For all of those who put this story on alert hoping for The Discussion, your patience has paid off... here it is! \o/
This chapter is because of—and therefore dedicated to—SupernaturalGeek, who left me such a lovely review and reminded me I wanted to add this bit in. Thanks, sweets!
Also, now this fic is well and truly completed.
Lastly, this chapter is unbetaed so hopefully any mistakes left are tiny and not terribly damaging to the ability to read it. Let me know if this is not the case and I will fix it post haste. :D
Arthur held the door for Merlin as he staggered into the prince's chambers with his arms full of armor and then followed him in. Merlin deposited the clanking mess on the table and began sorting the pieces—not because he was anxious to be getting about the business of cleaning it, but because after the rest of the ride through town and the walk up here under the weight of Arthur's scrutiny he was now not anxious to be getting about the business of talking about his magic. For whatever reason, Arthur seemed to agree since he still didn't immediately demand an explanation or start berating Merlin for his idiocy or anything like that.
Then again, Merlin might actually have preferred that to Arthur's choice of sitting in his chair with his boots balanced on the table, still staring at the warlock as he worked.
Finally Merlin could take it no longer and, keeping his head ducked and his eyes on the armor, said, "So... er..."
"How long?" Arthur interrupted.
Since the tone was more curious than accusing, Merlin dared to glance up and saw Arthur's brow was furrowed as if he could see the answers to his questions just by looking closely enough at his manservant.
"H-how long what?"
"How long have you been practicing sorcery? I mean, you tried enough spells back in the woods—spells you apparently had memorized—that you obviously know a thing or two about the dark arts, but we both know that you're not the very quickest learner, so you couldn't have started recently." He tilted his head in consideration. "Unless, of course, you made those spells up on the spot, which might explain both why they didn't work and why you knew so many."
Merlin wasn't sure if admitting he had made half of them up on the spot would help or hurt him, so instead he took exception to something else.
"It's not sorcery."
Arthur's eyebrows arched. "Really," he drawled. "So you're telling me that your ability to create lights and lift things into the air is... what? Natural talent?"
Merlin couldn't help the laugh. "Actually, it is."
Arthur smirked and snorted a laugh himself. "Merlin—"
"No, I'm serious."
"You don't have to pretend that it's something you can't help. I'm not going to have you executed for making an idiotic decision. You'd have been dead ages ago if that were the case."
Merlin glared at Arthur, who ignored it and kept explaining, tone taking a more serious note.
"I heard what you said back there. You think it's your destiny to protect me—which is sort of touching and," he huffed a laugh, "highly amusing—and that foolish notion is obviously what made you decide to pursue the study of sorcery. It's noble in intent, Merlin, but idiotic in execution—as most of your attempts to 'protect' me are."
Merlin stared with a slack jaw as Arthur stood and rounded the table. The prince clapped his servant on the shoulder and smiled.
"I do appreciate your loyalty, Merlin. I know I don't often say it, but your willingness to stay by my side through all the dangers that are an inherent part of being a prince in a kingdom besieged by magic is not something I take lightly. Which is why I'd like you to continue to be my manservant." He lowered his head and stared at Merlin intently. "That will be a lot more difficult if my father removes your head from your shoulders. Do you understand?"
Merlin was still staring in shock and Arthur's lips curled up on one side, his tone taking on a lighter tone when he added, "Not that it would really change your intelligence if he did, I can see, but it would look a bit odd if I had a headless servant following me around. And you'd no doubt trip on even more things without your eyes." Then he tipped his head to the side. "Though you'd be quieter without a mouth..."
Merlin finally regained his senses and scowled. "Hey! That mouth has saved your life on more than one occasion!"
Arthur's eyebrow arched. "Really? I can think of more than a few occasions where it's gotten my life into danger as well."
The mouth in question opened and then closed.
Arthur clapped Merlin's shoulder again and then reclaimed his chair.
"Merlin, just stop studying sorcery and continue helping me in the ways that are both allowed by law and required by your position and I'll forget this whole thing ever happened, all right?"
Merlin's shoulders slumped and he shook his head with a resigned sigh.
"Yes, sire."
Arthur nodded. "Good. Then I'll be needing a bath. I think I still have frog slime on me," he said with a grimace. "When you've finished with that, you can clean my armor, of course—"
"Tidy your room, polish your boots, sharpen your sword..." Merlin recited in a dull tone.
Arthur's eyes narrowed. "And don't forget mucking out my stables."
Merlin sighed again.
"You know, if you'd like, I can keep my promise about putting you in the stocks. I probably ought to anyway since you deliberately disobeyed me and told Guinevere."
"Ha! I knew it! And I never said a word to her! She figured it all out on her own!"
Arthur arched a brow.
"Besides," Merlin pointed out, "if I hadn't taken you to Gwen, you'd still be catching bugs with your tongue."
Arthur's face screwed up and stuck his tongue out a few times, scraping it on his teeth in disgusted remembrance. "That reminds me, after you fetch the bath water but before the rest of your chores, I need to wash the taste of moth out of my mouth. Preferably with something a little stronger than water. And bring something to eat, too. I'm starved."
"The seven moths, three flies, and two I-don't-even-know-whats weren't enough for you?" Merlin muttered. "You really are going to get fat—"
"Going! Going!"
He shut the door behind himself and paused for a second to breathe a sigh of relief.
That really could have gone better—but it also could have gone much worse, he thought, one hand drifting up to rub absently at his neck.
Of course now he was going to have to work twice as hard to not get caught using his magic, because even though he now knew Arthur wouldn't outright execute him for it—which was such a load off his shoulders—he'd certainly find ways to punish Merlin and creative punishments were one of Arthur's specialities.
Merlin shuddered at the thought and hurried off to fetch the water for his Prince's bath.
Love any comments you guys have, if you would be so kind as to share! :)