Hey everyone! I hope you're all ready for another story! If you haven't already, you should read 'There's Just No Getting Over You' and 'Summer Of Love' first, otherwise you'll be soooo lost. Well, I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter, it's alright but slow, but most stories start out that way. Alright, so we don't have any Blaine or Sam yet, but they'll enter the mix soon enough. So enjoy the show!

Monday morning greeted a boy with the harsh September sunlight. He opened his eyes and made a low hiss and threw his pillow at the shades, successfully (and unfortunately) increasing the sunlight. He grumbled but got up anyway. He tromped to the shower and let the steaming water fully wake him. As he showered, he couldn't help but sing his excitement.

I don't need to be anything other than a prison guard's son

I don't need to be anything other than a specialist's son

I don't have to be anyone other than a birth of two souls in one

Part of where I'm going is knowing where I'm coming from

I don't want to be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately

All I have to do is think of me and have peace of mind

I'm tired of looking 'round rooms wondering what I gotta do

Or who I'm supposed to be

I don't want to be anything other than me

I'm surrounded by liars everywhere I turn

I'm surrounded by imposters everywhere I turn

I'm surrounded by a identity crisis everywhere I turn

Am I the only one to notice?

I can't be the only one who's learned

I don't want to be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately

All I have to do is think of me and have peace of mind

I'm tired of looking 'round rooms wondering what I gotta do

Or who I'm supposed to be

I don't want to be anything other than me

Can I have everyone's attention please?

If you're not like this and that

You're gonna have to leave

I came from the mountain, the crust of creation

My whole situation made from clay, dust, and stone

And now I'm telling everybody

I don't want to be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately

All I have to do is think of me and have peace of mind

I'm tired of looking 'round rooms wondering what I gotta to do

Or who I'm supposed to be

I don't want to be anything other than me

I don't want to be

As he got out of the shower, he could barely contain his excitement. Today was the first day of his junior year and no one was going to mess it up; no jocks we're going to throw a slushie at him, no one would taunt him and his wonderful boyfriend of 9 months and no one would ruin his first day back at glee club.

Henry Landon ran his hands through his hair and smiled at himself in the mirror. "Why, who are you, you handsome devil you?" He leered. "Oh, you flatter yourself!" Henry said flirtatiously. "Now, what say me and I go and get dressed?"

Henry laughed but stopped when he realized that he forgot his clothes. He ran, butt ass naked, as fast as he could to his room. He tore into his closet and began to tread through his clothes. Ever since Kurt had forced him to go shopping with Mercedes and Quinn over the summer, (shudder) he had donned a brand new wardrobe. He stepped out of his room in a pair of green skinny jeans, "Green? Are you trying to look like a vegetable?" Kurt had said when he picked them out, a tight fitting simple black v-neck, and his favorite pair of Vans shoes.

He barreled down the stairs to greet his not so new, but amazing nevertheless, family. His best friend and practically brother, Mike Chang, beamed happily as Mrs. Chang set down a plate of eggs and hash browns in front of him. She looked up and smiled brightly. "Good morning, sweetie. Want some breakfast?" She asked Henry.

"Oh God yes!" Henry said. "I'm starving!" He sat down next to Mike and looked over to his best friend's, and in most ways: his own, father, Mr. Chang. "Morning Kevin!" Henry greeted almost too happily.

Mr. Chang looked up from his newspaper and gave him a bemused look. "Good morning Henry." He laughed. "What's got you in such a chipper mood?"

"It's a new start! The next year of school! I got a new set of clothes, courtesy of Kurt, a ton of new friends to greet when I get to school and a new year for Glee club! I can't wait to get started!" Henry replied, almost falling out of his seat in excitement.

"Well, I hope you enjoy you first day." Mr. Chang laughed. "But what about your classes this year? Excited for those?"

Henry frowned. "What? No way! I have stupid AP Calc! Thank God I have Artie in there with me! We barely passed Pre-Calc last year without each other. And then I have Spanish 3, but I have Shuester for that class so it shouldn't be too hard. Then there's American Literature, and then thankfully lunch. Them I have glee, followed by gym, which is going to be totally awesome! Then finally I have to finish the day with Chemistry and Advanced Biology, but I can't complain."

"Sounds like you got quite the schedule." Mrs. Chang commented. "Mike, what about you?"

Mike looked up from his plate; a mouthful of scrambled eggs could be seen dangling halfway out of his mouth. "Huh?" He asked.

"Michael! Close your mouth!" Mrs. Chang scolded. He quickly shut his mouth and began to chew, a pout on his face. "Now, what classes do you have this semester?"

Mike swallowed. "I have gym and glee with Henry, then I have Pre-Calc, European Literature, AP U. S. History, Advanced Chemistry, and I end the day with a cool photography class Tina and I are taking together!"

Mr. Chang checked his watch and looked up. "Boys, it's almost 8, aren't you going to be late?"

Henry and Mike finished eating their food and stormed out of the house, yelling their goodbyes and giving quick, sloppy kisses to Mrs. Chang as they left.

Getting out of Henry's jeep, both boys smiled when they saw their respective lovers, waiting for them by the school entrance.

Mike walked up to Tina. "Asian kiss?" He asked cutely.

"Asian kiss." Tina smiled, sharing a sweet kiss with her boyfriend.

Henry…was not as cute, or romantic. He charged up to Kurt and wrapped him in a tight embrace; lifting him off the ground and spinning him around. Kurt shrieked and demanded his immediate release. Henry set him down and smiled a warm, toothy grin. "Hey, baby." He breathed happily.

"Hey baby? That's what I get after not being able to see you for two weeks because of you working? Hey baby? Even Mike and Tina have a cute 'Asian kiss' thing! And they've been dating for only a few weeks! We don't have a thing! We need a thi-" Kurt's heated rant was cut off by Henry. The taller boy swooped down and gave Kurt a searing kiss. By the time they broke the kiss, Kurt couldn't see clearly. He looked up at his boyfriend and gave a goofy smile. "What we're we talking about?" He said airily.

Henry smiled. "Our 'thing', and that right there was it." He smirked as he took Kurt's hand and led him inside, following the Asian couple.

Tina pulled out her phone and frowned. "Guys, I just got a text from Mercedes, she said Ben Israel is cornering each glee member and hounding them about any gossip." Tina sighed. She turned to Mike. "Shoot, what if he asks us if we're dating? I haven't even officially told Artie yet!"

Mike looked a little apprehensive. "Let's just deny it for now. We don't need him making a huge deal of it. Let's just try to avoid him."

"Agreed." Kurt chimed in.

The couples spilt up as they went to their locker. Kurt and Henry made their way past the boy's bathroom, when Jacob found them.

"Kurt, Henry, can you give us any information on how you spent your big gay summer? Perhaps how you two allegedly spent most of your time creating your gay army to fight the football and hockey teams?" Jacob questioned. "Or about how you two were spotted stealing a women's baby considering you can't create your own?"

The two boys were ignoring the 'reporter' as they finally ended up at Kurt's locker first. Kurt was getting his first few class books ready while Henry waited. As Jacob finished asking them questions, Henry turned his heaviest glare upon the Jewish boy.

"Listen here, Jew Fro." Henry growled. "You know exactly how I feel about you and your stupid 'reporting'. You've ruined my life multiple times, and if you value your ability to reproduce, which I don't see why, considering that no one will EVER have sex with you, you might want to run."

Jacob looked terrified and grabbed his camera man and took off. Kurt side glanced at Henry with a quirked eyebrow. "That was a pretty intense and witty comeback." Kurt said. "I'm impressed."

Henry smiled. "I learned from the best."

"That you did." Kurt smirked. "So, I'll see you at glee?" He asked.

"Wouldn't miss it."

"Good." Kurt smiled and kissed Henry. "I love you."

Henry's chest fluttered. "I love you too."

The rest of the day went on as usual. Artie and Henry barely made it out of AP Calc alive. Kurt and Mercedes gossiped the entire hour of Comedy and Tragedy, and lunch was dismal at best. But glee came around and everyone came in excited.

Kurt was sitting between Henry and Mercedes. Quinn and Puck were behind the three, while Rachel and Finn were off to the side with Mike and Tina. Santana and Brittany were seated behind Artie as Mr. Shue came in.

"Welcome to glee club!" Mr. Shue announced happily. "I'm glad we're all here again for a great year. It's just a shame that Matt had to transfer, he will be missed. But we have some great things ahead for us! First bit of news, as our first assignments we will be doing our first new number of the year and will be performing it for the kids at lunch." Most of the kids looked a little worried at this new but Mr. Shue continued. "Now I know that you have all been hassled by Jacob and have most likely seen his blogs."

"We get it Mr. Shue, we're still at the bottom of the social heap, and it's just that this year, we don't really care." Kurt said proudly.

"Yeah, we're like a family here." Mercedes added.

"That's great. I love that you all feel that way about each other." Mr. Shue agreed. "But that's the thing; with Jacob's blog, and everyone thinking glee club is lame, kids don't want to join."

"Does it matter?" Tina asked. "Even if Matt transferred, we still have all 12 members needed to compete."

"Yeah, why would we mess with the nice dynamic we have now?" Rachel asked, worried where this conversation was going.

"True, but Nationals is in New York this year, and if we want to beat Vocal Adrenaline, we need more members. We need to go from a small rebel force, to a giant wall of sound. They think all we sing are show tunes and 80's rock, as well as songs that eerily tie into to our current feelings and plotlines. But we're going to show them that we can sing anything. That's why we're doing the song of the year, glee style."

"The Song That Never Ends, from Lambchop's Lullaby?" Brittany asked, a vacant expression on her face.

"No. We're doing 'Empire State of Mind'!" Mr. Shue announced happily. Eliciting a few cheers and voices of agreement. "With that said, we have one more thing to go through: Auditions."

The kids looked around confused. "What do you mean, auditions? We're here aren't we?" Puck asked.

Mr. Shue smiled. "I know, but as a good warm up for the year, I'm asking you all to sing a solo as your yearly audition for the club. We'll start tomorrow. Just come with a song that you love, or that you have easily in your back pocket. I just want everyone to have an opportunity to sing, but it has to be a solo."

Most of the club looked enthusiastic at this. Getting their own time to shine was something that they did not often get. The bell rang and everyone went off to their next class.

"So what song are you going to do?" Kurt asked Henry as they walked down the hallway. "Let me guess: Another Christina Aguilera number, or maybe a pop/rock song like 'I Don't Wanna Be'? Or maybe a super slutty song that you can shake your ass to if all else fails?" He said smugly.

Holy shit! Did he watch me shower or something? He saw me naked before I got to see him naked! Henry inwardly cried. "Huh? How'd you know?" Henry asked, a little scared.

Kurt's smirk grew wider. "Oh, I just know my boyfriend well." And with that we walked off to his Physics class.

Henry stood there for a moment. He knew exactly song I was going to sing. Like to the actual name of the freaking song! And he sauntered off like he knew my music tastes and was mocking them! Oh I'll show him, I'll show him a damn performance!

Henry whipped around to start on his audition piece when we was slammed into the lockers by Karofsky.

"Move it fag." He sneered as he lumbered down the hall.

Henry just stood there glaring at Karofsky retreating form. "Douchebag." Henry muttered as he returned on his mission. He passed the choir room and entered another room. He passed several music stands and instruments and sat down next to a jet black haired boy. "Hey Sean?"

Sean looked up and smiled. "Oh, hey Henry, what's up?"

"I need a favor." Henry smirked.


Henry and Mike made it back home and quickly got inside, but it was a tense atmosphere as they entered. The two boys made their way to the kitchen where they found Mr. and Mrs. Chang with a red-haired woman who looked like she was in her mid forties.

"Hey Karen." Henry greeted solemnly.

"Good afternoon Henry. How was school?" Karen asked.

"Not bad."

"Well that's good. Are you ready?" She asked.

Henry huffed. "I thought you said you were coming at five? I was hoping I'd be able to work on my audition piece for glee."

Karen smiled. "Think of it this way: the earlier I get here, the faster we can get through this case and the sooner I take my leave. Sound good?"

Henry plopped into the chair next to her and smirked. "I don't have much of a choice do I? I mean, you're my lawyer, I need your help if I want to win this."

Karen smiled as she pulled out her notebook from her brief case. "So true, kid. Now let's start going over what we're going to say if your parent's lawyer asks if your parents ever neglected you."


Two hours later, Henry's case lawyer, Karen, left. Henry sighed and climbed the stairs and collapsed on his bed.

So draining. I can't believe we're doing this. Once a week, Karen comes and we recount any and all possible experiences I've had that might paint my parents in a bad light. All this is really getting to me. I feel awful about doing this, just thinking of the bad times and how horrible my parents are. But I guess I can't really bitch about it. I want this, and I'm sacrificing a lot for this. I've barely seen Kurt since I started working at Breadstix, and it's not helping that I'm still lying to him. I really need to tell him, I just don't know how, and how to even explain it all without him jumping down my throat.

"Screw it." Henry muttered out loud. "Let's just focus on the case for now. The trial is in a few weeks anyway. Now, onto my audition piece!"

So, Kurt thinks that I only sing Christina Aguilera, pop/rock, and slutty songs? He's no better than everyone else thinking that glee only sings show tunes and 80's rock. I'll show him. I'm going to sing that knowing smirk off his face. And I'll also make up for working so much. Henry smiled as he began to rehearse his song.


Kurt made his way home from school and went straight to his room. He whipped out his laptop and began scanning for a good song for his audition piece. As he scrolled through his playlists, Finn came down the stairs.

"Hey Kurt?" Finn asked as he made it to the bottom of the steps.

Kurt looked up and smiled. "Yes, Finn Hudson?"

Kurt eyed him suspiciously as Finn tottered on his feet. "Well, you see…uh… Can you help me pick out a song?" Kurt's brows shot up. "What Mr. Shue said: that people think we only sing 80's rock? I realized, I only sing 80's rock. So…think you can help me out?"

Kurt sat there for a moment. Finn thinks that's all he sings….well, oh wow…unless he's with Rachel, that's really all he DOES sing. Well, I guess I could help him, and maybe in the process find my own song. Maybe I should find a different song outside of my usual wheelhouse of show tunes.

Kurt smiled. "Sure thing, Finn. Go get your laptop."

Finn beamed. "Thanks buddy!" And then Finn was gone, charging to his room to get the computer.

As Kurt waited for Finn, realization hit him. Oh no. Didn't I just act the same what to Henry earlier? Telling him he only sings pop, rock, Christina Aguilera, or slutty songs if all else fails? Great, either he's going to be pissed at me for a while, or he's going to something brash and totally embarrass me. Crap.


The next day at school, Kurt was going through his locker before first period when Henry walked up to him. Henry snuck a quick kiss and leaned against the locker next to Kurt.

"Hey Kurt, what's up?" He asked.

Kurt looked out of his locker and gave him an odd look. "Nothing really, I've just been practicing my audition piece and 'Empire State of Mind' for our lunch performance on Friday. And you?"

Henry gave Kurt a Cheshire-like grin. "Me? Oh just practicing my audition piece and 'Empire State of Mind' as well. Well, whenever I have time from work. So, are you still going to be a Cheerio this year?"

Kurt nodded. "Yes, we need all the social status we can get. You should still consider going out for the football team. We need the social clout."

Henry frowned. "I don't think it'd help, especially with Karofsky's dummy double, Azimio, in there. I think I'll just stick with soccer."

Kurt shrugged. "Your choice." He shut his locker and smiled at Henry. "Hey, how about we go out this weekend? Say Friday? Maybe a nice dinner and a movie?"

Henry frowned. "I'm sorry, Kurt. I can't, I have to work."

Kurt's face fell, but he tried to smile, but it only came out as a very sad grimace. "That's alright. Maybe I can see if Mercedes wants to have a Project Runway marathon. I'll see you later." And Kurt left, just as Henry was leaning in for a kiss.

Henry stood there, looking a little ridiculous: his eyes closed and leaning down, ready to kiss for no one. Henry opened one eye. "Kurt?" He looked around, then sighed. "Damn it."

Henry was going to head off to his class when he saw what was coming down the hall. Quinn was back in her Cheerios uniform, her hands on her hips and parting the sea of students as she strutted down it. Henry smiled as he walked up to her.

"Looks like someone got her groove back." Henry smirked.

Quinn stopped and smiled. "Hey, Henry, and yes, I did. I convinced Coach Sylvester that having a reformed Christian that speaks out for abstinence to churches would help her restore her already cut budget."

"That's the Quinn's I've come to fear. But I hope you didn't forget what we talked about at the glee party?"

"Don't worry so much. I'm not going to go back to my bitchy attitude. I'm a newly reformed, Queen Bee." She smiled. But it didn't last very long. Santana came charging up to her and brushed right past Henry to push her into the lockers.

"You told her!" Santana screamed. "You bitch! You told her about my summer surgery!"

Quinn sneered. "No one just gets their appendix taken out! You got a boob job!"

By then, a crowd had formed around the two cheerleaders, and by association, Henry as well. Santana saw red. She went and slapped Quinn hard. "You fucking bitch! Now I'm at the bottom of the pyramid thanks to you!"

The two girls were slapping and clawing and shoving each other into the locker while Henry stood there in shock. "Hey. Hey, girls?" Henry tried to say, but he could barely say anything.

"Come on hit me!" Quinn yelled. "See if that can make your pathetic existence seem worthwhile!"

"Oh I can't hit a woman whose got a family! Right mommy?" Santana sneered. "You stupid, fucking, cun-"

"Alright enough!" Henry roared, stepping in between the two, holding Santana back. "This is childish!"

"Get out of the way homo!" Santana hissed as she began to take out her earrings.

Henry had had enough. It had been a while since Santana had been a bitch to him, but apparently losing Head Cheerleader changed that. "Shut the fuck up Santana!" Then he turned back to Quinn to try and hold her from charging Santana. "Come on Quinn, let's just go to class, okay?"

"No! That bitch just can't come in here and attack me and get away with it!" Quinn screamed. "Get out of my way, Henry!"

Henry kept trying to hold her back from Santana. "Come on Quinn, she's doing this on purpose. She wants you to lose control like this!" He kept getting in front of her and placing his hands on her arms. Quinn kept trying to get past him, yelling at Santana. It was like neither of them saw Henry at all! Is this how badly girls fight! This shit is scary. Henry decided to use his best tactic: screaming as loudly as he could to scare Quinn into submission. "QUINN! KNOCK I-"

But Henry's screaming was shut down by a cold, resonant slap from Quinn, followed quickly by. "Don't tell me what to do fairy!"

Henry stood there with wide eyes, not even looking at Quinn, only past her. Quinn realized who she had slapped in the heat of the moment. She gasped and put her hands to her face. "Oh…Henry, please…I'm so sorry."

At that, Henry's vision focused. His eyes flashed angrily and the cold glare he sent her way was enough to stop even Mercedes. "Wow." He huffed out a humorless laugh. "Who knew that it only took two days for you to go from, sweet Quinnie, to the cold hearted bitch I always hated." Quinn tried to reach up to comfort his slapped cheek, but Henry walked right past her. "Have fun being popular again, Quinn." And with that, Henry pushed past the crowd of students and went to his first class.

Santana just gave a sinister smile. "Nice going. Good to know that the head bitch can still crush a man with one fell swoop. Enjoy." Santana laughed as she sauntered off down the opposite hall Henry went.

The crowd dispersed as Quinn stood stock still. No. I can't. I CAN'T be this Quinn again. I promised Henry, and look what happened. I slapped him and called him a fairy! That's what last year's Quinn would have done, not me…no.

"Shit." Quinn hissed. She kicked a locker loudly and stormed off to her first class.


Henry wasn't angry; his usual fiery anger just wasn't there. He was hurt and just…disappointed. He figured his usual temper was only for guys. Or maybe Quinn's a special case. It's not like Kurt gets angry with Mercedes. Then again, Mercedes never slapped him and called him a fairy in front of a crowd of students… Henry made his way to his AP Calculus class and dropped into his seat next to Artie.

Artie was busy cleaning his glasses but gave Henry a once over. "Hey, Henry, you alright?"

Henry turned his head to look at Artie, showing said friend the massive red mark on his cheek. "Holy crap, dude! Your face! Did you and Kurt get into a fight?"

Henry looked back to the front of the class. "No." He said quietly. "It was ...Quinn." He thought he should lie. Perhaps to save Quinn some face in glee, but it just didn't seem right. Henry didn't do anything wrong, he shouldn't give Quinn the luxury. "She and Santana were in a fight over head cheerleader, I…tried to stop them and got hit in the process." So it wasn't a total lie, there were just certain details left out. No big deal. And besides, it wasn't anyone's business really, but Henry felt bad for Artie, losing his girlfriend to Mike and all.

Artie winced. "Yeah, those two have been after that title for a while. It's safer to just let them duke it out themselves; they've been doing it for years now and no fatalities, so it can't be all that bad."

Henry nodded. "That's definitely true." Then he sighed. "How…how are you?"

Artie's face fell somewhat. "You live with Mike, Henry. You already know everything, if not more. I'm crushed, she said that Mike's into things that she's into…like his abs."

Henry couldn't stop his snort of laughter. Artie glared but said nothing. "Sorry." Henry said with shame. "But that does sound like Mike. I'm sorry that this happened to you, but Mike's like my brother, I can't help you out."

Artie nodded sadly. "I understand. It's kind of my fault too. I was a pretty bad boyfriend, but look at me. How is a kid in a wheelchair supposed to get a girlfriend?"

Henry looked at his friend. They've grown close over their math classes together and glee. There had to be something he could do for the guy. "You know, I think the best thing is to either get over Tina, or get her back. I won't help you in either of those departments, I already have enough crap to deal with, what with Kurt and Quinn, but I can suggest this: This school is all about popularity, you get up in the social ladder, and more and more girls will want you. They will of course be going for you only for you popularity, but you just may find a girl that you can love. Or, in the very least, make Tina jealous. Your choice."

Artie smiled softly. "Yeah, you're right. I know you can't really do much with being best friends with Mike. But thank you Henry, for even caring."

Henry smiled and bumped fists with his wheelchair bound friend. "No problem. Now let's get started on these problems, we're going to need to work together if we ever want to pass this class."


Glee club came around and it seemed that everyone already knew of the Cheerio throwdown and the boy that got slapped in the process. Henry entered the threshold of the choir room and the usual 'everyone was just talking about you, so when you enter they stop' silence. Kurt rushed him and hugged him tightly. He led Henry to sit, while Mercedes gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. Santana smirked knowingly over to the side with Brittany. But the atmosphere of the room changed when Quinn entered.

Kurt was off his seat in a flash, charging at Quinn, who looked fearful and sad. "How dare you slap Henry and think you can-"

"Kurt." Henry said firmly as he grabbed Kurt's elbow, leading him back to their seats. "Let it go." He gave Quinn an emotionless look. "Now's not the time."


"Kurt!" Henry said a little angrily. "I can fight my own battles. Haven't you said that to me yourself?" Kurt's face fell. "Let me take care of my own problems." And that was the end of the conversation.

The two boys sat down while Quinn awkwardly stood in the middle of the room. The bell rang as Mr. Shue came in. "Alright guys, so we'll do one audition today and get back to work on 'Empire State of Mind'. Any takers?"

Rachel seemed different, worried, and it shocked everyone when she didn't raise her hand and shoot off her seat. It was Santana who raised her hand and sauntered up to the front of the class as Quinn rushed to her seat next to Puck. Brittany followed closely behind her best friend.

"Alright, losers, listen up." Santana said smugly. "Brittany's going to help me with the song." She looked over to Brad and glared. "Well, get on with it Twinkle Toes!"

Brad shook his head and began the opening notes. Santana began to sing, looking right at Quinn.


Right now you are down and out and feeling really crappy


I'll say.


And when I see how sad you are

It sort of makes me...


Santana smiled smugly at Quinn who glared right back at the singing cheerleader.




Sorry, Quinnie, human nature-

Nothing I can do!



Making me feel glad that I'm not you.

Quinn was about to run up there and slap her for putting her name in there, but seeing Henry glaring at Santana made her stop. Maybe she still had a chance.


Well that's not very nice, Santana!


I didn't say it was nice! But everybody does it!

D'ja ever clap when a waitress falls and drops a tray of glasses?




And ain't it fun to watch figure skaters falling on their asses?




And don'tcha feel all warm and cozy,

Watching people out in the rain!


You bet!




People taking pleasure in your pain!


Oh, Schadenfreude, huh?

What's that, some kinda Nazi word?


Yup! It's German for "happiness at the misfortune of others!"


"Happiness at the misfortune of others." That is German!

Watching a vegetarian being told she just ate chicken


Or watching a frat boy realize just what he put his dick in!

Santana said that line right at Puck, she then glanced at Quinn and a sinister smile slipped across her face.


Being on the elevator when somebody shouts "Hold the door!"




"Fuck you lady, that's what stairs are for!"

Everyone kind of looked to Mr. Shuester when Santana said 'fuck'. They all figured that he'd stop her. No one really swore in song, but everyone guessed it's like quoting: you're not really saying it, just repeating it. But no one in the room, for one second, thought that Santana was only quoting the lyrics. She probably meant them.


Ooh, how about...

Straight-A students getting Bs?


Exes getting STDs!

Again, she smiled smugly at Puck


Waking doormen from their naps!


Watching tourists reading maps!


Football players getting tackled!


CEOs getting shackled!


Watching actors never reach


The ending of their Oscar speech!





When the mood of the song changed, Santana looked seriously at Quinn. Quinn was caught off guard at the genuinely serious expression she had.


The world needs people like you and me who've been knocked around by fate.

'Cause when people see us, they don't want to be us,

And that makes them feel great.



We provide a vital service to society!


You and me!


Making the world a better place...

Making the world a better place...

Making the world a better place...

To be!


Santana finished the song with a loud cackle. Brittany just stood there clapping avidly for Santana. When the song finally ended, no one clapped.

Mr. Shue got up and awkwardly clapped. "Well, Santana, that was-"

"Rude." Henry cut him off. "Incredibly rude."

Mr. Shue coughed. "It was an… odd choice, but nonetheless, thank you for doing the assignment."

"No problem." Santana said with fake sincerity as she and Brittnay went back to their seats.

Mr. Shue clapped a few times to get everyone's attention. "Alright, let's get to work on 'Empire State of Mind'."

As they rehearsed, the was only one thing on Kurt's mind: When the hell did Santana see 'Avenue Q'?


Henry was leaving the choir room with Kurt after practice when Quinn called for him.

"Henry." She said from further inside the room.

He stopped, and looked to Kurt. "Go on, I'll meet up with you in a few minutes."

Kurt looked wary, but nodded anyway. He left and Quinn made her way up to Henry.

"Henry, I'm so sor-" She started but was cut off by Henry.

"Don't." He said sternly. "Don't apologize to me. I have too much on my plate as it is without having drama with you. I can't do this right now." Which was true; from going to school, doing homework, meeting with his lawyer, Karen, glee practice, working at Breadstix, and trying to have a relationship with Kurt, Henry was stretched thin. The last weeks of summer and the first week of school had taken a toll on him and he wasn't in the mood for this.

"I can't deal with you wanting to be a popular cheerleader without being a bitch. It's just not possible, so you have to choose. And you've clearly made your choice earlier today with Santana and me, so we might as well stop talking. You don't want people to make fun of you for being friends with the gay kid." Henry sighed and left the choir room.

Quinn stood there, tears threatening to fall. I have to choose? Why can't I be Head Cheerleader and a nice person? Is that all people think of cheerleaders? Of me? Sure, Santana is a cold hearted bitch, but that doesn't mean I have to be. I can…no I will be a Cheerio and a nice person. I can do both.

Quinn sighed, gathered her things and left. Down the other hall, Henry was walking to meet up with Kurt. As he caught sight of the smaller boy, he quickened his pace. I can't deal with Quinn right now, I need to focus on the trial and Kurt.

"Hey." Henry said as he stepped in line with Kurt.

Kurt only quirked an eyebrow. "Hey." Kurt repeated. "Is that all I get? What happened in there with Quinn?"

Henry sent Kurt a glare. "If you must know, she tried to apologize. But I'm not accepting it right now. I have too much going to deal with her. I have to work and do well in school and keep you by my side, I can't deal with any drama right now. So I'm stepping back from the situation until and I have some free time or can learn to handle all these other priorities first."

Kurt looked taken aback by the glare, but nodded. "I can see where you're coming from, but… I don't know. I mean, Quinn is your best girl friend, do you really want to keep it like this for long? You might not have that friendship later on."

Henry sighed and looked upwards. "Kurt, please let me do this my way. I understand and value your opinion, but right now… I just want things to go my way for once okay?"

Kurt was caught between bitching him out and bursting into tears. They had been at each other's throats for weeks. Ever since Henry had gotten the waiter job at Breadstix, he'd been irritable and always somewhere, working, at school, glee, or wherever else he went. Kurt didn't know, but it was tearing him apart. Henry was holding himself by threads and Kurt didn't know what to do to help. Every time he tried to get him to open up, Henry would either change the topic or tell Kurt that he was fine.

Kurt took a gulp of breath and took a leap. "Henry, please; I know you have a lot going on, but I just feel like you're keeping something from me." Henry visibly paled, but Kurt was too nervous to notice. "You work so much, and sometimes you just say that you have things to do. Ever since you got that job, you've been so angry and on edge." Kurt took another leap of faith and stopped walking and pulled Henry towards him, looking up into his eyes earnestly. "Henry, I'm your boyfriend, I love you, and I can't stand to see you like this. Please tell me what's going on, you don't need to hide anything from me."

Henry was going to crack. He could feel it. As Kurt told him flat out how he felt and how he wanted to help, Henry felt his resolve to keep Kurt in the dark about the custody case crumbling. He knew that work was a lot and when he told Kurt that he just had things to do, he was seeing Karen, but … He didn't want to tell Kurt, he didn't want him to be stressed either. It was his fight and his alone. "Kurt." Henry said surprisingly evenly for being on a precipice of falling apart. "I'm stressed out. Working all the time is rough, but it's what I want and need to do. And when I say I have things that I need to do…I just need some time to myself. I just need to sit back and take a breather. So please, just… let me do this."

Kurt's face fell. He thought he was so close. Kurt sighed. "Alright." They continued walking to their cars when Kurt asked. "Hey, I know you said you had to work this Friday, but how about tomorrow? We could just get dinner? Nothing special."

Henry sighed. "I can't."

Kurt looked at him. "Okay, can I ask why?"

"I…just can't." Henry couldn't just go and tell Kurt that he had to spend three hours being drilled by Karen with Mike and his parents.

Kurt snapped. "Really?" He said sarcastically. "Is this just when you want to be alone, because we haven't had any time together, just the two of us since….since I don't even remember! It's been weeks! If you are honestly going to just say you just can't-"

"Kurt." Henry said with an edge Kurt hadn't heard in a very long time…not since one of their 'dates gone wrong'. "Just give me time and I'll make it up to you. All this up to you. Give me a few weeks and I'll make everything better." And he would. Once this custody case was done and over, he could lavish Kurt, love him like he should and keep working somewhat to buy Kurt anything he wanted. He just needed time.

Kurt didn't know where he was getting 'a few weeks from' but he just…he needed his boyfriend right now, he just needed to be loved, no matter how sad and pathetic it sounds. Kurt just needed Henry there. So he'll wait. "Okay." Kurt said quietly as they reached their cars. "So, I'll see you tomorrow at."

Henry just nodded as he jumped in his jeep and sped off home. Kurt watched as he drove off, tears burning his eyes. He could wait… he would wait. Because he loved that boy, and if he was hurting and didn't want help, and just needed time…he'd wait. It won't be long.

A/N: Alright, so the songs used (in order) were: 'I Don't Wanna Be' by Gavin DeGraw, and 'Schadenfreude' From Avenue Q.

I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! I know this isn't much story wise, but I needed to create the atmosphere that I couldn't create from all the time I didn't write in for the summer portion. I just wanted to get that story done. But don't worry, the next chapter will be faster and we'll introduce Sam and Sunshine!