It was amidst the many festivities that two young individuals ducked out of the action – tired of dancing and being on display – to climb and explore one of the castle's many winding staircases. Tripping and giggling over one another, both of their complexions were blushed and hot from wine and dancing. Considering the circumstances, they were more than oblivious to the raucous noise down below.

As Rapunzel's companion tugged urgently on her hand for her to follow him up the stairs, she found herself suddenly afraid and doubting of where this was going, "Eugene..?" she cooed with obvious trepidation.

He stopped. Her airy voice reverberated in such a delightful way that the thief was immediately compelled to stand still and stare at her. The brunette hair that now framed her face only made her bright sea glass eyes that much more heart-stopping in contrast. Every time she mouthed that word it was like an aphrodisiac, he had never expected his awful name to sound so sweet.

"Yeah, Blondie?" The pet name no longer fit her appearance but he didn't really care. To the trained ear one may have been able to detect an underlying hint of restraint, as if the thief was fighting a mental war with his gentler self so that he did not simply throw caution to the wind and force himself on the Princess. Instead, he simply made a mental note that he needed to accomplish that fantasy sometime in the near future if she would let him. As it was, she seemed oblivious to the intensity in his gaze. It was this naive and trusting nature made him all the more attracted to her, as well as all the more protective.

Looking at Flynn and analyzing his thoughtful expression sent wave of embarrassment though the Princess. Her hand in his, practically dwarfed in size, began to sweat out of nervous habit. Being this close and this personal to a man was so strange, so new, though she wouldn't have traded it for the world.

Regaining her nerve, she blushed and leaned in close, whispering, " Where exactly are we going? Do you even know?"

Broken out of his reverie, he whispered back with excitement, "It's a surprise, so make sure you keep up!"

They began to run again, climbing several stories before bursting into laughter when Rapunzel stepped on the hem of her gown and fell against Flynn's broad chest. Both sunk to the stairs together, high on adrenaline and various other hormones.

She lingered there, enchanted in the sound of his heart pounding from exertion, and looked up at him bashfully. His expression was that of a frozen half-smolder, as if he had attempted to brandish his come-hither look but was distracted by those green eyes…

"Pretty boy," she giggled, and placed a brisk peck on his nose before scrambling over-top of him, racing ahead.

The stairs ended at a great oak door, which she opened with a little difficulty, before bursting into a small circular room.

Evidently no soul had been up here for a long, long time. Dust coated everything, though the furniture still looked very comfortable and welcoming. The floor, aged wood, was covered thoroughly with dozens of thick ornate carpets, and a large brass telescope – longer than Rapunzel's body length entirely – sat at the window, rusty and dusty from lack of use, but still proud and resilient as it gazed up at the heavens.

The door creaked and complained loudly as it was shut again, announcing the thief's arrival. He slumped against the wall for a moment, heaving a great sigh, and then flexed feline-like before sauntering over to grab her hand.

"Have you been here before?" she asked, smiling broadly. It really was a marvelous room. "This is a wonderful surprise, Eugene!"

He laughed,

"Actually, no. I just figured we'd find something interesting up here. We got lucky. This could have been the palace toilet of all things, and that's not very fun."

"Well, it's wonderful. I've only ever read about these things in books!" She smiled sheepishly before dashing over to the telescope, "Come and look, Eugene, The stars are coming out!" Rapunzel bent at the knees and crouched so that she might peer through the large lens.

She squeaked when she felt broad hands wrap around her waist and stifled the noise quickly with her hand. Blushing a vivid red, she whirled around, bright-eyed, to stare in astonishment at her familiar friend now standing so close behind her. Affectionate gestures seemed so instinctual when things were a matter of life and death, but now, Rapunzel simply had no idea how to act. She was a deer in the headlights, filled with the intense desire to act but the helplessness of not knowing how.

"Eu... gene." she stammered, her jaw slack as his pressed his lips to her forehead, trailing nips and kisses down her cheek and neck. His breath was hot against her skin and she shivered in response, instinctively drawing closer.

He supposed he loved her, though it was an infatuation so different from anything he had experienced before he scarcely knew how to come to terms with it. All he knew was that he just wanted to be near her. Everything she did was beautiful, her movements, her cadence, her childish wide-eyed wonder at this new and fantastic world she had missed out on for so long. To watch such an innocent creature move through the harsh world untouched... it was fascinating to him. Vibrant with life and completely naive to the bittersweet nature of existence, her presence made him feel lighter, as if her innocence made him a better person by association. In the face of such beauty and virtue, Flynn was intoxicated, and found himself torn.

With every essence of his being, he longed to protect her, to keep her safe and hide her away from anything that could possibly cause her harm. What frightened and thrilled Flynn, though, was his own personal desire to make a mark on that pristine white canvas. To corrupt her, and delight in it, as a child enjoys running through freshly fallen snow.

Feeling an irresistible urge to act on impulse, Flynn hustled her over to the wall and pinned her there, pressing into her at the hips and shoulders. There was a sort of possession in his stance, his actions... He kissed her, more forcibly each time, all the while grabbing and exploring her delightful curves. Although he was gentle, this onslaught of physical contact was overwhelming to the Princess. She allowed him to do as he pleased for a while, blushing furiously and watching with bewildered eyes, until her anxieties became so great that she no longer felt comfortable. This torrid make-out session was something she knew she might enjoy, but it was simply too much. Rapunzel had no concept of romance, or dating, or sex. This was all unknown territory, beautiful but oh so terrifying.

"Please.. Eugene..." she whispered. Realizing it had no impact, she resorted to pounding on his chest and shouting for him to stop.

It worked. He looked as if he had been shot. Stumbling back, horror painting his features, he felt remorse in every corner of his body, "Ra.. Rapunzel, I'm so sorry I didn't..."

To corrupt her, to destroy her perfection... What kind of monster am I?

She moved to grab at his arm but he yanked it from her grasp, avoiding her eyes

"Eugene, please!"

"I'm nothing but a threat to you..."

"No you don't get it! You idiot," she lunged at him and pulled herself into his arms, clinging to him stubbornly. Their difference in stature, while it made for awkward lip-locking, was perfect for any embrace.

Eugene sighed, softening at the edges, "I should have never done that... Did I scare you? I didn't hurt you did I?"

"A little..." his muscles stiffened, "Oh no, no, no - you scared me Eugene. I'm not hurt at all!"

Hearing this, the thief relaxed considerably.

"You do realize I'm not experienced in this stuff at all, right?" she giggled.

He looked thoughtful, "Er... yes. That makes sense." His expression suddenly twisted, "Wait... Eighteen years. Had you even met boys before?"

Rapunzel smiled sweetly and shook her head.

Flynn was incredulous, "What a horrible way to spend your teenage years... I can't even imagine."

"Well, it gave me lots of time for other hobbies," she giggled, leaning in to brush her noise against Flynn's playfully. Even though his eyes were cloudy and distant, affection still brightened his features.

Rapunzel fiddled with the lapels of his vest then, her downcast eyes betraying a sort of thoughtfulness as she formulated how she was going to pitch her next question. With a blush and a mischievous glint in her eyes, she suddenly yanked Flynn towards her with a surprising take-charge attitude.

"Eugene," her voice was firm, "I need you... to show me..."

Flynn blanched, "Show you...?"

"How to do this," she grabbed his hands and placed them on either side of her waist, guiding them over her chest to her collarbone, which was now slightly flushed. "I need to know. Please." His eyes were wide as his gaze followed his hands, savoring the feel of her breasts as they grazed his palms.

He blinked, and shook his head as he snapped out of his blatant stare.

"Rapunzel... You're already much better than you think."

Flynn knew he couldn't take this too far, lest he destroy his relationship with the reigning monarchy forever. Premarital shenanigans were dynamite where this naive Princess was concerned.

Still, this was an open invitation, and he figured he had enough self-control...


Third base wasn't off limits, right?

"Yes, Princess?"

Of course not, she wants me to show her.

"You're smoldering at me again."