Quinn effortlessly played the sheet music that the attractive brunette had given her half an hour ago. She knew this song off by heart and allowed her eyes to drift over the keys to watch the mysterious girl sing. Her voice was stunning, even Quinn could admit that. There was something about the way the girl sang; it was almost hypnotising. There was so much passion and desire to her, that Quinn had to remind herself to keep playing.

Quinn was use to moments like this. She was known for having a wandering eye. She hadn't had a girlfriend since she was 18 and she was almost approaching her 26th birthday. It's not that she didn't like relationships, they just didn't suit everyone. But there was something about this girl, something about how she meant every word she was singing. She was wearing a simple black dress that hung off some places and hugged other areas. Quinn licked her lips and wondered what the skin underneath that dress tasted like.

The blonde smiled and lightly shook her head. She was her own worst enemy. Quinn hadn't chosen such formal attire. Instead she had opted for her skinny jeans with a Kiss t-shirt and a waist coat thrown over the top. However she had noticed the way the brunette had looked her up and down when they had first met. Quinn knew she was attractive, not in an arrogant way; she was just a typical attractive person. The singer turned at that moment and smiled warmly at Quinn and she returned it with a lopsided grin. In that instance Quinn knew everything she needed to. This brunette was hooked.

As she started up the next song she tried to recall what the girls name was. They had definitely exchanged names but Quinn hadn't really been paying attention, she had been too busy taking the room in. This had been a last minute gig for her, she'd needed rent and Kurt had informed her about a singer that needed a piano player. So here she was. The only thing she remembered about their encounter was the shorter girl saying "just keep up with me." Quinn had known right then that she was intrigued by this woman. It was her confident attitude, or the way her hips gently swayed. Quinn couldn't put her finger on it but there was definitely something. The song came to an end and the final notes drifted into the sea of bodies.

"We're going to take a quick break now but we'll be back." Quinn noticed how short the singer was and chuckled to herself as she recalled that good things came in small packages. She got up to approach the girl but found she was already walking towards the bar.

Quinn tried not to look eager as she jogged after her and slipped in beside her leaning on the bar in a casual pose. "You want a drink?"

"Erm. Yeah, a diet coke." She replied with a frown eyeing Quinn with an almost smile.

"You don't want something stronger?" Quinn asked as the shorter girls' eye's flicked over the range of beverages behind the bar.

"No thank you." She replied clearing her throat.

"Really because you're eyeing that bottle of chardonnay." Quinn smirked as the girl looked away quickly a faint glow to her cheeks. "Have one." She pushed.

"I shouldn't drink when I'm performing it's unprofessional." She said flatly trying to get the bartenders attention.

Quinn smiled cockily and leaned further onto the bar smiling at the attractive redhead who was serving down the other end. The woman came sauntering over and rested her forearms on the bar opposite Quinn curling up one side of her mouth. "What can I get you gorgeous?"

"Can I have a vodka lemonade and this might be a strange request but can I have a large Chardonnay but in one of your coffee mugs behind you?"

"Coming right up...unless there is anything else I can do for you?" She winked at her and Quinn saw the brunette beside her roll her eyes.

"That's everything for now but if I think of anything I'll be back." The redhead licked her bottom lip before sorting out their drinks.

"Guess I should say thank you." The shorter girl mumbled watching the woman who was making their drinks.

"Yes you should." The singer let out a long breath and turned round to lean her back against the bar. The woman came back with their drinks and Quinn pulled out a note from her back pocket. "Keep the change."

"Thank you." The shorter girl said sincerely this time with a slight smile even though she tried to hide it. "Why the mug?"

"That way no one is going to know what you're drinking." The singer eyed her suspiciously and Quinn smiled back.

"Clever and thoughtful." She said with an impressed glint in her eye.

"I try. You were really good up there tonight..." She trailed off before biting her lip with a guilty look.

"Rachel." The girl shook her head pursing her lips together. "Clearly you were listening intently to me when I introduced myself."

"I was distracted." Quinn said holding Rachel's eye as she took a swig from her glass.

"Distracted? By the hot redhead behind the bar?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

"No. By you." Rachel watched her seriously for a moment her eyes flashing over her face. Suddenly her face deserted the serious look and laughter rippled through her whole body. Quinn watched her with a puzzled expression but a smile on her face. The blonde watched as Rachel's body shook with laughter, the way her eyes had lit up as though there was a fire suddenly behind them. The girl was intriguing and endearing; Quinn couldn't have stopped smirking at her even she wanted to.

"Does...oh my...does that usual work?" She asked finally getting her breath back.



"No." Quinn chuckled along with the brunette.

"So was that you hitting on me?" Her eyes sparkled and Quinn's heart forgot how to beat for a second.

"And if it was?" Quinn flashed her teeth in a wide grin and took a step closer to the brunette.

"Well you'd just have to find out. I'm just going to freshen up before we go back on." Rachel began to mosey away her hips swaying to the side as she walked and Quinn was hypnotised. The blonde watched for a beat before she downed the rest of her drink and followed after her. When she reached the bathroom, Rachel was leaning against the sink staring at the door and when Quinn entered a lopsided smile appeared. The blonde took a deep breath and walked directly in front of the brunette.

"What took you so long?" She whispered as she reached out and grabbed firmly hold of Quinn's waist coat pulling her roughly until their lips came crashing together. It was open mouth and sloppy, a combination of need and desire. Rachel's tongue slipped along her bottom lip before accepting entrance, Quinn sucked on it lightly tasting the wine she was drinking. Quinn had wanted to do this the moment she had laid eyes on the petit brunette. She felt teeth pull on her bottom lip and she moaned arching into the touch as all thoughts disappeared. Quinn's hands roamed the girls back going lower and grabbing onto her ass pulling her closer slipping her thigh into the girls hot centre as she grinded her hips down to create more friction. Rachel groaned into the blonde's lips before pulling back abruptly. Quinn leaned back in but Rachel avoided the contact.

"Hey!" Quinn said knotting her eyebrows.

"We've got to get back on stage." Rachel smiled brightly before manoeuvring her way around Quinn. "But if you want to continue this after." She winked before pulling the door open to exit the bathroom. "Oh and Quinn, you're really good too...at the piano."

Quinn needed a few moments to adjust her thoughts and she silently wished she had not worn such tight pants. She was impressed with the girl, her aggressive take on their situation. There was more to that brunette than she thought. And it only excited her; oh she was definitely continuing this after the show. Letting out a deep breath she followed after Rachel, touching her warm lips for a moment and smiled fondly.

Quinn smiled as she exited the taxi paying him and walking up the steps to her house. She could still smell Rachel all over herself still feel the tanned girl's skin against her own. It had been amazing; the brunette has made her orgasm like no one else ever had. Boy, that girl had a marvellous mouth her body quivered in the memory.

As she reached the door Quinn glanced down at her watch; it was almost 5...Wow time did fly when you were having fun, Quinn thought with a smile. Pulling out her keys she quietly unlocked the door hoping not to wake her house mates.

"Hey you dirty little whore!"

"Where have you been?"

"You smell like sex!"

The three separate voices assaulted her as she walked through the door that opened right into the front room. She spun round to face the sofa taking in the sight before her; Brittney was sprawled out on the single seater couch while Finn was sitting up straight with Kurt curled up next to him.

"Why are you still up? The bar kicked out hours ago." Quinn frowned as she threw her bag down and walked over to flop down next to the happy male couple.

"You missed an epic night. We were buzzing so we decided to stay up and watch Step Up." Britt explained pointing to the screen.

"Actually they led me astray. I thought we were gonna be watching Iron Man." Finn huffed and Kurt rubbed his stomach affectionately and eventually a lazy grin appeared on the man's face.

"Was it alright? Was the singer good?" Kurt asked turning to look at her and she tried to stop a smile from spreading on her face at the male's interaction.

"Yeah. She was very...professional." The answer seemed to satisfy him and he grinned widely.

"Where have you been eh? You dirty little stop out." Finn piped up.

"Pretty sure a dirty little stop out comes home the next day." She informed with a smug smirk.

"Its 5 in the morning so technically it is tomorrow." Her confident expression disappeared and reappeared on Kurt's face instead.

"Weren't you playing piano at some 70th birthday party? How did you find someone there? Oh wait...you didn't…not with an OAP!" The blonde asked with a look of disgust, her bottom lip jittered out and her eyebrows hung low.

"God no. I do have some standards." She barked back and instantly heard Finn cough to cover up his laugh and met a questioning look from Kurt. "Do you really have such a low opinion of me?" All three began to open their mouths and held up her hand. "Don't answer that."

"So you find a hot granddaughter?" Finn asked raising his eye brows suggestively which earned him a slap on his chest from Kurt. "Hey, I was just asking."

"No granddaughter." Quinn said with a shrug.

"Come on Quinnie, give me something. My sex life is lived through you." Brittney said with her trademark sad face.

"There's nothing to tell." Quinn said trying to focus on the two attractive actors dancing on the screen, reaching out she picked up some popcorn and threw it into her mouth.

"What's going on?" Finn pondered out loud and Quinn turned to face him with an arched eyebrow. "Usually you come here and tell us about the girl. Kurt tells you that you're a slut, I tell you that you're the man and Britt usually excuses herself for fifteen minutes." The last part of the comment earned him a face full of popcorn from the dancer.

"Nothing's going on."

"Then spill it." Kurt threatened.

"Fine it was a hot brunette." Quinn gave in with a sigh, banging her head back on the couch.

"I knew it! There was no way you were out this late and not tapping it! Plus like I said you smell of sex!" Brittney exclaimed clapping her hands. "Was it good? I bet it was." Quinn's lips turned into a thin like as her eyes regarded each of the people staring at her.

"It was amazing." She finally said as she recalled the night spent with Rachel, recalling the memory of their sweaty bodies intertwined. "You get one question each."

"What did she look like?" Finn asked.

"You wasted your question on that?" Kurt asked bemused.

"She was petite, brunette, brown eyes but they almost seemed black sometimes. Exceptionally long legs, toned stomach. She was beautiful." Quinn recalled getting lost in her own thoughts.

"What did you get up to?" Kurt took his turn to question her and smirked with a knowing look.

"There were multiple positions; there were toys and my god that girls tongue. Jesus! And that's all you're getting you got the first question Britt when you asked if it was good. So all finished. Also she was under thirty!"

"That's enough info for me. I have an active imagination." The tall blonde explained with a wicked grin.

"You need to start getting out there." The piano player offered. She had suggested setting the blonde up on numerous occasions but every time she had been rebuffed. "Santana is never gonna come out."

"I know. When I'm ready I'll get out there and catch up with your record." She challenged.

"I'm not sure that's possible. Quinn has slept with nearly all the women in New York and she's probably gonna have to start the circuit all over again soon." Kurt stated in a serious tone and Quinn reached out her leg and kicked him. "I'm just stating the facts here Warren Beatty!"

"Funny!" The blonde quipped sarcastically.

"So what's the mark for this one?" Finn inquired. They always asked her to rate the girls one to ten, it had been fun in her early 20's but now she had grown tired of it.

With a sigh she replied, "Ten." It was the honest answer although she thought ten didn't do her justice.

"Wow when was the last ten given out?" Brittney thought out loud.

"Oh I know this one! It was that girl a few years back, the one with piercings in all sorts of places." Kurt shouted excited that he knew the answer.

"No no. Remember she got the ten until Quinn found out the girl gave her crabs!" Brittney interjected with a satisfied smile.

"I love this conversation." The blonde beside Kurt stated dryly.

"Oh I finally found a band by the way." Kurt almost shouted with excitement and startled the others. But Quinn was happy for the change of subject and slowly let her thoughts travel back to Rachel's toned body.

"Finally. That comic you had filling in was about as funny as a heart attack." Finn noted.

"Yeah he makes me sad." The blonde added as she changed her position and sat on the chair upside down letting the blood rush to her head.

"Well if you guys hadn't lost your bass player who was also your singer I wouldn't have had to get that funny man." Kurt said shooting a look to Finn before Quinn who held up her hands in defence.

"That was more your fault than mine." She told him with a pointed look.

"I thought we were never to talk about that." Finn exclaimed folding his arms over his chest and shifted away from Kurt slightly. The smaller man clearly saw this as a challenge and saddled up closer to his boyfriend putting his arm around Finn's broad chest. He leaned up and whispered in the man's ear before a goofy smile played across his lips and jumped up.

"Right we're going to bed!" Kurt yelled as he jumped up behind his boyfriend and began to walk away.

"If he doesn't go home soon, I'm gonna assume Finn has moved in and charge him rent!" Quinn called over them.

"He is paying rent...just not with cash." Kurt yelled back.

"Ew, now that is just ruining my happy imagine of Quinn and some random chick." Brittney grimaced as she rubbed her thigh.

"If you're gonna start giving yourself a happy when I'm here can you let me know so I can go to my room." Quinn groaned as she stretched out on the sofa.

"I strained by thigh in dance class today, I'll wait until I go to bed. So you gonna see this girl again?"

"No I never see them again. Britt you need to sit up your face looks like a tomato."

"I like it, I feel all light headed. You know eventually you are gonna have to see a girl twice otherwise you are gonna end up alone."

"That's depressing." She replied sourly.

"But it's true. All of us will continue to pair off and even Jamie will eventually." The words hit home, they always did, and this topic of conversation was not uncommon in her life. Quinn knew they were right. Of course they were right; still she never stayed till the morning. There is a fear in waking up beside someone, what if they ask you to leave? They might not feel the same. They might feel the same, you start to date and then 6 months later you end up on the floor of your living room crying to 'all by myself.' It was too hard. Although it was hard leaving Rachel this evening, the hardest it had been in a while.

"Well if you keep going like this we are gonna be alone together with fifty cats." She pointed out and Brittney drew the sides of her lips down contemplating this future.

"I'm okay with that I like cats." Britt replied after a pause. "Right I'm going to bed. I've got dance class early tomorrow and I want to sort myself out if you know what I mean." Getting up she winked at Quinn who rolled her eyes.

"Unfortunately I know what you mean. I'm just gonna watch the end of the movie. Happy playing!" She called after her roommate as she chuckled to herself.

Herself Brittney and Kurt had been friends since middle school. When Kurt had first come out in 10th grade it had been Quinn who had punched the basketball player who had insulted him. When Quinn had been caught kissing one of cheerleaders it had been Brittney who had egged the girl's car who mocked her. They had always stuck by each other and that hadn't changed with age. Along the way they had adopted Santana, Puck and Finn to their group and they had become a family of sorts.

Quinn knew she should go to bed she had to be up at 9 for a piano lesson. But she couldn't sleep. Every time she closed her eyes she was haunted by brown orbs that turned dark with desire. She could escape the memory of Rachel and the things she made her body do. Quinn curled up on the couch and just allowed the thoughts to run through her mind and eventually her eyes closed and sleep took over. It was a peaceful content slumber and the best few hours' sleep she'd had in a long time.

No nightmares.

A week later and Quinn walked into Bar Nun. Kurt had brought it last year with help from his father; he was spoilt by his dad, who had lavished things on his son since his wife died. Quinn had been sceptical about the success of the bar when Kurt had first announced it but it had become a huge hit. The gay population of New York had been drawn there which had been great at first for Quinn but now it was always the same girls.

She smiled at Mike the bouncer as she skipped inside, Kurt had told her that she had to come to meet his new warm up band. Her roommate had been excited about it all week and she had reluctantly agreed. Walking straight to the bar and ordered a beer as she caught the eye of a girl the other side and smiled at her. She didn't recognise the black

haired woman and suddenly she thought her night wouldn't be so bad after all. The tall dark haired woman came striding over and Quinn couldn't stop from watching the way her chest moved as she walked.

"Want a drink?" The woman asked and Quinn shook her head lifting her bottle. "Well to be fair that was just my small talk." Quinn leaned in closer to smell the girl's perfume which was too strong. She wasn't completely stunning, she was attractive but in an obvious way and her short skirt and low cut top left little to the imagination. But Quinn wasn't one to be overly picky.

"It was good. Impressive."

"I appreciate your lying." The woman said reaching out for Quinn's loop on her jeans pulling her even closer.

"You're forward." The pianist commented a little shocked but also turned on by the woman's brashness.

"You don't get anywhere by being shy." She smirked and Quinn liked her approach. "So how about it?" Quinn grinned she could always watch this band done other time.

"Quinn?" The blonde spun round and was stunned to see Rachel standing beside her. "Hi." Quinn eyed the short girl standing beside her, she had too much to process. 'What was Rachel doing here?' She thought to herself, 'god she looked hot!' "Erm I thought you said you'd meet me here." Quinn weighed this up for a moment. She had mentioned to Rachel that she came to this bar and might see her some time. She was sure that she had not specifically arranged to meet the girl. "Who's this?" She asked pointing to the woman who still had her fingers threaded through her loops.

"Er..." Quinn started pathetically.

"Amanda." The new comer said removing her hand offering it to Rachel who just looked at the gesture and turned back to Quinn. The blonde wondered if there was any chance the floor would open and swallow her whole.

"Rachel I..." Quinn tried to start as she turned out of Amanda's grip.

"What's going on?" Rachel jumped in as Quinn seemed unable to find the words she needed to say.

"We had a good time last week didn't we?" Quinn sighed as she tried to explain and Rachel's forehead knotted, for a brief moment Quinn wanted to reach out and un-crease her lines.

"I had fun too. I assumed that we would meet maybe go out and repeat it." There was a slight smile on her face but it's didn't light up her expression like it had in their previous encounter. "Or am I completely wrong?"

"I'm not a relationship kinda girl." Quinn told her putting on her standard game face, ignoring the unknown feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"I wasn't aware I was asking for a relationship." She stated her left hand resting upon her hip staring at Quinn.

"I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression." Quinn could feel Amanda's hand curling around her waist and it was only this gesture that made her remember they weren't alone.

"No it's my own fault for thinking differently. I didn't realise you were one of those girls." Her tone held some venom within it and Quinn felt it sting her flesh.

"I'm not one of those-" Quinn began to argue as the girl walked off.

"Don't. You'll only embarrass both of us. Because you'll be lying and I might actually believe you." The blonde let out a ragged breath as she watched the petite women get swallowed up by the crowd and then she felt a pair of lips against her neck.

"So where were we?" Amanda whispered in her ear before sucking on her lope. Quinn grimaced and wriggled out of the woman's grip.

"Actually my friends are over there. I'll catch up with you later yeah." It wasn't really a question neither was it something she had plans of following through with.

She walked away from the dark haired girl taking her beer with her not waiting for a reply. The appearance of Rachel had completely thrown her and their exchange had left Quinn cold. Sure she'd had angry girls confront her before but it had never bothered her; until now. She didn't like the emotions present in Rachel's eyes, the hurt, the confusion or the disappointment.

"Hey sexy!" Quinn looked up to see her mohawked friend Puck approaching her. "Still gay?" He asked throwing his arm around her, he asked her this question every time he saw her, and it still made her chuckle.

"When it comes to you, always." She grinned at him as she tried to see through the crowd if Rachel was still around.

"God that hurts. Luckily I'm always up for a challenge."

"You would have thought after four years you'd give up. I will commend your dedication." She told him with a chuckle as they arrived at their table. Quinn looked over at Santana who was sipping at her drink looking around suspiciously.

"San do you realise you're in a gay bar?" The blonde said into the Latina's ear as she sat beside her. "What if someone sees you?"

"Oh fuck you." She snapped. "I'm just looking, I'm not touching." Santana stated rather disappointedly.

"You're the worst gay ever."

"Sorry should I hand my lesbian permit back in?" She sniped back and Quinn watched as Santana's eyes fell on Brittney as she come over to the table.

"You're pathetic." Quinn laughed at her friends obvious feelings for the blonde. They had dated in secret for almost 3 months but when Britt confronted the Latina about hiding their relationship it all started to unravel. Quinn understood it to some degree. Santana had just qualified for the upcoming Olympics after injury had ruled her out previously and she was worried about her sponsors and her reputation. But still she couldn't imagine having to pretend to be someone else.

"At least I managed to have a relationship for 3 months!" Santana shot back and Quinn snapped her head to look at her with annoyance. "And you call me pathetic!"

"We are a right pair of losers then." Quinn stated dryly, still trying to subtly look for Rachel.

"When did you get here?" Kurt asked as she approached the table taking a seat opposite them.

"Only just." Quinn took a sip of her drink. "So where is this band I just HAD to see?"

"They'll be on in a minute. And don't any of you think of banging any of them!" He said looking at everyone at the table particularly Quinn.

"Why are you looking at me? You were to blame with our band breaking up." The blonde shot at him but jumped when she felt big hands upon her shoulders.

"What part of never talk about that does no one get!" Finn said as he leaned down and gave Quinn a hard kiss on her cheek. She pushed him off lightly and he walked over to Kurt giving him a quick peck.

Brittney was the last one to join their table and as she took her seat she sent a small smile to Santana. "Hey." The Latina whispered and then hung her head.

"Wow. Epic fail." Quinn muttered amusingly to herself.

"Fuck you very much." She spat back and downing her drink before walking back to the bar.

Quinn took this opportunity to turn her attention back to the stage. She was a little jealous that they had been replaced but she knew it had to happen. With that said Quinn also felt a little sorry for this band, this crowd could be hard to win over. It had taken her band almost a month to win people over. She noticed movement on the stage,

a guy in a wheel chair was helped up by an Asian girl along with a hot chocolate diva who strutted over to the keyboard. The Asian girl went over and sat behind the drums while the guy in the wheel chair started playing with the guitar. Quinn watched them with amusement, they looked completely miss matched.

Quinn looked around the bar again hoping that Rachel would still be there but she couldn't spot her. She wasn't quite sure why this fact made her feel a little empty inside.

"Hey, well we're the pretty little liars." The sudden voice from the stage caused her head to shoot up, it sounded just like...Rachel! "Hope you're all in the mood to dance for a bit!" With that the band started up. Quinn just sat there staring trying to remind herself how to breathe in and out.

"Am I alone in your heart?

Have I hope with your heart?

She's such a teaser, she's such a star.

Give me a reason or gimme a chance.

Am I alone in your heart, or am I alone?...

It tears me apart."

Quinn could not take her eyes of the girl singing. When she had played piano for her, the songs had been rather slow. But here with a band behind her she seemed to be shining. The beat was pulsing through her body and the dance floor that had been empty a moment ago was starting to fill up.

"Doing all I can do, just to be close to you.

Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat.

Always up for a laugh, she's a pain in the ass

Every time that we meet, I skip a heartbeat."

Rachel's eyes unexpectedly fell upon her and smirked. Quinn suddenly felt small and looked away. She wasn't sure if she could cope for the next hour listening to this woman. Her voice was like honey, drawing her in.

"Give me an evening, or give me a night.

I'll show you the time, of your life.

I'll walk you home safe, from the dark.

I'll give you my jacket, I'll give you my heart.

But she won't come dancing tonight,

She's having the time of her life."

Eventually the song came to an end and now the dance floor was packed. Quinn was a little hurt because after her first full set the dance floor had not been that busy. But Quinn understood why. Rachel was like the piped piper leading people to dance.

"So?" Kurt said looking over and it snapped her out of her trance.

"How come you didn't say it was the girl I played with the other night?" Quinn asked leaning over the table to whisper in his ear, as the band started another song.

"I didn't want you to have a preconception of these guys. They're good aren't they?"

"They're amazing. Who is that girl?" Brittney jumped in, unable to take her eyes of the lead singer. Quinn didn't particularly like the way her blonde friend was ogling the girl but swallowed the feeling down.

"That's Rachel." Quinn answered before Kurt got the chance.

"You know her? Oh my god have you already been there?" Brittney snapped her head to look at her and suddenly she felt all eyes on her.

"No." She lied. "She was the singer the other week when I went to play piano. I don't bed everybody I meet." Quinn huffed.

"Yeah you do." Santana un-wantedly added to the conversation.

"Oh yeah you banged someone else that night." Finn said as he too looked back to the stage. "Well you should have gone home with her."

"Wipe your drool." Kurt said dryly handing his boyfriend a napkin. "Damn bisexuals." He muttered and Quinn chuckled.

"I'd do her." Puck growled as he licked his lips.

"You'll do anything with a pulse. Even then you're not fussy." Santana spat out. He was her fake boyfriend for events she had to attend, the mohawked man had tried it on with her multiply times but she'd always knocked him back.

"What was she like then?" Brittney continued to probe while stealing glances to the stage.

"Erm she was nice. Not very chatty." Quinn was at a blank at what to say. That she tasted like heaven or that she had fingers created for pleasure.

"Really I couldn't get her to shut up when I met her." Kurt said with a shrug.

"Maybe she's different when she's working." Quinn replied quickly with a fake look of puzzlement.

"I could think of some ways to shut up." The long legged blonde offered with a wild grin and Quinn instantly felt the Latina beside her tense.

"I've heard better. Well I'm gonna get another drink." Santana grumbled.

"Aren't you in training?" Quinn asked but Santana shot her a look and she stopped talking. "Sorry for asking." She said to herself with a sigh.

"Does she play for our team?" Britt asked.

"I don't know do I." The pianist told her a little too sharply. That earned a questioning look from Kurt who eventually shook it off.

"Oh she bats for us. It was what made me book her. Well that and her voice is like butter melting. The girls are gonna wanna do her and if they know they stand a chance they'll keep coming back." He grinned.

"You perv you've been hanging out with Puck too much." Brittney said but there was now a twinkle in her eye when she gazed at the brunette on stage.

"I don't even know why I come here. I either get shot down by girls or get hit on by men. I'm never gonna score here." Puck stated disappointedly.

"You like to watch girls getting it on, that's why you come here." Santana told him as she came back and he paused to think about it before grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"You're right. Although I'm gonna have to get some straight friends to party with soon. A dick like mine should not be locked away, it was made for loving." He slurred arrogantly but it didn't offend anyone they were use to it. It was part of Puck's charm Quinn thought as she laughed at him.

"Or you could join our way of thinking." Finn interrupted raising his intertwined hand with Kurt's to make his point.

"I don't think so. I'm still getting my head around the two of you. But I mean come on dude, why him over me? Have you seen my guns?" As if to emphasis his point he flexed his muscles almost breaking the seams of his t-shirt. Quinn reached over and pulled his arms down from his pose. "Was that turning you on?" He winked and she groaned.

"You're a pig." Quinn stated.

"But I could be your pig."

"Just what I always wanted!" She laughed and he wrapped his arms around her tightly. "You're crushing me with your love." Quinn chocked out and it only caused him to laugh.

"So there's no chance I'm getting that hot little singer to go home with me?" Puck asked as Quinn wiggled out of his grip and sorted her hair out.

"No way. Gay as the day is long." Kurt said with a bright smile.

"What about the others I reckon that keyboard player could be a freak in the sack. Aren't they all?" He directed his head towards Quinn who lightly slapped him.

"You're never gonna find out." Quinn smiled sweetly at him and he pouted which only caused her smile to widen.

"The rest are straight but NO!" Kurt informed him as the bar erupted into applause after another song. Although Quinn had been invested in the conversation with her friends she had kept one eye on Rachel as she sang. Quinn had watched as her hips swayed to the music and the way her hand had slipped up and down the microphone stand.

50 minutes later and the band were wrapping up thankfully. Quinn couldn't keep her eyes under control, they seemed to be completely drawn to the brunette singer. There was something about her, Quinn had felt it the first time they'd met and she still couldn't explain it. She had experienced instant attraction to girls but usually the moment she crept out the feeling would flutter away, however this time she wasn't so fortunate. Quinn watched as Rachel stood on stage with a crowd on the dance floor singing the song along with her.

"In your head, in your head,

Zombie, zombie, zombie,

Hey, hey, hey. What's in your head,

In your head,

Zombie, zombie, zombie?

Hey, hey, hey, hey, oh, oh, oh,

Oh, oh, oh, oh, hey, oh, ya, ya-a..."

When the final note had come to a close Quinn was thankful, may be her heart rate would return to normal. However she could still hear the crowd of people singing back to the band.

" In your head, in your head,

Zombie, zombie, zombie!"

The blonde watched in amazement, the band had completely won the crowd over. She had never seen this reaction in the club before. They seemed to completely adore them and Quinn could see why. They seemed like a mixture of completely different people but together it seemed to work. Quinn suspected that it had something to do with their lead singer.

"okay okay!" Rachel said as the band started up again and they played the last part of Zombie again much to the crowds pleasure.

"I think I've hit the jackpot!" Kurt stated excitedly clapping his hands. The whole bar seemed to be singing the song along with the band even Santana albeit she was more subtle. Quinn looked around amazed but she smiled at the positive reaction they had received. "I'm totally giving them the Saturday night spot. They're gonna make me a fortune!" Quinn barely heard his words. She was under the same spell as everyone else in the bar.

There was passion that they all shared when on a stage. Rachel's love of singing was clear by the way she treated every song delicately, savouring the words in her mouth. Quinn found it so sexy, and she bit her bottom lip. Her band had loved performing but it was not everyone's first love. She liked playing keyboard for the band and singing a few songs but it wasn't her passion. What she loved more than anything else was just playing a piano. She had always wanted to take it further but life had got in the way after Julliard. She had only attended because it had always been her parent's dream and she had not wanted to disappoint them, the thought made her heart ache. However the elegant vocals coming from the stage seemed to lift the weight somewhat.

"Hey you get over here!" Kurt shouted to Rachel a few minutes later when the band were finished and packing away. The brunette was surrounded by a gaggle of adoring girls, Quinn smiled in amusement. Rachel seemed completely uncomfortable with all the attention but she was lovely to them none the less. She smiled apologetically before walking over to our table. Quinn watched as Brittney ran her hands over her dress trying to get the creases to vanish. Santana instantly sat up straight and Puck started to tense his arms. Quinn on the other hand held her breath in anticipation.

"Hey." She said a little embarrassed and waved weakly at the table avoiding Quinn's gaze.

"Come sit with us and meet everyone." Attentively she took a seat in between Kurt and Brittney the latter smiled at her brightly and Quinn had to swallow her groan. "This is Finn my boyfriend." The taller boy reached over and shook her hand. The pride simply poured off Kurt whenever he introduced Finn and Quinn found it touching. "The oaf opposite is Noah."

"You can call me be Puck." He interrupted as he took her hand and kissed it lightly. She gave him a confused smile before pulling it back.

"I don't think that's gonna be the only thing I'm calling you." She shot back with a wicked grin.

"I like her already." Puck said elbowing santana who shrugged.

"The lovely bundle of energy to your left is Brittney." Kurt continued with the introductions. The blonde took her hand firmly and Quinn noticed the way she was rubbing her thumb over the back of Rachel's hand.

"Hi Rachel. I'm single. Oh god I didn't meant to say that. Can we started over?" She rambled and Quinn couldn't help but chuckle. "Hi, I'm Brittney." Rachel was smiling that warm smile she had witnessed first-hand last week. She could feel an uncomfortable wave slip over her as she realised this time it was not directed at her.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you. Glad I'm not the only lonely member of the singles club." Rachel said with a wink and Quinn turned away.

"There's a club?" Brittney said confused after a beat she got the joke and laughed too loudly.

"The ray of sunshine across the table is San."

"Yeh Santana Lopez. I saw you race last year." Rachel said reaching out her hand but it was not taken by the Latina who just stared at the digits presented to her. Quinn kicked her shin hard with the back of her boot causing the brunettes hand to come shooting out. She shook hands with a look of disgust and muttered a barely audible "thanks."

"That hot thing over there is of cour-" Kurt started but was unable to finish his sentence as Rachel cut across him.

"Quinn. Oh we've met...Intimately" She said with a half grin, all of a sudden the blonde felt 6 pairs on her. She squirmed uncomfortably in her chair avoiding all eyes contact.

"A hot brunette...and Rachel is brunette..." Finn mused out loud about the description Quinn had given him about the girl she had slept with.

"You called me hot? Well that's flattering." Rachel remarked lifting her eyebrows and Quinn blushed and silently cursed herself.

"You liar!" Kurt shouted.

"You did sleep with her?" Brittney chimed in sounding slightly disappointed.

"You told them we didn't have sex? A little heads up would have been nice." Rachel stated sarcastically but Quinn detected a tone of amusement.

"I said I had sex with a brunette-"

"A hot brunette don't forget the hot part." Rachel added.

"We asked straight out half an hour ago if you'd slept with her and you said no." Kurt said raising his voice over the dj who was blasting music.

"That's because you said don't sleep with the band!"

"Bit late." The singer added and Quinn wished the girl wasn't at their table making the situation worse. She was pushing Quinn's buttons and she didn't appreciate it. Not many girls were able to get under Quinn's collar and it was making her heart speed up rapidly. "Well don't worry it won't be happening again. Quinn's made it clear she's a fuck 'em and chuck 'em type of girl. Anyway I should get back to helping my friends. It was nice meeting you all." She glared at Quinn briefly before smiling to everyone else and stopping at Brittney. "Hopefully I'll see you here again."

"Oh you'll see me again." Puck shouted after her and she turned and laughed but not in a spiteful way, her chortle made her eyes sparkle. With that she deserted their location and headed back to her band mates. Quinn felt all their eyes on her again and sighed.

"What?" She exclaimed.

"So she was ten out of ten?" Finn asked with a twinkle in his eye.

"Well you know on closer inspection I'm not sure if she was." Quinn lied. She was still having recurring dreams about Rachel's body and the effects that it had on her own.

"Whatever. You could have cut the sexual tension with a knife." Santana said with a bored expression.

"There was no tension." Quinn dismissed the comment although she had felt the atmosphere shift heavily upon her chest. "We hooked up. That's the end of the story." Quinn shrugged as though it was no big deal, and truth was it usually wasn't but for maybe the first time she felt bad.

"Didn't seem like that from where I was sitting." Santana stated with an evil smirk and Quinn had to fight the urge to wipe it off her face. This was clearly payback for her earlier comments regarding her and Brittney.

"You really slept with her?" Brittney said so quietly that Quinn almost didn't hear it.

"Yeah, but it didn't mean anything B, you know me. Never twice." Quinn put on her confident outer wall and smiled that cocky grin. "I'm going for a smoke. Are we done with this interrogation?" It wasn't really a question as she was already out of her seat before all the words had left her mouth.

Smoking was a terrible habit that Quinn had picked up in high school. She wished she had never started because she knew it was bad for her and it also cost her a small fortune. But right now as she inhaled the fumes it calmed her and she was thankful for the disgusting habit. She watched as the smoke she let out curled around the night air.

"Sort this out." The abrupt voice drew her from her calm happy place with a thud.

"Huh?" She said turning to see Kurt with a pissed off expression. "Sort what?"

"Whatever the fuck that was going on in my bar."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Quinn went back to smoking, although she knew ignoring him was a pointless task.

"Rachel Berry!" He said through gritted teeth.

"There's nothing to sort out."

"Are you kidding me? She couldn't wait to get away fast enough. That girl is going to make me some serious money, so you better sort out whatever it is between you so she won't fuck off to some other place!" He was being unreasonable, and his voice was becoming shrill.

"Chill out. Me and Rachel are cool." Quinn attempted to calm him but she saw the vein in his forehead start to pulsate and knew that any further squabbling was futile.

"Were you at the same table?"

"Yeah she was joking about it." Quinn wasn't sure why he was acting like this.

"Quinn! I put up with a lot of shit due to you. The random girls I have to feed before they'll leave. Your bed creaking until the early hours of the morning. I'm asking for one thing from you." The last 7 words from his lips were soft. "I'm using the friend card Q, I never use it so I'm whipping it out now. I implore you."

Quinn sighed deeply and rolled her eyes. Leaning against the wall her shoulders slouched low in defeat. "Fine but I'm not sure what you expect me to say."

"It may be a foreign word to you but I think what you need to say is sorry. It's called an apology."

"Bite me bitch." Quinn snapped at his sarcastic comment. "I'll call her or something during the week."

"Make sure you do it before Tuesday because that's when they play here next." Kurt smiled brightly pleased with the end result of his rant. Turning on his heels he retreated back inside.

Quinn didn't know what he expected her to say to Rachel. She was lying when she said she hadn't felt the tension. It had hung heavy between them and was impossible to ignore. But she couldn't admit that to Kurt because then she would be admitting she was in the wrong. Somehow she had wound up agreeing to apologise to a girl who made her heart race. Quinn had never expected to see Rachel again (even though part of her had thought about finding her; had even meant it when she'd said I'll see you around), now they were being thrust together. Fate? And Quinn was certain she did not like the way Rachel and Brittney were looking at each other.

"Fuck sake." She muttered to herself as she put her cigarette out. As the last efforts of the smoke carried into the night Quinn had a feeling in the pit of her stomach that Rachel was about to change everything.