Visits from an Incubus

Disclaimer: Bleach and its characters belong to Tite Kubo.

Chapter 5: Fever

Lately, Renji was starting to notice something strange about his roommate. Ichigo, who'd always had tension in his body, became a lot more relaxed. Was it because exams were over? He gained a monstrous appetite, and yet never seemed to put on any weight. Was he working it off somewhere? And then, for the first time since they'd started living together, he didn't come home for a whole night. In fact, he didn't return until early afternoon.

What was he doing?

Because the gruff voice of another man received Renji's call, the redhead made certain unwholesome assumptions. Of course, his roommate coming home with a limp did nothing to dispel said assumptions.

Here, things became a little more serious. Ichigo's appetite was gone altogether; he was even tenser than before. He seemed to have a mild case of insomnia, and his mind wandered every few minutes. This had been going on for a week now, and Renji was becoming concerned with his friend's quickly deteriorating health.

When he asked Byakuya, Byakuya gave him a freezing glare and turned away. That very night, Renji was punished (?) by a jealous lover. It really wasn't easy, dating a spoiled rich kid…

At that thought, he sighed.

A few moments later, Ichigo slumped out of his bedroom. Last night, summer's humidity was finally released in a heavy rainstorm, soaking him to the bone. This morning, he looked positively horrendous, especially with the dark circles under his eyes.

"Hey, hey," the redhead said, "maybe you should get some help."

The orange-haired young man flinched nervously, "For what? I'm normal! Fine! Just fine."

Oh? He was definitely hiding something.

"No, you're not." Renji muttered, "Screwed up in the head."

"Hey! I heard that!"

"Yeah, yeah..."

"Uh, Renji?"

"Hmm?" The redhead took a sip of coffee.

"What do you do when someone who's slept with a lot of people asks you to become 'his'?"

He promptly choked on the hot liquid, "Come again?"

"Is it a strange question?"


"Er, my bad…"

"I'm probably not the best person to ask, you know? Go figure it out for yourself, stupid."

"If I could, I wouldn't be here." Ichigo growled in annoyance, "He's seriously messing with my head."

"So, this is why you haven't been eating and sleeping properly?"

"Uh, yeah, you could say that…"

In that moment, Renji burst out laughing, partly because he was relieved, but mostly because –

"Ichigo…the tough guy…lovesick…I never thought I'd see the day."

"Shut up! I'm not lovesick!" Ichigo was protested, red-faced.

"Right. Well, do you like him?"

"…I don't know."

"Does he like you?"

"Well, he said, 'I like you, or something, got it?', I'm not sure what that's supposed to be..."

"How he a kid?"

"Hey! I'm the only who gets to insult him."

The redhead became seriously worried then. Both his friend and this stranger seemed to be emotionally retarded. (But was he really one to talk?)

"You were with him the night you didn't come home, weren't you?"

"Yeah. Wait, How do you know?"

"Nevermind that. So you've already had sex."

"No! Well, not exactly, anyway." Ichigo muttered quietly, "I wonder what he's waiting for…"

"Oi, you seem to like'im just fine. So why don't you take a chance?"


"See where this goes."

"Er, what if..."

"What are you, scared?"


"This kind of hesitation doesn't suit you."


"You're like me after all," Renji said with pride, "Rush in first, ask questions later."

"Thanks." When Ichigo said it, he was already halfway out the door.

"Ah, they grow up so fast..." The redhead chuckled to himself.

As soon as Grimmjow answered the knock on his hotel room door, an unusually heated body pounced on him and captured his lips in a passionate, devouring kiss. He immediately recognized Ichigo's scent and taste, and wrapped his arms around the young man's waist. Just one week felt like eternity. He was so hungry...

They wrestled for dominance as they inched closer to the bed, two mouths melting into one another. He didn't think he could miss someone – need someone – so much. The incubus thought that he might have come right then and there, with that eager body rubbing against him.

It was almost painful for them to part for air as they tumbled into bed.

"Hey," Grimmjow was breathless, trying to rein in his arousal, "Didn't you say you'd think it over?"

"I have."


Two hands wound around his neck, and pulled him down roughly for another short yet fervent kiss.

"Make me yours," Ichigo smirked, his eyes full of daring, "if you can."

"Mmm…feisty as ever."

Grimmjow dragged his sharp canine teeth down the young man's neck whilst his hands were busy removing troublesome clothing from the hot body pinned beneath him.

Suddenly, though, his movements stopped. He hovered over Ichigo, examining him for a moment, and then pressed their foreheads together.


"You have a fever," He stated.


"You should be resting." He loosened his hold with much difficulty.

The young man's eyes widened, blood rushing to his already-reddened face; Grimmjow's concern was playing havoc on his heartbeat. Without warning, he flipped their positions, so that he was on top of the incubus.

"Hey, what are you doing?" The voice was hoarse with restraint, "I'm tryin' to be nice here."

"Don't you know," Ichigo smiled provocatively above him, "that a fever should be sweated out?"

The young man kissed and nibbled his way down, perilously low. Having removed Grimmjow's ripped jeans, he took the exposed length into his hand. Soon, that hand was replaced with his mouth.

"Hah! Hey...this is...dangerous."

His warning was ignored. Ichigo was by no means skilled, but he was man, after all – he knew the right places to stimulate.


It took what little self-control the incubus had left to stop his hips from thrusting up into that hot, wet cavern. Grabbing a fistful of that orange hair, he pulled the young man's head away from his groin and into another searing kiss. He tasted himself on that inexperienced tongue as he continued to toy with it. While their mouths were busy, Grimmjow took back dominance, removing the rest of Ichigo's clothes and trapping the naked body under his own.

"Well, Ichigo," He nibbled on the shell of his partner's ear, eliciting shudders of anticipation, "You talked me into it."

That said, the incubus began to intimately explore the heated body below. He took his time, sinking his teeth into Ichigo's taut flesh, biting just hard enough to mix pain with pleasure. The appreciative moans in response told him that he was onto something.

"Stop biting..."

"Are you sure?" Grimmjow lightly scraped his teeth against the skin of the young man's inner thighs, which were parted to grant him access.


"I'm hungry," He said, bringing his hands around to cup the buttocks he'd been thinking about since God-knows-how-long, "Haven't fed in a week, you know?"

"I thought you couldn't," Ichigo breathed, "outside of...ahh...dreams."

The incubus laughed wickedly, "We can make up for that later."

Slowly, a lubricated finger that had been circling the young man's entrance penetrated, producing a sharp intake of breath.

"Relax," Grimmjow's free hand began to soothe Ichigo's neglected length.

Another foreign finger intruded, although the discomfort was lost in other, more overwhelming sensations.


"Here, huh?" The incubus purposefully brushed that spot inside Ichigo again, rendering the young brain a muddled, melted mess.

"Damn," he groaned as he withdrew his fingers, and prepared himself, "Deep breath, Ichigo."

Clinging onto his last shred rationality, Grimmjow carefully and slowly inserted his engorged member. He gasped at the incredible heat that enveloped him. Was it the fever that made everything so hot?

"You okay?" He dared not move, pushing back his animal instincts.

"Yeah," Ichigo ground out, "It's not so bad. I'll get used to it."

Strong legs wrapped around Grimmjow's waist, thighs gripping his sides; feet on his backside pushed him in further.

"AH! What are you doing?"

"Grimmjow, I think I might…like you too."

Electric blue eyes opened wide as blood rushed into his pale cheeks, "Damn itdon't say that at a time like this!"

The last string holding back the inner beast finally snapped.

Grimmjow's head was spinning. With no restraint, every one of his thrusts was deep and hard, making Ichigo cry out passionately. He groaned as he felt the young man's nails dragging painfully down his back, adding to the storm of sensations.

There was no stop to this wild, delirious rhythm.

"I'm…really close"

"Me too."

The incubus took a hold of his lover's straining erection, timing the strokes as he repeatedly slammed into the body below.


The young man came first, screaming his release. As his walls tightened, Grimmjow reached his climax as well.



In the hazy afterglow, they shared a soft kiss as both collapsed onto the bed, exhausted.

As soon as Ichigo opened his eyes the next morning, he regretted waking up. Although – without any explanation – he was squeaky clean from head to toe, everything was hurting. His head ached from his worsening fever (Grimmjow, that idiot); his stomach suffered from severe hunger (Grimmjow, that bastard); most of all, his limbs and back were sore from various unwholesome activities the day before (Grimmjow, that shameless animal).

Whether it was caused by anger, embarrassment, or the fever, Grimmjow returned to the hotel room to discover the young man's entire body turned a bright, delicious shade of red.

"Hey, hey..." He teased, "That's not playing fair."

Ichigo was mortified, "Shut up!"

"Remember, it was your idea."

"My brain was fried! You're not supposed to listen. And afterwards, in my dreams, too."

"Told ya – I was hungry."


"I brought food."

"I can't move."

"Should I feed you?"

"Oh, look at that," Ichigo sat up suddenly, wincing from the pain in his back, "all better..."

"Haha, idiot."

Grimmjow was in a particularly good mood, appreciating all the swelling teeth marks he'd made yesterday. Smiling, he sat on the edge of the bed and set down the paper bag full of muffins, bagels, and doughnuts.

"I bet you're hungry."

"Whose fault is that? Do you know how much more money I've had to spend on food since I met you?"

"Heh, sorry." There wasn't a hint of remorse in that apology.

"Yo! Finally did the deed, did we?" A cheerful third voice sounded in the room.

"Luppi, get out!" Grimmjow's good humour was immediately soiled.

"Oooh. He smells yummy, Grimmie."

"Ugh. Go away."

"Too bad he's your mate, now" the small male grumbled, "He's my type, too…"

"Yeah, that's right," he smirked proudly, "I marked – wait, what?"

Quickly turning to check, Grimmjow saw the two unmistakable puncture wounds on the nape of Ichigo's neck. Self-consciously, the young man felt them with his own fingers.

"What. Is. This?" He growled out in cold anger.

For the first time in his life, Grimmjow had that sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"Ah," Luppi stepped in courteously, "a mating mark. You guys are, like, kinda married now?"


"Well, I'm not gonna bother you now, see ya."

An ominous silence filled the room as the door clicked shut.



"When did this happen?"

"Ha...during sex?"


"Uh," the incubus scratched his chin in deep thought, "I don't remember doing this…but it's not so bad."

"It's not?"

"This makes you officially mine, ya hear?" Grimmjow grinned wickedly.

"What…? I didn't agree…"

"Yes, you did." That smile widened and inched closer; Ichigo was starting to feel like a trapped animal again.

As he surrendered his lips, he wondered if he could ever escape from this dangerous predator.

Not that he particularly wanted to – at least not at the moment.



"By the way, Grimm, what do you do during the day, exactly?"

"My job."

"And what is that, exactly?"

"Oh, modelling."


"Haven't you seen my billboards in the city?"

"I don't get out much, except for school and work."

"Women's magazines?"

"Who reads those?"

"Men's magazines?"


"TV ads?"

"I don't have cable."

"Ah, well…"


You know what they're doing...

Hope you enjoyed the finale!

I have had so much fun writing this. Thanks for all your support! :D

Hmm...Luppi turned out to be a cupid-like presence? I was gonna make him an antagonist.

Please leave a comment, and look forward to future stories~

Ps. Has anyone seen Ichigo's super-uke emo hair? XD Grimmjow needs to pounce on that, ASAP (before someone else does).