Chapter Fifteen

Zach POV

Going through the tunnels, I went through my plan. The car I had stolen was parked in the woods with an extensive first aid kit in the trunk. Just in case.

It'd been so long since I'd been this deep in the tunnels that I lost my way a couple of times.

That is, until I heard the screaming. I started sprinting towards the noise, fearing what I would find. I swiped my old I.D. whenever there were security check points, but the screams got fainter as I head towards the interrogation rooms. My pulse raced as I realized it was coming from a different room. The 'surgical room'. I pulled out the gun from my back pocket when I saw the men with surgical masks covering their mouths and noses.

Scanning my I.D. I quietly opened the door, moving behind the curtains to observe what was going on. My throat tightened as I saw Cammie lying there, unconscious because of sedatives as they talked about the hardship of finally getting her down and sedating her for the surgery.

"I'll be right back, I have to get the brain scanner…" one of the doctor says and starts walking my way. He realizes to late that I'm also behind the curtains and I grab the syringe off tray and lower him quietly to the floor as he falls unconscious.

I take the scrubs from the rack and pull it over my regular clothes. Grabbing a mask and stealing the other doctor's I.D. card, I walk out behind the curtains and stab the other syringe of sedatives into the other doctor's forearm.

Breathing in a sigh of relief, I unhook Cammie from the machines and roll the gurney out the door. Guards notice me and nod as I hold up the fake I.D.

My pulse beats rapidly as I hear the voice of my cousin around the corner and quickly maneuver to the other direction. Once his voice fades and the tunnels get darker and farther away from the main room, I cover Cammie with the sheets and sprint as fast as I can, burning the rubber on the wheels of the gurney.




I try my best not to panic as the alarms finally sound off, alerting all of the guards in this godforsaken mountain.

Just as I'm about to grab Cammie and ditch the gurney, I see the light illuminating the morning sun and I push harder, faster until we're outside and I'm able to throw off the mask.

I bundle Cammie in the sheets and lift her into my arms and push the gurney behind some trees the opposite direction of the car to buy some time.

I feel Cammie starting to wake up in my arms after awhile, I can hear guards shouting and barking in the distance but never close enough.

"Zach?" Cammie asks and grips the sweater I'm wearing-since I already stripped off the scrubs.

"Yeah, Cammie, you're okay. You're safe. We're almost there. We're gonna be okay," I soothe her as her breathing quickens and her grip gets tighter.

"I thought you were with them…Where are you taking me?" she asks and it grimace at the distrust and hatred in her voice.

"I was with them, Cammie. But I can't do it anymore. Not when you are in danger. You're more important to me now…than anything," I confess and burrow her face into my neck as she starts to fall asleep from the exhaustion.

Once I reach the van, I lay her down and bundle her in the extra blankets and jump into the driver's seat and drive to the nearest safe house where I can contact Grant and the others.

God, Grant is going to kill me.


Merry Christmas! It's a short chapter but since I'm updating all of my stories, I think that makes up for it? I hope you guys have a nice Holiday! PM me if you have questions and leave a review (kind of like your present to me :] ).
