Hey there I'm new and this is my first fan-fic! Hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I don't own Skip Beat or any of the characters.

(Although I wouldn't mind Ren walking around my house in a maid outfit lol)

Kyoko had replayed the message over and over again in her mind.

Occasionally she would pick up her phone and replay the saved voice mail. She couldn't erase the message for fear it was a figment of her imagination. She sighed and stared at the call back number thinking of how she could respond. The caller was her "father", Kuu Hizuri, a famous Hollywood actor. He had just asked her to come and visit him in America for a week. Even though he wasn't her real father she still considered him to be since he had last visited Japan. Remembering when he asked her to act as his son Kuon for a day. After she had finished, she wanted to continue in the role as his son. He now considered her to be his second son. When leaving Japan, he had told her that someday he would have her visit him in America. Kyoko was excited to hear from her beloved "father" but was nervous of the fact that she had never been out of Japan. She also didn't want to be problem for her father. Then there was the troublesome scenario of asking the president's permission for time off and explaining why she would need it.

Kyoko sighed and shut her phone with a quick snap. She would just go and visit the president now since she didn't have anything scheduled for that day. She quickly changed into a white skirt with pink polka dots and a white tank top. She grabbed her purse and slipped on her white sandals and ran out the door. She yelled a quick goodbye to the owners of the Daruma-ya, hopped on her bike and sped off towards LME.

When she got there she decided to stop by the Love Me room to see if her best friend Moko-san was there yet. She smiled when she saw her friend seated on a bench in front of her locker, reading a slip of paper with an angry expression.

"Moko-san!" Kyoko screamed, as she dove at her friend and gave her a huge hug.

"Mo! Get off me! Do you have to always attack me like that? It's embarrassing!" Kanae yelled angrily. She bent down to pick up the paper that she had dropped in surprise when Kyoko had lunged at her.

"What's that you're reading Moko-san?" Kyoko asked her, as she leaned over her friends shoulder. "What? You didn't make the second audition?" Kanae crumpled the paper and threw at Kyoko's head and screamed, "Don't read things that are none of your business!"

Kanae was about to yell at her friend some more, but stopped when she saw the hurt look on Kyoko's face.

"I'm sorry Moko-san; I didn't mean to make you mad."

"Ah it's ok, it's not really a secret. The reason why I'm upset is because I was competing against that stupid Ms. Erika! I'm hoping she didn't make it to the second audition either, or else she'll be rubbing it in my face forever!" Kanae said, as she blew out a huff of air in frustration.

Kyoko smiled at her friend and picked up the crumpled paper."I still think you're the best no matter what anyone else says."

Kanae smiled at her friend's words. Kyoko had always been a loyal friend and it was easy to see how she had become so attached to her. Well it definitely didn't seem that way to others, but deep down she had admitted it. She would die before she told Kyoko that though. The two girls chatted a bit more about past jobs and ones they thought looked interesting. Kyoko told Kanae about the invitation she had to come to America.

"That's great!" Kanae exclaimed, "You could see all of the sites and meet all kinds of movie stars!"

"Yeah, but I don't want to be a burden to him and his wife." Kyoko said sadly, "Plus I've never traveled out of the country before."

"Baka! He wouldn't have invited you if he thought you were going to be a burden! Plus new experiences are always so exciting!" she said trying to encourage the girl a little.

"So you think I should go then Moko-san?" Kyoko asked her excitedly.

"Yes you moron! You need a vacation and it's only for a week, so that way it will be easy to move your schedule around." She replied, rolling her eyes at how much the girl craved her advice.

"Thank you Moko-san! You're right, I'm going to go and have some fun!" Kyoko said instantly cheered up.

She gave Kanae another big hug and before she could protest she headed towards the door.

I'm going to go have a talk with the president since it is still early." Kyoko said as she turned her head and winked at her friend, who was still sitting on the bench staring at her.

"W-whatever just leave before you start getting on my nerves again." Kanae mumbled at her.

When Kyoko left she smiled to herself at the thought of her friend's face when she first arrived in America. She stifled a giggle and started to change into her pink Love Me jumpsuit.

Kyoko was outside of the president's office door starting to get nervous about what she was about to ask him. She almost ran back to get Moko but decided that she would need to do this on her own. Plus she didn't want to make her more irritable than she already was. With a determined look she raised her hand and knocked on the door twice. The door was opened by one of the president's many assistants. Kyoko was greeted by the president who was sitting on his couch comfortably. The president was always dressing in "unique" outfits that were meant to grab people's attention. Today he had on a white suit with gold designs, white knee high boots and a sword that was so long it almost touched the floor. Of course that didn't seem too out of the ordinary, except he also had a hat made out of cotton candy and some licorice glasses. Kyoko stared as he took his glasses, placed the end of them in his mouth and began eating them. He beckoned for Kyoko to sit in the chair across from him. Kyoko sat down trying to ignore the president's strange behavior and cleared her throat.

"U-um sir? I was wondering if I could talk to you about maybe taking some time off?" Kyoko asked, staring down at her lap and playing with her hands nervously. "I-it's ok if you can't! If it's too much trouble I understand!"

"Ms. Mogami of course it's ok! We can easily switch around your schedule!" The president said while still chewing on his glasses. "How long were you planning on being gone?"

"Uh, well a week sir, it's to go visit my father." Kyoko said, smiling as she looked up.

"Your father?" He questioned her, looking confused. He thought her father had passed away already? At least that's what her file had said.

"Oh, well he's not my real father, but we pretend we're father and son." Kyoko said hurriedly.

"Oh, I see." He said as finished the last of his licorice glasses. "Then you are talking about Kuu Hizuri of course." He said, remembering the acting test Kuu had made her do the last time he had visited.

"Yes! He's an amazing Hollywood actor and he's teaching me so much!" Kyoko shouted in excitement suddenly.

He laughed at how excited she got when she talked of her "father", the passion in her eyes shining brightly. "Well Ms. Mogami, it seems that I have already had a talk with your father about you visiting him" he said as he got up from the couch and walked over to his desk. He pulled open the top drawer and pulled out to pieces of paper. "You see Ms. Mogami, I have your ticket for America right here. Your father has already paid for you to go visit with him and has already sent the tickets to me." He handed her the piece of paper with all of the information about the flight to her and sat down again.

Kyoko was still processing everything he had just told her, when something hit her. "Uh sir? You said tickets, not just A ticket. Is somebody else going to America too?" Kyoko looked at the president, eagerly waiting for his response.

"Well yes there will be another person joining you. We couldn't have you running around all by yourself!" the president said as he let out a laugh.

"Oh! Is it Moko-san?" Kyoko screamed causing the president to wince and hold his ears.

"Ah sorry Ms. Mogami, but she wasn't available to come with you." The president stated sadly. He didn't want to tell her the truth; that her friend had actually ran when she had heard of his idea. In no way did she want to be stuck alone with Kyoko for the next week. The president smiled at Kyoko's confused expression.

"Actually, the person who is joining you is-" Suddenly there was a light knocking at the door and he winked at Kyoko. "Ah, this is probably them now!"

The president strolled over to the door and opened it a crack to check who it was. Standing in the doorway was Ren and his manager Mr. Yashiro. Kyoko's mouth hung open in shock but she quickly recovered when she realized she was being silly. Ren was the most popular actor in Japan, there was no way he would have time to go with her. She also knew he would find it troublesome to have to babysit her in America. He must just be here to talk to the president about a problem, yeah that sounded right. Maybe he was here to complain about how she was always hanging around him, even when he had important things to do. Yeah, that was definitely the reason.

The president was in the middle of signing some papers that Mr. Yashiro had handed him. He quickly finished up and they all turned to look at Kyoko.

"Hey there Ms. Mogami! We didn't see you sitting over there!" Mr. Yashiro said nervously, while watching Kyoko's demon minions float around. The room started to feel a little colder all of a sudden, as Kyoko lifted her head and gave them all a piercing look.

"Ms. Mogami is everything alright?" Ren asked, trying hard not to laugh because he could tell what she was upset about.

"Yes" Kyoko said scarily, her face full of fear. "Why are you here Mr. Tsuruga?"

Ren smiled his brightest smile, scorching all of Kyoko's demons. "I'm here because I came to pick you up! You have to start packing now if we're going to make our flight on time!"

"What?" Kyoko screamed in horror, "You're going with me?"

Ren walked over and placed his hands over Kyoko's shoulders. He then started to push her stiff body to the office door. Suddenly Kyoko realized what he was doing and started to yell some more.

"No! Mr. Tsuruga! You don't have to come! I'm sure you have more important things to do!"

The president and Mr. Yashiro laughed as they watched Kyoko's face turn red with embarrassment. Suddenly there was another knock at the door and a man from the singing department came in with more papers. He handed the papers to the president and walked back out the door as quickly as he had come.

"Come on Ms. Mogami, let's start packing." Ren said as he started pushing her towards the door again.

"Have fun you two!" Mr. Yashiro and the president sang together.

"Wait! Isn't Mr. Tsuruga too busy?" Kyoko said as she began holding onto the door frame for dear life. Ren was still trying unsuccessfully to get her out the door and to his car.

"Oh wait! Ms. Mogami!" the president said panic in his voice.

"Yes Sir?" Mogami said relief starting to fill her. The president must have realized what a mistake it was to send Japan's top actor with the lowly girl from the Love Me department. Finally she was free!

"Did you see where I put my glasses?" The president asked patting his pockets and looking around desperately. "I need them to read these papers I was just handed."

Kyoko's face dropped as she looked at the president like he was crazy. "You ATE them!" She said in disbelief, "Don't you remember?"

"Oh yes, now I do! Damn! That's the third pair this week!" "My hat keeps disappearing too!" He mumbled sheepishly. Mr. Yashiro, who had just stuffed a huge chunk of cotton candy in his mouth, quickly swallowed it down. As the president turned back to him he pretended to be reading some papers on his clipboard. Kyoko was suddenly lifted into the air and over Ren's shoulder, as he carried her to his car. Man was this going to be a long week in hell.

So what did you think? Please review and let me know or Mr. Yashiro will eat all your cotton candy! Planning on making more chapters! The next one will definitely have more Ren! ;D