A/N: Okay! So I've started another one. I know, bad move considering I'm still working on my rewrite of Alone On Campus, but I kept having this appear in my head and had to write it soo here it is!

Disclaimer: I obviously don't own Vampire Knight, and as much as I wish I did it's probably a good thing that I don't /

Flashback: Kuran Kaname was known as being one of the most feared purebloods to ever exist, his reputation preceded him wherever he went, and he was always met with respect and awe-filled admiration. So when a silver-haired boy rushed at him with a dinner knife intent on killing him, it would be an understatement to say he was surprised. No, beneath his calm façade, Kuran Kaname was completely taken back, shocked, angered, and intrigued.

It had been four years since the incident with the bread-knife, and Kaname had to admit, their relationship had not improved in the slightest.

They were both attending the same school; an attempt at proving to both the Hunter Association and Vampire Council that co-existence between humans and vampires was possible, but Zero had refused to accept what he was and refused move to the Night Class. Instead, he had chosen to follow his hunter background and trained to kill his own kind, at the same time as protecting the Day Class of humans with Yuki under the guise of prefects. And his hatred of vampires had only increased, if their current situation was to be taken into account.

No, he chuckled grimly to himself, causing the hunter to further apply pressure to the gun he held up against the pureblood's jaw, this was far from an improvement. Drawing a slow breath, he continued with what he had been saying before Zero had so rudely interrupted him, "Drink my blood, Kiryu-kun," another twist of the Bloody Rose, "it will prevent your falling." This time a snarl erupted from the boy's throat,

"Go to hell, Kuran! I'm not a monster like you!" Even as he spoke, Zero knew that beneath clenched lids, his eyes were red; blood-lust betraying how he reacted having such sweet-scented blood so close to him, so attainable, all he had to do was ... No! He couldn't, he wouldn't lose to this, this arrogant bastard!

Zero could practically feel the pureblood's smirk boring into his skull and with a wave of assertiveness he shoved the Bloody Rose into the tender throat, forcing the dark-haired boy to fall back onto the floor, Zero coming to half-kneel, half-stand over him. Kaname showed no fear, no anger, nothing but calm patience and it infuriated him. How could he be so calm while Zero was struggling to calm the thirst that clamoured for the blood being so willingly offered to him?

As Zero fought to gain control, Kaname swiftly moved his hand to his neck, nicking himself with one elongated claw, bringing several beads of blood to the surface. He knew it would be enough, and sure enough, when Zero's eyes snapped open they were red, with only the slightest trace of their usual silver-lilac visible. He turned his neck to allow the boy access, barely managing to take a deep breath before fangs sank deep into his flesh.

He wasn't going to lie, it hurt. It hurt a lot, and Zero wasn't being gentle at all, his fangs sliding in and out, piercing and re-piercing his throat, tearing roughly at his virgin throat. If Kaname weren't so absorbed with trying not to panic as the ex-human drank from him greedily, he might have found it amusing that Kiryu Zero was the one taking his 'first time'. It was widely accepted in the vampire world that blood-sharing was a more intimate act that sex, and here Kaname was, offering himself up to an ex-human vampire hunter; he was almost glad his parents weren't around to know of this. He tensed as Zero twisted his head to get a better angle, reminding himself that the boys survival was beneficial to him.

But it hurt. Yes, it hurt a lot.

Zero drank in deep gulps, allowing himself time to savour the bitter-sweetness that was Kaname.

It was funny, he mused, though Kaname smelt a lot like vanilla, his blood held a thicker flavour, one that Zero couldn't quite explain, but it intoxicated him. As his thoughts carried him away, he didn't notice that Kaname was slipping out of consciousness, his hold on Zero's shoulders loosening, the barely audible plea for him to stop.

He had all but drained him when a mouth against his neck shocked him back to his senses, a warm tongue against his flesh, a soft breath that sounded like an apology before sharp fangs slid slowly and gently into his neck, drawing blood shakily as the pureblood fought to stay conscious. All too late Zero realised he had nearly killed Kaname, and the remorse over-rode the anger and pain he felt at being bitten.

Withdrawing his teeth from the pureblood's neck, he fell to gently mouthing the wounds, urging them to heal as he knew on some instinctive level that they would. He noticed a warmth was thrumming through his veins and sparking in his chest, but he pushed it aside, deciding it was to do with having consumed so much blood at once, and pureblood at that. Guilt washed over him and he shifted so that Kaname could reach his neck without straining, and even though he wasn't sure that the brunette could hear him...

Kaname had bitten Zero in a moment of weakness.

His blood-lust had spiked and taken over in an instinctive spur to survive, and as he drank his senses reeled as the full-force of Zero's blood flowed into him. He could feel everything Zero was feeling, and everything he had ever felt, and the experience was enough to make him gasp between draughts of blood. The pain, and the guilt, and the self-loathing made Kaname ache, his chest tightening as he realised that Zero was lowering them both, making it so that Kaname could easily access his throat, and he didn't miss the hoarse voice whispering in his ear, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Kaname, I didn't mean too..."

He reached out with his aura, trying to comfort the stunned hunter, before sliding his fangs out and running his tongue lazily over the tidy holes his teeth had made. As he slipped out of consciousness, he was aware of warmth spreading through his body, and some part of him knew that he'd just done something irreversible, but he wasn't unable to pinpoint what it was before darkness took him.

Little did he know that that small spark was testament to the fact that each of the boys harboured at least a tiny amount of respect and admiration for the other, and that it would lead to a connection, to a bond stronger than any bond could ever be.