Hey everyone! I know it has been ages since I posted anything on this story. I lost interest in it and things have been busy as well! I have been tempted to write more of this story and have had a few ideas...so I will give it ago! Here is chapter 9! I only wished I owned Emmett! I feel like making this into a spoof story at the minute but won't! So here we go!



It has been 6 months since I left the Volturi and my Alec. There was not a day that went by that I did not think of him but I needed this time away. With Edward and the rest of the Cullens showing up, it felt like I was being suffocated.

After I left, I started living a nomadic life, travelling from place to place, never staying anywhere for longer than a few weeks at the most. I met some interesting vampires along the way, managing to make few allies. One of these allies, Phil, helped me realise that running from my problems would not help my case when I returned home, whenever that would be. So here I am on my way back to Italy to be reuniting with my love...

I travelled with Phil for about 4 months and he became a very good friend to me. I know I made the right choice in helping him when he was on the run from a vampire who claimed that Phil took his mate from him when in reality, Phil saved Audrey from being held captive for the rest of her life as a vampire. Unfortunately, Phil and Audrey did not their happy ending. The psychopath vampire tortured and killed Audrey for leaving him. Phil was devastated when we met and was on the verge of going to the Volturi to die. I helped convince that life was precious and to not give up hope. I helped him get rid of the pyschopath but Phil was still empty on the inside. I knew what that felt like from when Edward had left me when I was still human.

As a human, it was so difficult being left by a vampire who had claimed you as their mate...they staked a claim on you and you could do nothing about that. I learnt from Phil that all vampires can do that. It is meant to trap humans so they can become a vampires pet. This is known as 'allure'. As far as I am concerned, it is a despicable act of cowardice and just pure sick, having been through it myself. This is why I felt like I could not live without Edward. As soon as I get back to Italy, I will make sure that any vampire who uses 'allure' will face the death penalty.

A couple of weeks ago, Phil and I went out separate ways. He wanted to figure out who he was again without Audrey. They had been together when they were both human 300 years ago and only found each other again 50 years ago before she was horribly taken away from him 8 months ago. Phil decided to go to their home town to remember her and find any family that they had left and also to help him reconnect with Audrey.

And here I was, currently on a plane back to Italy, to get back to the place where I belong...with Alec. Being without him has been terrible and I sometimes wished I had never left him. I knew we both needed this time apart but there were times I could barely cope without him and was almost returning back to him. I feel like such a terrible person for making him go through this, if he felt any sort of resemblance to what I was feeling.

I was nervous to say the least. Would Alec take me back with open arms? Would my family, for that matter? I had no clue but I knew I was doing the right thing by coming back. The Cullens be damned. They screwed up my life once, I will not let them take over my life once again. They ran me out of my home and it will not happen again.

The plane finally landed an hour later and I was now standing outside the castle doors, still trying to work up the nerve to go into the castle. Surely someone inside would have sensed that I was here. Taking a deep breath I pushed the doors open and I got an amazing surprise...my whole family was standing at the other side of the door, grins on their faces waiting for me to come in.

I ran straight into my Dad's arms and hugged him like no tomorrow. I was so happy to see everyone else but there was one person who was not there...Alec.

"Where's Alec?" I asked, praying that nothing was wrong or had happened to him.

It was Felix, my brother bear who finally answered. "He's in yours and his special place. He has been heartbroken since you left and has stayed there everyday hoping and praying for your return. He understood why you needed to leave, we all did, but that did not make him wish that you hadn't. We barely even managed to get him to hunt, when he did, he would go right back to your place and not leave until he had to hunt again. This has become a never ending cycle. He doesn't even talk to Janey."

If I was human, I would be in tears right now. I cannot believe what I had put my family through, all because I was selfish and couldn't cope with the Cullens being back in my life.

"I am so sorry for everything I put you all and Alec through. I feel terrible for this but I am back now and I'm hoping that you will forgive me. I understand that it will take a lot of time, but I will do anything to regain your trust. But first I have to go to Alec." I said in a heavy voice, trying not to sob.

"Of course, sweetheart. We understand completely. Do not think we all love you any less. You are one of us and always will be. Just promise that you wont leave us like that again, without any contact. If you do, you will be taking your phone and some of us with you. That is a rule you MUST follow!" said uncle Aro as sternly as he could.

I could only giggle and nod my head. I gave him a hug before asking them to wish luck as I left to find Alec.

I can't believe that he has stayed in our special place the whole time I was gone. I only wish that our reunion would go as well as the one with the rest of my family went.

10 minutes later I saw Alec. He hadn't sensed me yet. He seemed to be lost in a day dream as he started out at the coast line. I noticed that Alec was sitting in the exact place where we first told each other of our love for one another. I took a deep breath and walked slowly over to him.

When I was a few steps away, he noticed that I was here and he spun around to face me. We stared at each other for a few moments and then, as if a magnetic force was pulling us together, he grabbed my face, tangling his right hand into my hair, his left hand cupping my face as he kissed me for all he was worth. I immediately responded with a smile on my face and I knew...

I knew that I was home with my family. I knew that I was loved more than ever. I knew that I was in love more than ever. And I knew that now I was finally back in Alec's warm embrace...I knew that I would never leave his side again. I am home.


I hope everyone is happy with how this ended. I decided that I really could not be bothered writing more chapters so I hope that this is ok for you all. Hope you all enjoyed this story! Thank you for reading! xxxx