Ok…so this isn't the cross over that I'm doing with my friend. I was cleaning my room last weekend and I found an old notebook with this story in it. I wrote it like 4 years ago. I'm touching it up and posting it on FanFic.

Yeah…I guess I can't just stick to writing one thing at a time. So, I'll be working on this FanFic and my second book at the same time. So, for those of you who are reading this FanFic and read Drom Ride… I'm baaaaaack! Haha.

Just a note, if you are thinking of copying this FanFic and posting it on another website like someone did with Dorm Ride: don't do it. 'Cause I'll find out. And honestly, how lame is it to take someone else's work and pretend it's your own?

Anyway, so this story is with wings, but things are changed around a bit to fit the plot. This one is a lot darker and creepier than Dorm Ride. It's kinda on a different spectrum. But, no worries, I promise FAX. The "re"-inspiration to rewrite this story came when I drew a really creepy picture of a ballerina forced to dance on puppet strings. Ok, enough talk. Time to write.



Prologue: Max POV

I was violently woken from my sleep by a loud "BANG" sounding from the opposite end of the house. I snapped into sitting position, widening my eyes so they could adjust to the darkness of my room. I strained my ears and could hear loud angry voices coming from the direction of my parents' room. All my senses went on hyper alert. Was someone breaking into our house? Do they have a weapon? Are my parents okay?

Thoughts racing, I hopped out of bed as soundlessly as possible. I did a quick scan of my body: sleep shorts and a tank top. I wasn't going to be much help to my parents of I went to them like this. As quickly as possible, I opened my closet and put on a pair of thickly soled hiking boots. Quietly opening my bedroom door, I crept down the hall and into the kitchen. Stealthily, I opened a drawer and extracted a large knife- the kind that you use to carve a turkey. My fighting teacher had always instructed me not to go into a fight with a weapon I couldn't use, but I can use a knife and if I'm outnumbered, I'll need it. Grabbing a dish towel, I slipped the knife into my put and tied it to my leg.

Tip-toeing out of the kitchen, I passed through the living room and started down the hallway to my parents' room. My breath was coming out in short puffs and my heart threatened to hammer out of my chest. I tried to take a calming breath, fearing my labored breathing and beating heart could be heard a mile away, but failed. I reached my parents' door and crouched behind the decorative plant that stood in the hallway. My dad had always wanted to get rid of that plant. Now, I'm glad he didn't.

I peeked through the crack in the slightly ajar door. There were about four men with their backs facing the door. There was also another man in a three piece business suit talking to parents. He had a gun in his hand. Swallowing hard, I focused on the four men in front of the door and began formulating a plan of attack. As I though, I could hear snatches of what the man with the gun was saying. His voice was sickeningly sweet.

"You just had to be noble and run away. What, did you suddenly develop consciences?" The man was saying.

Taking a deep breath and counting backwards from ten to calm my jittery nerves and spiking adrenaline, I put my plan into action. I popped out from behind the plant and kicked the door in as hard as I could. As I expected, the door swung in and the door knob connected with the first man's tail bone. He gave a small whimper of pain and dropped to his knees. Not wasting a second, I snapped a side-kick to his head. I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins, making my movements stronger and quicker. Standing a little behind the first man's crumpled body; I turned to face my next opponent: fists raised, ready for the coming fight.

I froze and my fists dropped. The man with the gun laughed.

"You were expecting humans, right?" He chuckled.

I didn't pay attention to what he was saying. My eyes were locked with the large black, pupilless eyes of the beasts in before me. Their skin was so pale it was almost see through. Blue veins popped out like rivers on a map against their paper-white skin. Their noses were flat, more like slits. Like Voldemort from the Harry Potter films. Gills were etched into the sides of their necks and their long, sharp fingers were webbed. One of the creatures sneered, revealing five rows of sharp, jagged teeth. The smell of decaying flesh and blood seemed to waft from his open mouth. Instinctively, I took a step back. They were sharks. Sharks mixed with men.

"Odette, honey, run. Don't stay," my mother's voice sounded. It was broken and distant.

I tore my gaze from the shark men and looked at my parents. They were huddled together: their skin pulled tight across their faces and their eyes big. They looked so small. Like small frightened children who had just woken from a nightmare. Only, this nightmare was real. Very real.

I couldn't abandon them.

Setting my jaw and squaring my shoulders, I resumed my fighting stance. The shark men scoffed.

"Well, I really want to see how she handles this," the man in the suit snickered as he lowered his gun.

Using the six feet I had between me and the sharks, I got a running start and jumped high in the air. I snapped out my right leg and spun around in the air like I was doing a spin kick. Only, I missed on purpose. As my back faced the shark men in mid spin, I removed the knife I had fasted to my ankle. Then, the spin coming full circle, placed my body facing the sharks. I brought up my knife and as gravity took me down, the knife plunged into the shark man's chest.

The world froze. My feet hit the ground and everything stopped. My right arm, extended at eye-level, was splattered in green blood and held onto the knife which was securely lodged in the shark's heart. A spreading stain of green appeared on the shark man's white e-neck around the handle of the knife.

The shark man's eyes bulged. The blackness of his eyes seemed to leak from the sockets and pour into my soul. I couldn't take it. My eyes slid away from the shark's face and sought out the figures of my parents. They were clutches each others' hands and looking at me with eyes the size of dinner plates. I felt ashamed. I've never killed anything before. I hate killing. I think it's evil and wrong even I the one being killed is a hideous creature like this shark man. But, it was either the sharks' lives or my parents' lives.

The frozen world was suddenly thawed as the man in the suit twitched his arm. The arm that held the gun. I quickly pulled the knife from the shark man's body. Partially, so I could protect my parents but, also so I could get away from the dying body. I stumbled back slightly as the knife stubbornly loosened its grip on the shark's heart. Green blood bubbled and spurted from the deep wound the knife had left in its place. A line of green trickled out of the man's mouth and a strange gurgling noise sounded form his throat. He dropped to his knees and flopped over on his face.

Turning my body away, but keeping the other two shark men in peripherals, I faced the man in the suit with my bloody knife raised. The man in the suit smirked. He raised his arms and started clapping.

"That was impressive. You killed on of my sharks and knocked out the other." He laughed then quickly sobered. He turned to my parents. "You did the right thing sending her to fighting school. She's also quite graceful. I like that." He faced me again. "Sadly, it's time for this fairy tale dream to end."

Then, quick as lightening before I could react, he spun and shot my dad in the head and my mom in the stomach. Their bodies jerked up with the forces of the bullets then they came crashing forward. Blood was everywhere. Everything was blood.

"NO!" I screamed.

I dropped my knife, pushed past the man, and dropped to my knees next to my parents. I could faintly hear a girl shrieking "no" over and over. I barely even realized that I was the girl. I placed my hand over my mom's stomach, trying to staunch the flow of blood. There was no point in trying to save my dad. Parts of his brain were scattered across the ground in the lake of blood that was flowing from his broken head. He was already gone.

My mom's eyes flickered. "Odette, honey, let go. No…use." She winced but smiled up at me through the pain. "I love you." Her eyes rolled back in her head and her stomach stopped rising and falling.

Numbly, I moved back. I looked down at my hands. They were drenched in red blood and splattered with the green on the shark man's blood. It was never going to wash off. Stiffly, I rose and turned to the man in the suit. Red haze coated my vision. I wanted to kill him. I didn't hate killing so much anymore. I wanted to torture him. I wanted to make him suffer like I was suffering. I bent down and picked up my knife.

He clucked his tongue, "I'll have none of that now. Boys, restrain her."

A blur of white moved from in front of me and before I knew it, the sharks had hold of my arms and legs. I struggled but it was no use. They were too strong. The man in the suit walked up to me. He stopped inches from my body. He was too close.

"It's so good to finally have you back in my arms, Odette." His arms came around my neck. I stiffened. "You have no idea how long I've waited for this day."

He pinched the nerve in my neck. I felt my body go slack and the world around me began to darken. Just before I lost consciousness, I was aware of a sharp pain in my right arm. But, my body wasn't listening to me, so I didn't get a chance to see what it was before I slipped into total darkness.

Ok, so I know it was short…but that was just the prologue. The chapters will be waaaay longer. I swear.

So, in case you're wondering…Odette is Max…but that'll be explained in the next chapter. So, it's a lot different than Dorm Ride, as I'm sure you noticed. But, even though it's different, I hoped you liked it! Let me know!
