Hiya guys I'm back with another story for you. well i have decided to write a prequel to my first story called "What Have I Done?" You should really check it out to fully understand this story. So anyway this story starts off in Wisconsin with a 15 year old Sonny Munroe. So i hope you guys enjoy it xxx

Disclaimer – I don't own SWAC or VFC

Chapter 1 – Sonny's POV

Can't believe it school it's finally over and not just for vacation but forever. You're probably wondering why a 15 year old has graduated school, well not bragging or anything but I'm really smart, i skipped 2nd and 7th grade. I'm not really sure why those two random years but whatever that means school's out! And I'm not going to argue with that. As soon as i was close to graduating, my brother jayk suggested i moved in with him. At first i thought no way i mean i can't leave my mom, but after everything we have been through that woman is not my mother


Me and jayk were just in the living room, he was playing on his game boy and i was watching TV. I was 6 and jayk was 9, mom had disappeared we hadn't seen her since she picked us up from school. A screeching noise came through the window, we ran to the window suddenly a beer bottle came towards the window. My throat ripped open and let out a gut wrenching scream. I was frozen but jayk's arms were around me in seconds, he half dragged half lifted me into the closet and locked us inside.

He held me as i cried the front door was kicked open, my voice was ready to be heard but jayk's hands stopped it before it could do any damage. "WHERE ARE YOU? Hiding...again?" this was the third time this week he had come home drunk. And the third time mom had forgotten we existed, every time mom would hide while me and jayk were only a 2 and half inch block of plywood away from death. He was going through all the room opening all the doors. Jayk reached behind him searching for the earplugs, blankets and pillows.

We came prepared, after about 3 or 4 times we had adjusted to lying in the small space for such long periods. Tears were streaming down my face, but jayk was facing me reassuring me with smiles, he was so strong but inside he was physically dyeing. Night after night we would lie in that tiny closet while our so called father destroyed our family slowly and painfully.

Flashback over

She was abused verbally, physically and sexually. We were kids we didn't know what to do, so we that's it, we didn't do anything. We kept quiet, we just looked after mom and cleaned up the damage. After a while we knew when he would come to torture her. It was like a schedule; "Tuesday, Friday and Saturday he comes, Wednesday and Sunday destroy all evidence" we even soundproofed the house. We wanted mom to do something but she was too unstable to think properly. So for years we put up with it, it became our lives, we never had a normal life. But then one day when he didn't show up.

Flashback (sonny is 10 jayk is 13)

"Where the hell is he?" jayk was pacing the room, i was biting my nails madly.
"Maybe he won't show up today?" jayk abruptly stopped and grabbed my shoulders and shook me trying to knock sense into my mind.
"Yeah sonny don't you see maybe, he could still come and he could find us if we don't hide now!" i gasped and nodded. Jayk held out a hand for me, i took it as we ran into the hallway closet. Jayk had fitted three locks on the inside of the door. I was on the second lock when we heard sirens outside.

Jayk looked towards me with a questioning look; i shrugged my shoulders in response. He slowly opened the door just slightly and peered through the crack. The doorbell went off mom's scream came through the kitchen she was terrified of that damn door. Once again it went off, i slowly stepped out of the closet, jayk hissed behind me and grabbed my ankle.

"What the hell sonny, it could be him" jayk stood up towering over me but i held my ground. Jayk felt responsible for me so he was even more cautious than me.

"Jayk it's been 4 years when has he ever rung the doorbell?" after a sigh he nodded his head. In a low voice he replied

"Fine but let me answer it" i moved aside to let him pass. We walked slowly to the door. Jayk stood in front of me as he unlocked the door; we both braced ourselves for the other side. A tall figure stood in the doorway. Jayk hand crept behind his back it pushed me further away from the door. A policeman was stood on the porch; he peered into the house searching for an adult.

"Hi kids, is your mom in?" jayk was reluctant to answer, but did anyway

"No just us, what's wrong officer?" the officer sighed and bent down to our level. But then mom appeared behind me. She seemed normal in a low voice she shooed us away.

"Kids go to your room" i gave a questioning glance towards jayk, he seemed even more confused than me. After a few seconds jayk led me up the stairs.

We sat in our room, heads pressed against the door. I sighed, stood up and collapsed on my bed. We were offered separate rooms but i didn't feel safe without another person in the room let alone jayk. "Jayk just give it up it's probably a missing dog or something" jayk shushed me and leaned further into the door.

I sighed and rolled onto my face. After a few more minutes i head a gasp, i shot up and flipped over and sat up. Jayk was tense he was staring at the floor with a shocked expression. I ran towards him and whisper/shouted

"Jayk what is it! What's wrong?" after a few seconds jayk forced to look me in the eye.

"Its dad" he spat out the word as if it was a swear word.

"What?" my back straightened, my arms had goosebumps.

"He's... dead?"

Flashback over

Yeah he died, drink driving to be specific. Sure we both felt a spark of pain and sorrow, but it was quickly covered by happiness. Something we hadn't felt in years. This was it a chance to have a normal life, finally mom can be happy. But we were so, so wrong.

She cried. Cried for him, all day and night. For weeks, she went into another case of depression; she completely forgot who we were, whenever she would look at jayk she would cry even more. And me too, my eyes i got them from him. She completely switched off. Jayk was completely horrified that she could have feelings for him after everything that he did to her. He had caused so much pain, in all of our lives.

To be honest i don't think either of us were wanted, we were conceived out of pain. She didn't want us; whenever we try and help she just ruins it, so after a while we gave up. We made her food and cleaned her clothes that was it, we didn't want anything else to do with her, she was like a stranger living in our house.

We paid all the bills; bought the food she didn't do anything. I had been doing part time jobs since i was 11 so had jayk, he was in a band too. We couldn't have normal lives but jayk had a chance, he was older so he had more time than me to go and get friends. But I didn't have anyone. I felt jealous of jayk and David, but they looked after me I was one of the guys. But I didn't care about the fact that I was a "guy" at least I had a friend.

David was a really great guy, he was funny and smart. He did everything basketball, football, baseball if there was a team for it David was in it. But like I said he did everything he even sung and dance, and boy was he good at it. He even taught jayk how to dance.

He was the best, best friends anyone could ever want. But i didn't want to be his best friend. I wanted more than that, but i was just "one of the guys" but hey i guess some things just aren't meant to be. Everything was great we were finally getting our lives back, but then jayk and David auditioned to be in a boy band. Sure it sounded great, but they were based in LA.

Jayk at first was reluctant to leaving me behind with mom, but i couldn't hold him back. It took a lot of convicting but he finally went with David. But he did promise me that as soon as i graduated i was moving straight from Wisconsin to Cali. So here i am packing my bags, heading off to the land of fame. There was just one thing i had to do, tell mom.