Disclaimer: Ok so I dont own Harry Potter, or any of the charactors... The author J.K Rowlings does

Lylii P.O.V

I ran to the train fully intent on being there before it even started to leave. I was so glad I put my hair in a pony tail. I had just died purple streaks into the black, and the purple wisp would have freaked me out. Sure my parents dropped my off 30 minutes later than we had planned, and sure I had fallen asleep on a bench like a Hobo, but I would not be late to the Hogwarts train. I caught a look of long blonde hair next to me. I looked to see a girl I made friends with this summer running next to me.

" Your running late to Lyl?" Tatiana ( Tati for short) said.

" I am not running late I am simply…running towards a destination where there is only minimal time left." I said smiling. Tati rolled her big blue eye's, and I chuckled.

" Are you sure your only 11?" She asked; as we finally came to a stop in front of the train.

" Yes I am. Why do you ask? Is it because of my womanly figure?" I asked while doing random pose's. I heard a whistle and looked around to find the cutest boy I had ever seen. He was taller than me, with beautifully tanned skin, short black hair, and light brown eye's. A short girl walked behind him. She had short choppy black hair, and green eye's.

" He is positively god like" I said staring at them. Tati took one look at him, and turned back around.

" Oh you mean Blaise Zabini?. He's alright, I mean if you like overly confident….And apparently you do" She said as she saw me spacing out while watching him walk away.

" Lylii Violet! Stop drooling and get over here and give me a hug" A female voice said across the platform.

" Skylar!" I screamed while my dark brown eye's widened. Sky had dark brown short curly hair, tan skin, and dark brown eye's.

" Sky!" Tati also screamed. We were about to run to her, but stop mid way when we saw her also talking to two guys. Both were her height, one had bright short orange hair, pale skin, and blue eye's. The other had short black hair, pale skin, green eye's , glasses ,and I could just see a scar peaking out under his hair. Me and Tati both gasp.

" That's Harry freaking Potter" I whispered to her.

" I know. I didn't know he was so cute in person" She said. I looked at her in shock, but decided to shake it off. When Sky finally got up to us, we gave her the biggest hugs possible.

" Oh My Merlin! I missed you guys." She said

" I know right. I didn't think summer would ever end, and we wouldn't get to see each other" Tati said.

" But, I am glad were back together again…. Now Sky don't you want to introduce us to your friends." I said smiling widely.

" Oh yeah! This red head right here is Ron, and this guy with the glasses is Harry"

" Hi" Ron said with a Red Vine candy in his mouth.

" Nice to meet you" Harry said more shyly.

" Hi I'm Lylii, you can call me Lyl. It's nice to meet both of you, may I have a red vine?" I asked sweetly.

" Sure" Ron said and handed me one.

" I'm Tatiana but you can call me Tati, its great to meet both you" Tati said shyly.

" ALL STUDENTS BOARD THE TRAIN IMMEDIATELY!" The train conductor yeller. We all ran up to the train as fast as possible, and hopped on as best we could while carrying our bags. We walked down the Isles looking for a place to sit.

" Tati!" We looked to see a girl with long brown hair, tan skin, and brown eye;s sitting in a car with the Blaise Zabini, a tallish boy with grey eye's, blonde hair, and pale skin, and a pale girl with a pig nose. The boy with blonde hair had his arm around the girl with brown hair. She looked to be completely tense, and disgusted with him.

" Ali!" Tati called back to the girl. We walked to their booth, and Tati and the girl with brown hair ( who I assumed was Ali ) hugged.

" Long time no see" Ali said happily.

" Yeah. Oh Ali meet Lylii, Skylar, Harry, and Ron. Guys meet Amara, or Ali for short." Tati said introducing us all.

" Hi, nice to meet you. The people in the car are Draco, Pansy, and Blaise" She said pointing each one of them out. She said the first two names with a hint of disdain.

Ron started laughing rather loudly.

" Draco? His name is Draco? The sleeping dragon? Wow" He said while laughing.

" Yes my name is Draco" The blonde said while standing . ' Now let me guess who you are. Orange ugly hair, hand me down clothes. Oh yes you must be a Weasly.. The lowest of all Purebloods." Draco smirked.

" Draco! don't be so rude" Ali snapped at him. ' I'm sorry Ron, I wish I could say he wasn't normally like this, but I would be lying"

" Its Fine. Its not your fault" Ron said while looking down. Ali sighed.

" Well it was nice seeing you again Tati, and nice meeting all of you guys, but I think I should get back to my car" Ali said frowning.

" We understand, hopefully I'll see you later" Tati said.

" Hopefully" Ali said while closing the car door. We made our way slowly to the car a few feet down, and sat there in complete silence. I sat there looking from each person.

" Come on you guys. Be merry. We have a hold year away from the rules, and watchfull eye's of our parents. it's the beginning of the story of our freedom" I said standing on the seat. Just as Sky was about to say something; when the train started, and I fell face first off the chair and onto the floor. I heard a round of laughter from my car, and Ron and Harry both were offering to help me up while laughing. I looked around, and couldn't help but start laughing to. This was my new family, this was the beginning of the next 7 years of my life, and I couldn't be any happier.