Authors note: okay the second part is here and it only took me a day :D I just couldn't stop writing and thank you for the reviews I was smiling all day because of them :) okay I still don't own One Piece :( So please review my story pretty please with ZoNa on top review :) *looks hopeful*

Zoro pov

Today was one of those days that his father took an interest in him, one of those few days where it was almost impossible to reach the ship. He sighed as he thought about Snow White, they had become close in the five weeks they had known each other since they were usually left on the ship together. Of course he still didn't know what she had done but that hardly mattered anymore and she had stopped trying to run away from the crew. He hadn't told her the truth about himself yet but he was planning on doing it the next day. He hated to admit it, especially since he knew that she was bound to leave, but he had fallen in love with her over the time. He wished that…

"Prince Zoro are you paying attention?" asked his tutor worriedly, he was a naturally nervous man but even more so when it came to the Prince.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" asked Zoro gruffly, annoyed that he had been pulled out of his thoughts about the girl in white.

"I was explaining the recent history of the kingdom to our right," the old man squeaked.

"Carry on," Zoro responded.

"Eleven years ago the queen of the kingdom was murdered in front of her two daughters," began the frightened man, calming slightly as he showed off his great knowledge, "The man who preformed this act was a Pirate by the name of Arlong. This is a portrait of the family two weeks before this pirate came to their kingdom." The man pulled a picture out of the stack of papers in front of him and presented it to Zoro who wouldn't have given it a second glance if he hadn't noticed the bright red hair on one of the girls, a color he had only seen once before.

"What was the name of the red haired daughter?" Zoro asked without looking up from the younger version of the face that had been ingrained in his mind since he had seen it accidently five weeks earlier.

"That would be the younger daughter and I believe her name was Nami."

"And what happened to her?"

"It is believed that she joined Arlong's crew after the hostile takeover." Zoro glanced up sharply causing the nervous man to fall off his chair. Not caring about the fact that he was supposed to be in lessons Zoro tore out of the castle and ran to the ship.

"Where's Snow White?" he growled at the first crew member he saw, who happened to be Usopp.

"She's in her room." Usopp seemed flustered by Zoro's tone but the swordsman was in too much of a hurry to care. He pushed past the sniper and quickly arrived at the woman's quarters. After knocking on the door he waited.

"Who is it?" Snow Whites voice floated out from the room before his causing any irritation he had over his discovery to subside, she had to have her reasons and he couldn't be mad at her if he hadn't been completely honest himself. Though he would still get the whole story on what had happened out of her today.

"Zoro and I have to talk to you."

"Oh, please come in, the door is unlocked." With that the green haired man stepped into the room. He glance around to see Snow White sitting at her desk wearing her usually short attire and her mask and wig. She had turned on the stool to face him and was sitting with her legs crossed in a very relaxed sort of way. Zoro had been in here a few times before, it was one of the best places to talk if you didn't want to get interrupted.

"I was with my tutor this morning," he felt no need to hide this fact if he was going to explain himself to her anyway, "learning about the recent history of the kingdoms around here," he saw her stiffen when he said this and he knew that she must suspect that he knew something, "when I came across an interesting photo. Would you like to hear about it Snow White, or should I say Nami?"

"What do you know?" her voice was low and all sense of being calm and relaxed had left her, she seemed dejected that he had found her out.

"Only that the woman in the room with me is the princess of the kingdom that we are in and she joined the pirates that killed her mother."

"I had no choice but to join them, I'm guessing your tutor didn't tell you that," she sneered over the word tutor. "Did they tell you that Arlong made a deal with a seven year old girl to free the town she loved if she paid him 100,000,000. Did they mention that he decided that this deal wasn't worth his time after eleven years and sent for her to be killed and her money to be stolen? Did they even mention that she had to be hated by everyone that she knew because they thought she had betrayed them, or how hard it was for her to work with the man who had killed her mother? Right in front of her eyes I might add." Zoro was taken aback by her outburst.

"No he didn't mention that," Zoro kept the pity out of his voice, it wasn't what she would want and she would just hate him all the more for it. He noticed tears appearing below her mask and heard quite sobs escaping from her lips, awkwardly he walked over and hugged her letting her cry into his shoulder. She reached her arms around and pulled him tighter, the two stayed like that for a few moments before each of them realized what they were doing and they backed away.

Blushing Zoro looked away, when he noticed movement he looked up to see her remove her mask and wig, she was even more beautiful than he remembered. This time he got to take a good look at her, she had beautiful large brown eyes that made him want to protect her and her shining red hair fit her perfectly. She had this look of sorrow on her face and a tear was still on her cheek, it made a bubble of rage rise within Zoro and he felt that he had to make Arlong pay for what he had done to this innocent young woman.

Nami's pov

'I can't believe I just told him everything,' she thought, 'I mean I trust him but I just laid my whole life out before him, and to top it all off I even cried!'

She looked up to see that Zoro had a pink tinted face and felt less embarrassed about her own blush, though it was hidden behind her mask. She realized that there was no point to wearing her mask, she had kept it on just in case he didn't remember her face and wouldn't recognize it if he ever saw a picture of her, obviously that hadn't worked since he had recognized her seven year old face. Sighing she reached up and removed her mask and wig before looking back at the man she had just burdened with her problems. He had this look of concentration on his face like he wanted to beat someone to a pulp.

"Well," she said awkwardly, it was hard to talk when that look was directed at her, "what is your story? You have to be someone if you have a tutor."

"Oh, that," Zoro said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, "well I'm surprised that you don't know, didn't you have tutor's when you were younger?"

"I did but you seem to forget that I was only seven when the tutors stopped." As she said this she racked her brain for anywhere she could have possibly heard his name, he had a tutor meaning he was important and he wasn't someone who would expect to be known if he wasn't really really important. Well if he thought that she would have learned about him from her tutors he was probably someone that she would have learned about. She was frustrated with herself for not having kept up with her studies until she suddenly realized where she had heard that name before.

"You're the prince of the next kingdom." There was no question in her voice, she knew she was right, she had seen a picture of him before Arlong had come.

"So you already knew?" it didn't sound like a question.

"I just remembered you now, I had no reason to think that I would know you before. Why are you here though?"

"I got lost," Nami chuckled at that, she knew how bad his sense of direction was, "and found myself here, I became friends with Luffy and just coming back whenever I could, it's a good place to train or sleep, nobody bothers you like they do at the castle. And you should tell the rest of the crew your story, they will understand and probably help you to get rid of Arlong."

"I know, go and tell everyone in the ship to go into the kitchen, I'll go and get everyone from the deck." Standing up she followed Zoro out of the room without putting her mask or wig back on, she trusted them and figured it was time that they saw her without them.

Unknown pov

Walking through the forest in search of game to eat for dinner they frowned as they spotted a ship. Getting closer they spotted movement on the deck of the ship. Slowly and quietly they approached even farther until they could see the faces, suddenly a red haired woman came on deck and their eyes widened.

'So it seems like somebody isn't as dead as we thought, I can think of someone who would be very interested in this piece of information.'

Nami pov

"And that's what happened," she finished. The crew had reacted surprisingly well to her story, most of them hadn't even batted an eyelash when they heard her past. They had been surprised at first when they had seen her without her mask and wig, Usopp had pulled his slingshot on her, she had done some fast talking to get out of that one. Sanji had freaked out and his eye turned into a giant heart, that was by far the most predictable reaction. Other than that they hadn't really cared about the change.

"I say we go fight Arlong," Luffy said, rash as always.

"Wait Luffy we need to make plans, Arlong is strong and I don't know if you could even beat him," Nami knew his strength but Arlong was really strong.

"Nami's right," it was Usopp speaking this time, "I mean Captain Usopp could easily take him but we should make plans." Robin laughed lightly at that.

"It's late now we can plan tomorrow," Nami said with a yawn. The rest of the crew agreed and soon they were off to bed and Zoro left for his home.

The next morning Nami awoke and momentarily panicked when she felt that he mask was gone, it took a moment but she eventually remembered the day before and relaxed back into her bed before deciding that she wanted to take a walk. Getting dressed and leaving quietly so she wouldn't disturb the rest of the crew. The cool morning air woke her up as she took in the beautiful sunrise. She had barely taken four steps when she noticed Zoro emerging from the woods.

"You're up early," he said quietly as he approached.

"I could say the same for you," she responded blushing slightly.

"Luffy said to be here early, we are going after Arlong today, you know he won't wait after your story."

"Yeah, I know," Nami said quietly, "Zoro will you please promise me to be careful."

"I can try," he murmured before pulling her into a hug, "we will get him back for what he did to you and your kingdom," he whispered into her hair. A moment later he let go of her and boarded the ship. She smiled softly before turning back to the ship.

Zoro's pov

He didn't know what had possessed him to hug her but he was glad that he did, it could be the last time that he would ever see her if Arlong's crew was really as tough as she made them out to be. If he would never return from that fight at least he could die with the memory of that morning in his head.

As he entered the kitchen he noticed that he was the last one there and seated himself at the table next to the captain. They all sat in silence for a few moments as they thought about what they were going to do.

"I'll take Arlong," Luffy finally said, breaking the silence. Zoro wished he could protest but he knew that their captain was their best chance at beating him.

"We can fan out and take them all one on one, if we finish a fight early we can trace the steps of the others to help out," that was Robin and the rest of the crew nodded at her idea, it was probably the best thing they could do.

For the next hour the guys planned in the kitchen, well the guys and Robin. Nami wasn't going, she knew she wasn't strong enough to stand a chance against his crew and no one expected her to return to the scene of the torture she had endured for 11 years. She wrote in her journal until she heard a knock on the door, it was Zoro.

"We are going now," he spoke softly.

"Okay, just be careful," she told him.

"I will," he responded before shutting the door and leaving her alone on the ship.

Zoro's pov

They had made good time to the castle, if you knew where you were going it only took a few hours by foot. He was finally on his was to defeat the man who had ruined Nami's life. There hadn't been any scouts in the woods, probably because Arlong doubted that anyone could pose a threat to him, especially after 11 years. As they neared the town the first battles began, one by one their crew got picked off to fight by themselves and by the time they reached the castle there was only him, Luffy, Sanji, and Usopp left.

They ran through the twisting halls until they reached the throne room, there were four men in it and Zoro knew that the one in the middle was Arlong, as much as he wanted to beat the man to a bloody pulp he knew that he had to leave it to Luffy who was stronger than him and he turned his attention to the swordsman of the bunch.

Every slash that he did and every move that he made seemed stronger and filled with purpose. The other man may have had six swords but they were no match for the three that the green haired swordsman had. He moved faster than ever before as he slashed again and again and avoided any swing that his opponent made, he didn't know what this man had done to help Arlong but he would pay dearly for it, for ruining Nami's life.

Nami's pov

It had been a few hours since they had left and she had to get her mind of worrying, finally she decided to take a walk to clear her head. As she left the ship she saw an old woman with a basket in hobbling towards her from the woods.

"Would you like an apple?" the old woman croaked showing Nami her basked full of mouth watering red fruits. Realizing that she hadn't eaten a thing that day Nami nodded and reached into her pocket to pay the woman. "No need for that," the wrinkled lady spoke again, "it is payment enough to satisfy a customer." Nami thanked her before taking a bite out of the apple, it was delicious but as she swallowed she heard the old woman cackle in a way that made her skin crawl. She turned to look at the woman but everything went black.

Zoro's pov

It had been a hard fight but he had defeated the six armed man and from the looks of it the rest of the crew had won their fights as well, well most of them had. Luffy was still fighting Arlong but it looked as if it would soon come to an end. Finally Luffy threw one last punch causing Arlong to fly across the room and crack his head against the stone wall so hard that the wall threatened to turn to rubble.

"That was for Nami," he growled. Strangely the regaining consciousness man that Usopp had fought laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Zoro growled, he had a sickening feeling in his stomach and he knew that whatever it was it couldn't be good.

"You may have stopped Arlong but you will be too late to save your precious princess." Zoro kicked the man in the stomach causing him to cough out blood.

"What do you mean we can't save her?"

"She will be stone cold by the time you get back, she is probably already dead." Zoro's eyes widened, she couldn't be dead… could she? He didn't stick around to find out anything more, he had to get back to the ship as fast as he could. Running faster than he ever had before with the rest of the crew hot on his heels they made it to the ship in record time. He looked around the clearing wildly until he saw her slumped on the ground with an apple a few inches from her hand and a bite out of it. His whole world came crashing down and he was far to shocked to move.

He barely noticed Chopper run up to her and shake his head. He didn't notice Luffy rage with tears streaming down his face or that Luffy was being restrained by Sanji and Frankie. He didn't notice anything around him, he could have died right then and he wouldn't have noticed or cared. Without thought his feet took step after step to bring him to the fallen woman. He knelt by her side and picked her limp body up into his arms where he cradled her against his chest. Tears tore down his face and sobs racked his throat but he didn't notice, the only thing that he could register was the peaceful face of the girl he loved.

"I guess I should have told you before I left for that fight, I probably should have told you the moment I knew, Nami I love you. I have for a while now, I didn't care what your past was, I only cared about you. I guess it's too late now but I had to tell you sometime right?" his voice broke on the last syllable and he broke down crying even harder. He opened his eyes for a moment before bending down and kissing her full on the lips. When he pulled back he imagined her whispering his name the way she had in the forest that morning. His tears came harder than and he let out a cry of raw anguish.

A few days later

Looking at his reflection in the mirror Zoro wished he could go back in time and change what had happened on that day. He wished he could have warned her not to trust anyone and to stay inside. He wished he could have gotten back to the ship before she had taken a bite and warned her not to but it was too late now and he knew it. He inspected his black suit in the mirror, tugging on the hem so it fell straight. He felt tears in his eyes and hurriedly rubbed them away, he wouldn't cry again, though he knew that he wouldn't be able to stop himself once he was out there.

He thought back to the short time he had known her, how she had spunk and a personality that he had never thought he would see in a girl and probably never would again. He thought about how they hadn't gotten along at first and how he had accidently walk in on her at the store. He remembered how she used to try and slip away from them at every chance she had, that seemed so foreign now she hadn't tried that in the last few weeks. Once again he felt the need to wipe the tear from his eyes, he just couldn't believe what had happened.

Thinking about the day that he had finally learned the truth about her he knew that he should have told her then that he loved her, it would have been the best time for that. Thinking about how he had held her while she cried and supported her while she relieved her past to the crew made him wish that they had had more times like that. The time in the woods had been good but he couldn't help but feel that he should have warned her too, that he should have told her to keep herself out of harm's way, if he had done that he would never of had to go through the pain and heartbreak that he did.

He wished that Arlong was still alive so he could put him through more pain for what he did for Nami, but wishing didn't help anything, he had firsthand experience with that. He couldn't help but remember when that man had told him that she was dead, he couldn't believe him but he had run back to the ship only to find that he was telling the truth. He couldn't stop his mind from replying what had happened next, he remembered seeing her body lying there and knowing that she was dead but unable to believe it, he remembered walking over to her with tears down her face and holding her close to his chest. He remembered his chocked confession and planting that kiss on her cold lips. He remembered thinking about her saying his name, and he remembered his anguished cry. He then remembered…

"Hey Zoro are you ready," it was Luffy, being formal for once with his black suit and his solemn expression. Behind him was the rest of the crew all dressed in black. Zoro took on last glance at the mirror and nodded following the captain out of the room. The rest of the crew took their seats as Zoro walked up to the front and pulled the black curtain aside.

Smiling he took his place across from his almost bride in her black wedding dress, it had just seemed fitting somehow. He took her hands in his and felt tears of joy spring to his eyes once again. He was just as happy as when he had looked down from his cry to see her eyes opened in wonder with her hands clutching his shirt like a scared kitten. She had spoken his name in a soft voice filled with wonder and he had leaned down and kissed her. He hadn't believed that he would ever be able to gaze into her large brown eyes again when he had seen her collapsed in the clearing.

Nami's pov

She didn't know how she was alive but she was glad she was. Eventually after having no other theory they went with true loves kiss, cheesy but surprisingly fitting. She wished she could have stopped herself from eating that apple and putting Zoro through that pain, no matter how brief it had been. She knew it was a bad idea the moment she had heard the old woman cackle but it had been too late to stop then. The next thing she knew she was in Zoro's arms with their mouths pressed together. She had whispered his name but he hadn't heard her as he had howled at the sky, she had never heard someone in that much pain before and it scared her and she knew she had to help him. She had said his name again and this time he had looked at her, his eyes filled with disbelief and hope, when he saw her he had instantly kissed her again before hugging close to his chest and telling her never to scare him like that again.

The next few moments had been hectic and there was a lot of celebrating over Arlong's defeat and Nami's survival. After that night she had to return to her kingdom to sort everything out, it had taken a long time, the town was celebrating Arlong's defeat but there were many problems to sort out. She had met with her sister who told her that she was not going to rule the kingdom, she wanted a simple life and would live in the cottage they had visited with their mother and raise the mikan's. It was when she had returned to the castle for the night that she was met by Zoro and a marriage proposal, of course she accepted.

They talked logistics and decided that they would combine their kingdoms, there was no one to rule Nami's kingdom if they didn't and it would be easier to help the people who had been hurt by Arlong if they had access to his country's wealth. After that had been settled they planned the wedding for three days in the future but they could hardly wait, well if they had their first child would have been born a bit later.

It seemed as if the whole kingdom had turned out for the wedding, well both of the kingdoms actually. They cheered as they watched the ceremony end and the lovers kiss, now as husband and wife. Neither of them ever forgot the events that led up to their marriage and it was a story they told their children over the years. They still saw the Straw Hat pirates for a while but eventually they had to leave to answer the call of the sea on their ship the thousand sunny. They stopped by every few years but they never seemed satisfied until they were back out to sea again for more adventures.

Okay so I really can't add more to this story so it is officially over once again please review, it feeds me :)