, I think. Really he's been here whenever he hasn't had class or quidditch practise."
He rose from his seat as he spoke, and left the room, leaving me without a distraction from the pain. A little while later, Madam Pomfrey arrived, followed by a worried looking Harry, who rushed to my side.
"Oh gosh Hermione, I meant to be here when you woke up, but Madam Pomfrey kicked me out, she told me I smelt after having practise, and then Ron only just told me. . ." Harry scowled as he mentioned Ron's name. "I still can't believe he did that to you! What an idiot, only Ron could possibly be that impulsive and- " At this, Madam Pomfrey interrupted;
"Mr. Potter, not that your tirade against Mr. Weasley isn't interesting, I must talk to ." Turning towards me, she continued,
"Now, although the potions i have been giving you are helping you with the pain somewhat, I know that they cannot completely get rid of it. However, Professor Snape had been working on a new painkilling potion before he died, which I believe could take the pain away completely."
At this, I brightened, but before I could say anything, Madam Pomfrey continued; "Now, before you get too excited, you should know that it's only been tested for safety; we know that it works very well, and has no adverse health effects, but we don't know how it would effect your mind. It could cause depression, euphoria, something in between, or nothing at all."
As she spoke, Harry got more and more agitated until he couldn't contain his thoughts any further, and exclaimed, "WHAT? You can't honestly be saying you want to use Hermione as some sort of - of guinea pig? "
"Harry!" I interjected, "You know Madam Pomfrey wouldn't suggest it if she didn't think it was a good idea, and besides, at this point, I'll try anything." Looking at the healer, I continued, "Madam Pomfrey, if it's okay, I'd like to try the potion as soon as I can. It's" I paused, "it's getting sorta bad again."
As spoke, Harry must have noticed the beads of sweat that were on my forehead, because I could see him get much more worried looking.
"Hermione?" He asked tentatively, taking my uninjured hand.
"I'll be fine Harry, it's just, the idea of no more pain is very appealing."
"Alright Ms. Granger, I shall go fetch some of the potion right now, I made some up this morning." Madam Pomfrey said as she bustled away.
Moments later, she returned, holding a vial of purple liquid, which she handed to me.
I immediately drank it. And made a face. Like most potions, it tasted awful.
"It shouldn't make you drowsy," Said Madam Pomfrey, "And now I must go attend to some other patients, some pixies escaped from their cages and attacked a second year class. Don't worry though, I've placed monitoring spells on you, and Mr. Potter here doesn't seem inclined to leave you alone, so I think you'll be okay. Let me know if you need anything."
Saying that, the healer left the curtained off area that separated me from the rest of the infirmary.
Suddenly my hand stopped hurting, and I exclaimed; "Harry! It's gone! The pain!"
Then I started feeling even better, and different, my head got sorta cloudy, and I became really relaxed.
"Oh Harry, this potion is wonderful, it's making me feel SOO much better!"
"Really Hermione? That's great! Um, so, are there any, um, side effects so far? I mean I know you only just took it, but still. . ." Harry said.
"The only side effect is awesomeness." I stated.
Harry gaped at me. I'd never used a word like 'awesomeness' before in my entire life.
Suddenly there was something I realized I desperately needed to tell Harry.
"Harry. Do you know something?" I asked.
Before he could answer I continued,
"You're great, man. I mean it. Really great. Like. Literally. You're probably the coolest dude ever. I mean. You totes saved the world. Although, Ron and I did help, so I guess we're pretty awesome as well.
Also: Neville. He helped. Merlin, I LOVE that kid. Don't you?" I was rambling. But it was about things that, at the time, seemed very important to say.
"Yeah, he's great…" Harry replied, a bit confused I suppose by my sudden change.
"But yeah," I continued, "You're like, Harry freakin' Potter!"
Harry stared.
Suddenly, I looked down at my hands, and held up my uninjured one.
"Hey, Harry, dude." I started, "look at my hand for a sec. It's like. AMAZING. Do you ever think, like, how awesome it is that we can like, control our hands, with our MINDS? That shit's intense Harry," I added seriously.
Suddenly Harry seemed to realize something, and said, "Hermione! You're - You're stoned! That's what the unknown side effect is! This potion makes you high! You're stoned out of your mind!"
With that, he started laughing. Hard.
Then I started laughing. Really hard. I'm not sure why, but the situation was hilarious to me. Although, I honestly think pretty much anything would have been hilarious to me at that time.
Abruptly I stopped.
"Harry James Potter, I am not high. Hermione Granger does not get high. Although, I am kinda hungry. . ." That started me giggling again.
Harry laughed again.
"I believe that is known as "the munchies" Hermione. I'll go get you some food."
Chuckling to himself, Harry left, just as Madam Pomfrey entered.
She took one look at my laughing form and said, "Ah, I see the potion worked. And as for any side effects, I've been looking through Professor Snape's notes and it appears as though they wear off about an hour after taking each dose of the potion, which you will have to take around twice a day. Alright?
Ms. Granger? Ms. Granger? I do believe you can stop laughing now Ms. Granger."