Okay, so I am currently wrapped in blankets, next to my tea, my textbooks, and my laptop with my head three feet above me so excuse my writing.

For my sake I'm going to make the assumption that you all know why Kurt is at Dalton and that he got there all right and all that jazz. He is of course in the Warblers. Yay!

Okay, upon reading this again I do realize that I dumped a lot of OCs on you but PLEASE don't stop reading because of that! I swear you'll get to know them!

Okay! First Klaine fic GO!

"Kurt. Stop."


"Hitting your head repeatedly on your desk is NOT helping you through that history!"

"Sure it is, if I lose enough brain cells maybe they'll give me a pity A-," Kurt groaned and lowered his head into the open textbook in front of him.

Yeah, Collin was right. Collin was his roommate and also one of the gays he knew. Collin was as sweet as anything and shared his opinions of fashion, content to moan over the disasters they saw daily. He reminded Kurt very much of himself in that way, though his humor was light and teasing. Much like a certain someone across the hall. Blaine…. Blaine. Blaine. Blaine. Amazing Blaine. Wonderful Blaine. Blaine-who-didn't-think-of-him-like-that Blaine.

So he maybe had a little crush. No biggie. He could deal. It didn't matter that Blaine never looked at him with more than friendship in his eyes. That was fine. He was Kurt. He didn't need anyone. Kurt mumbled unintelligibly into his book before picking up his pencil and going back to his notes on WWI.

"FRIDAY! Movie night! Blaine's hosting!" Yelled Wes opening the door with a bang. Kurt looked up from his magazine at the door as it slammed shut again and then up at Collin who looked equally startled. Kurt lifted himself up and stalked over to the door. He stuck his foot out successfully tripping Wes on his return trip.


"That's what you get for tearing around yelling and making a fuss!" Kurt scolded and Wes tried to regain his breath. "Now tell me nicely what's going on and whose going to be there," he said patiently.

"Jeez," Wes panted rubbing his now-bruised chest, "You know Blaine'll be there, so why do you need to know anymore?" Kurt blushed.

"Contrary to popular opinion", he glared at Wes, "I do not need Blaine to live." Wes scoffed.

"Yeah and that's why you have his school picture and a little courage collage hanging in your locker."

"Shut up." Kurt muttered, embarrassed.

"He's right you know," chimed David from their open door way.

"Whatever, Look I'll come to your movie night and I'll bring Collin," he said escaping from the increasingly mortifying conversation, shutting the door behind him. He sighed and slid down the door with his face in his hands. Was he really that obvious?

"It's not that bad. Trust me it could be worse." Kurt jumped at the sound of his roommate's voice. Could this get any more embarrassing?

"Wh-what?" Kurt stuttered. Yes it clearly could. Kurt Hummel never stuttered.

"You could like him and have him not like you back or be as straight as a rod or only like you as a friend or be such a good friend that you couldn't possibly risk messing it up," he said quickly and bitterly, "Not..from experience or anything," his eyes darted back to his book. The room was quiet as Kurt slowly made his way back to his bed where he curled up around his magazine.

"I-"he started but his phone vibrated cutting him off. He smiled as he saw a text from Blaine, then hastily rearranged his face into a mask of indifference as he remembered his recent conversation in the hallway.

Sorry about Wes. He's an idiot. Hope it doesn't stop you from coming-B

No worries, I'll be there. It takes a much bigger idiot to scare me away -K

Alright see you then. Oh! Wear PJs. Tradition. -B

Oh God. PJs? Everyone was the same in a uniform, but Pjs really said a lot about you. Kurt took a couple deep breaths.

"I hear we are to wear pajamas," he said nonchalantly to Collin. He smirked.

"Ah so that's why you started silently hyperventilating. Don't worry I'll help you," he reassured his roommate. Kurt stuck his tongue out but smiled in thanks. Collin was really very sweet and he was very helpful in settling Kurt in. They had had many relaxing conversations over the latest in fashion. They both really bonded when they snickered together in the back the day Mr. McCollins wore that hideous scarf.

"Don't know what I'd do without you Col," he sighed jumping off the bed and opening his closet doors.

"You would be hopelessly panicking," he smirked.


A couple hours, two showers, one minor panic attack, three changes of clothes, two DVDs, and a box of snacks later Kurt and Collin were heading out. They struggled through the door, holding enough snacks to feed three elephants and walked calmly across the hall where they knocked and waited.

"I like what you decided to go with by the way," said Collin appraising his handy work

"Well of course you do, you picked it," Kurt looked at him incredulously

"Unimportant," he said waving off Kurts comment with a flick of his wrist. They heard a thump from inside the room followed by a slightly strangled "Come in!"

Kurt opened the door gingerly expecting to find an injured Blaine or some precious broken DVD sitting next to a now-in pain Wes or David. Instead he found Chris, a small shy blonde and Blaine's roomate already on the couch giggling into a pillow as Wes and David struggled to pin down a thrashing Blaine.

"Just..hold….STILL!" shouted Wes as Blaine's flailing feet connected with his stomach.

"We only..want you..to…ooof!" David too became a casualty of the war going on on the floor.

"What's going on?" whispered Andrew who had appeared behind them, pillow in hand.

"It appears that Blaine is being attacked, as to the reason I am clueless," muttered Kurt back to the boy.

"Do you think we should stop them?" said Andrew in a sort of horrified fascination.

"No….no this is…" Kurt trailed off staring at the mad scene playing out in front of him.

Suddenly Blaine looked up at the open door and saw the three stunned boys staring at them. There was a long pause as Wes, David and Blaine stared at Andrew, Kurt, and Collin each frozen in shock. Suddenly a hysterical laugh rang out through the room as Chris on the couch looked from group to group taking in the apparent awkwardness.

"You-you all…oh goodness…..redvines…and Blaine….Kurt's face..good lord…" cried the boy as tears leaked from his eyes. Everyone looked a little surprised at the normally shy boy hugging himself in hysterics, then they all burst out laughing if not at what had happened then at Chris who was now breathing deeply giggling every once in a while as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

"What's this about my face?" asked Kurt hands on hips as everyone calmed down.

"And did you mention redvines?" Collin chimed, "What have you been doing?"

"Well, you see," started Chris still shaking a little," we were rooting through Blaine's DVDs-

"Its like a small mountain," David interjected.

"-and Blaine came in with snacks-"

"An insane amount of snacks" Wes added

"-so we were all laying claim to said snacks when Blaine jumps in and snatches the redvines as if he had gotten the best thing in the box. David and Wes therefore told him that redvines are disgusting-"

"Well they are," the pair rolled their eyes.

"-and took the package away from Blaine-"

"Bastards," muttered Blaine

"-who apparently wanted it back and that's about where you came in," Chris said finishing his story. Wes and David were now glaring at Blaine who was wrapped possessively around his snack.

Kurt opened his mouth as if to say something but thought better of it and dropped himself down on the couch.

"Chicago?" asked Collin. There was a mumble of agreement and everyone sifted through the 'insane amount of snacks' and fought over blankets until they were settled. Kurt was sitting on the couch between Collin and Blaine pretending not to notice how his arm kept brushing against Blaine's. Chris sat in a cozy armchair nearly buried in blankets, Andrew was on the floor, his glasses askew, and Wes and David were fighting silently over a blanket as the movie started.

Kurt knew Chicago was perfect to start with. It was a musical for him and scantily clad women for the others.

Chris was asleep by the time Amos stood up for his song and Kurt sung softly with the poor lonely soul.

You can look right through me, walk right by me,

And never know I'm there.

Never, even, know

I'm there.

He cast his eyes to the floor and looked at the carpet thinking back to his McKinley days. Thank goodness he was out of there but he didn't have a chance to even attempt to shine here. Everyone was stuffed into the same uniform. He wasn't even allowed a pin or broche. Had he become faceless here? No. He looked around at his fellow Dalton-goers. He had friends here. They knew who he was and they had chosen to be his friends. They were all different and all great in their own ways. He smiled softly and looked over at a concerned Blaine who mouthed silently you okay? He nodded and leaned on Blaine as the other boy's arms tightened around him.

Okay, so that was chapter 1! I feel bad because I actually meant to reach the plot and get to my heartfelt conversation with an OC in this chapter. Oh well, looking forward to chapter 2 guys.

By the way. I appreciate feedback but as I've said, I write for me. I am personally rather proud of this even though I'm not actually sure how well it came out.