Ok, first off just know that I hated posting this as much as I hated writing this author note, only because I'm no go at them. But this one is necessary because this story wouldn't have been put down on paper if it wasn't for two amazing people who helped me out more than I can explain. Charlie, as always my beta you are awesome! always great to help bounce ideas off and help when I'm stuck! :D... For those of you who haven't read The Academy, you must! it was written by the_black_drop and it was written amazingly. with your help Alex this story was brought to life and with your permission I have been able to, hopefully, be at the same standards are The Academy. Allowing me to write it this way means a lot!

To allow as much detail as I could get in, a lot of the chapter's will be long, I'm guessing at least 2000 words so I hope no one minds long chapters.

This story had been written along the same lines as The Academy with the characters set in High school and quotes and references from throughout the 3 seasons of Fringe. As well as quotes, music is a big part of most of my fics and so I am bringing back some of the awesome songs from the 80's with many being by Bon Jovi, only because I absolutely love them!

All songs are and events are dated either that of or before 1995.

Charlie and Alex thanks again for all the constant help I have received and keep receiving from both you fantastic writers!