Go for it.

A/N: Please go easy on me, this is my first fanfic. And please send in reviews and tell me if there are any mistakes I had made.

Summary: An old friend from Haruhi's childhood transfers to Ouran and is helping one of the hosts to win Haruhi's heart, but who?

Disclaimer: I do not Ouran High School Host Club

Warning: Possible spoilers.

Chapter 1.

'Oh man… why can't these guys just stop hugging?' thought Haruhi. It's just another typical day for Haruhi, ensnared between the twins' tight grip on her once again. She learned long ago to just give up on breaking away from them. She knew that if she tried she would just end up being glomped by Tamaki anyway.

"All right that's enough; the clients will be here soon. Everyone take your places now." Kyoya ordered. As all the hosts made it to their posts, the doors opened and the girls came in with bright smiles on their faces.

The day went on just like any other day in the host club. The twins wooed all the girls with their forbidden love skits, Hunny ate his cakes and Mori just sat there and watched him eat, Tamaki gave all of his clients his famous princely act, Kyoya just put on a smile on his face while he chatted with his clients, and Haruhi gave the girls compliments about them and his natural smile.

It was nearly over for the club hours and Kyoya had finished escorting all of the girls out of the room and wished them a good day. "Finally, I can go home and do some studying done." Haruhi stated. "Aw come on Haruhi." Hikaru complained. "Yeah let's go play at our house." Said Kaoru. "No thank you, I have chores and homework to do. I don't have time to play with the both of you." Said Haruhi in her cold voice. "Waaaah you don't have to be so mean about it!" the twins said in unison while hugging her at the same time.

"Stay back you fiends! Neither of you shall touch her! As her daddy I forbid this!" Shouted Tamaki. "So what? Does that mean that only you can touch her?" Kaoru asked the blonde person. "Milord is a pervert!" Hikaru shouted in his mischievous tone. "Why you little-" before he could finish his sentence someone had opened the doors to the club room and already entered the room.

"Oops, sorry wrong room. I should leave now, sorry." Said the intruding male student. Just before he can make it back to the doors his right hand was grabbed by Hunny. "Hey you don't have to go. Why don't you stay here and eat cake with me." Hunny said in his cutesy and happy voice.

"I don't think so, I was just looking for someone and I heard that she was here." The stranger replied. "Oh who were you looking for?" Hani asked curiously. Before he answered, he turned around completely and everyone got a good look at him. The guy was wearing the school's boy uniform and had short black messy hair with a large Chinese-braided ponytail lying against his right shoulder. He was about the same height as the twins and he had extremely dark-colored eyes that almost made it seem like he had black eyes.

"I'm looking for Haruhi Fujioka, could any of you guys tell me where she is?" he asked. Tamaki was shocked by this for two things. One this person had asked for his dear daughter and imagined that this man was here to kidnap her. Two he she was a girl. "And may I ask why you are looking for her?" Tamaki asked, while sounding a little bit worried.

"I really don't think that's any of your business." The stranger retorted. "When it comes to my daughter, it's always my business!" shouted Tamaki. "Tamaki-senpai just be quiet and for the last time you're not my father." Haruhi said with an annoyed tone. Tamaki was hurt by this and to his sulking corner, complaining that his daughter was being very mean.

"Is that really you, Haruhi-chan?" the stranger asked with a slight hint of excitement in his voice. "Yes I'm Haruhi, and you are?" Haruhi asked.

With that said, the guy just froze there solid stiff. It was as if the guy was stabbed in the stomach while he stood against a wall. He got out of his trance and stomped his foot against the ground.

"How could you forget me? I thought we were best friends since we were kids Haruhi!" he angrily shouted. "Ah! Is that you, Minato?"

End of chapter 1.

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