Summary: So, Harry is re-taking his final year at Hogwarts, as are Ron and Hermione. And what happens before a week is out? The appearance of the legendary Merlin... and also Prince Arthur *may contains spoilers*

Details/Disclaimer: Rights to Merlin, and anything from the series, belong to the BBC. Rights to Harry Potter belong to J.K. Rowling (the genius xD)



A Cross Between Legends

Prologue (Word Count: 287)

"The most famous of the Druids would most definitely be Merlin, who lived the majority of his life serving under Arthur Pendragon, both of which even reached the legends of Muggles..."

"That guy was real?" Harry hissed to Hermione in surprise.

"Of course, Harry." She gave him a disapproving look for talking within class, then turned her attention back to Professor Binns.

Harry was slightly shocked. He knew a lot of the legendary wizards of Muggle stories were, in fact, existent, but he hadn't thought Merlin, or, indeed, Arthur Pendragon, whom Muggles inevitably paid more attention to, were real people who had lived at one point. He, like Muggle children, had also enjoyed the glorifying tales of Arthurian legends but he had thought they were merely stories, written by a French man who indulged himself in fantasies of chivalrous knights.

"... And Merlin was rumoured to be the most powerful wizard – or sorcerer, as was the term then – to ever live. He is sometimes noted as Emrys, by the Druids, both now and then..."

Well, Harry certainly hadn't heard of that name – but Hermione, naturally, was nodding appreciatively.

He vaguely wondered about the things Merlin must have the ability to do, for Professor Binns spoke so reverently of him – and the old ghost didn't get very excited easily. And his name had lived on for a thousand years – if people were faced with the Druid, a lot would be expected.

Harry smiled wryly – much like himself.

Suddenly a wind started up, bringing him out of his reverie. Everyone looked up as the candles went out, and Binns stopped rambling.

A sudden flash, and two men, a few years older than him, had appeared in the room.


So, here's the prologue to a story I've been planning for a while... but I felt I needed to read (some of) the first Harry Potter book (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.) Rest of the chapters will most probably focus on Arthur and Merlin, as I'm fixed with them right now... :D

This is a crossover in which Harry and Merlin find each other face to face (hence the name.) Curious to find out more about modern magic, Merlin doesn't want to leave just yet, and somehow (don't ask me, I'm just the author) convinces McGonagall to stay, for just a wee bit, while convincing Arthur that he's still working on a way back.

I'm not entirely sure where I'm going with this... We'll probably have a few rogue Death Eaters thrown in as well, to make the story...

Well, we'll see :D

Right, other story statuses:

The Fall of a Queen: I am so damn sorry for this – you won't believe me! Such major writer's block – but I'll force myself to write some more- it'll be out within the week (hopefully) And week as in, next Friday.

Chains of Will: Sunday, I promise.

Discussions of Peace: Sometime soon...

And I know I really shouldn't have started another story... I'm sorry...

Reviews = updates :D