Total Drama: Heroes vs. Villains

So with the cancellation of my other Total Drama story, a new one is brought from the ashes. After dealing with a big array of characters, I thought to myself "Wouldn't it be fun to have a season of just straight up good vs. evil." So that's what brought me the idea of …Total Drama: Heroes vs. Villains. The rules and application are after the intro.

You're sitting home with nothing to do. School is finally over for the summer and you wanted nothing else but to have one of those summers that people dream about. So you turn on the television, hoping there is something good to watch.

"Hello America, it's been far too long." A familiar voice says, as you look around to make sure that someone hasn't broken into your house. "So you know what that means, a brand new season of Total Drama Island."

You just roll your eyes and laugh. What in the world would make you actually endure an entire precious summer with an egotistical host, crappy food, and horrible living conditions? No thank you.

"Okay, you might be asking yourself "Why would I spend my summer here?"" Chris McLean said as the camera panned out to show the infamous Dock of Shame and the rest of the camp ground. "Well because we've been getting a bunch of applications, but they all sucked. I mean seriously, I would have thought people knew that this show is suppose to be dramatic and not a complete snooze-fest."

A cough can be heard coming from behind the camera. "Also, the producers and I have decided to mix things up this season, we're making it Heroes vs. Villains."

A loud clap of thunder could be heard from behind him when he said "Villains.". Chris looked around confused before flashing his signature smile again.

"So we're looking for those goody-two shoes and sweethearts, as well as those rebels, cheaters, and gorgeous queen bees." Chris's eyes wandering away at the final stereotype. "Just fill in the needed information on your applications and send it to us here at Camp Wawanakwa. Who knows? Maybe you'll be a million dollars richer by the end of the summer."

A bit of rules and suggestions

1) Don't send in characters that you've sent into other stories. So, if you fill out more than what I ask for, I'm going to know that you're one of those people that submit your camper to every single one of these stories without reading even the intro above.

2) I'd like ORIGINAL CAMPERS! Not everyone out there's a goth or a rebel who just broke out of prison or a guitar player. And not everyone's cool, either.

3) Submit as many characters as you want. This story is all about good vs. evil. So submit Jocks, Romantics, Rebels, Queen Bees, even an evil gamer would be awesome. I just really don't want to get the same characters again and again. Also all bad guy aren't rebels, they could be manipulative well dressed men, also queen bees aren't all prissy, they can be hot and rebellious. Just make sure we can see that difference between good and evil. Also just because your character is on the evil side doesn't mean they can't have a nice moments and vice versa.

4) Could you try and make your stereotypes one stereotype? I don't want the "Gothish, trouble maker, mysterious, skateboarder, sort of a tomboy", or the "beautiful/clumsy/smart/talented surfer chick". (And yes, these are real examples of stereotypes people put.) You can make the stereotype longer than just one or two words, but don't just list off a list of traits that'll make guys or girls want to hook up with you.

5) Also you would make me so happy if you send in gay couple. I love those relationships. Oh and I'm really excited to start a new story with awesome new reviewers!

6) Another rule with characters, I would really, really, really like creative one. For example, my friend ktd123's story 'Total Drama Island: Again!' has so many interesting characters that come from different backgrounds and nationalities. Just something creative and new would be great.

7) I really don't like it when characters are very bare. I like descriptions and specifications! Be as colorful as possible with your character, make them spark!

I don't like sounding likea snob, but I'm kind of trying to point out the obvious here. One or two of my own campers will be in the cast, but you won't find out what they're like until I pick the final campers. How many campers will there be? Anywhere between 16 and 24.

If you can't think of a stereotype, that's fine, but try to describe the character good in the personality section. But anyway, applications! Anything in parentheses you don't have to write. It's just there to explain what I want for each thing. Again, DON'T WRITE THE STUFF IN PARENTHESES!

Name (and nickname if they have one):

Age (15-17):

Gender (for those wacky names that I just can't tell):


Appearance (hair, eyes, skin tone, build, etc.):

Regular Clothes:

Bathing Suit:


Notable Traits (are they freakishly tall? Do they talk with an accent? Stuff like that…):

Color That Represents Character (I'll explain this one below):

Personality (please make this more than a few words. I like sentences better):





NOT Talents:

Paired Up:

If Yes, What Kind of Person:

If Yes, How Do They React Around Them (flirt? Watch from a distance? Get freakishly clingy all of a sudden?):

Short History (Family, where they're from…):

Why TDI:

Audition Tape (Totally necessary! I'll explain this below too):

Does Your Character Use Bad Language (may sound dumb to ask, but… a lot? A little? Not at all?):

Can Your Character Drive? (if I told you why I need this one, that'd spoil it):

Quote from Character (optional, explained below):

Favorite Challenge from Original TDI (optional):

Challenge Suggestions/Requests (optional):

Other (I'm not really sure what else there is, but…):

Also, if I need any additional information, I'll just ask either in an author's note or PM. So have fun!