I don't own naruto.

A finger ran down the indent of her back, giving a small smirk when she moved slightly, letting it slide down to the purple panties she was wearing before repeating the process again.

Dark lashes fluttered, revealing beautiful sky-blue eyes underneath. A sharp gasp left her lips, and she sat up, holding the silky navy blanket to her breasts at the same time. "Well, I can tell that Itachi hasn't been fulfilling the needs that you usually get from me …" he leaned over, capturing her chin to make her stare at him.

He leaned forward, touching his lips gently with hers, kissing it softly before making it a bit more seriously, pulling her onto his lap, kicking her bra underneath the bed at the same time.

Ino reached up for his lips, kissing them softly with the same measure he had kissed her, pulling away slowly to see her blue eyes looking at his eyes. He held his hand out slightly, staring down at hers, waiting for it.

The blonde held the palm of her hand out to him, and he turned it around, slipping her marriage ring back on suddenly, and immediately, she pulled her hand back, deciding to avoid his eyes and put it on herself.

The sound of the front door unlocking made Ino jerk her head toward the door, grabbing the closest thing to her, which was Sasuke's t-shirt from the previous night, and covered her chest with it before running into the only thing she saw, the closet.

Only after a few seconds, Sasuke followed, closing the door quickly but swiftly so there was no noise at all.

Sound of footsteps were heard and a voice said, "Sasuke, are you in here?" it was obviously Karin. "I brought the jacket I borrowed last time …oh you're not here. I'll just put it in the closet." her footsteps got closer and Ino gasped slightly, moving in, further into the closet as Sasuke gripped onto the knob, twisting it to one side to make it look as if its locked.

"Oh, whatever. I'll just leave it by his chair…" her footsteps were heard before it left the room, and then the house, locking the door afterwards.

Sasuke released his hold on the doorknob, letting it swing open easily, his shoulders fell slightly, and he looked at the glowing blue eyes in the deep side of the closet, seeing her take some gentle steps forward. Just as she past him, he touched her bottom lightly, pushing her forward, making her ungracefully stumble forward, looking at him weirdly before grabbing a baggy t-shirt from her suitcase, presumably Itachi's and ran into the bathroom.

He looked at the woman that ran into the bathroom, wearing his t-shirt, and sighed loudly, beginning the strip the beds of everything, looking for the cloths both of them were wearing last night.


Ino walked out of the bathroom, wearing Itachi's t-shirt he had put in her suitcase just in case she missed him, and her undergarments. Her strands of her hair flowed around her gently, and Ino looked around the room, half expecting Sasuke to suddenly turn up out of nowhere.

Turning around the corner, she met the staircase, and from that view, she was able to see the bare back of Sasuke in the kitchen. An image of him that previous night flashed through her mind, and she felt a warm blush rush to her cheeks. She turned away from him, entering the living room instead to lie down on the couch, closing her eyes to nap, trying to make up for all the lost time she had been using for sleep last night.

A soft fluttering touch brushed past her ankles, and then toward her stomach. "Stop that, Sasuke," she whispered softly, hearing a husky chuckle leave his lips, distant.

Ino opened her eyes, coming fact to fact with glowing green eyes, and she nearly shrieked before she realized it was only a kitten, the same kitten Sasuke had played around with at his parents' house. It had its paws set on the spot where t-shirt dipped low on her body to reveal the top of her breasts, pawing at it gently as it meowed.

The meow, so gentle and sweet that Ino immediately fell for the small kitten, chooing at it as she sat up, lifting it along with her.

Her fingers raked through its soft, silky fur for a few seconds, before she giggled as it began to swing its paw at her dangling hair. Ino parted her hair all over her right shoulder, smiling gently as the kitten rolled around in her light locks.

"Well, he really likes you," Sasuke's voice said, and Ino noticed him for the first time standing near the couch, admiring Ino.

"I never knew you liked cats, even though they did seem to follow you around when I was at your parents' mansion last time."

Sasuke moved toward her, sitting down on the couch beside her, looking at her face as she played with the kitten, which was now rolling around on her lap. Ino giggled as it swatted its paw at her hair once again.

His eyes trailed up her neck, toward her lips and then to her eyes. "Just so you know, breakfast is ready." and he noticed the slightly nod of her head.

Sasuke leaned over closer to her, taking a good grip on her chin, making her look at him, and a short gasp left her pink lips, her hands limp against the kitten as her attention turned toward the man beside her instead.

Slowly, he leaned toward her, almost capturing her lips if she hadn't stopped him by placing a hand on his chest, pushing him back. "I can't do this, Sasuke." Ino pulled back, placing the kitten in his hands instead.

"Why not?" he asked, his lips becoming a short scowl.

"I'm married to your brother! Sasuke, I can't cheat on him for just a younger Uchiha," Ino stated, pulling further away from him. "You had your chance and you screwed it up!"

Sasuke stood up just as Ino was about to leave the room, grabbing her wrist. "Then give me a second one."

Throwing his hand off, she said, "Sasuke, it's just too late! It's been years now; you can't expect me to really give you a chance after you left me!"

"No, no, I do actually. Even when I did something miserable to you when we were together, you always forgave me, and I never did it again," Sasuke said, gripping the wrist of her hand.

Ino tried pulling her wrist away from him but was unsuccessful. "I can't. It's too late now. I'm married to Itachi, having a great life with him, it's your turn to get a wife, settle down."

His hold on her loosened and she swiped it out of his reach. "I want you," he stated, and Sasuke released his hold, watching the blonde girl turn back once.

Her baby-blue eyes stared into his. "I can't, Sasuke. It's just …too late."

Ino turned around, her blonde hair wavering to the side with each swing of her hips she had in her walk. The kitten on the couch looked up at him, giving him a meow before jumping down the seat, running after Ino.

"Even my cat likes you better," Sasuke muttered, rubbing the back of his head as he sat down onto the couch, giving up on Ino for that specific time, it didn't mean he wasn't still going to try, even though Ino was his brother's wife.


"Sasuke, I'm going to bed …" Ino looked at the sleeping expression on Sasuke's face, and she stood up, her blonde hair flew around her everywhere. The pretty, graceful blonde twiddle some between her fingers, sneaking closer to Sasuke to say, "Are you awake, Sasuke?"

The grown man that she had once loved had a calm expression on his face, tired and annoyed at the same time. Ino bent lower, kissing his cheek softly before gently placing the blanket over his sleeping body, rubbing the top of the sleeping kitten at the same time.

Looking through Sasuke things in his room, she settled herself on the bed, touching and studying the dark curtains, pillows, and blankets. When Ino turned the lights off, his room seemed …a little more gentle in an indescribable way. The dark items in the room seemed to match the way the moonlight ran into the room instead of the spooky shadow effect she was expecting. Sasuke had truly given the most beautiful room in the entire house for himself; maybe it was why he was always so lonely. He would much rather watch and observe than say something to someone else.

It might have been several minutes, maybe an hour, but whatever time it was, Sasuke slipped into the bed, his legs tangled in the blankets against hers. "Sasuke, I told you I didn't-"

"I'm not going to do anything …just let me have my small moments with you, even if I'm never going to have you as a wife," Sasuke responded back, his arm around her waist, holding her body toward his.

Ino turned to the side, feeling Sasuke dig his head into the back of Ino's neck, his lips pressed against it gently for a few seconds before he stayed still, just breathing in the scent of Ino's hair for that night.


The next morning, she looked down at her body; Sasuke's hand had sneaked into her t-shirt last night to touch her stomach. Ino smiled down at Sasuke in the mirror, looking at the sleeping man on the dark bed, which no longer looked pretty, more dull.

Ino looked at herself in the mirror, picking up a hairbrush to comb it through her long strands several times before picking up the toothbrush, squeezing a small stream of toothpaste before bringing it into her mouth.

From the corner of her eyes, she was able to see Sasuke's body moving to the side slightly, rolling around slightly before he finally settled in the middle of the bed, staring up at the bed, rubbing his hand near where Ino's body was, still smelling the floral scent she had left behind.

How he loved it …scents so …flowery wasn't what he really wanted in a girl, actually, he hated the scent, but on Ino, it was perfect.

Tilting his head lightly, he saw the blonde in the bathroom, brushing her teeth as she stared at herself in the mirror, the toothbrush poking inside her mouth slightly. Sasuke stood up, walking toward her before hugging her around her thin waist, letting his hands slide down her waist and onto her hips, which slanted out slightly.

"I remember how you always did that to me in the morning right after bed…" Ino said, smiling slightly as she grabbed a towel, wiping it on her face.

"Does it have to always be you remember?" Sasuke asked, a sad tone in his voice once again.

Ino held his hands around her hips. "Don't be like that, Sasuke …" her tone fell.

"I love you," Sasuke said, making Ino's heart skip a beat, something that haven't happen since the first few times of dating Itachi.

The blonde pulled away from him. "Stop doing that, stop acting like that," she said, her tone ordering at him. "You're acting lovesick! You're not in love with me, that one night, it was just lust."

Sasuke sat at the edge of the bathtub, leaning over so she wasn't able to see his face. "I really regret cheating on you …just give me another chance, please."

By then he was nearly at his knees, but Ino turned around, walking away from him with her swaying hips.

Sasuke walked down toward the living room, where he saw Ino innocently biting down on some food she had personally cooked, and he walked into the kitchen, seeing a plate of food for him.

A few seconds after he had sat down by the kitchen table, Ino walked in, placing her plate into the sink before turning the water on, letting the water run onto it before picking up a sponge to wash it. "Tell me when you're done, okay?"

"I can do it myself," Sasuke replied, poking at the food. "I'm not hungry," he said, pulling on a jacket.

"Where are you going?" Ino asked, her baby-blue eyes followed him to the door.

"I'm going for a walk, don't bother making lunch or dinner."

Ino stood there, water dripping onto the floor before she had the sense to bend over, wiping the water off of the floor.

Eventually that night, Sasuke did return, maybe the slightest scent of alcohol on his body. Perhaps he was even a little drunk, but he obviously didn't show it at all, not that he would be able to.

Ino gave a soft shudder as he brushed past her as she swung open the door for him. "Are you drunk?" she asked, remember a short incident when they were a couple.

"Not very," he responded, walking into the kitchen to take out a cup of water, gulping it down easily. "I think I deserved that drink break, I haven't gotten drunk since …since I was with you."

The blonde, who was in her night cloths gave a small sad smile. "Really, Sasuke, you should forget about me …our relationship was nothing…"

"How can you say that was nothing, I gave you everything," Sasuke said, his words slightly slurring, but not so much that everything came out as a single word. "And if it wasn't for that last night of sex I had with you, I would be the one you were married to."

"But you're not," Ino said, taking a clean towel to wipe the small beads of sweat off Sasuke's forehead gently, smiling as she pulled off his jacket. "You should go to bed," said Ino.

"Can I ask you something?" Sasuke asked.


"Will you marry me?"

"No, Sasuke. It must be the alcohol in your system, you know I'm with Itachi…"

Um ...no new news... hope you enjoyed it :D

Uh ...just review? for me? please?