Angel Academy
The place where boys are called devils and girls angels.
All perfect at something, and all having a reason to shine.
Four friends with unspeakable pasts and identities, hiding their true personalities, and four devils determined to know them. How will the angels hide them? How will the devils find out? It all starts with a bet on who will leave this academy first. In those duels…
Will love blossom? Will ice break? Read to find out.
Amuto, Kutau, Rimahiko, Yairi.
Tianxin: Hi, this is my second fanfic, first one's the CHARA TALK SHOW. Feel free to check it out! I don't own Shugo Chara, but I do own this story. And reviews would be appreciated. XD~
Amu: Sixteen. Good at everything. (That sounds weird, I know! XD) Because of REASONS, she hates boys. Outer Character: Cool n' Spicy.
Rima: Sixteen. Best at comedy good at everything. Because of REASONS, she rarely, rarely laughs and smiles. Outer Character: Cold and cruel.
Utau: Sixteen. Best at singing, good at everything else. REASONS prevented her from singing. Outer Character: Playgirl.
Yaya: Fifteen. Best at being babyish and eating candy, good at everything. Because of REASONS, she has never shown her babyish self (her real self) to other people than her friends. Outer Character: Shy, gentle.
Ikuto: Seventeen. Good at everything. Playboy.
Nagihiko: Seventeen. Best at dancing. Good at everything. Peace-maker.
Kukai: Seventeen. Best at sports, good at everything. Sport-lover, and a little dense.
Kairi: Sixteen. Best at science, math and chemistry, good at everything. Samurai, cool, nerd.
"GOD! Crap! Rima, Utau, Yaya, we're going to be late on the first day!" I shouted, getting up frantically.
"Say what?" Utau scrambled up, looking at the clock. 8 AM. Fifteen minutes till school starts!
"Yaya want to sleep, Yaya was dreaming of candy…" She stuck her thumb in her mouth, and I almost smiled. Yaya would only show this side of herself to us.
Us, meaning me, Utau, Rima and Yaya. We were the best of friends, and you could say that we were more like sisters. Stuff happened in our families, stuff not known to others, making our lives turn upside down, making our identities secret. We all got tired of our lives, and left our homes together, and now, by our hard work, we finally got into Angel Academy! We were hoping to start a new life here, a life that we wouldn't dread, a life that we could say was actually "ours", not being controlled by some fate. Yes, that was what we were hoping, but right now, the thing was that we were going to be late first day!
We all scrambled from our beds, and started changing. I changed into a short black skirt that had a fake chain dangling from front to back, and a hot pink tube top, that had a big black star on the right. I pulled on a pair of pale pink boots that didn't reach my knees, and put a black X clip in my hair. I used some mascara and strawberry-flavored lip gloss and nothing else. I didn't like make-up that much. As I was done and looked up at the others, all I could do was gawk at their prettiness.
Utau had changed into a pale green blouse, and black skinny jeans. She wore a casual necklace. It wasn't what you call glamorous, but the classical feeling she gave off plus her good looks was still enough to make boys drool and girls go jealous.
Rima had changed into a black and white dotted one-piece that didn't reach her knees. She wore red shoes and a big red bow in her hair, finishing the look. She looked even more petite than usual!
Yaya…was the same old Yaya. She didn't change into anything special, just her usual low boots, short skirt and T-shirt. She still looked good anyways.
"Come on Amu, what are you staring at? We're going to be late!" Utau shouted at me, making me come to my senses. We each grabbed a granola bar from the table, and a bottle of milk, and ran off to school as fast as our legs could carry us.
~~~Time Skip~~~ (Still Amu POV)
We knocked lightly on the big wooden doors of the principle's office.
"Come in." Said a quiet, silky voice.
We walked in kind of unsurely, and were amazed at the grand office. Golden trimmings covered the white and blue marble. Antiques dotted the office, making it look like a scene from the medieval times. The principle saw our incredulous faces, and laughed. "The whole school is like this. I guess you four ladies took the elevator instead of the walking up here."
"Well what did you expect? You're supposed to walk fifteen flights of stairs up here. Who in their right mind would walk?" I asked coldly, my outer character kicking in.
"Well, dear Hinamori Amu-san, I believe I'm not in my right mind."
"Oh, I knew that a long time ago." I retorted quietly, just loud enough for all of them to hear.
"Enough, Amu." Utau hissed at me.
I waved my hand lightly at her. That principle was really getting on my nerves.
"Enough chit-chat then, you four will attend classes at Grade Two Class Three. Now, let me show you where your dormitory is." He said smiling, still standing there, motionless.
"Principle? How come we're a grade higher than when we submitted?" Yaya asked timidly.
"No need to call me principle, everyone calls me Tsukasa here. Girls here are angels, and boys devils. And as for your other question, I rather think that you guys have the potential of skipping a grade." Tsukasa said, hands suddenly tensing up a bit.
I suddenly had a feeling that our "potential" wasn't the only reason he made us skip a grade. I narrowed my eyes at him, my evil aura rising as I stared. Tsukasa was scared out of his wits when he looked at me, and without a word, led us to our dormitory.
~~~Time Skip~~~ Normal POV
After Tsukasa showed the girls where they would be staying for the school year, he led them out, about to show them the schoolyard. Just as they were walking around a corner and about to walk out from the front door, screams and shouts were heard.
"Ikuto-SAMA~~" Slutty voices.
"Kukai-SAMA~~" Lots of bubbly cheerleaders.
"Kairi-SAMA~~" Half of the people shouting were nerds and geeks, the other half were…samurais?
"Nagihiko-SAMA~~" Most of them were punks and dancers.
What the four girls didn't notice was that Tsukasa had already stopped walking behind them, smirking slightly.
The girls kept walking around the corner and CRASH.
They fell on top of the most popular and seductive devils of the school.
The devils were about to shout insults at the angels who fell on them, but when they looked at the angels, their first thought vanished.
Ikuto pulled Amu into his arms and licked her ear.
Kukai hugged Utau.
Kairi was suddenly sucking on the same lollipop with Yaya.
And as for poor Nagihiko, Rima had turned into a defensive ball right on his stomach.
The four girls jumped up at the same time.
Much to Ikuto's surprise, since he had every girl in the school at his command, the pinkette would jump up and slap him on the face.
Utau punched Kukai with her death aura turned on, which was enough to kill normal people.
Yaya was crying into the arms of Rima. She had never shared her candy with a boy before. Especially not this way…
Rima was glaring daggers at Nagihiko, who just sweatdropped and let her.
The fangirls of their so-called Iky-kun, were running up towards to Amu in hordes, and they all got beaten up by her instead of the other way around. The hordes running towards Yaya and Rima all got glared back. As for Utau, nobody dared approach, because she had turned her death aura on to the fullest, killing things five yards within.
Tsukasa walked up to them, and smiled warmly, "You all seem to be getting along well! (XD! Weird Tsukasa!) How about you four devils show the angels around the school? But first, introductions!"
"Yo. Ikuto Tsukiyomi." The one who sexually harassed Amu said. Screams were heard, and some girls fainted. He had midnight blue hair, mysterious amethyst eyes and features so good-looking that a girl could drool. He was school playboy.
"Kukai Souma!" Cheers were heard. The one who had hugged Utau. Sports captain.
"Kairi Sanjo." Woo-hoo's were heard. Very, very smart. The one who "stole" Yaya's candy. Green hair, green eyes, student council prez.
"Nagihiko Fujisaki." Whistles and shouts were heard. The one Rima curled into a ball on. Long purple hair, best dancer.
"Amu Hinamori." "Wow! Cool n' spicy!" Lots of people shouted.
"Utau Hoshina." "Utau-sama we love you!"
"Yaya Yuiki." "So shy so CUTE!"
"Rima Mashiro." "Rima-sama! We'll be your SLAVE!"
Tsukasa chased the other students away, a bit amazed how the new angels could get so many fans so quick, and turned around to face them again. "Gentlemen, lead the new angels, please."
"Why should we let some BAKAS lead us?" Amu asked coldly.
"We can find the way ourselves, Tsukasa." Utau said quickly, while glaring at Kukai.
"We're not babies, thank you." Rima said icily.
"I don't have any more candy to give…" Yaya said teary-eyed.
"Don't be so mean, angels." Ikuto said cutely.
"Oh yeah, and you, the blue-haired baka, don't think your little playboy charms are useful on me, or any of my girls here. We're not foolish and I hope that you will never take us for your Iky-kun fangirls. And from now on, if you mindless dim-wits do anything to my friends in the future, you'd better make your death wish, and make it soon." Amu said, expression cold.
"Feisty, I like it." Ikuto smirked, licking his lips.
"You said it." Amu said, smirking, walking up to Ikuto, kicking him right there.
Ikuto doubled over in pain, holding onto Kukai for support. Kairi and Nagihiko held back their chuckles.
Meanwhile, Kukai was laughing his guts off, "Ikuto, OMG, I've never seen a girl refuse you like this, this is hilarious!"
Ikuto smacked Kukai playfully across the head.
"Tsukasa. Can you leave? I feel there is the need to dispose of these vermin from our academy." Rima said quietly. Her words made took the boys off guard. They had never been spoken to like that before.
"Well, well, well. Let's bet on who will actually be disposed of, shall we?" Ikuto said, smirking.
"Sure. Why not?" Amu said, with an expression that could kill, or rather, send someone straight to hell.
"You're on." Utau said, cracking her neck in a menacing way.
"Just to my liking." Rima whispered, switching her DOOM aura on.
"This is fun!" Yaya smiled devilishly, all traces of shyness gone.
"You girls lose, and you have to listen to us for a week. We lose, the other way around. And losers all have to get their asses out of here." Ikuto said.
"Agreed." Amu said firmly.
The devils grinned. This was going to be an interesting school year.
~~Time Skip~~ Amu POV
Tsukasa said that we could take today off and get to know school grounds, instead of going to classes. Which was just as well. I did NOT want to see those self-satisfied devils again, especially not that blue-haired hentai. Utau, Rima and Yaya were all lying on their beds too, gazing at the walls absentmindedly. Guess they were all thinking about the stuff that happened this morning.
"Let's bet on who will leave first, shall we?"
Crap. Now we had more on our minds than just dodging the kidnappers and spies. I got up, calling the girls over.
Ikuto POV
Thanks to Kairi and his magnificent brain, we had managed to put a small video cam in those girls' room. They'd never think that we were right next door. Spying wasn't polite, but we figured that knowing more of them just made us easier to kick them out, right? We huddled around the computer as the pink-haired strawberry called the other girls over, taking a pencil and a sheet of paper.
"Ookay…girls? I know if we refused those self-satisfied boys, it won't make any of us happy, but we really can't accept…" Amu said, spinning the pencil around in her hand. I smirked. They were scared, weren't they?
"YAYA KNOWS WHY!" The pig-tailed girl yelled, not at all like her shy character when we first "met". "IT'S BECAUSE WE FINALLY FOUND A SAFE PLACE, AND CAN'T AFFORD TO MOVE, RIGHT?"
"Shh…not so loud, Yaya. She's right, isn't she, Amu?" The icy long-haired blonde asked gently. Whoa. Major difference.
"Yes. We can't be a hundred percent sure though, that we're safe. The kidnappers and spies will probably find a way, maybe just not yet. In order to stay at this school, we need to obey some rules. Anybody want to suggest anything?"
"We can't get close to anyone here." The blonde with high pigtails said.
"WHY? YAYA FINALLY WANTS TO CHANGE INTO ORIGINAL CHARACTER, TOO!" This was probably her original character…
"Yaya, I know you're angry at this. We all are. But if we get close to anyone here, when they come and see it's no use forcing us to go back, they'll just hurt those people we care about. Do you want that to happen?" Amu asked, sighing.
"No…" Yaya whispered.
"No going out on social meetings, unless it's inside the school."
"Never walk off school campus alone."
"Never, ever care for someone and get attached, this is the most important thing of all. Never drop your outer character in front of others, remember that. Don't let them get close to you, and don't get close yourself. Got all the rules?" Amu said, voice dead.
"Yes." They all whispered in the same tone. Dead, lifeless.
I looked questioningly at the other boys, but they just looked as confused as I was at their conversation.
One thing was certain. These new angels had a secret.
"Boys? I think we're going to have some fun."
And yes, we were going to stalk them.
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PS You guys might be wondering why the boys are devils and girls are angels. I figured if they were all really good at something, then they'd be devils and angles, right? Well, it's all for fun~~~ Don't mind it~~~