A/N: It's updated! Don't eat me! Or send the furies after me! This chapter was a hard one to write, as I don't have any personal experience of this... Anyway, Read and a review at the end would be lovely!

Of course it had to be us. Percy and I had set off to Washington DC, on our school camp. Just as we began the tour of the white house, a manticore turned up, which chased us out of DC, to Brentville, nearly 7 miles away. Of course, the school said that they couldn't come by to pick us up, so we would have to rent a room somewhere, and they would re-imburse us.

Percy and I walked on, hand in hand, searching for anywhere to stay after making the Manticore into a dust bunny, eventually finding a small motel. "Great." Percy sighed. "A rundown hotel. The best place to stay."
"Come on, it's the only place to stay in town…" I said, squeezing his hand and leading him through the front door.
"Well hello, kids. Looking for a room for the night?" A lady of about sixty looked up from her knitting.
"My bet's a fury…" Percy whispered.
I whacked his arm, and said to the lady "Yes please."
"Well, we've got one room left, so you're in luck. How long you planning on staying?" She said, concentrating on her knitting once more.
"Just the one night." Percy said.
"That'll be 85 dollars." She said, reaching up to get the only remaining key off a wall of hooks.
I reached for my wallet, but Percy beat me to it, handing over $90 dollars. "A tip for you." He said with a smile.
"Thank you, young man. Room 3 is all yours." The lady handed the key over the counter. "Just call if you need anything."
I gave our thanks as we left to our room.

The door swung open with a creak, and our room for the night was revealed. A small lounge was in front of an equally small TV, and there was a mini-fridge with a kettle in the back corner of the room, opposing a door I supposed led into the bathroom. In the center of the room, there was the bed. A double bed, nothing else.
"Umm… There's only one bed." Percy said, dropping our backpacks just inside the door. "Do you want me to take the lounge?"
"Nah, we've slept in beds together before. It's fine." I collapsed onto the bed.
"Thank gods! That lounge does not look like it would fit me."
I looked over at the lounge and chuckled. "Definitely not." I rolled over to face Percy, who had just led down. "Why do they always come for us? And whenever we're doing something interesting! Dates, we get monsters, parent teacher night, there's an invasion of emposai, school excursion, we get eaten by a manticore!"
"We were nearly eaten by a manticore… There's a difference, I would know." Percy said as he wrapped his arms around me.
"Sure, sure, Mr. untouchable. You'd be like a gobstobber for it. Me, on the other hand, would be porridge." The only response I got from Percy was a chainsaw-esque snore. "Of course." I mused aloud. "Oh well, I spose I am kinda tired." I gave Percy a kiss on the tip of his nose and snuggled in.

I woke up 3 hours later to the smell of Chinese. "Hey wise girl." Percy said as he gave me a kiss. "You were totally out of it, so I went to the liberty of getting us food. Your favourite."
I sat up, rubbing my eyes and stretching. "How did I sleep longer than you? Is the world coming to an end?"
Percy chuckled as we started on our meals.
"Mmm, Have I ever told you I love you?" I said as the full flavour of the Black Bean sauce flowed over my tongue.
"You may have mentioned it once or twice…" Percy stabbed a bit of my beef. "Wow, this is good!"
"This is why you should get Chinese more… It tastes amazing!"
"Yeah, but the fortune cookies are the best. Even if they're not blue…"
"I have to admit, everything is better when it's blue. Even if it looks deadly."

Percy chose that moment to fist-pump, and knock a glass of water off the table.
"Good work. If anyone asks about that, I'm saying you had an accident."
A mischievous smile crossed his face, which can only mean bad things. "Watch this…" Percy started moving his hands around, and the water on the floor collected itself and began to draw itself off the floor, and floated up to me.
"Don't you dare-" The ball of water climbed further up into the atmosphere, before crashing back down over my head. "I hate you right now." I said as Percy snickered into his Honey Chicken. "These are my only clothes, and now they're wet."
"Oh, yeah… Oh well, you can have my shirt."
"Do you have some ulterior motive behind that, or are you just being nice?" I questioned, eating the last of my food.
"Just being nice of course… Wait, what does ulterior mean?"
"That answers it all." I cracked open my fortune cookie, and read the small slip of paper while crunching on it's prisoner. "'Lady luck is on your side.' Nice. Because she hasn't been for ages…"
"'Triumph is a little try, and a lot of umph.'" Percy read. "Great, I found where Chiron gets his shirt slogan's from…"
I laughed as I pulled myself out of the seat. "Shirt. I want it." I said, hand out. Percy sighed and pulled off his shirt, and I walked into the bathroom, taking off everything except my underwear, and returned to the main segment of our little room.

"What? You're sleeping in your bra? Those things are like death traps. All wire-y and painful." Percy had already taken over most of the double bed, lying spread eagle across it.
"You get used to it, but no, I'm not. And don't think of trying anything either, seaweed brain. School excursion means strictly no stripping."
"But I can still kiss you?"
"I have absolutely no problem with that…" I said as Percy pulled me down on top of him.

We kissed for a few minutes before I pushed Percy off me. "You need your pajamas, unless you're sleeping in your jeans."
"Easy." Percy stood up, smiled, and took his jeans off in front of me, revealing his boxers.
"Batman. Nice." I smiled.
"You got something against Batman?"
"Nope." I said as I pulled Percy back down next to me.

We watched the television for a while, before I lost interest in the program and turned my attention to my almost naked boyfriend. I turned his face away from the television, and captured his lips with mine. We kissed, TV forgotten in the background.
"What are you doing?" Percy said, pulling away from me.
"Taking my shirt off. Do you have a problem with that?" I attempted to take my shirt off once more, to be thwarted by Percy pulling it back down.
"Annabeth, you said no stripping…" Percy said, as he pulled my shirt back down.
"Yeah, I know what I said. I decided it's stupid. Now are you going to let me take my shirt off or not?" Percy grinned his stupid little grin and pulled my shirt over my head, and turned his attention back to kissing me.

Over the course of the night, our remaining clothes were strewn around the room, and we lost ourselves to each other.

I woke up the next morning to a knock on the door. Not bothered to unwrap myself from Percy, I just called out to them. "Who Is it?"
"Good morning, it's Betty from the Front Office. Your school called and said they'd pick you up at quarter past 9."
"Thank you Betty."
"You're welcome to come down for breakfast, or we can send something up for you if you'd like."
"We might call for something later…"
"Ok, well bye now!" I heard her feet shuffling away, and led back down.

As soon as I began getting comfy again, Percy began talking. "Why must she come around in the morning?"
"Because we're getting picked up in…" I scanned the room for a clock. "Shit! An hour!"
"Eh. That's plenty of time." Percy said, wrapping his arms around my waist.
I sighed against his shoulder. "No it's not seaweed brain. We've got to get showered, clean up the room and have breakfast."
"Easy. Call for breakfast. Eat it in bed. Save time by showering together. Get the crap out of here at meet up with the school."
"Good plan, except for the showering together part. I don't know about that…"
"But last night…"
"I'm well aware of what we did last night, but that doesn't mean that we have absolutely no privacy between us now…"
"Neagh." Percy complained as his hand snaked down from my waist.
It didn't take me long to snap into action, slapping it away. "Down, boy."

"Fine. What do you want for breakfast?" Percy rolled over and grabbed the menu off the bedside table and attempted to read it. "I give up." He said after a short while. "It's not Greek."
"What did you expect? Just get something they're bound to have, like eggs and sausages or something. Can you get me some eggs and bacon?"
"Yeah sure." He said as he sat up and dialled the number.

I took the opportunity to begin surveying the damage from last night. Percy's shirt was on the floor next to the bed, with his boxer's on top of them. My underwear, however, somehow ended up resting on the kettle. "They said it'll be up in 30 minutes." Percy said, distracting me from my thoughts.
"How did you even get them there?" I asked, pointing to my underwear.
"I have no clue… But we have half an hour until we get interrupted, so you got any ideas of what we can do to kill time?" He said with a cheeky smile.
"How about a game of Uno?" I replied, and laughed as his face fell. "I was kidding Percy. I need to shower, and you do too. I bags first shower." I said, climbing out of the tangled sheets and collecting my clothes from around the room.
"If you take too long, I'm coming in." Percy called, out as I shut the bathroom door, chuckling.

I stood in the shower, slowly moving around, letting the water run through my hair and over my body. I shampooed my hair for the second time when I heard the bathroom door creak open a tiny bit. I washed the shampoo out, just as the shower door slid open, and Percy step in. "You were taking too long."
"See, I thought you were joking about that." I picked up the small packet of conditioner and ripped the corner off and squeezed out some.
"I never kid about water." Percy said, leaning past me for the soap.
"You're crazy." I said laughing.
"How long are you gonna be in here?"
I smoothed the conditioner through the length of my hair. "Couple minutes. I still gotta wash my body, then wash out the conditioner." A pair of hands shocked me, gently massaging my shoulders.
"Let me help you, cause I'm such a nice guy." He said, smile evident in his tone.
"And because you get nothing out of this…" I joked, but the hands pulled away. "Hey, I never said stop. It feels nice." Percy chuckled and continued to massage my shoulders and back.

We eventually finished washing, getting out moments before our breakfast arrived. "Get the door!" I cried to Percy.
"Why me?"
"Because you're not considered naked if you don't have a shirt on!"
He sighed before zipping his jeans up and getting the door. "Breakfast is here." He said, popping his head around the door.
"Kay, almost ready." I pulled my t-shirt over my head and walked out into the main area.
"Turns out they do put blue food colouring in scrambled eggs if you ask nicely…" Percy said as he perched on the bed with 2 plates full of food.
"Only you, seaweed brain." I shook my head and scrambled onto the mattress.

We finished out breakfast, gathered what little stuff we had, and waited just outside the lobby of the hotel for the school to pick us up.
Sure enough, the white bus wobbled up to the curb, and squeaked as it spat open its doors, revealing Mrs Woldan, an ancient history teacher who was way past her use-by date.
"I hope you two didn't worry too much about being left behind. Come on, get on the bus. You have some awfully nice friends who saved you a pair of seats."
"Thank you Mrs Woldan." We muttered as we bounded up the steps onto the bus.

We found the two seats saved for us, right behind Paul, who was also chaperoning, and in front of Kaitlyn, one of my friends from camp. She was one of Hephaestus' daughters, but looked like one of Aphrodite's. Don't let that fool you though, she was strong, and was top of the school in Metalwork.
Paul turned his head to the gap between the seats. "Your mother knows what happened last night Percy. She said she's glad you two got some alone time." The look on Paul's face indicated he wasn't.
Our faces turned red, and Paul turned back around, also with a crimson tinge to his face.

"So, you two get down to business?" Kaitlyn said, popping her gum.
"What, like you and Connor did?" I said, and was met with a knee jab to the back of the seat.
"I told you never to mention that." She sat back with a huff, before leaning forward again to say one word. "Bitch."
I turned to look at Percy, laughing. He smiled at me, and held my hand in his. Somehow, this small action felt so intimate, and I didn't regret one thing.

A/N: Yeah, I'm a virgin. I had no clue what to write. Anyway, I did kinda force the end of this chapter a bit... Oh well, it's still an update. Be happy about that. Be nice and leave a review. They get me motivated to write. Yeah, k. It's late. Meow. Elena xxy