New chapter!

Thank you my betas! *hearts to Akirisan X and Francesca Zatnik*

Everyone envied Starscream during his time at Decepticon Military Academy. With his high scores in every class, record breaking speed, and his enthralling exterior, who wouldn't? Admiration wasn't a stranger to Starscream, he experienced the same spellbound fascination towards him during his studies at the Science Academy; or at least that was what he thought.

Starscream portrayed himself as the attractive genius everyone sought to become or have. But once mechs actually got to know him, they realized the real Starscream- a vainglorious fool. Friends, even acquaintances, were hard to come by; but how they had quickly left. Even the only mech he had considered his only true friend left him, unintentionally, but it did hurt. Loneliness was the Seeker's real friend; better to have nothing, that way nothing can hurt you. It was easier to pretend that everyone was intimidated by his superiority than have to face the fact that he was imperfect and disliked.

But he hated being the only individual in his universe.

He wanted a trine. It was something he always wanted but never thought he could accomplish. A trine would mean living, fighting, and dying together- he wouldn't feel alone.

He was lucky to find Thundercracker and Skywarp. They accepted him, loved him- and he in return. A trine needed to be balanced: skills and personalities. Starscream was ambitious, strategic and speed was his element. Thundercracker was calm, collective, smart, and strong. Skywarp was the carefree one, who at times –most of the time- acted like a pain in the afterburners, but his warping ability and skill with weaponries were unique.

Thundercracker took the role as the older sibling, always protecting them on the battle field, sometimes even overlooking his own safety. Skywarp acted like the little brother you never wanted but somehow got stuck with. He was always playing inane pranks and getting himself into trouble because of them.

And Starscream was always competing for both his trinemates attentions.

They were a good match; they got on each other's nerves a lot, but were effective on the battlefield.

But things changed; they changed.

Skywarp had been infatuated with Starscream. Always stupidly showing how much he cared and loved his wingmate. But all Starscream did was bask from the attention and affection given to him, but never returned the feelings. He thought the one-sided romance would never end, but it ended up crumpling badly. They argued, which often times switched between verbal fighting and physical entanglements. Thundercracker would often times attempt to dissolve their fights, but instead would end up unwillingly taking part in it. Hatred fumed anything the trine may have felt towards each other; they couldn't stand each other. Eventually, following Starscream's new titles of Air Commander and SIC, he moved out of their shared quarters. Their trine-bond only died out from there.

When Starscream became Second in Command, his ego bloated beyond the capacity of this processor. That ego got in the way of everything- his relationship with his trinemates and even his plans to overtake Megatron's position as Leader of the Decepticons. Then when he began being abused by Megatron, he needed to release the hatred he felt from the beatings and the violations.

And the ones that received his absolution were his trinemates.

Starscream never asked them to forgive him, nor had he ever apologized.

Now he wished he hadn't taken it out on them- blamed them, hurt them.

Because they were all he had.


Thundercracker and Skywarp were in their shared quarters, each on their own berths. Thundercracker was relaxed while scanning through his datapad and Skywarp was bored out of his processor lying on his back counting the scuff marks on the ceiling.

Not interested in allowing the boredom linger and longer, the devious Seeker rose from his position, walked towards the other berth and casually seated himself in front of his partner.

"Haven't done it in a while," said Skywarp in a seductive tone, moving up to straddle the long blue legs.

"Not in the mood," Thundercracker flatly replied without peering away from the datapad. He thought his trinemate understood the meaning of that answer; instead the dark Seeker pulled the datapad away from the grasp and inched closer to the irritated face.

"C'mon. It'll feel good." The silky voice purred. Probing finger roamed over the tips of the blue wings.

The wings twitched away. "Why don't you get another 'Con to frag you," replied Thundercracker, clearly not amused nor interested. "Nothing stopped you before."

Taken aback from that answer, and by that response to his touches, he leaned back with a scowl. After some quick considering, it switched to an amused smile. "You jealous?"

"Of what?" questioned the elder Seeker. "You've become a pleasure drone within the Nemesis. That's what everyone sees you as- a whore, even though I told you many times not to degrade yourself like that." Thundercracker detested the fact that he had a dysfunctional trine: the idiotic pranks and harlot behavior Skywarp displayed and with Starscream it was...everything. He himself wasn't perfect, but he performed his duties and never displayed his flaws publicly. He had to fix this trine, even if he was the only one who cared.

Skywarp was taken aback by Thundercracker's response. He didn't know what to do or say. All he knew was that he was fighting to keep his rage inside; whether it was hearing the truth that threatened to set him off, or who he was hearing it from, he didn't know.

Thundercracker had become disconcerted with how motionless Skywarp had become. It wasn't like the erratic Seeker to be this still for too long. The teleporter's porcelain faceplate was raw with hurt and confusion. "Get off," Thundercracker softly spoke.

Skywarp reluctantly removed himself from Thundercracker and headed towards the door. "Fine. I'll go find someone else," he replied without looking back. He was losing his partner, the only one he considered his trinemate. The one he held strange, but not unfamiliar feelings towards; more than any friendship, but it felt like even that was in jeopardy.


Starscream was seated in one of the empty rooms on the upper levels. 'Cons would usually come here to train or settle angry disputes, but at that moment, it was empty. Everyone was enjoying the success of the recent mission by getting overcharged off energon in the rec room. Starscream... was hiding - from everyone, especially Megatron. He didn't want to partake in the winnings, or felt he deserved to. He needed to be alone.

The door sounded open and Starscream saw Thundercracker approaching. His solitary haven had been invaded. Starscream knew the blue jet wasn't much into large crowds, especially around overcharged mechs.

But why had he come here? There were plenty of empty rooms, or did he seek me out? thought Starscream. Slight fear clouded his processor. Was he here to scowl at me? But for what? Starscream, was sure that he had not done anything wrong; he was not even involved in the mission.

Thundercracker kept his sights away from Starscream as he approached. He was thinking about what he wanted to say, or why he was even really here. Uncomfortable silence lingered within the room, even as the new Air Commander sat next to former.

This was highly awkward for both of them. Starscream contemplated jolting towards the door, if just to end this uncomfortable feeling. But he had to stop running from his problems, he needed to resolve them, or at least try to. And the first thing on the list was his trine; maybe that was why Thundercracker was here too?

The red and sliver Seeker broke the silence. "You are doing well," he instantly looked down at his hands on his lap, already regretted speaking, but found himself continuing. "As Air Commander, successful air raid today." Why was talking to him so hard?

"Do you miss it?" asked Thundercracker, keeping his gaze straight ahead, never once turning to look at his trinemate.

"What?" He turned his helm towards Thundercracker. That was a strange question, thought Starscream. This whole thing was a strange situation. Starscream hated this. He should have bolted towards the door. No. Stop trying to run away, he told himself. But the question wasn't straightforward. Miss what exactly?

Thundercracker thought for a moment, trying to clarify the question. "Everything?" Well, hopefully that helped.

Somehow, that had simplified the previously asked question. "...Yes." More than anything, because now he had nothing. He had lost his title as Second in Command, Air Commander, and the trust of his trinemates. Not to mention is state of mind...

It was...strange. Thundercracker and he were having a conversation. It has been so long since they really talked, without it being an argument.

Thundercracker couldn't take this embarrassingly dreadful situation for too long. It was...highly awkward, but necessary. "I know I should have done something all these vorns, but I didn't," blurted Thundercracker. Well, something said. Why not go for the rest? What did he have to lose? "I let the trine's bond progress into nothing, refusing to stop it. I inadvertently let myself sink deeper into something I didn't want; hoping our issues would resolve themselves. So I decided not to care, thinking it was hopeless."...Like this war. He searched for the flaws in his life, it coming down to two things: his involvement in this war and his dysfunctional trine. He turned to look at Starscream. " I'm going to try to change things, fix this trine, so that we may survive this war as brothers. And so you can be yourself again, the way you were before Megatron's abuse made you change and lash out on us. I know it wasn't your fault and I didn't realize it...or care once I knew." Thundercracker looked away from Starscream to stare at the wall ahead of him. He had been struggling against the sea of guilt he had for the trine. But his reasons were selfish; he had evolved from the caring protector of his trine to somebody who was tentative towards them. He just wanted a reason to keep remaining functional, and the only reason he could find was his trine. "I'm sorry. Forgive me?"

This wasn't like Thundercracker to just say these things. Or talk that much. He preferred to keep all his thoughts inside. Maybe the stress has gotten to him? He must feel uneasy controlling the entire aerial forces on Earth. Thundercracker hadn't even enjoyed training Starscream and Skywarp back on Cybertron, mostly because they were both royal pains in the afterburners: Starscream always trying to outsmart him and Skywarp running around with his head in the clouds. He barely handled two, but now the whole flying army?

Starscream didn't believe he was here to fix the trine. Not after so many vorns. "Are you...are just jealous that you are not the only one moping around... " He realized what he was saying and turned away from his trinemate's stunned face. "Oh, I- forgive me." That was really stupid.

"It's ...alright," There wasn't a shortage of awkwardness here.

Starscream looked down at his lap again, mentally kicking himself for saying something so idiotic and for not running towards the door when he had the chance.

Thundercracker could see the self-loathing coming from his comrade; he needed to cheer him up. Frag he was really bad at that. "When I met you back on Cybertron, I commented that your choice of color scheme wasn't best for the battlefield because it makes you an obvious target. Then you perked your wings the highest they could go and said to me 'glitch, I'm fabulous. No need to change perfection's color scheme.' " The blue Seeker couldn't help but smile at the reminiscence.

Starscream looked up."Was I?"

"Fabulous?" Thundercracker let out a small chuckle. "Yeah, you were."

Starscream smiled, and then looked away. This was ...nice, but still confusing. "Why are you trying to fix the trine? Nothing can help us resolve our issues now. Besides, both of you hate me."

"...I...did. But I never really did." Both were confused at that response. "Look, yes, it might be a little late, but we can still try to reestablish the trine-bond. We'll be able to coordinate and anticipate each other's thoughts and actions in battle, again making our chances of survival greater." It would also give him a reason to continue fighting and help Starscream alternate from his depressed self. But having Starscream and Skywarp repair their relationship was going to be problematic.

"...okay," he answered.

"Will you try to be the way you once were? The real you. Enough of this emotional melodrama." Thundercracker needed to see some sort of progress and he wasn't to leave until he received some.

"Why do you care?" Starscream's optics drifted on the floor, still in disbelief.

"You're my trinemate." There shouldn't be any other reason but that. Thundercracker needed the trine to live, to survive. It came late, but he saw that nothing else mattered, only those you would consider family. He shouldn't have let them drift this far. "Besides, it's an order," he replied with a faint smile.

"Yes sir, I will try." Starscream kept his optics downward, despondency cursing his face.

"Good." It'll be easier to fix things with Starscream. They were on a healing path already. Skywarp however, is a whole different thing. His hatred for Starscream is only matched by that of the Autobots. There was little he could do there. Both his trinemates would have to solve their issues by themselves, for the most part. His attention was brought back when he swore he heard Starscream say something but was too lost in thought to have caught it. "What?"

"...I hear voices... in my head," muttered Starscream, almost inaudibly.

"I really didn't need to hear that." Just when the situation couldn't get anymore uncomfortable. Why did he have to get the weird trinemates?

"...Sorry," muttered Starscream with an indistinct smile. Thundercracker was actually going to give him a chance. In return, he should do his best to fix his trine and himself as well. Nothing bad can come from it, since it already had."I forgive you... And I am sorry also... about the trine." His voice crumbled as he spoke, droplets from lubricant fell from his cheeks.

Starscream leaned his helm against Thundercracker's shoulder. The Air Commander went stiff at the contact before he forcefully tried to relax. He was still getting used to the idea of getting close to Starscream again; so many years of anger and neglect towards each other was hard to forgive in a small amount of time. But this was a start. No matter how awkwardly the healing process would progress.


It didn't make sense. Thundercracker disliked Starscream; both Skywarp and Thundercracker hated everything about him, so how did this happen? Why when Skywarp looked into the monitors did he see Thundercracker and Starscream together? Why were they talking... and touching? What did they say? Skywarp needed to know. He already lost Starscream, he didn't want to lose Thundercracker too.

He walked along the corridors of the Nemesis hoping to stumble upon trinemate. Each footstep echoed worry and anger. He feared rejection. He only ever liked one other mech, and that had ended horribly. It felt like his spark ached each time his feelings weren't returned. He had been played for his affection, and he never wanted to go through that again.

Finally, he spotted his target entering the hangar. Skywarp bolted towards him. He knew what he wanted was foolish, unnecessary, and a liability for a warrior to have during war. But still, he wanted it. Needed it. He had to quiet the painful throbs his spark had been emanating for vorns. He wanted Thundercracker.

A desperation to know the truth drove Skywarp to grab Thundercracker's arm and pressed it close to his cockpit. "I saw you two talking..." He stared into his partner's optics; those optics that he wished only looked at him. "Do you like him ...more than me?" He squeezed the arm tighter, he was frightened to learn the answer and couldn't hold his gaze. He looked down to avoid Thundercracker's optics, just in case the reply made his optics water. He didn't want to appear weak; he shouldn't leak optical lubricant, not over this. No matter how much it would hurt.

Thundercracker looked at Skywarp's bowed helm. He hadn't said anything. What could he have said? The Seeker had a stubborn hatred for Starscream. Thundercracker was trying to repair this trine, but here Skywarp was upset that he was even talking to Starscream."I'm trying to make us a trine again."

"I don't want him," muttered Skywarp.

"He is our trinema-"

"I don't want him!" yelled Skywarp. He didn't have any desire to have Starscream a part of his life again. He was hurt too many times by that sparkles glitch.

Thundercracker pulled his arm away roughly, breaking the grasp the other had on him.

Skywarp received his answer; it was nothing but a wordless stab to his spark. His feelings would never be returned. Their relationship had been faltering for vorns, but Thundercracker was willing to bring Starscream back? Save this trine? There was no trine left. Skywarp lifted his helm, optics leaking lubricant, and punched his trinemate in the faceplate before teleporting away.

Reviews are welcomed!