Yay! New story! I think this story will come out good, hopefully, so maybe I'll be right. I'll be updating very soon. Please read and review! (:

Disclaimer: My name isn't Dan, or anything close to it, so I obviously don't own iCarly... sadly.

Carly, Sam, and Freddie each sat on a beanbag as they thought of ideas for iCarly's next webcast.

"We could always do Tech Time With Freddie!" Freddie begged.

"No, nub," said Sam.

"Fine," Freddie whined.

"Guys, I have an idea!" Carly shouted excitedly.

"What?" asked Sam.

"An iCarly talent show!" Carly grinned, proud of her idea.

"That's actually a pretty good idea!" Freddie said.

"Can my talent be eating?" Sam asked.

"No, Sam! You have plenty of better talents," said Carly.

"Ugh, whatever."

"I'm goona sing," said Carly proudly.

"I'm not sure what I'm doing yet," said Freddie.

"Figure something out!" said Carly.

"So, is it official? iCarly is hosting a talent show?" Sam asked.

"Yep. And all three of us have to participate. We could have Gibby and Spencer in it too," said Carly.

"Alright," said Freddie.

"I don't know what I'll do for my talent," said Sam.

"Sam, there's so many things you could do!" said Carly.

"Like what?"

"Remember, at that pageant, you danced. And you were really good."

"Uh... I guess I could do that. I just-" Carly cut Sam off.

"No. You're dancing in the talent show, okay?"

Sam pouted. "Fine."

"What's Fredweirdo doing for the talent show?" asked Sam.

"Well, how can I participate if I'm holding the camera?"

"You're right. And you have no talent anyway." Sam laughed.

"Sam, I have way more talent than you."

They began to bicker for a while, then finally stopped after Carly got between them.

Later on, after a nice dinner consisting of spaghetti tacos, Freddie went back to his apartment.

"Hey, Carls, can I talk to you?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, sure! What's up?"

"It's about the talent show. I don't know what song I should dance to. And I'm nervous about it..."

"Why are you nervous, Sam?"

"Uh, never mind. Just scared about a few certain people seeing me dance."

Carly spun Sam around. "Who?"


"Oh, it's definitely somebody."

This is just a starting chapter. I didn't want the first chapter to be too long, but hopefully enough to get you interested. This idea popped in my head actually, just a few minutes ago, so I decided to write it. I hope you like it and subscribe so you can see what's next. Please review, I always love seeing what thoughts, comments, and ideas you have!