Pairing: RL (Reborn x Lambo)

Genre: Romance

Warning(s): Yaoi/shonen-ai/BL/whatever you want to call it. One F word sprung up by Gokudera. OOC?

Summary: Reborn stalks Lambo and this mysterious girl. Jealous? No.

Disclaimer: Fffff, I wish. I don't own KHR, sadly.

Author's Note: -annoying Lambo laugh- I just love the pairing RL c: Especially if Reborn is loving. But this is my take on things if Reborn were to be a stalker xD. I really hope it's not too OOC xD.

Mystery Girl

Since that dreadful day, the day that he had been told that his beloved Luce had disappeared, he had promised himself that he would never let another person become as close to him as she had.

But who would've guessed that someone who had been such a crybaby, such a stupid, idiotic cow, such a low ranking mafia member whom he despised, would somehow find his way into the number one hitman's heart?

In truth, he had known that someday, he would break that promise. It was just a promise he couldn't keep, no matter how hard he tried. But it came has a complete shock that his heart had suddenly skipped a beat after those days, the days he realized that the cow was growing up.

The question was—when had he started feeling this way towards the stupid cow named Lambo? The question frustrated him to no end, with even the Vongola famiglia noticing his behavior.

That question was never answered.

The reason was that his thoughts had become jumbled whenever he was with the cow, thinking about the cow, dreaming about the cow.

Oh, the dreams. He changed his stained sheets every week, much to the dismay of the Vongola guardians, who were curious as to who made him react that way.

They had a number of aspects—all of them no doubt beautiful and incredibly sexy women and men. At least they considered that he was bisexual, though they admitted it grudgingly.

Though none of them considered Lambo. Of course they wouldn't.

Reborn had started to pay more attention to the cow, analyzing him, but still slightly dismissing him.

Without knowing it, he had begun to follow the stupid cow around.

He was not stalking him.

He'd put a gun to your head if you told anyone that.

In fact, he was so stealthy and sneaky that it took Tsuna, Gokudera, and Yamamoto months to realize it all.

But when they did, the irritating storm guardian had begun teasing him. And he put his gun to his head, almost pulling the trigger, but was stopped by the Vongola boss.

Teasing Reborn would only get you a ticket to Hell.

Except for Lambo. If the cow were the one teasing him, well then, he'd get punished. Several times.

But sadly, the cow seemed to shy away from the Arcobaleno, as if the attention he craved while he was a baby gradually disappeared.


It was the third call this week. The phone calls would always catch the cow's attention, always answering it straight away.

He pressed his ear to the door.

"...Hm? Yeah."

It was quiet for a moment. Quickly, he moved into the Vongola base recreational room, locating the other phone that was just near by. Pressing the button, he quietly picked up the phone, eavesdropping on the poor cow.

And just as he had done that, a loud roar came from the doorway, the sound continuing into the phone.


No doubt it was Gokudera, ranting about the cow for doing something immature to him again.

"Ah! Ahodera found out. I have to go," Lambo muttered to the phone, which received a very girly giggle from the other end.

The receiver's voice was just as light and girlish, "Okay! So, pick me up at the airport tomorrow at noon, yeah? You better remember!" The last part wasn't very threatening, since such a light tone was used.

Lambo's laugh was followed by the response, "I will, I will. Love you!" At that, the cow put down the phone.

Reborn set the phone down, his eyes hidden by the shadow of his fedora. Slowly, he slid to the ground, using the wall as support.

Love you!

Those two words. They weren't even the complete message and yet his heart clenched at that.

That laugh.

He could never make the cow laugh like that.

How did this – this stranger warm up to him so quickly? Reborn had never even heard her voice before, though it was almost likely that he had known about every single mafia member in their world.

Perhaps that was the reason. Was she not part of the mafia?

He didn't even catch her name.


He pondered on it for the rest of the day, even in his dreams.

The cow laughed, the sound filling the whole airport. The girl – who had an indistinguishable face ran down the steps, into the arms of the awaiting cow. Her long hair flowed behind her, making her even more breathtaking. The cow just stands there, his arms out, joy overflowing from his grin, which had overtaken his face. Both of his eyes were open, as if he needed both eyes to witness what was happening before him. Meanwhile, Reborn stands there in a frozen like state, unable to stop the girl from jumping into Lambo's arms and planting a kiss on his lips. Both stand there for a moment, savoring the kiss, the cow's arms wrapping around the girl's waist. Her arms slipped past his own, tangling her fingers into his soft hair. And Reborn just stands there, frozen.

Never again could he let that happen.


The cow could not leave him.

Though he was never his in the first place.

He would stop the girl, at whatever cost.

He would drive to the airport as well.

Author's Note: How did you like it? I'll be typing up the next chapter in a couple of days. Honestly, this came to me two days ago, and I almost have everything planned out. Yay me c:

Review, please!