Hello! This os one of the alternate endigs of "Sincerily, Freebie" (.net/s/6454749/1/Sincerely_Freebe) that's also the original. I'm going to continue the story with this one ("Darkness is in here") at the moment, and, once it's complete, I'll write the another ending (Light is out there) that I have not written yet so any idea is bienvenue.

Well, that's it folks. I hope you like it (All warnings remain).

This is dedicated to Ibrahil Prang.

Darkness is in here:

This is the way I decided to name the second section of my notebook, because, sometimes, we wonder "What if...?"...sometimes, we want to know what would had happened if we had taken another option...sometimes...

Sometimes, life has differents plans, and deppend of us to choose...unfortunately or not, we do it blinded...it's something about luck, good or bad; happy endigs are not available for everyone. History needs betrayals, sad stories, hate and blood...end up locked in darkness...