Harry Potter-Dark Wizard?

Author: Lee Velviet

E-Mail: [email protected]

Disclaimer: You know who this stuff belongs to-J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., etc-I own absolutely nothing! ::Sob::

Summary: This was supposed to be my great epic-my sweeping HP saga- right. I couldn't even think of a good title. ::Sighs in disgust:: Anyway, Harry gets lost the summer after his sixth year while on a kind of quest with Sirius Black-he returns to Hogwarts older, darker, wiser, and more powerful, after acquiring a piece of his destiny, the ancient, omnipotent powers of the Order Of The Phoenix. But it comes with a price-though he may be able to at last defeat Voldemort for good, it seems all too possible he may be setting himself up to be the greatest dark wizard ever.

(Ok, Lameness abounds-read on, true believers, and let me know what you think! Reviews would rock, flames are welcome, but constructive criticism would be better! As always, please let me know if I get facts wrong! Thanks for reading!)

1.The Present

Ginny was up on the highest tower battlements of the castle, which now served as the Astronomy observation area for Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry. She was leaning on one of the pitted, ancient stone crenellations, watching the stars flash at her brilliantly from the midnight blue sky above the dark silhouette of the Forbidden forest, a cool March wind combing through her hair and chilling her skin.

She hadn't been able to sleep that night-she'd been positively humming with nerves. After tossing and turning for two hours, Ginny had risen quietly from her bed, and dressed, pulling on her robes and shoes, and made her way to the common room. She'd found it near impossible to sit- so she'd risked detention and slipped out of the tower, into the corridors.

Luckily Filch had been busy chasing and ranting about Peeves-he'd been easy enough to dodge.

She looked out over the blackness of the forest again, a deep sense of foreboding resting like a dark thundercloud over her head and shoulders.

Something just wasn't right.

Ginny knew she should go back inside, crawl into bed, and try to sleep, but…

Everything looked perfectly normal-but there was an insidious darkness creeping over everything-it made her shiver. Ginny wanted to run to the Headmaster-but what could she say?

"I'm sorry to wake you in the middle of the night, Professor Dumbledore, but I'm afraid of the dark."

Ginny shook her head and sighed. She couldn't run to him about every niggling feeling she got-he had You-Know-who to worry about these days. The Dark Lord had been on the rise again-she'd been present one night at the beginning of the year, at a small victory feast at Hagrid's hut in honor of Harry becoming the Captain of the Gryffindor House Quidditch Team.

Harry had been grinning over something Ron had just said, and he'd looked over across the room at her-and then his smile had faltered, and his hand had gone immediately up over his scar. Ron had pushed his friend into a chair, when Harry's eyes had squinted behind his glasses in pain.

Ginny had known the Dark Lord was near.

Since then, tension had been running high through out the school-most of their classes had been obscured by one, the most important of all- Defense Against The Dark Arts. Snape had taken over teaching the class that year, but seemed just as sour as ever.

The time students spent in this class was doubled, the tests harder, the spells and charms growing ever more dangerous as the term went on. Ginny had realized one day, while sitting in the back of the class, watching the professor castigate a trembling Neville, that Snape wasn't just going through the motions; he wasn't trying to pick on them this year-he was trying to show them how to survive.

Ginny rubbed her eyes and tried to quell the feeling of dread that had curled up inside her chest. For a moment she had the feeling that she had to stay there, that she was looking out for the entire school, and she had to remain there or something bad would happen-for a moment it felt as if she had the weight, the responsibility of protecting one of the most precious things in the world resting on her shoulders-and then it was gone.

Taking a deep breath, she began pacing the battlements-she would wait a few more minutes, and then go back to the dorm-she stopped and frowned. Wait?

Ginny crossed her arms-they had begun to shake. Her mind began to whirl-what was she waiting for?

Harry was having a horrible dream-he couldn't remember what was happening from one moment to the next-everything was a dizzying, multi- colored mass, but it was shadowed by such a sense of evil, of sharp, persistent fear, that-Voldemort's face, his smooth white skin, slitted nostrils and violet eyes loomed up before him, and Harry felt an anger, and a fear so strong it almost overcame him-his scar was screaming in pain, and he reached up to touch it-

Harry opened his eyes. The only sound in the silent room was his short, ragged gasps. He rolled over onto his back-and looked into the eyes of a grave Albus Dumbledore.

Harry closed his eyes again briefly, and swallowed against the lump in his throat. His heart turned into a heavy, frigid chunk of ice in his chest. It was time.

Ginny was slumping against the wall of the tower tiredly-she was getting cold, and sleepy-when a dim, moving light from the grounds below caught her eye-her heart jumped into her throat.

Ginny rushed to the crenellations and looked over, her long red curls falling around her face as she scanned the area below.

All at once, what was happening hit her with the force of a bolt of lightning-hot tears scalded her cold cheeks, and she had to put a trembling hand over her mouth to keep from crying out.

Harry. Harry was walking below her, in the company of Albus Dumbledore, and Severus Snape, and the light she had seen was from Dumbledore's wand as he lit the way along the grassy slopes-to the mist shrouded edge of the Forbidden Forest.

The small group looked to be in a hurry-that was the only thing that kept it from looking like an executor's procession, with Snape in his long, black hooded robes, and Harry, his head drooping tiredly toward his chest, following along behind. She noticed oddly enough, that he was wearing his scarlet Quidditch robes-they'd probably been the first thing he'd grabbed from his trunk.

Ginny felt the windblast against her suddenly, and her heart began to thud painfully in her chest again, only at thrice the normal speed. She spun around in a rush of threadbare black robes and glossy red curls and ran through the tower room, and then down the tower steps, racing headlong down flight after flight of stairs, hardly knowing where she was going.

She burst through the unusually silent portrait of the Fat Lady and took the stairs two at a time up to the seventh year boys dorm. She tip toed in, and put her cold hand over her brother's mouth-Ron's brown eyes opened wide, and he jerked, until he noticed it was she. She took her hand away and threw him his robes. She motioned at the door and then rushed of to wake Hermione-she didn't know why, but something was telling her Harry would need his closest friends-she just hoped they weren't too late.

Part One

King's Cross-First Term-Seventh Year

Harry paused at the entrance to the platform nine and three quarters, nostalgia from the past years hitting him suddenly. He'd gotten to the station early to ensure he wouldn't run into anyone he knew- he just wasn't ready to listen to the questions about where he'd been all during the summer term, or why hadn't he called his friends to let them know he was all right. Chaos would be ensuing in the next few hours, and he'd need this time to get himself straight- God knew the summer term had been a complete nightmare.

He took a brief look around, to see if any of the people in the station were looking, and he slipped through the wall into a brief darkness, before the world lighted itself again and he was standing on the platform looking at the Hogwart's Express once again. Steam poured from the engine across the platform as he watched- any other time it would have been a welcome sight- Hogwart's School had been his home since he'd turned eleven, and the Dursley's on Privet Drive- well, that had been something far different.

Harry narrowed his eyes as he caught sight of a tall, pale, blond haired boy standing among the crowd of Hogwart's students, and he moved forward, freeing Hedwig from her cage to settle on his shoulder-she wasn't often in it anymore, but to keep the muggles off his back while he traveled.

Several first years were crowded around Draco Malfoy, and as Harry approached, he couldn't help but roll his eyes as he heard his enemy bragging about what he'd done over the summer, brandishing an assortment of rare magical objects.

He looked up, ice blue eyes meeting Harry's as he passed, an ever- present smirk playing about his lips. Harry could just see the gears in his mind working overtime- Crabbe and Goyle hovered nearby, their heavy brows lowered in menacing frowns as they watched Harry walk by. They had grown even larger over the summer, if that was possible.

Harry arched a brow behind his glasses; his green eyes meeting theirs steadily in turn. He was surprised when they let him pass without comment- Malfoy usually had one nasty remark or another to make whenever he saw him.

As always, the first years that managed to make out his scar behind the shaggy black bangs were gathering and whispering excitedly as he walked by. Why shouldn't they be, he thought grimly, I'm " the 'boy' that lived".

Dropping off his trunk, he made his way onto the train, finding an empty compartment at the back and settling in a corner. He took off his glasses-they were just for show now, anyway, weren't they? –And rubbed a hand across his eyes. He was tired, but there'd be no rest until late that evening. Ron and Ginny and Hermione were going to show at any moment and the hurtful stares and angry accusations would no doubt begin.

He opened the window, settling back against the cushions and closing his eyes, grateful for the cool breeze that appeared, brushing against his face. And then it happened, Ginny's sweet, delicate face appearing in the darkness, her hazel eyes tearful as they made their goodbye's at the rainy train station platform. The memory always managed to pop up just as he closed his eyes, nagging at him, reminding him of all he'd lost…and what he had yet to lose…

Hedwig, sensing his troubled thoughts, hooted softly from her perch on his shoulder, nipping his ear gently.

Harry smiled slightly, opening his eyes to look at her snowy feathers, raising a hand to smooth down her back.

She blinked at him, and then hooted again, hopping from his shoulder to look out the window.

"You can go," he said softly, opening the window wider. "I don't like being cooped up in here any more than you do- go on. I'll see you at Hogwarts."

Hedwig looked grateful, and she fluttered off, circling overhead before moving off, out of sight.

At that moment he heard a familiar voice shout something unintelligible and then footsteps pounding down the car toward him. Harry sighed and pushed his glasses back on, absently rubbing the scar on his forehead.


He tried to smile at his best friend. "Hey, Ron."

Ron Weasley's fair skin looked flushed, his eyes twinkling with excitement. "I could almost hug you, you know. But I won't."

Harry watched him, amused. "Thanks for the reassurance."

"Look at you, now!" Ron threw himself into the seat across from Harry, sounding breathless. "Sitting there, cool as a cucumber when we've all been racing around like mad trying to find out if you were ali- I mean, all right." He ran a hand through his mussed red hair, scratching his head absently.

Harry could see the telltale shadows under his friends' eyes, and felt regret that he'd caused it.

"I'm sorry. I…got lost."

Ron stared at him, his hand falling into his lap. "I'm sorry, did you just say you got 'lost'?"

Before Harry could answer, a female screech sounded, and he found himself being attacked by a bushy haired teen in flowing black robes.

"Hermione, he's got to breathe someday," Ron finally announced dryly a few moments later, pulling her arms from around Harry's neck.

Hermione Granger settled herself in the seat next to Ron, pulling her brown hair from her eyes, practically bouncing in her seat. "God, Harry, we thought you were-"

"Hermione-" Ron said warningly.


Ron rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. "You're a complete stranger to tact, aren't you, woman?"

Hermione cut her eyes at him, kicking his leg.


Harry found himself grinning at them, and he almost felt like his old self again. Except he'd never be his old self again…

"Where have you been?" Hermione demanded her chin thrust out. "I swear, Ron's Mum almost had an apoplexy- and Ginny, she-" She cut herself off, looking surreptuously under her lashes at Ron.

Guilt beat away Harry's sudden good mood. It was hard for him not to feel disappointed. He took a deep breath, itching to remove his glasses again. "I got lost."

Hermione pursed her full pink lips, her small hands fisting in her robes. "That's not funny."

Harry met her gaze unwaveringly. "It wasn't meant to be."

Harry met her gaze unwaveringly. "It wasn't meant to be."

The look he gave her was devoid of any humor, and Hermione's eyes wavered.

Harry looked different- she noticed the boyish curves of his chin and cheeks had hardened, and he'd gotten taller as well, his lanky frame filling out subtly, at the chest and shoulders. He'd grown into his cast- off hand me-downs a bit, and though they were still far too large, he didn't look anywhere near as lost in the folds of cloth as he'd used to. But what bothered her was the menacing undertone in his deepening voice, the hard set to his jaw and the cold iciness of his green eyes- they looked like a pair of reptilian snake eyes. She fought a shiver, blinking as she finally broke eye contact with him. Something dreadful had happened to him, she knew it.

Hermione looked at Ron to see if he'd gotten the feeling that something was wrong, and he looked back at her, shrugging. His stomach growled loudly and Harry laughed, breaking the tension, and Ron grinned, rubbing his abdomen. Hermione snorted, and rolled her sherry colored brown eyes, sitting back against the seat cushions. Ron's hand crept closer to hers and she took it fondly, melting inside just a little when he winked at her and rubbed his thumb along her palm.

"Some thing's never change," she drawled dryly, eased, but her mind was still very troubled. She was going to get to the bottom of Harry's disappearance, see if she didn't.

"Did you have to clean out the candy cart, again Harry?" Hermione asked some time later, amusement in her voice as she watched Ron wolf down yet another chocolate frog. "You'd think you'd have outgrown those by now."

Ron looked at her in horror, a smudge of melted chocolate on his chin. "Are you insane woman? How could you outgrow any of this?" He motioned to the mass of foil and packages lying on the cushions, and in his lap. "Hey, my Dad still eats Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans."

Hermione made a face and eyed a box of Fizzing Whizbees. "At least it's not Fred and George's Canary Crème's. I still caught poor Neville chirping in his sleep when he nodded off in Potions last year."

"Hey, they said they got all the bugs out, finally," he said defensively. "They're starting production in three months," Ron crowed proudly, the dimple in his cheek showing as he grinned widely. "'Course Mum and Dad said they didn't send 'em to school all them years for them to open a Joke Shop and Novelty company." He shrugged. "You can tell they aren't disappointed in the least, though. "

Harry seemed impressed. " They're really doing well for themselves." He gathered up his trash and dropped it into the bin under the seat. "I'm going to miss them during all those Quidditch games this season."

"Guess we better change into our robes, eh Ron?"

They both looked at Hermione, who was already fully dressed. Ron looked back at Harry, as if to say, big surprise.

"What?" Hermione gave them a wide white smile. "Don't let me keep you."

Harry and Ron looked at each other. Finally Ron shrugged again, and grabbed a squealing Hermione up in arms, kissing her soundly on the lips before leaving her outside the compartment doors, looking dazed.

"She's wicked, that one," Ron said impishly, throwing a thumb over his shoulder at the door. "What can I say? She loves me."

Harry pulled his robes from his bag and shook his head. "And to think you once said she couldn't keep her priorities straight."

Ron chuckled and then was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Yeah, what is it?"

Hermione's voice sounded on the other side. "Did you know you have chocolate on your chin?"

He frowned, rubbing it. He looked at his fingers. "No I don't."

"That's because it rubbed off on me!" There was the noise of the doorframe being kicked and then grumbling as she moved off down the corridor.

Harry laughed, watching Ron's face turn red as the students from at least two or three of the other compartments made kissing noises, ohhed, and ahhed, shouting rude comments for several minutes.

After they dressed, Harry watched as Ron went off to talk to his girlfriend, and he settled back in his seat, closing his eyes as he felt the approach to Hogwarts. A piece of him always stayed behind when he left, and when he returned in the fall, it always came back- he couldn't explain it, he just knew it was gone. But he'd left another part of him there as well last year, and he couldn't help wondering if he'd ever get that part back. It was his heart- and it was still in his little Ginny's hands.

"What? How can you not be upset with him? Not even just a little upset? He practically dumped Ginny! He didn't tell us if he was okay-or even if he was alive!"

Ron clamped a hand over Hermione's mouth as her voice rose. "You think you can say it a little louder, Herm? I don't think the people in China heard you!" He hissed, his red brows drawn together.

Hermione pulled his hand from her lips, glaring at him.

Ron sighed and scooted closer to her, taking both of her hands in his. "Of course I'm upset. But God only knows what he went through this summer, Herm. I don't want to scare up old memories, you know. He'll talk when he's ready."

She slitted her eyes and he groaned, throwing his head back against his seat. "Don't look at me like that!"

"What about Ginny? He made her absolutely miserable! Do you have any idea-" she cut herself off, looking at him intently. She studied him and then made a gasping sound, pulling her hands from his as she stood to pace the small compartment. "You don't want them to be together, do you?"

He blushed guiltily, all the while denying it.

"It's true, isn't it?"



"Oh all right! It's just too weird, ok?" He looked at her miserably. "She's my little baby sister for God's sake!"

Hermione shook her head. "She loves him, Ron." She said softly.

"Yeah, well…she's too young to be loving anybody. It's just a crush. She's a kid. Practically a baby."

"Harry needs her, Ron." Her brown eyes searched his. "And you know she'll never be happy without him."

He looked away from her after a long moment, and then sighed. "Yeah, he does." His face brightened suddenly. "Hey, if they ever get hitched I could really call Harry my brother!"

Hermione reached out and hugged him tightly. "Let's just settle for getting them back together again for now."

Harry had dozed off, and was dreaming, not really conscious of anything that was happening, only knowing that he was dreaming of something bad, evil- "Voldemort," he heard himself whisper, waking slowly as he felt the train slow, the scar on his forehead burning like mad. His breathing was fast and uneven, and he frowned trying to remember his dream-it was important he remember-his eyes snapped open as something touched his cheek.

He had his wand drawn and ready, a fierce, angry scowl on his face, as he leapt up into a defensive stance- and then he realized that it was Ginny.

She looked startled, her soft brown eyes wide and petrified as she clutched her chest through her black school robes.

Harry blinked, barely recognizing her through the red haze that had sprung up over his eyes. His arm dropped, and he looked at her in relief, his breathing ragged, chest heaving.

Ginny stared at him. "My God, you almost scared me to death!"

He looked up at the ceiling, dropping his head back on his shoulders. "I-I'm sorry," he breathed huskily. "I… I was having a bad dream I think. I didn't mean to frighten you."

"Oh, God, Harry, thank goodness you're back!"

Harry found himself knocked back into his seat by the force of her embrace, and she climbed right onto his lap, arms locking around his neck. "You had us so worried- I thought I'd never see you again, that you-know- who had-"

Half asleep still, and unable to follow her flood of words, he slid his hands around her shoulders and pulled her up to face him. "I missed you, too." He kissed her softly, first on the cheek and then on her soft pink lips, causing her to go abruptly silent.

After a long moment she pulled back, holding his face between her palms. Her eyes studied him, her thumbs brushing along his jaw. She looked shy suddenly. "You- look different." She tilted her head, touching the lightning shaped scar on his forehead beneath the brush of untidy bangs. "Older."

Harry traced her features, noting the sadness in hers. His voice was soft as he murmured, "I can't stay "the 'boy' that lived" for forever, Ginny."

He felt her heart banging hard against his chest, even through the thick layers of fabric that separated them.

"Where were you, Harry?" She asked softly.

Ginny tried to stave off light-headed giddiness she felt at finally being with Harry- her heart felt so full it might burst.

She felt her grin fade though, when she took a real look at him- he had changed, just like Hermione had warned. It was unsettling, the difference in the shy, blushing boy with the twinkling green eyes she'd kissed and left so reluctantly at King's Cross four months ago, and the taller, more mature looking young man setting before her, his eyes so cold, so icy a green that they had chilled her to the bone when he'd first looked her so threateningly. Now…he looked so very haunted. He looked so tired and alone. She wanted to hold him, reassure him, and protect him from everything. And everyone.

Now, as she asked him where he'd been all those months, his face had become shuttered. After a moment he raised his hand and pulled his glasses off, rubbing his red eyes. Ginny waited patiently, concerned, and just when he looked back at her, his eyes strangely focused without his glasses, a loud knock sounded, and Draco Malfoy threw open the door, looking irritated.

"C'mon. The bloody gamekeeper told me to tell you the train has stopped. Everyone's got off by now, Potter-don't want to be late to the sorting ceremony, eh?" His sharp eyes took in Ginny who still sat on Harry's lap, and he grinned, showing sharp white teeth. "Hey, I always knew you had a limited following, but couldn't you do better than a Weasley, Potter."

Harry ground his teeth at the rude intrusion, his hard, cold eyes promising payback as he glared back at Malfoy. "Get lost, Malfoy, or you know what'll happen." He whispered this warningly. And not even Crabbe and Goyle will be able to help you…

Draco's face paled slightly, almost as if he'd heard the thought, and with a narrow eyed look of dislike he disappeared from the doorway.

Ginny sighed and got off Harry's lap, running a hand through the hair on the side of his head above his ear, in a failed attempt to neaten it before moving away to the door.

"Come on, Harry. We'll ride up to the castle together." She held out her hand and smiled when he stood and took it. She squeezed it comfortingly as they made their way off the train, finding Ron and Hermione waiting in a carriage, having saved some space for the two of them.

Harry waved across to Hagrid, who herding the first years along. Hagrid gave him a huge grin and waved back.

Ron's face looked a bit thunderous when they entered and sat down, the carriage making it's way up to the school.

"What took you so bloody long?" He demanded, looking at them suspiciously.

"We've been waiting for like, ten minutes!"

Ginny looked at him impatiently. "Not any of your business, Ron."

Ron's face looked ready to explode. "Not any- Ginny, your-"

"Leave it, Ron." Harry said almost boredly, looking out the window as they made their way.

Something in Harry's voice made him shut his mouth reluctantly, and he huffed, settling back onto the cushions.

Something in Harry's heart lifted a bit when he stepped down from the carriage, looking around the entrance to the school. Torches burned on the walls, turning everything golden, but still not quite banishing the darkness. Harry found that it suited him just then, for he was feeling just that- not good, but not quite dark either.

He turned to help Ginny and Hermione down, pretending not to see the dark scowl on Ron's face as he jumped down next to them.

They joined the flow of black robed students entering the entrance hall, and Harry tried to memorize everything he saw and felt as he passed through into the Great Hall.

The warm, cavernous ambience of the Hall with it's enchanted cathedral ceiling-it was showing the cloudless, starry night from outside- and it's hundreds of floating, lit candles, and the misty forms of the House Ghosts, it never ceased to awe Harry. The sad reminder that this was his last year at Hogwarts lingered there at the back of his mind, unwelcome.

They took their seats at the Gryffindor table, and Ginny sat next to him, Ron and Hermione across.

Harry watched McGonagall sort the first years, applauding with everyone else when a new student was sorted into Gryffindor house, but his eyes were on Dumbledore or Snape most of the time, and he was thinking troubled thoughts. Had Sirius been right? Snape looked as unfriendly and unapproachable as ever. He was supposed to have a huge hand in all of this-

His eyes looked to Dumbledore as he stood-the Sorting was over. Harry watched McGonagall walk past with the stool and the Sorting Hat with a kind of dark amusement. Well, at last, he now understood why the Hat had wanted to put him in Slytherin his first year. The Hat seemed to know this, and it actually looked at him-He could have sworn it'd just winked at him. Harry watched Professor McGonagall disappear with the Hat and stool, and then looked back up to Dumbledore.

The old wizard was smiling at him, his faded blue eyes twinkling; to Harry, and he looked like he'd aged fifty years since the summer began. Harry's smile was pitiful in return.

He made the usual announcements, and then his face turned serious. "I guess all of you know by now, that Voldemort has been on the rise again." His eyes swept over the paling faces of the students "Just know, that Hogwarts has been fully secured against any evil intruders-and Hogsmeade as well. You are safer here inside these walls, than anywhere that's why you're parents sent you. So, do not be afraid, work hard, and to quote an old friend of mine, 'practice constant vigilance'! I am available, as are the rest of the teachers, to talk to, if any of you ever have the need." Dumbledore looked at Harry, smiled again, and the mood was lightened. "Now, I believe we have a magnificent Feast to attend to-enjoy!" He clapped his hands, and the tables were instantly filled with loads of food.

Harry nodded slightly at Dumbledore, and then felt a smile break out onto his lips as he heard the first years exclaim over the feast. He almost wished it were his first year again-he'd been blissfully ignorant then, for a time at least. Now the weight of the world was on his shoulders-


Harry looked across at Ron. "Sorry?"

Ron rolled his eyes, his freckled cheeks already full. "I asked why you weren't eating." He chewed and swallowed, and then shook his head. "You're just not all here, are you?"

"Leave him alone, Ron." Ginny said quietly, at his side.

Harry made himself reach for the serving dishes. "Er, sorry about that. I was just thinking about Potions class-Snape looks like he swallowed a gallon of lemon juice."

"When doesn't he?" Ron asked dryly, spearing a baked potato.

Dinner was a subdued affair-Ron was watching Harry closely; Ginny was feeling bad that Harry wouldn't talk to her; Hermione was quiet because Harry was quiet. Harry was sorry, but he didn't have much that he could talk about other than Quidditch and classes, and he hadn't been…available to read the newspapers.

He wanted to tell his friends everything that had happened over the summer break, everything he'd gone through, everything he'd faced and felt and seen-but he couldn't-not yet anyway. It weighed heavily on him, keeping secrets from his best friends who'd seen him through so much. He poked at his dinner disinterestedly.

When it came time for them to go up to bed, Hermione, being a Prefect, and Head Girl, gathered the first year Gryffindor's up and led them from the hall. Harry, Ginny and Ron followed behind with the others.

Ginny squeezed his hand when they reached the common room, and Harry had no time to squeeze back as she smiled and walked away with a hasty, softly murmured goodnight. He watched her climb the stairs, and then disappear into the Girls dorms.

Ron didn't seem in any big hurry to go to bed-he fell into an overstuffed chair by the chess set-the red and white pieces waved up at him in greeting. He grinned and looked over at Harry. "Fancy a game, Harry?"

Harry was feeling desperately tired, and knew he was expected in Dumbledore's office soon-but there was no way he could disappoint his friend. "Sure, why not?"

Harry loosened the tie at his throat, and tugged off his black robes, throwing them over a chair. He took the seat across from Ron and took a deep breath, willing himself to wake up.

Ron was grinning at him madly.

Harry couldn't help but laugh.

Twenty minutes later, Harry's king got decapitated by Ron's seemingly bloodthirsty Queen-she was waving a scepter around threateningly, making all the pieces left cower.

Harry grinned and shook his head as he pushed back from the chessboard. "I don't know why I bother-you always win."

Ron looked at him proudly. "Yeah-it's the one thing I'm good at."

"One thing? What are you talking about? Hermione doesn't seem to be complaining-

Ron flushed red to the tips of his ears and Harry laughed out loud.

They made their way up to the Dorm's and before they entered, Ron surprised Harry by turning and saying, "I'm glad you're all right. I was worried about you."

Harry nodded. "Thanks…I know." He smiled and Ron turned the doorknob, and they both walked into the seventh year boy's dorm.

Harry only had to wait a few minutes until Ron was asleep, and he grabbed his Invisibility cloak from his trunk, and crept out of the tower

Albus Dumbledore was staring into his Pensieve when Harry arrived.

"Hello, Professor." Harry said quietly.

Albus looked up. "Ah, hello, Harry. It's good to see you."

Harry looked over to Fawkes cage-it was empty. "Is-er, is Fawkes okay?"

'Oh, yes, of course, Fawkes." The wizard's eyes twinkled. "He likes to travel a bit sometimes. He's in Egypt, now, I believe."

Harry stared at him and then sat in the chair before his desk. The cheerily untidy room smelled soothingly of lemon drops and peppermints. He relaxed for the first time since he'd gotten off the train.

Albus put his Pensieve aside and leaned forward on his desk, clasping his gnarled hands. His blue eyes studied Harry over his half-glasses.

The nervous, skinny boy he remembered from six years ago was gone-the young man who sat before him was burdened, heavily so, hardened by life and experience-he was wise to the evils of the world, and Albus was sorry to see it. The dark circles under Harry's eyes told of countless sleepless nights, while the green eyes themselves held innumerable dark secrets, and a certain negligent confidence Albus knew stemmed from the new power residing inside-a power that came only from one source-Dark Magic.

Harry tried not to squirm uncomfortably in front of the headmaster-he had nothing to feel guilty about-s why was he?

"Well-you know what is happening," the professor finally commented.

"Yes, Professor." Harry felt his scar twitch sharply, and blinked, trying to ignore it.

"And you understand what will happen? What your part in all of this is?"

"Yes…Professor," Harry gasped out, eyes watering as the burning pain in his scar intensified. He blinked, feeling tears roll down his cheeks, despite his best efforts. Harry gave up and pulled off the annoying glasses, ducking his head and grinding his palm against the pain in his forehead.

"He's near."

Harry nodded, saying nothing.

Albus sighed. "He won't try anything just now-it will be several months, I believe, before he reaches his full power again. He's learned by now not to bother trying to raise to power while he's weak. We have…time to prepare." He sighed heavily.

Harry looked up at Dumbledore with sharp green eyes. "I have learned everything I could- what else can I do?"

Albus smiled sadly. "We have to prepare ourselves for the worst, Harry. For every possible eventuality."

Harry fell back against his chair, a grim look on his face. "Namely, Death."

Dumbledore nodded. "I am unafraid-I am old, I have seen everything there is to see, Harry, and like Fawkes I am ready to move on, to be re- born." He looked at Harry.

"You must prepare yourself."

"You make it sound like I'm going to die." Harry laughed a little nervously, thinking of Professor Trelawney, and her dire predictions of death.

"Voldemort must not be allowed to rise to power, Harry. Or the number of humans, wizards and muggles alike, who are likely to die, will be great; so very, very great. We must do everything and anything to stop him, once and for all."

Harry had rarely seen Dumbledore so serious. He nodded. "I understand, Professor." A thin finger of ice was growing along his spine.

The headmaster nodded. "All right then. You may go."

Harry stood gratefully, eager to try and sleep, to get away from the torrent of thoughts and emotions assailing him.


He turned back. Dumbledore held out a small package. He smiled gently. "This will help you to sleep."

Harry accepted the package, and seeing that it was a chocolate frog, he felt himself grin. "Thank you, Sir."

Albus watched Harry leave with troubled eyes. He wished he could shield the young man from the evils of the world-so much, that boy had on his shoulders, so much. He sighed and looked back into his Pensieve, smiling when he saw memories of a happier, more carefree time.

Harry nibbled the chocolate frog as he made his way to the tower. There was no way to prepare oneself for death, he thought, and he'd faced it so many times already.

He crawled through the portrait of the Fat Lady, who was looking about confusedly for whoever had said the password.

Harry crawled into his bed minutes later, thinking longingly of Ginny's loving, warm embrace, as he often had over the nightmarish summer, and thankfully, felt himself drift off to a peaceful sleep.

Malfoy was furious enough to use a killing curse, Harry thought idly, looking at the seething boy in front of him. He shook his head. It was the perfect end to a less than perfect week. It had been two months since his arrival at school and nothing but trouble had plagued him since.

Minutes earlier, Harry had come out of Potions, and seen Ginny passing. He'd stopped to talk to her, and Malfoy, who'd been right behind him, had bumped right into his back. Insults were thrown, fists were clenched, and through it all Harry had remained coldly unmoved. It had only served to anger Malfoy more. He'd started in on Ginny, and Ron had stepped forward furiously-but not before Harry had belted Malfoy in the jaw, and then in the nose. The silver haired Slytherin had turned on Harry with a vengeance, making everyone gasp and back away as his wand fairly crackled with Dark Magic.

Harry wondered curiously where Snape was.

He watched impassively as the bloodied Malfoy raised his wand and yelled angrily- "Incendio!"

Everyone around them gasped, and Ron was shouting, "No!"

Scarlet flames rose high around Harry, engulfing him and obscuring him from sight.

The flames roared and shifted and everyone crowded around looked at Malfoy with utter shock on their faces; even Malfoy looked surprised at the ferocity of his attack.

Ginny was clutching Hermione- she knew if she loosened her hold she'd hit the floor. "Harry!" The heat against her skin was intense- like standing before a blast furnace. There was no way Harry could live through that.

Everyone started shouting and moving back as the scarlet flames suddenly started to funnel, rushing upwards to the high cathedral ceilings. A shrieking wind rose, blowing the flames away, green smoke rising and making the air murky and impossible to see through.

"Malfoy!" Ron was coughing, choking on the noxious green fumes. "Knock it off!"

"I'm not doing this!" Malfoy's voice sounded strangled.

There was a sudden, cleansing gust of breeze as Hermione shouted, 'Blusterium!"

As the air cleared, there was a loud gasp, and an overall sound of exclamation and awe as the last bit of green smoke evaporated.

Harry stood in the exact same spot, looking as if the flames hadn't even touched him. Ginny had to sit on the floor, her legs having become like jelly.

As Malfoy squinted, his eyes streaming from the smoke, he looked at Harry disbelievingly.

Harry smirked, crossing his arms. "You done blowing smoke yet, Malfoy?"

Draco blinked, a queer tingle running down his spine as he saw the frosty green gaze of Harry Potter leveled on him. It was impossible-true, he'd had no intention of using such a deadly curse on Potter, but it should have leveled him…"You should be a pile of ashes," he couldn't help breathing, his eyes disbelieving. There'd been no time for Potter to mutter a counter spell; it was impossible-"You should be…"

"Dead?" Harry took several lazy steps forward, until he stood almost nose-to-nose with him. "Pity, isn't it? It'd probably have been better for several of us all around if I were." He leaned close to Draco's ear. His voice was low and flat as he said, " Do us both a favor? Try harder."

Draco felt his blood run cold, and he stared at him, taking a stumbling step back. "You're mad. You're bloody mad!"

Harry felt disappointed as he watched Draco Malfoy rush off, Crabbe and Goyle hard on his heels. He'd thought Malfoy would have had more steel in his spine. That load about death had done the trick-he doubted Malfoy would ever come near him again. He'd seen the fear in his eyes.

Ron, Hermione and Ginny rushed forward as the dumb struck crowd of students murmured excitedly, beginning to at last melt away.

"That was bloody brilliant!" Ron exclaimed, his brown eyes wide. "How'd you do it?"

"I thought you were gone." Ginny whispered, eyeing him warily.

Harry sighed inwardly. Of course he'd scared poor Ginny senseless. He pushed his glasses up on his nose and tried to smile at her gently. "I'm sorry." He touched a finger to her chin and said, "Forgive me?"

She blushed and Harry saw Ron frown out of the corner of his eye. He dropped his hand and turned away, rolling up his robe sleeves as he walked.

"Where are you going?" Hermione asked as they walked with him.

"Quidditch practice," Harry said with a sigh in his voice. "First game is next Saturday. I'm the Team Captain this year, remember?"

"We'll come with," Hermione said, linking her arm through his.

"Yeah, like there hasn't been enough excitement already today," Ron was muttering to Ginny behind them.

Later, long after practice and everyone had gone in to dinner, Harry stayed out on the Quidditch Pitch, flying high in the air above the field. Flying was the one thing that gave him any kind of thrill any more, and though he knew he had homework waiting, he stayed out among the cool evening breezes, savoring his privacy. It was a rare thing, that.

His eyes kept straying to the dark outline of the forbidden forest against the purple twilight sky. Voldemort was there again, he knew. His scar had been throbbing meanly for days. He was tired of the chase- he had stopped fearing the crusty old bastard months ago. It seemed death was just inevitable-he'd given up fearing that too. How could he have a life with it following him about like a mangy stray dog?

"C'mon Voldemort, what are you waiting for?" He found himself whispering to the fog rolling in around the forest floor. "You know, don't you? You know what happened to me." A chilling smile curved one side of his lips. "You know, and it frightens you."

As if in answer, a werewolf began its mournful howl deep in the forest.

Harry blinked, and regretfully flew back up to the old castle, landing effortlessly in a courtyard and taking a deep breath as he brought the broom up on his shoulder, entered the Great Hall.

A few students straggled about at the long tables here and there, and Harry took a seat near to Ron and Hermione, who were dawdling over their dessert.

"Where's Ginny?" Harry asked with a frown.

Hermione sighed, her chin on her hand. "She was worn out from today- I think the shock of seeing you go up in flames was too much for her. She was going up to bed."

Harry's hand hesitated over a platter of savory looking roast beef and potatoes before he served himself, saying conversationally, "Well, I don't blame her. It's been a bad day all around, hasn't it?"

"You still haven't told us how you warded off that curse," Ron said rather accusatorily. " Malfoy should have been carted off by the Dementors by now."

"Ron," Hermione groaned, brushing her hair out of her eyes.

Harry looked across the table at Ron, his eyes meeting his steadily. "I didn't."

"What?" Both pairs of brown eyes stared at him.

Harry took a bite of his food, swallowing before he shrugged, "I didn't. Malfoy must have fouled up the curse somehow."

They stared at him, Ron finally laughing out loud. "Oh, man. And I thought- well, you should have seen the look on his face earlier-he was acting all twitchy and scared, like you were going to pop up behind him and turn him into a toad or something."

"Sorry I missed it," Harry said, amused, and meant it. Draco Malfoy had been a pain in the backside for years.

Hermione was looking at him suspiciously, he knew, but he ignored it, throwing himself into conversation instead with Ron about his favorite Quidditch team, The Chudley Cannons.

(Argh. Can I say it again? Arrrrgh. They say writers are their own worst critic. Hmmm. Thanks for the reviews, people-keep em coming! I love you all! Now I think I should sleep-hmmm, I highly suspect I'll be dreaming of Golden Snitches-wonder why? ::Snores:: I'll post another chapter very soon! Thanks!)