Disclaimer: I own a copy of the Hunger Games. But I do not own the Hunger Games.

NEW STORY! If you haven't read 'The Boy Without The Bread' I suggest you do, so you will understand this more, as it is the sequel.. :D Please?

Okay, the credit for the pretty amazing title goes to KelsNicole92. Thank you so much! :)

Okay, first chapter... hope you all like!

Delilah's POV

I wake to the noise of a rattling noise downstairs and smile to myself. I sit up, pushing back my quilt, and walk to the window. I pull the curtains apart and grin, finding the sun shining brightly outside always cheers me up. I dress quickly in a silk green shirt and matching skirt, with black leggings underneath. I walk down the stairs and smile at the sight of the little girl with the blond hair with blue eyes standing on her toes to reach the top cupboard where I keep the herbs.

"Hey, Prim." I say, and she turns, almost dropping the bowl of basil leaves she is holding in surprise.

"Hi." Her quiet voice, the blush on her cheeks, the way she is clutching her hands together, her fingers wrapped around each other, reminds me so much of the way she stood six months ago, when I first approached her, after being awarded with my house in the victors village, gawked at by the entire District, and when I received gasps when I asked where she lived.

I remember her face, which showed an expression of complete disbelief, but after the conversation, when she told me everything she knows about her big sister and I told her everything she told me, how she loved her more than anything, how she wouldn't kill Rue because she reminded Katniss of her...

The expression then, through the tears streaming down her face, was one of admiration. I felt the same. I admired the girl who was so fierce over getting revenge for the death of her sister, who died for her. Because of me. She had wept to me, but I grabbed her wrist, and made her look into my eyes and tell her that this isn't her fault.

It is their fault.

I said this to her, made her repeat it.

And she did. Then her sorrow was overcome with anger at the Capitol.

And she vowed revenge.

This all rushes through my head as she looks nervously at me.

"Did I wake you?" She seems nervous, but I like her and her mum, Camellia, staying here. They haven't been here long, but a tile on their roof collapsed and caused water to leak through, which collapsed the remainder of the roof. So I invited them here. I have spare room, food, money. And I like them both a lot. When I first spoke to Camellia, I asked why she had named both of her daughters after flowers, plants.

She pointed out her first name was a flower. Camellias. I think of the meaning, but nothing comes, so she tells me, 'Gratitude, everlasting love. I admire you.'

And I admire her. Her strength now, even though Prim once told me in a hushed whisper that she 'left' them when their father died. I hear her whisper to herself sometimes, when she thinks that Prim and I, when I am around, can't hear. 'You promised Katniss.' And I hear her, and I know Prim does.

I come back to the present and quickly realise that Prim is talking. "…...victory tour." That is all I hear, but I know what she is saying. "Tomorrow is the victory tour."

I sigh, nod, and sit at the table, smiling when I see the goat's cheese and fresh bread on the table.


Peeta's POV

Tomorrow. Tomorrow, I have to tour the districts, the homes of the children I killed, with Delilah. We have spoken since the Games. We are friends, even. But she was more interested in finding Gale.

Gale. When I think of Gale, I think of Madge.


Madge, who isn't here.

Madge, who is dead.

I pull the arrowhead, which is resting on a chain around my neck, and press it into my skin, clutching it in my palm.

Together. Katniss and I should be doing this together.


Yeah, I know. Short. But I didn't want to start the tour, and I wasn't even going to start it today!

Okay, this is your first chance to review this story! Sooo, please do.
