[A/N]: Tra la la! zynaofthenight is back from the land of dead to update this story, which has not been updated for, uh, let's just say a really long time. We're here today to explore the possibilities of a plot with a Mary Sue in it. Enjoy.

-How to Make a Mary-Sue-

By: zynaofthenight


Our dear Mary Sue, who we nicknamed 'Sapphy' in the last chapter has been given a personality, and many physical and mental characteristics. Now, all she needs is a plot. Dear reader, I have decided to split Mary Sue stories into two different types of plot. These two plots will bring an ethereal shine to your story:

Plot One

This is the 'amazing girl who sits in a corner unnoticed' plot. Here, we will explore the details and possibilities of this plot.

Now, we already know that Sapphy is already amazing and absolutely, completely, awesome. We know this because first of all, Sapphy has blue hair with silver streaks, and that's cool. Second of all, Sapphy has peacock colored eyes (refer back to chapter one of this guide in the section 'eye color'). Anyone who has peacock colored eyes is…special. In a different way.

So we must focus on the 'sits in a corner unnoticed' part. I know, I know. You are probably currently staring at this, thinking, What? But…how can anyone manage to ignore Sapphy? She is so epic thatugh! Unnoticed? Impossible!

The world's a very sad place sometimes. Believe it or not, there are beings upon this earth who believe that an unnaturally perfect girl with blue hair, silver streaks, and peacock colored eyes do not deserve their notice. Don't worry, these people (in the loosest sense of the term, for how could anyone who rejects Sapphy be called a person!) only live in strange, uninhabited places like Antarctica. Or they have been spending their entire lives in fairyland, where they dance all day long with three-year-olds and sing lullabies about babies being dropped when a bough breaks.

Unfortunately, to make this type of story possible, we are going to have to call upon quite a few residents of Antarctica and fairyland.

Remember the characteristics of Sapphy, which we discussed last chapter. If you need a refresher, kindly read the previous chapter of this guide. Here I will summarize the key points for you (since I'm so nice):

Sapphy has been brought up believing herself to be an orphan. Zeus, the lord of the sky, hates her (woe to any demigod who evokes his wrath!), and has killed her father. *sniffles* She is completely ignored by others, and brought to cruel foster families who treat her like the stepsisters and stepmother treated Cinderella. Sapphy is kind and caring. She is extremely intelligent for anyone her age, even smarter than a child of Athena. She is fluent in many languages, and is very broad-minded. She understands people very well, and quickly accepts the fact that she is a child of a goddess, no less Hera. She rarely shows the boiling conflict and turmoil within her, because she is very strong. Sapphy is an amazing fighter. She uses her enchantress powers very well, and she is a deadly killer, though she hates it. She does not want to harm anyone, because she views the world as a family that needs to be healed back together—a characteristic of a child of Hera.

And of course, she and Nico are madly in love with each other.

Now, let us create a plot guideline for this story:


As a poor orphan, unnoticed in this world, Sapphy bewails her fate as a modern day Cinderella, forced to work endlessly for cruel foster families, one after another.


At school, Sapphy is completely ignored. Even the teachers (who have obviously been in Antarctica) accidently skip her on the role call!


One day…a really attractive new boy (hintnicohint) comes to school, and is directed to the seat next to Sapphy in every single one of her classes.


Sapphy falls madly in love with this new guy.


Incidentally, this new guy falls madly in love with Sapphy (obviously—who could not love her?).


Sapphy is attacked by a monster one day. Attractive new guy named Nico who Sapphy has fallen madly in love with comes to the rescue.


Nico brings Sapphy to Camp Half-Blood (I mean, seriously! You expect someone as special as Sapphy to not be a half-blood? I'm so disappointed).


Nico explains Sapphy about demigods. Sapphy goes through an internal conflict that is along the lines of 'ohmygawsh I knew it—why didn't anybody tell me?'


At the campfire, Sapphy is claimed by Hera, and all the campers gasp and say something along the lines of "ohmygawsh I knew it—I mean, how could we not have seen it? A girl with dark blue hair with silver stripes, and peacock colored eyes MUST be a daughter of Hera, duh!"


Suddenly, Zeus appears, all angry and rawring, shouting "YOU TERRIBLE CHILD OF HERA, HOW COULD YOU EXIST?" Sapphy sobs and wails, and Zeus feels horrible for upsetting such a beautiful maiden. He says that Hades will bring Sapphy's father back to life (for even mighty Zeus feels regret at killing Sapphy's father!) if Sapphy goes on a quest.


Naturally, Nico offers to go along and help Sapphy—after all, his father is Hades. And also because he is madly in love with Sapphy. All's fair in love and war :P


The two of them go on a quest. Sapphy requires audience with Hades. Hades is so taken by the epicness of Sapphy that he grants her request for her father immediately. Sapphy's father comes back.


Now, in her lovely new life, Sapphy is loved and cared for by a doting father, and she gets to spend time at camp with all her new half-blood friends. The story ends with Sapphy and Nico pledging their eternal love for each other.

*cries* What a beautiful story! *sobs*

Plot Two

This is the 'amazing girl who everybody loves' plot. Though at a first glance, this plot seems quite similar to Plot One, it is not. For in this plot, Sapphy is completely changed emotionally. Instead of being the shy, kind, obscure girl who everyone loves after they know her (and that takes some time, for no one knows her), Sapphy is now a confident, (still) very kind, beautiful girl who is outspoken and amazing.

Hence the plot turns to—


Though she is an orphan with a cruel foster family, Sapphy is strong and outspoken, and very popular at school. She holds a façade of cheerfulness and strength at school, and no one knows about her terrible life at home.


Naturally, everyone at school loves Sapphy. Especially that certain guy named Nico. *hints*


One day, as Sapphy is taking a walk outside her house, she gets attacked by a monster.


Somehow, Sapphy randomly suddenly discovers her amazing powers and uses her amazing enchantress powers to kill the monster with awesomeness.


Nico randomly appears, and goes: "ohmygawsh how did you do that?"


Sapphy, who's ever so modest, says airily, "oh, it was nothing…"


Nico goes "ohmygawsh you must be a demigod!" He takes her to Camp Half-Blood.


Sapphy meets Chiron, who immediately goes "ohmygawsh you're so awesome!" The rest of the campers at Camp Half-Blood see Sapphy and go "ohmygawsh you're so awesome!"


Of course, if any of your readers are wondering why there's so many "ohmygawsh"s in the story, they're obviously completely out of this world. I mean, every good story needs a multitude of characters saying "ohmygawsh" over and over again, like some demented chorus in a Greek play. Duh.


Sapphy gets claimed by Hera. Sapphy thinks, "Well, hello? I'm so special that I have to be some forbidden child of Hera! Duh!" Or something like that. Remember, though—Sapphy is a modest, kind person, and shouldn't be so apt to such egoistical feelings. Make her think inside, 'I knew I had a purpose in life,' though not out loud.


Capture the Flag! Using her awesome enchantress powers, Sapphy magically beats everyone and wins. Of course, no one is angry at her, because with her amazing powers of a lovely sense of family, Sapphy keeps everyone peaceful and loving. Yay!


And then…Zeus suddenly appears! ._. This cannot be good. *cues dramatic music* Remember to put lotsa special lightning effects and a scary, thundering Zeus.


Zeus thunders on and on about how he must kill Sapphy because she is the daughter of Hera. Everyone gets scare, except Sapphy, who ever so eloquently pleads why everything is her fault.


Zeus really sees Sapphy for the first time and stops ranting. He goes, "ohmygawsh you're so awesome." He gets so ashamed of himself that he tells Sapphy that she can have her father back if she asks Hades.


So Sapphy embarks on a quest with Nico to find her father…blah, blah, blah…see above plot for ending.

Yeah, I know what you're thinking. I mean, aren't these two plots basically the same? Other than the personality switch in Sapphy because she seems to be bipolar?

Not to worry, my dear readers. In fact, to prove how different these two plots are, I shall devote the next two chapters in this guide on the stories.

Next up on How to Make a Mary Sue: zynaofthenight takes plot numero uno and converts it to a worthy Mary Sue piece of literature.

For the love of muffins and the existence of gracelings,


[A/N]: Remember, reviews are loved :D Flames will be, again, tossed in my nonexistent fireplace and used to roast cheese.

A note on my other stories:

I've got two new oneshots: Hate, a story of Helen of Troy, and Impatient, a one-sided Leo/Piper pairing I wrote because I was bored. I'd really appreciate it if you all went and read & reviewed those two stories. Thanks :3

Epsilon has been nominated for the Veritas XD Round 7 voting begins August 31st, and ends September 7th. Go to www dot fanmortals dot webs dot com for more info. Support me :D