You wait little girl, on an empty stage . . .
All of Clare's life was on a stage. From the crisp age of three, she began doing ballet. All her life she was this person who performed in front of others and she used to love it. How whenever she had a solo routine the spotlight would flash onto her, she could feel the warmth of it, she loved how everyone looked at her expectantly as she smiled and would begin her routine.
The way their faces would shine and they would excitedly whisper and nudge one another while the dance was still going on. How little children would be overcome with joy at the beauty she was making here on this stage.
For fate to turn the light on . . .
She used to be so cocky, thinking that she was easily the best dancers in the studio. It was then in one performance where she got heralded back into reality.
She had been pushing herself further lately and she was completing a series of spins that just kept on going until finally, she fell.
The fall shocked the audience and an uncomfortable silence fell over the crowd like noxious gas when she remained there. Struggling, she got up and tried to find her spot again in the dance and she finally caught up. Though, the presence off heat never left her face and the pressure behind her eyes never lessened until she cried in her dressing room.
Your life little girl, is an empty page . . .
Her future had always been mapped out for her. It was to become a famous ballerina and get showcased all around the world. She never once questioned her future, believing that it was what was right for her and that she should just stick to the outline.
Though, what she really wanted to do was play the cello.
She never told her mother this, but her first year of college she bought a cello with the money she earned for being in a popular performance. Her first time playing had been rusty, but now she truly appreciated playing it and it was her second favorite thing to do.
That men will want to write on . . .
She never really had a boyfriend, unless you counted first grade.
Sure, she was an attractive girl, but boys were far too intimidated by the way she was into ballet way too seriously. She had molded herself into the girl that girls were envious of by looks, but not by the social grace.
It was also just one f those seemingly useless things to Clare, having a boyfriend. It was far too messy and if she got her heart broken then there was no doubt about it that it would affect her dancing.
She removed a hand from her thudding chest and straightened up. "I'm fine. "She said stiffly, now walking over quickly to her bag and things.
The boy followed her, now trailing her steps. "Yeah . . . you didn't look okay when you were screaming your head out just a few seconds ago."
Clare felt her heart quicken and she felt as if someone had punched her in the stomach. "Well, looks can be deceiving." She countered, not one of her best but it would do.
He furrowed his brow, probably still concerned for her welfare. "Do you need a ride home? It's really dark out there." He said after a while of what looked like deep thinking. Clare shook her head feeling a little frustrated. "No, my car is parked out front."
And with that she held her bag on her shoulder and walked brusquely to the door, determined that he not catch up with her in case he might want to talk.
The way she just walked out of there, looking a little ruffled set him in a confused state of mind the rest of the night.
He slept in the studio, since his uncle owned the place and he needed a place to sleep for the time being. It was very generous of his uncle, and he appreciated him greatly for it.
Though, throughout the night he kept on wondering about her. What was wrong with Auburn girl? He had seen shows about people who were pretty crazy but she was the first he had seen in real life that had psychopathic qualities about her. Also (excluding her major depressive episode) she seemed like a person who was usually calm and was stable.
Watching her dance was coupled with eeriness around her. It was like she was sucked into another world that included the music with it and no matter how happy the music, it seemed as if she could make it creepy (though that was what he assumed after today's performance).
He knew that she was someone he wanted to know more about.
Okay, I know I haven't updated my stories in a while and this chapter is short, but I felt like I just needed to get this out there. I don't really like how this chapter was put down but, oh well. BTW, I will mention the first person who guesses what these lyrics are from correctly first in the next chapter. So if you name it first, you get an honorable mention ;) Oh! And please give me feedback, I love hearing your opinion!