AU -Guess what? New story! Yay! Anyway I had this random idea so I really hope you like it.

Rating – T. Don't ask why, because I don't know why.

Disclaimer – I do not own SWAC (Trust me, if I did Sonny and Chad would still be together, in fact they would have gotten together way before season 2, like the second episode of season 1! Joke! Anyway, back to the disclaimer) nor do I own 'Shut up and kiss me' by Orianthi.

Chapter 1 – Time to dance. And maybe even sing.

I suddenly felt underdressed as I walked around the huge hall full of teenagers my age, who were dressed in long classy dresses and luxurious high heels while I wore my blue puff ball skirt and a white blouse.

Oh, and I had no date.

You see, my date was supposed to be here and we were supposed to be having an amazing time. But no, he had other things that were more important things than me. Like hanging around with another girl.

Hey Sonny, I can't come to the dance tonight, gotta rehearse with Portlyn. Why don't you still go to the party, because I don't want you to miss out on the fun because of me. Sorry. Chad x

The message that I received earlier said. Why did I even come tonight? It's not like I can have any fun tonight without him; I'll just be walking around on my own.

My thoughts were cut short as two warm, yet firm hands grabbed my waist from behind, "Hey beautiful. You want to dance?" A husky voice asked me.

"Um, no thanks. I've got a boyfriend. Not a very good one, may I add. Now, please, just get off me." My voice sounded nervous as I squirmed away from his hands to see who it was.

"Oh." I said, knowing immediately who it was, once I'd saw his face. He smirked at me and gave me a wink, "Sonny, what a surprise to see you here."

I smacked his arm playfully, "I though you said you weren't coming." I said, trying to sound annoyed, but instead it came out excited.

"Well, I'm here now. I'm sorry but Portlyn insisted that we were going to have our rehearsal tonight but I decided that I'm the boss and I can chose when I go out. After all she isn't my mother." Chad said to me.

"Well, isn't she lucky." I remarked sarcastically, showing a little grin on my face. "Haha, very funny." He said, not laughing at my comment. I shrugged just before he raised his eyebrows at me.

"What? Have I got something in my teeth?" I asked paranoid, running my tongue along my teeth a few times.

He laughed and pulled me into his arms gently, "No, you're beautiful. As always. But I was just wondering whether I could have my hello kiss yet." A thought came into my head and I grinned, "Fine."

He smiled triumphantly. "But," I continued and watched in satisfaction as his face fell, "You have to get on stage and sing." He groaned, "Sonny. Why? Of all the things. Singing? Really Sonny, really?"

"Yep. Really." I said smugly, popping the 'P' sound. "Urg, fine. The things I do for you." He sighed, and headed towards the stage.

I grabbed his arm, "Wait, you're doing this to make up for making me think that you weren't coming, don't blame this on me. This is your own fault."

"Well, I left Portlyn so I could come here with you. Maybe I should just go back there." Chad said, getting a little annoyed.

"Well maybe you should! After all, Portlyn loves you so much, I'm sure she'll be very happy with you." I shouted back at him.

He ripped his arm away from me, "Let me just go sing this stupid song already, then I can go!" He stormed to the stage, knocking a few people out of his way.

I clenched my fists and took a deep breath. Chad walked onto the stage and tapped the microphone to make sure it was working.

Everyone flinched at the squeaking sound it made, "Sorry. Um, I'm going to sing a song if that's alright. I'd like to dedicate this song to my girlfriend." Chad said, flashing a quick glance at me.

Oh great, it's going to be something about hating me and wanting to break up with me. Well done Sonny. Just great.

"You're too loud, I'm so hyper, on paper we're a disaster.

And I'm driving you crazy, it's my little game.

I push you, and you push back, two opposites so alike that,

Everyday's a roller coaster; I'm a bump you'll never get over".

"This love/hate relationship, you say you can't handle it.

But there's no way to stop this now.

So shut up and kiss me.

Kick, scream, call it quits, but you're just so full of it.

Cuz it's too late, to close your mouth. Shut up and kiss me!"

"So shut up!

So shut up!"

"I call you and you pick up

I tell you how much I'm in love

I'm laughing and you get mad

It's my little game."

"Go ahead now, admit it

You like your world with me in it

Like a record, it's broken

Yeah, I'm a bump you'll never get over"

"This love/hate relationship, you say you can't handle it.

But there's no way to stop this now.

So shut up and kiss me

Kick, scream, call it quits, but you're just so full of it.

Cuz it's too late, to close your mouth. Shut up and kiss me!"

Chad stopped singing and grinned at me while everyone cheered for him, one of the girls even shouted, "I love you!"

He laughed, "Sorry, but like I said, I've got my girl. I don't need any others." Chad kindly replied to her and climbed off the stage to walk to me.

I smiled at him, our earlier fight forgotten, "I'm sorry." He whispered as he pulled me into his arms again.

"Me too, it was my fault, I shouldn't have gone off on one like that-" I mumbled to him, staring at the ground. "Sonny." Chad said, cutting me off in mid-sentence.

My head snapped up to look at him. He spoke again with a smirk on his face, "Shut up and kiss me." I giggled, "Okay, Mr Cooper, I suppose you deserve it now."

My lips touched his and I felt tingly inside, I hoped the feeling would never go away.

We both pulled away after a while, "Thankyou Miss Munroe. Now, would you be so honoured as to give me this dance?" Chad said, grinning at me.

In a posh accent, I replied with, "Why yes I would." Normally he would have groaned at my attempt of an accent, but he just laughed.

He pulled me onto the dance floor and wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck.

We swayed slowly to the music, my head resting on his shoulder, closing my eyes, completely content with this moment.

So, do you like it? Please say you do! Please! Oh and one more thing, thankyou so much for everyone who reviews and favourites my stories! I love you all and from now on I am going to try and reply to all the reviews.

Holly - xx

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