In the grim darkness of the 41st millennium there is only war.

The noise is deafening. it is nearly impossible to hear myself think. I can hear the enemy screaming at us with a sick sense of joy. I fight with my men shoulder to shoulder. I can see the sense of fear on their faces at the oncoming onslaught. We are facing monsters but we will hold. We will not falter. We have faced Demons and Xenos. Compared to them the Orks are nothing. No more than a thorn in my spine. We fight for the emperor. He looks upon us and will protect. Yet they are still afraid. It is only natural that they are afraid of death but we must hold. The enemy is close now, in a couple seconds they'll be in range and they will know the emperors fury.

'May your aim be true. FOR THE EMPEROR!' I cried.

FOR THE EMPEROR echoed the imperial guard as the Orks were engulfed by las-bolts.

Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the four nations lived in constant war. Then, everything changed when the the avatar returned. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements could stop them. And when the world needed him most he saved the world. Five years passed and the people of the world settled into they're new lives, for now in the world there is finally peace.

As Aang walks across the igloo in the southern water tribe he thinks back to all his memories all the people he's met and known. over the last six and half year so much had changed; wars, friendship and so much more. After he had been awoken from the ice he had a daunting task. He shuddered at the thought. He was only twelve years old and yet he had to save the entire world from a 100 year war. Then he remembers his friends who helped him along the way; Sokka, Toph, Katara, Suki and so many more. Without them he knew he could never of saved the world.

As his friends come to mind he realizes how much he misses them. All the way in the southern water tribe it was next to impossible to contact anyone quickly. It can take weeks to send a later to people who weren't nearby. His friends lived all over the world so it was even harder to stay in contact. Even messenger pigeons took days to arrive.

Sokka now lived with Suki in the earth kingdom. As two of the worlds greatest warriors they had a leading hand in helping bring peace. Unknown to many a secret war was still raging. After toppling Fire Lord Sozin the armies of the fire nation were in disarray. Some fought on, some gave in and helped bring peace and some decided to hide afraid of their war crimes. Sokka and Sukki had good peaceful lives hunting down the last few monsters of the war.

Toph now lived with Jin together in Ba Sin Se. After the war Toph decided to go live with her parents. Even though a normal person couldn't tell the war had hurt her it had effected her so much. Only aged 12 she was nearly killed and for the first time felt truly scared. The war had left it's scares both physical and physiological. The time with he parents had done her well. She then made friends with Jin and decided to move in with her since they were both still young. Jin had helped support her and had been a good friend.

Aang felt sad that he hadn't heard from Zuko in some time. Being Firelord was a difficult task even for an experienced adult. Zuko was the youngest Firelord ever with little experience in controlling an empire. What he did have was determination and compassion for his citizens. It didn't help matters that he had taken the role in arguably the hardest time in fire nation history. His personal friendship with the most important people in the world may of helped him but he still had a very large task ahead of him to bring together his broken nation.

And Katara is right next to Aang giving birth to his triplets. Aang is amazed at her beauty even now. He was glad to have her in his life. She had helped him through so much. He loved her so much and would never let anything happen to him and never has. Now he would be becoming a father. They would be parents. The sheer pure joy made Aang smile. he was overcome at the mere thought. But true happiness doesn't last forever. In a single moment his smile turns into a frown.

'What is it darling, is something wrong?' Katara asked as she noticed Aangs change in expression.

'Nothing. I have you,' Aang lied. Because he think about the unthinkable, something no parent should have to do. Choose.

Author's note: This is my first ever fanfic and i also have practically no idea where this is going. If you want to see something or give advice I would be very greatful. Please review even if its just a word because then I'll know someone has read it. Once I get about 25 reviews I'll start writing the next chapter. Feel free to point out any mistakes. Oh ya all these characters are part of their respective companies ect.