She looked up into green eyes with a deep rooted sadness. She knew he could never just accept what she had to say, that even if he understood he would never be able to look at her the same. She knew he would have had to have been there himself to know what she knew; to accept the reality of who she had fallen in love with. "Harry, I wish I could just tell you it will all be alright, and that things can go back to the way they were," she sighed and looked down at the sheets covering her from the waist down. "Unfortunately we both know that it wouldn't be true."
He looked at her in a way she could only describe as helplessly. "Ally, please, you're my sister, nothing you could say could really make me hate you! You are all I have left!" his tone pleading with her.
"What if I were to tell you that I was best friends with Narcissa Malfoy? Or that Lucius and I hung out every day? That Tom and I ended up getting along really well?" Harry looked horror stricken.
"That's not true though is it? I mean, you would never befriend the monster that killed our parents!"
Allura chuckled "Is that all you got out of that whole rant? Nothing about Mr. or Mrs. Malfoy?"
Harry looked at her funny. "You should know I wouldn't have any issues. I mean I may dislike Mr. Malfoy, but Draco isn't terrible. I mean we have tolerated each-other since the end of second year when you shoved the two of us into that room saying you wouldn't let us out until we 'stopped the fighting nonsense'."
"That's because in the end he was a good person. Look, I know just telling you those few minuscule facts won't help you understand how I feel, so can you just listen for a while and promise not to interrupt until I finish telling you what happened from when I disappeared?"
Harry contemplated this for a minute, knowing that she wanted him to understand. He knew that she deserved it at the very least; she was his older sister after all. He took a long look at her and had to take in once again how much had really changed about her since he had last seen her three months ago. He could easily tell that she had gotten much older, her long auburn hair had been cut off at the neck into a face framing look that really suited her well. Her hazel eyes held a depth to them that they never had before, he would almost call it age, except he knew that if he told her that she would smack him upside the head and tell him it was called wisdom or something similar.
Her face had lost some of its childish roundness; her features were almost regal with her high cheekbones and heart-shaped face. Harry almost had to laugh at his next thought. 'She looks so much like mum, but with dad's eyes.' He couldn't count the number of times he had wanted to strangle someone for saying how much he looked like his father except he had his mothers' eyes. He looked back at her eyes, looking for an answer to all his questions; where had she been for three months, why did she look so much older, what had happened to her, was she ok? With so many questions running through his head he had to take a deep breath and give her an answer.
"I promise to listen, and not to judge you or anything. I am just glad that you are home." He leaned forward and gave her a hug.
Allura closed her eyes gratefully as she held onto her brother. She had dearly missed him, and wished she could have been there for him when everyone had realized she was missing. "I guess then that I should start from the beginning," She took a deep breath before sitting back in the bed, "You might want to get comfortable, because I get the feeling that with all your incessant questions that are bound to pop up this will take a while."
Harry looked affronted for a moment before nodding his head in amusement. Sitting back in his chair beside the bed he gestured for her to start. "Alright, first and foremost I guess I should say that I was a young and foolish girl; at least foolish in the thought that nothing could ever harm me or happen to me if I was at Hogwarts. So that day that I disappeared, I never once thought that what would make things happen, would be Hogwarts itself."
Harry opened his mouth to make a retort when she held up her hand. "I know, Hogwarts can do many things, I just never figured it would do something this drastic." she took a deep breath. "I was heading down to Severus' rooms to discuss something very important with him; though I cannot for the life of me remember what it was about. I was on the dungeons southern stairwell when I tripped on the stairs and found myself falling through the wall onto another set of stairs; which I might add looked exactly the same...
Alright so I admit, I am not the best writer ever, but I beg for your forgiveness since I haven't tried my hand at writing in almost four and a half years. O.o Wow, I didn't even really realize it had been that long since I had last written until I looked at my calendar.
Anyways, I would love it if you guys reviewed, I would love the input, I know you are all wondering where I am going with this, but the next chapter is where things really start, this is kind of like my preface, and will be seen again much later in the story!
I will post up more as soon as I get the chance, but in the meantime please Review! ^_^