Clark and his parents looked silently at the young boy who was putting on his shoes quickly. Jonathan turned to his son.

"Clark, I'd like to believe you, I really would. But…this kid is acting like a regular kid. And…he's not acting like your…biological father."

Clark understood his feelings. Jor-El was the only Kryptonian around besides Clark, and he wasn't exactly a welcomed guest for the Kents. "I know Dad, but I saw his cell structure. It was somewhat different from a humans'. There were some green cells in his body along with regular cells."

Martha placed a sympathetic hand on her sons' arm. "Sweetie, this might be hopeful thinking. The boy could have been infected by the meteor shower." Clark turned toward Jason's voice, "Can we go now, Clark?"

Clark gave Jason a warm smile, "Yeah, Buddy. Let's go." Clark grasped Jason's hand, and both boys went out the back door toward the farm.

Jason looked at the horses with wide eyes. He never saw one in real life, except at his grandma's a few times. Clark looked down at him, "You want to pet them?" Jason nodded, and Clark reached down to pick him up. He carried him over to the brown horse.

"This is Bess. She's a really sweet girl, she won't bite you." Jason gently pet the horse, giggling with excitement. Clark smiled at the boy, feeling a surging feeling of protectiveness. He guessed it was because the boy was part Kryptonian.

"Clark?" Clark turned around to see Chloe, one of his friends from school. "Hey Chloe." She smiled at him brightly. "Hi, Clark. Oh!" She smiled at the boy who burrowed his face in Clarks' shoulder shyly.

"Who's the little guy?" Clark looked at Jason for a minute, then turned back to the blonde. "He's my little brother. My parents adopted him yesterday." Chloe raised an eyebrow, eyes filled with confusion. "Wouldn't Mrs. Kent tell us about it? Or you?" Clark shrugged his shoulders, "We are very quiet people Chloe. Besides, I wanted to surprise you."

"Well I'm surprised." She gently patted the boys' shoulder. "Hello Jason. My name is Chloe. I'm a friend of your brother's." Jason peeped over at her, his blue eyes showing through his brown bangs. "Hi…" Chloe laughed. "He's so cute!"

Jason giggled shyly. "Hey…do you want to play some ball?" Jason smiled and nodded. Chloe gently took the boy from Clarks' arms. "Let's go…" Clark watched them walk off. He couldn't shake the familiarity of the boy away from his mind.

After hesitating a few moments, he joined them. Jason held the basketball in his hands, looking at the very tall hoop.

This isn't like the one Dad got me for Christmas. Oh well… Jason took in a quiet breath, dribbled the ball over to the basket, and threw the hoop.

Clark's eyes widened. The boy had just thrown in a perfect basket at an eleven foot hoop! He was definitely right-that boy was like him.

Chloe gave the boy a wide smile. "That's pretty good!" She turned to Clark, "Looks like we'll have two sport stars in the Kent home." Clark knelt down in front of Jason, "That was very good, Jason. You'll become a star in no time."

Smiling at the praise, Jason ran toward the hoop, and shot another goal. Clark heard his mother yell for bed. "Come on Bud." He scooped up the sleepy boy in his arms, and waved goodbye to Chloe.


Martha smiled at the boys, but felt a bit of sadness. Would Clark have been like this if the baby was still alive? Well, that happened two months ago. No point in dwelling on past times.

By the time Clark got to the house, Jason was fully asleep. He smiled softly at the boy, and went up the stairs to put him in his bed. The boy was just six, it wouldn't be right to leave him downstairs where he could get hurt.

And with all the weirdness that happens around here, I don't want to take any chances…


Martha had decided that she would stay with the boy, and Clark agreed with that immediately.

Wondering what they would do about the boy, Clark went on the couch to go to sleep.