(Hi guys here's a Digimon Fic I hope you enjoy. Well a lot of you enjoyed my Naruto ones, I figured giving this another try.)

About three days after the children returned from the Digital World after saving it from Lucemon, everything went back to the way it was. Of course Kouichi still was subjected to another few days in the hospital since he was still partially recovering.

Kouichi who was in his hospital room wearing a robe got up and looked out the window, "Soon I can go home." He said to himself until he saw a young girl sitting on a bench she looked about his age she had shoulder length hair, violet eyes she was wearing a long sleeve black shirt, a black skirt, she had on black shoes on as well and she was reading the legend of the bamboo cutter.

"Hmm, I don't remember her being here." He said to himself until he saw her look up. "What's she looking at?" he asked getting a good look until he finally noticed she was looking up into his window she smiled softly. Kouichi gasped noticing he was spotted, but not to be rude he waved at her a little. The girl smiled and waved back making Kouichi blush a little.

The girl smiled as someone came over to her. It was a boy in his late teens with short dark hair, and brown eyes, "Come on Hotaru time to go back inside."

'Hotaru.' Kouichi thought hearing the girls name.

"Ok nii-san." Hotaru said to the boy as she was brought back into the hospital. As she was put back into her hospital bed she looked at her brother, "Hikaru-nii how much longer do I have to stay here?"

Hikari answered her, "Only for a few more days, Hotaru then we can go home."

"I hope so, I don't like being here." Hotaru replied.

"I know this isn't your ideal life, but don't worry one day things will get better." Hikaru assured her.

About five years later since the defeat of Lucemon, Zoe who was a full grown teenager was seen at her house trying on her new school uniform which was one of those sailor school girl outfits. "Hmm, this uniform really does make me look cute." She posed in the mirror and winked. She looked at the time on her cell and gasped, "Whoop better hurry or I'll be late." She rushed out of her room and out the house door, "I'm going mom!" she called back in before hurrying off.

Meanwhile outside a High School which was right next door to a Junior High School were the other five old Digidestines who were much older and more good looking being teens now. Takuya kept his goggles around his neck under his school uniform, Kouji who now looked like one of those self acclaimed pretty boys with his looks had his old bandanna in his pocket just in case. Kouichi being Kouji's twin also turned out quite handsome as well

JP who lost some weight appeared to have more muscle than body fat was taking bites out of a chocolate bar. Tommy who was taller than before managed to closely reach the height of his friends was checking his cellphone messages until Zoe showed up.

"Hey Zoe how's it going?" Takuya asked.

"Doing great, good to see you guys to." She started, "Can you believe we all finally are attending them same school?"

Tommy who was still a grade lower replied, "Too bad I won't be with you guys."

JP patted his little buds back, ""Hey buck up kiddo, our schools are right next door."

"JP's right, we're not going to be far away." Takuya added.

"We're a team after all even if we're not Legendary Warriors." Kouji mentioned.

"Kouji's right." Kouichi nodded.

Tommy smiled feeling much better, "Thanks guys, well see you later." He hurried to the Junior High while the other went to the other building.

Inside the classroom which was a combined class of the junior and senior classes, Takuya and JP were playing football against each other.

"Ok JP let's see what ya got." Takuya challenged him using his hands like a Football goal.

"You'll be sorry." JP smirked as he flicked the paper football and it was sent flying passing Takuya's pretend goal. "Yeah field goal baby!"

By the windows Kouji sighed to his bro, "Never a dull moment with them around."

Kouichi laughed, "Well it does liven things up here."

As JP was about to do another he flicked it and it was caught by the teacher who was a woman with tan skin, long green hair, light violet eyes, she was in a nice pressed suit she smiled and spoke, ""Ok class to your seats."

The class went to their respective seats with Takuya and JP as desk mates, with Zoe behind them, and Kouji and Kouichi were next to each other as well. Zoe and all the other girls noticed half the male student body were blushing at their teacher and the biggest ones were JP and Takuya.

The woman presented herself, "My name is Setsuna Meioh… please call me Miss Meioh…"

"Hai sensei!" the males immediately responded.

Zoe noticed Kouji and Kouichi seemed like the only ones not love struck and whispered to them, "You guys are the only ones who don't get flustered do you?"

"I'm not a lovesick puppy." Kouji answered.

"And I'm not exactly looking for love now." Kouichi answered as well.

Zoey raised a brow at his answer, "Really, waiting for the right person?" she smirked.

Kouichi blushed and thought, 'I don't even know how to answer that.'

Setsuna spoke to the class, "I hope you're all prepared for this first semester, because I know I am. And I expect your utmost attention."

The guys nodded and hours later class was done and JP, Zoe, Kouji, and Kouichi were walking through the hall. JP spoke up, "Man we got ourselves a good teacher this year."

"Is it because she's nice, or is it because she's a woman?" Kouji asked.

"Why do you ask that?" JP asked suspecting him.

"No reason." Kouji said knowing the reason JP thought she was good.

JP then frowned in jealousy, "Though I can't believe Takuya volunteered to clean the class."

"Why's that?" Zoe asked eyeballing him.

JP answered, "Because he's just trying to kiss up you know that."

Kouichi held in a chuckle knowing he would stay behind to do the same thing for the same reason, "Sure JP, whatever you say." He said as they walked ahead of him.

"Hey whaddaya mean?" he asked running after them.

Meanwhile in the classroom Takuya was smiling all happily as he mopped the floor while humming to himself. Setsuna came in seeing him work, "Still at it Takuya?" she asked.

"Yeah sensei, nothing beats doing a good clean up." he laughed as he mopped.

Setsuna smiled, "Such a strong fire burning inside you it must be why you were chosen...Warrior of Flame."

"Huh?" Takuya asked as his head shot up and turned around to see Setsuna wasn't there anymore, "Did she just call me Warrior of Flame?" he asked himself.

Elsewhere Kouji was at his locker he saw Setsuna walking up to him, "Oh afternoon sensei." Kouji bowed in respect.

Setsuna smiled and replied, "Afternoon Mr. Minamoto, how're you enjoying the start of your first semester?"

"It's great sensei." Kouji answered as he looked into his locker for something.

Setsuna spoke smiling walking past Kouji doing the same thing she did to Takuya, "I'm glad to hear, a strong light always shines bright in someone who's confident, warrior of Light."

Kouji heard that and was surprised, "Wait what?" he took his head out of the locker to see she was already gone, "Warrior of Light?"

Meanwhile in the hall JP and Zoey were chatting with Tommy who came over when his class ended, "So Tommy how're you enjoying Middle School?" Zoe asked.

"Doing great, I've already made a ton of friends." Tommy answered.

"Good to hear little man, I always knew you'd grow into a popular guy." JP chuckled as he pulled his little buddy into a headlock.

"Good afternoon JP Zoey who's your friend?" Setsuna said as she came over.

"Oh hi sensei, this is Tommy, he's a friend of ours who attends the Middle School next door." Zoe introduced them.

"Tommy this is our teacher Ms. Setsuna Meioh." JP introduced them.

Tommy spoke smiling, "Nice to meet ya."

"What a polite young man you are for someone so young." Setsuna said with a smile.

"Well I've been told that." Tommy laughed while rubbing the back of his head.

Setsuna spoke doing the same thing as she did with Kouji and Takuya, "I can also tell you got an icy personality warrior of ice."

Tommy looked confused, "Huh?"

Setsuna then turned to Zoey and JP, "And you two, I see you both took a good interest in learning in my class today. Warrior of Wind, and Warrior of Thunder." She finished.

"What?" they asked.

"Well see you tomorrow." Setsuna left them in confusion.

Tommy looked to the older ones, "Did she just call us what I think she just called us?" Tommy asked.

JP answered, "If you think she called us the warriors of Ice, Wind, and Thunder, than yes that's what she said."

"Why would she call us that?" Zoey asked.

Meanwhile Kouichi was outside waiting for Kouji and the others, "Wonder when they'll be out?"

"Hello there Kouichi-kun." Setsuna said coming out and sees him.

"Oh sensei." Kouichi said as he bowed his head.

"I hope you had a good day." The teacher said.

"Oh yes, I was a bit nervous but I got through it." Kouichi answered, "I'm surprised you didn't confuse me with Kouji like most people do."

"Yes you both look so very much alike." Setsuna said and continued, "But I know one thing that separates you two."

"Oh?" Kouichi asked curious as to what she believes separates the two.

"Kouji embodies light, while you warrior of darkness, embody the darkness." She explained.

"Huh?" he asked as she walked away, "She just called me warrior of Darkness."

"Kouichi!" Kouji called as he and the others rushed over to him.

"Oh hi guys."

"We need to talk." Takuya said.

"About what Takuya?" Kouichi asked.

"About sense." JP answered.

"Let me guess did she call all of you by the warrior of your respected elements?" Kouichi asked.

"You too?" Zoey asked and Kouichi nodded.

"Why would she call us that?" Tommy asked.

"I got a funny feeling she knows something." Takuya started suspecting her.

"Yeah, but what?" Kouji asked confused.

They suddenly heard a voice, "You shouldn't fear her, she is not an enemy."

They group looked around wondering where that came from until they saw none other than their old ally Sorcermon, Seraphimon's guard.

"Sorcermon!" Takuya cheered.

"It's good to see you." Tommy said.

"Good to see you all again as well." Sorcermon said.

"What're you doing here?" Zoe asked.

The Digimon answered, "I've come to bring a word from my masters."

"You mean Ophanimon, Seraphimon, and Cherubimon?" Takuya asked.

"Yes." He answered.

"Well sounds like they're doing ok." JP said hearing their names in their Mega forms knowing they Digivolved out of their rookie forms since they last saw them.

"Not so much I'm afraid." Sorcermon said.

"Why what's wrong?" Tommy asked.

Sorcermon answered, "The Digital World is once again in grave danger and requires the help of the Legendary Warriors once again."

This got the six in shock hearing that the Digital World may be in trouble like it was the last time they were there.

(And that's chapter one, don't miss next time where more will be revealed.)