The day was warm and sunny and there was a happy breeze surrounding me. 'I hate days like these. Why is it sunny? It shouldn't be sunny.' I thought as I stood motionless like the stone structures all around me. My body was trembling as I silently stared in front of me. I was standing in a large open area with many gray and black stones that stood like beacons for the dead. The grass in this area was green and lush except for six newly dug and refilled brown dirt patches lined up in a row before me. 'How can the birds chirp and flutter around without a care in the world when so much death surrounds them? Life is so callous.'

I don't know how long I stood there standing staring at smooth black granite of the six graves. The only things that registered were the people passing by the families beside me, heads in their hands or on their knees crying, giving their sincere regards and moving on with life. Some people stayed, though, to comfort the families. I could hear those poor people weeping loudly sounding like an orchestra that was horribly out of tune. Or perhaps it only seemed as loud because of the silence that had enveloped us. I reached out and touched the black stone before me and traced my fingers over the elegantly engraved Edward's Script. 'To a Sister, a Daughter and a friend. May you rest in heavenly peace.' No one knew her. Other than the name that was elegantly inscribed into the stone, 'Saitou Kiyoku', she was a mystery to the world. Except to me.

My eyes widened as images flashed before my eyes. The silhouette, the maniacal grin, the blood, the chains, Kiyoku's anguished screams—her caramel colored eyes glazed over and unseeing, staring deep into my own frightened blue orbs. Tears streamed down my face as I remembered that event hardly a month ago. Even as rescue teams stormed the hideout, rescuing me from a certain death; even as authorities pinned him to the ground and cuffed him; even when I survived the operating room, I knew nothing would ever be the same. I gripped my head in pain and anguish and cried harder. 'Why did it have to be us? How could he have done those things?' I though harshly. 'We didn't deserve it! Kiyoku didn't deserve it! She was just trying to start over! She just wanted a new life! WHY?!' My whole body shook from the intensity of my tears. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see Mrs. Taniyama, a social worker, looking down sadly at me.

"Aiko, it's time to go." she told me softly.

Cross Academy. It looked like an okay place. It was large and slightly intimidating with its castle like appearance, but I suppose that was a part of the appeal of the place. I had heard that you had to be incredibly smart to even get into the place. It made me wonder, to be honest. I didn't consider myself to be the most brilliant student. I mean, sure I'm smart, but am I smart enough to attend one of the best private institutions in this part of Japan? I didn't think so. So it was pretty safe to say that it hadn't been my first choice to go here necessarily, but rather that I didn't have a choice.

"Come on, Aiko, you'll love it here. The town is really nice and quaint and the school is amazing." I turned my attention away from the building looming over the black iron-gate to the tall blonde woman standing next to me. She was a petite woman wearing a black pencil skirt that came just above her knees, a red blouse, and a black suit jacket. Her blonde hair was pulled tightly back into a bun that sat on the crown of her head. Rimless glasses sat on the bridge of her nose, finishing off her very business-no-nonsense look perfectly. I didn't understand why she chose to look like that. I mean, looking professional is one thing, but going so far as to age yourself considerably just to look the part was ridiculous. The woman was no more than early thirties. However, with the way she looked now anyone who didn't know her would say she was approaching her mid-forties. "Plus, it's a new start for you."

I sighed and picked up my bags off the ground, allowing the woman to lead me toward my new home. I had to agree with her. I knew that she had gone through extreme measures to get me signed up and situated, but that didn't change the fact that I was terrified to even be here. How could anyone think it was a good idea to hide someone in such a well renowned place? She led me across the empty grounds of the school to a doorway on the side of the main building. I wasn't really paying much attention to where we were going. Instead I opted to keep my eyes glued to the floor and follow her black high heels. It wasn't until we had twisted and turned down a couple of hallways and trudged up a few flights of stairs that she finally stopped. At this point I looked up to see a pair of oak double doors. The woman knocked loudly on the wood. There was silence for a moment before a cheerful voice told us to come in. I entered the room after my social worker, my eyes immediately meeting two amber eyes. I was quite taken with them. I had never seen amber colored eyes like his. The man the eyes belonged to immediately rose from his seat, a worried and apologetic expression covering his handsome features.

"I'm terribly sorry for making you walk all this way by yourselves. I didn't know you had arrived, Taniyama-san!" the man told us.

Taniyama merely shook her head and waved off his apology. "Not to worry. You're a busy man, Cross-san."

The straw haired man shook his head nonetheless, his ponytail swinging back and forth following his movements, "It is our custom at this institution to take care of one another, new or not."

Taniyama, or Noriko-san as I call her, heaved a sigh and smiled, "Well then apology accepted." She turned her head slightly to the left and gasped. "Ah! I see you've contemplated my proposal then?" I didn't have the faintest idea of what she was talking about. I knew she had been making "special" arrangements for me, but I didn't know to what extent. I took a step closer to her, gently latching on to the back of her suite. She turned her head towards me suddenly, an apologetic smile gracing her lips. "Oh, I'm sorry, Aiko! Here, let me introduce you to some friends of mine." The woman moved her arm around me and pulled me in front of her. With her hands firmly on my shoulders, she anchored me in place, forcing me to face the four males in the room. She indicated towards the man who greeted us first saying, "This is Cross Kaien. He will be your chairman while you stay at the academy. The man leaning against his desk is Yagari Toga," He wore a tan coat and a matching cowboy hat, his long wavy black hair cascaded to his shoulders partially hidden by the turned up collar of his white button up shirt. A black eye patch covered his right crystal blue eye. It contrasted perfectly with his slightly tanned skin and the faint scar just below his lips on the right side of his chin. I think in different circumstances I would have found him fascinating, but the brown strap that was draped over his body diagonally held a weapon that terrified me to the bone. It was the butt end of a large gun. Upon seeing it, I shrank back into Noriko's arms.

She must have noticed because she gave him a pointed look to which he responded, "Yeah, Yeah, I got it" and left the room through a side door.

"Anyway, he's one of the teachers here at the academy. Over here," she said, turning us towards the right side of the room where the last two men stood. "We have Kuran Kaname, the Dorm President of the Moon Dorms," I immediately noticed the sorrow and loneliness in the Dorm President's wine colored eyes. His rich dark brown hair fell about his faultlessly pale face in messy yet perfect waves. It was hard to describe. It was so messy with wisps of hair flying away here and there and yet it framed his melancholy face flawlessly. He wore an all white uniform with black stitching and what looked like the school's emblem at buttons. I got the feeling that it was better to be on his good side than his bad side. It wasn't that I didn't like the guy, but the air about him made me nervous. "And Ichijou Takuma, the Vice President of the Moon Dorms." I liked this guy better. His pale blonde hair fell around his face gently, nearly hiding the beautiful pale green eyes of his. He wore the same attire as the guy beside him. I could tell the two of them were close by the way they were standing side by side, but like most best friends (as I could only assume) they were very different. There was an intense loyalty and kindness shimmering in the Vice President's eyes. The gentle smile on his visage was very calming and inviting. It was comforting and I felt instantly drawn to him. If anything I knew this guy was going to be one I wanted to hang around. "If everything works out, that's where you'll be staying and you'll have to mind whatever rules they lay out for you, okay?" I nodded at her.

"You don't honestly think we're going to simply allow her to enter the Night Class, do you?" everyone in the room turned towards Yagari as he re-entered the room.

I could feel Noriko tense behind me. "She needs to be protected at all times! The Night Class it the best place to put her." my protector proclaimed, wrapping her arms around me tightly. I curled my hands around her forearms tenderly, showing that I appreciate the gesture.

Kaname stepped forward slowly, "It's not as simple as that, I'm afraid. There are reasons why no one has every simply transferred from the Day Class to the Night Class. There are…stipulations that must be adhered to." His voice was kind of deep and held an air of authority. It reminded me of how a king would present himself to his people.

Noriko sighed and I felt her shift behind me, pulling away. "Look, I know and she knows that vampires exist and we know that vampires are all that occupy the Night Class. I'm a part of a well renowned hunter family. I, however, chose to handle a very different aspect of it. Instead of dealing with vampires I deal with their victims."

"Is she a victim of an attack?" Kaname asked, his voice icy.

"Well, no." Noriko replied.

"Then why are we discussing it?" came his callous remark.

Noriko huffed and I could feel her muscles spasm under my fingers indicating that she was aggravated by this man. She let go of me and turned me towards her. "Darling, would you mind stepping outside for a moment? I'll come get you as soon as we're done." I gave her a confused look but complied when she started to lead me back into the hallway and over to a padded bench across the hall. "It'll only be a moment, Aiko. Just put your iPod in and wait until I get you, okay?" I nodded slowly as I retrieved my music device from my pocket and placed the buds in my ears. The woman smiled sadly as she heard the open to Hero by Nickelback blasted through my ears. She shut the double doors behind her, smiling at me one more time. I was thoroughly confused as to why I couldn't be in there with her, but I figured that it was probably for a good reason so I didn't really pay much mind to it. As I sat outside the chairman's office I realize just how tired I was. I hadn't been able to sleep since it happened. The nightmares that plagued me always had me up with a start. Yawning widely I curled up on the bench clutching my orange iPod to my chest, Kansas' Dust in the Wind playing gently in my ears.

I vaguely remembered through my sleep induced haze, someone lifting me off the bench and taking me somewhere. I guessed it was the chairman's room. I don't remember much of what was going on. The only thing I could really make out was the gentle voice of Noriko saying, "Now I must leave. I have things I must attend to. Thank you so much for all that you're doing for her. Oh, and please don't try to force memories of Rido out of her. She had amnesia even before her kidnapping."

"Rido attacked this school two years ago and you're excepting me to simply ignore the only lead I have on a man that is still at large?" it sounded like Kaname's voice. 'Why is it so close? Sounds like its right above me.' I thought groggily, 'Who's Rido?'

"Like I said, she's been through a lot. She had incredible amnesia even before her kidnapping and torture. Please, she's been through hell and back. Just let it be until after everything is settled with this case and that monster is put away for the things he did to her." Noriko pleaded with him.

"Kaname, I agree with Taniyama-san. It will be easier for the girl if we simply don't pressure her. We need her to trust us if we are to protect her." a gentle voice spoke, the soft tone rumbling against my side. I remember a hand on my cheek a moment later.

"Remember what I said, okay, Aiko? Next time I see you I want to hear that pretty voice of yours again, okay?" I heard Noriko say softly and then she pressed her lips to my forehead. "Take care of her, alright? She means a lot to me."